func TestLoadInitialPackages(t *testing.T) {
	ctxt := &importer.Config{Build: &build.Default}

	// Failed load: bad first import path causes parsePackageFiles to fail.
	args := []string{"nosuchpkg", "errors"}
	if _, _, err := importer.New(ctxt).LoadInitialPackages(args); err == nil {
		t.Errorf("LoadInitialPackages(%q) succeeded, want failure", args)
	} else {
		// cannot find package: ok.

	// Failed load: bad second import path proceeds to doImport0, which fails.
	args = []string{"errors", "nosuchpkg"}
	if _, _, err := importer.New(ctxt).LoadInitialPackages(args); err == nil {
		t.Errorf("LoadInitialPackages(%q) succeeded, want failure", args)
	} else {
		// cannot find package: ok

	// Successful load.
	args = []string{"fmt", "errors", "testdata/a.go,testdata/b.go", "--", "surplus"}
	imp := importer.New(ctxt)
	infos, rest, err := imp.LoadInitialPackages(args)
	if err != nil {
		t.Errorf("LoadInitialPackages(%q) failed: %s", args, err)
	if got, want := fmt.Sprint(rest), "[surplus]"; got != want {
		t.Errorf("LoadInitialPackages(%q) rest: got %s, want %s", got, want)
	// Check list of initial packages.
	var pkgnames []string
	for _, info := range infos {
		pkgnames = append(pkgnames, info.Pkg.Path())
	// Only the first import path (currently) contributes tests.
	if got, want := fmt.Sprint(pkgnames), "[fmt fmt_test errors P]"; got != want {
		t.Errorf("InitialPackages: got %s, want %s", got, want)
	// Check set of transitive packages.
	// There are >30 and the set may grow over time, so only check a few.
	all := map[string]struct{}{}
	for _, info := range imp.AllPackages() {
		all[info.Pkg.Path()] = struct{}{}
	want := []string{"strings", "time", "runtime", "testing", "unicode"}
	for _, w := range want {
		if _, ok := all[w]; !ok {
			t.Errorf("AllPackages: want element %s, got set %v", w, all)
Beispiel #2
// toSSA converts go source to SSA
func toSSA(source io.Reader, fileName, packageName string, debug bool) ([]byte, error) {
	// adopted from saa package example
	imp := importer.New(&importer.Config{Build: &build.Default})
	file, err := parser.ParseFile(imp.Fset, fileName, source, 0)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	mainInfo := imp.CreatePackage(packageName, file)
	var mode ssa.BuilderMode
	prog := ssa.NewProgram(imp.Fset, mode)
	if err := prog.CreatePackages(imp); err != nil {
		return nil, err
	mainPkg := prog.Package(mainInfo.Pkg)
	out := new(bytes.Buffer)

	// grab just the functions
	funcs := members([]ssa.Member{})
	for _, obj := range mainPkg.Members {
		if obj.Token() == token.FUNC {
			funcs = append(funcs, obj)
	// sort by Pos()
	for _, f := range funcs {
	return out.Bytes(), nil
Beispiel #3
func run(t *testing.T, dir, input string) bool {
	fmt.Printf("Input: %s\n", input)

	start := time.Now()

	var inputs []string
	for _, i := range strings.Split(input, " ") {
		inputs = append(inputs, dir+i)

	imp := importer.New(&importer.Config{Build: &build.Default})
	// TODO(adonovan): use LoadInitialPackages, then un-export ParseFiles.
	files, err := importer.ParseFiles(imp.Fset, ".", inputs...)
	if err != nil {
		t.Errorf("ssa.ParseFiles(%s) failed: %s", inputs, err.Error())
		return false

	// Print a helpful hint if we don't make it to the end.
	var hint string
	defer func() {
		if hint != "" {
		} else {

	hint = fmt.Sprintf("To dump SSA representation, run:\n%% go build && ./ssadump -build=CFP %s\n", input)
	mainInfo := imp.LoadMainPackage(files...)

	prog := ssa.NewProgram(imp.Fset, ssa.SanityCheckFunctions)
	if err := prog.CreatePackages(imp); err != nil {
		t.Errorf("CreatePackages failed: %s", err)
		return false

	mainPkg := prog.Package(mainInfo.Pkg)
	mainPkg.CreateTestMainFunction() // (no-op if main already exists)

	hint = fmt.Sprintf("To trace execution, run:\n%% go build && ./ssadump -build=C -run --interp=T %s\n", input)
	if exitCode := interp.Interpret(mainPkg, 0, inputs[0], []string{}); exitCode != 0 {
		t.Errorf("interp.Interpret(%s) exited with code %d, want zero", inputs, exitCode)
		return false

	hint = "" // call off the hounds

	if false {
		fmt.Println(input, time.Since(start)) // test profiling

	return true
func TestSwitches(t *testing.T) {
	imp := importer.New(new(importer.Config)) // (uses GCImporter)
	f, err := parser.ParseFile(imp.Fset, "testdata/switches.go", nil, parser.ParseComments)
	if err != nil {

	mainInfo := imp.CreatePackage("main", f)

	prog := ssa.NewProgram(imp.Fset, 0)
	if err := prog.CreatePackages(imp); err != nil {
	mainPkg := prog.Package(mainInfo.Pkg)

	for _, mem := range mainPkg.Members {
		if fn, ok := mem.(*ssa.Function); ok {
			if fn.Synthetic != "" {
				continue // e.g. init()
			// Each (multi-line) "switch" comment within
			// this function must match the printed form
			// of a ConstSwitch.
			var wantSwitches []string
			for _, c := range f.Comments {
				if fn.Syntax().Pos() <= c.Pos() && c.Pos() < fn.Syntax().End() {
					text := strings.TrimSpace(c.Text())
					if strings.HasPrefix(text, "switch ") {
						wantSwitches = append(wantSwitches, text)

			switches := ssautil.Switches(fn)
			if len(switches) != len(wantSwitches) {
				t.Errorf("in %s, found %d switches, want %d", fn, len(switches), len(wantSwitches))
			for i, sw := range switches {
				got := sw.String()
				if i >= len(wantSwitches) {
				want := wantSwitches[i]
				if got != want {
					t.Errorf("in %s, found switch %d: got <<%s>>, want <<%s>>", fn, i, got, want)
Beispiel #5
func TestMultipleQueries(t *testing.T) {
	// Importer
	var buildContext = build.Default
	buildContext.GOPATH = "testdata"
	imp := importer.New(&importer.Config{Build: &buildContext})

	// Oracle
	filename := "testdata/src/main/multi.go"
	o, err := oracle.New(imp, []string{filename}, nil, true)
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("oracle.New failed: %s", err)

	// QueryPos
	pos := filename + ":#54,#58"
	qpos, err := oracle.ParseQueryPos(imp, pos, true)
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("oracle.ParseQueryPos(%q) failed: %s", pos, err)
	// SSA is built and we have the QueryPos.
	// Release the other ASTs and type info to the GC.
	imp = nil

	// Run different query moes on same scope and selection.
	out := new(bytes.Buffer)
	for _, mode := range [...]string{"callers", "describe", "freevars"} {
		res, err := o.Query(mode, qpos)
		if err != nil {
			t.Errorf("(*oracle.Oracle).Query(%q) failed: %s", pos, err)
		capture := new(bytes.Buffer) // capture standard output
		for _, line := range strings.Split(capture.String(), "\n") {
			fmt.Fprintf(out, "%s\n", stripLocation(line))
	want := `multi.f is called from these 1 sites:
	static function call from multi.main

function call (or conversion) of type ()

Free identifiers:
var x int

	if got := out.String(); got != want {
		t.Errorf("Query output differs; want <<%s>>, got <<%s>>\n", want, got)
// Query runs a single oracle query.
// args specify the main package in importer.LoadInitialPackages syntax.
// mode is the query mode ("callers", etc).
// ptalog is the (optional) pointer-analysis log file.
// buildContext is the go/build configuration for locating packages.
// reflection determines whether to model reflection soundly (currently slow).
// Clients that intend to perform multiple queries against the same
// analysis scope should use this pattern instead:
//	imp := importer.New(&importer.Config{Build: buildContext})
// 	o, err := oracle.New(imp, args, nil)
//	if err != nil { ... }
//	for ... {
//		qpos, err := oracle.ParseQueryPos(imp, pos, needExact)
//		if err != nil { ... }
//		res, err := o.Query(mode, qpos)
//		if err != nil { ... }
//		// use res
//	}
// TODO(adonovan): the ideal 'needsExact' parameter for ParseQueryPos
// depends on the query mode; how should we expose this?
func Query(args []string, mode, pos string, ptalog io.Writer, buildContext *build.Context, reflection bool) (*Result, error) {
	if mode == "what" {
		// Bypass package loading, type checking, SSA construction.
		return what(pos, buildContext)

	minfo := findMode(mode)
	if minfo == nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid mode type: %q", mode)

	impcfg := importer.Config{Build: buildContext}

	// For queries needing only a single typed package,
	// reduce the analysis scope to that package.
	if minfo.needs&(needSSA|needRetainTypeInfo) == 0 {
		reduceScope(pos, &impcfg, &args)

	// TODO(adonovan): report type errors to the user via Serial
	// types, not stderr?
	// impcfg.TypeChecker.Error = func(err error) {
	// 	E := err.(types.Error)
	// 	fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%s: %s\n", E.Fset.Position(E.Pos), E.Msg)
	// }
	imp := importer.New(&impcfg)
	o, err := newOracle(imp, args, ptalog, minfo.needs, reflection)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	var qpos *QueryPos
	if minfo.needs&(needPos|needExactPos) != 0 {
		qpos, err = ParseQueryPos(imp, pos, minfo.needs&needExactPos != 0)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err

	// SSA is built and we have the QueryPos.
	// Release the other ASTs and type info to the GC.
	imp = nil

	return o.query(minfo, qpos)
Beispiel #7
// main creates a Go program that adds to a
// environment (of type eval.Env) the transitive closure of imports
// for a given starting package. Here we use
func main() {
	startingImport := DefaultStartingImport
	if len(os.Args) == 2 {
		startingImport = os.Args[1]
	} else if len(os.Args) > 2 {
		fmt.Printf("usage: %s [starting-import]\n")
	fmt.Printf("// starting import: \"%s\"\n", startingImport)

	impctx := importer.Config{Build: &build.Default}

	// Load, parse and type-check the program.
	imp := importer.New(&impctx)

	var pkgs_string []string = make([]string, 0, 10)
	pkgs_string = append(pkgs_string, startingImport)
	//pkgs_string = append(pkgs_string, "fmt")

	pkg_infos, _, err := imp.LoadInitialPackages(pkgs_string)
	if err != nil {

	pkg_infos = imp.AllPackages()
	var errpkgs []string

	pkg_infos = writePreamble(pkg_infos, "Eval", startingImport)

	for _, pkg_info := range pkg_infos {
		if pkg_info.Err != nil {
			errpkgs = append(errpkgs, pkg_info.Pkg.Path())
		} else {
			extractPackageSymbols(pkg_info, imp)
	if errpkgs != nil {
		log.Fatal("couldn't create these SSA packages due to type errors: %s",
			strings.Join(errpkgs, ", "))


Beispiel #8
// CreateTestMainPackage should return nil if there were no tests.
func TestNullTestmainPackage(t *testing.T) {
	imp := importer.New(&importer.Config{Build: &build.Default})
	files, err := importer.ParseFiles(imp.Fset, ".", "testdata/b_test.go")
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("ParseFiles failed: %s", err)
	mainInfo := imp.CreatePackage("b", files...)
	prog := ssa.NewProgram(imp.Fset, ssa.SanityCheckFunctions)
	if err := prog.CreatePackages(imp); err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("CreatePackages failed: %s", err)
	mainPkg := prog.Package(mainInfo.Pkg)
	if mainPkg.Func("main") != nil {
		t.Fatalf("unexpected main function")
	if prog.CreateTestMainPackage(mainPkg) != nil {
		t.Fatalf("CreateTestMainPackage returned non-nil")
Beispiel #9
func main() {
	flag.Usage = func() { fmt.Fprint(os.Stderr, useHelp) }
	flag.CommandLine.Init(os.Args[0], flag.ContinueOnError)
	if err := flag.CommandLine.Parse(os.Args[1:]); err != nil {
		if err == flag.ErrHelp {
	args = flag.Args()
	if len(args) == 0 {
		fmt.Fprint(os.Stderr, "Error: no package arguments.\n"+useHelp)

	var err error
	imp = importer.New(&importer.Config{Build: &build.Default})
	ora, err = oracle.New(imp, args, nil, false)
	if err != nil {
	files = scopeFiles(imp)
	packages = imp.AllPackages()


	srv := &http.Server{Addr: *httpAddr}
	l, err := net.Listen("tcp", srv.Addr)
	if err != nil {
	if *open {
		url := fmt.Sprintf("http://localhost%s/", *httpAddr)
		if !startBrowser(url) {
Beispiel #10
// Query runs a single oracle query.
// args specify the main package in importer.LoadInitialPackages syntax.
// mode is the query mode ("callers", etc).
// ptalog is the (optional) pointer-analysis log file.
// buildContext is the go/build configuration for locating packages.
// reflection determines whether to model reflection soundly (currently slow).
// Clients that intend to perform multiple queries against the same
// analysis scope should use this pattern instead:
//	imp := importer.New(&importer.Config{Build: buildContext})
// 	o, err := oracle.New(imp, args, nil)
//	if err != nil { ... }
//	for ... {
//		qpos, err := oracle.ParseQueryPos(imp, pos, needExact)
//		if err != nil { ... }
//		res, err := o.Query(mode, qpos)
//		if err != nil { ... }
//		// use res
//	}
// TODO(adonovan): the ideal 'needsExact' parameter for ParseQueryPos
// depends on the query mode; how should we expose this?
func Query(args []string, mode, pos string, ptalog io.Writer, buildContext *build.Context, reflection bool) (*Result, error) {
	minfo := findMode(mode)
	if minfo == nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid mode type: %q", mode)

	imp := importer.New(&importer.Config{Build: buildContext})
	o, err := New(imp, args, ptalog, reflection)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	// Phase timing diagnostics.
	// TODO(adonovan): needs more work.
	// if false {
	// 	defer func() {
	// 		fmt.Println()
	// 		for name, duration := range o.timers {
	// 			fmt.Printf("# %-30s %s\n", name, duration)
	// 		}
	// 	}()
	// }

	var qpos *QueryPos
	if minfo.needs&(needPos|needExactPos) != 0 {
		var err error
		qpos, err = ParseQueryPos(imp, pos, minfo.needs&needExactPos != 0)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err

	// SSA is built and we have the QueryPos.
	// Release the other ASTs and type info to the GC.
	imp = nil

	return o.query(minfo, qpos)
func doOneInput(input, filename string) bool {
	impctx := &importer.Config{Build: &build.Default}
	imp := importer.New(impctx)

	// Parsing.
	f, err := parser.ParseFile(imp.Fset, filename, input, 0)
	if err != nil {
		// TODO(adonovan): err is a scanner error list;
		// display all errors not just first?
		return false

	// Create single-file main package and import its dependencies.
	info := imp.CreatePackage("main", f)

	// SSA creation + building.
	prog := ssa.NewProgram(imp.Fset, ssa.SanityCheckFunctions)
	if err := prog.CreatePackages(imp); err != nil {
		return false

	mainpkg := prog.Package(info.Pkg)
	ptrmain := mainpkg // main package for the pointer analysis
	if mainpkg.Func("main") == nil {
		// No main function; assume it's a test.
		ptrmain = prog.CreateTestMainPackage(mainpkg)

	ok := true

	lineMapping := make(map[string]string) // maps "file:line" to @line tag

	// Parse expectations in this input.
	var exps []*expectation
	re := regexp.MustCompile("// *@([a-z]*) *(.*)$")
	lines := strings.Split(input, "\n")
	for linenum, line := range lines {
		linenum++ // make it 1-based
		if matches := re.FindAllStringSubmatch(line, -1); matches != nil {
			match := matches[0]
			kind, rest := match[1], match[2]
			e := &expectation{kind: kind, filename: filename, linenum: linenum}

			if kind == "line" {
				if rest == "" {
					ok = false
					e.errorf("@%s expectation requires identifier", kind)
				} else {
					lineMapping[fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", filename, linenum)] = rest

			if e.needsProbe() && !strings.Contains(line, "print(") {
				ok = false
				e.errorf("@%s expectation must follow call to print(x)", kind)

			switch kind {
			case "pointsto":
				e.args = split(rest, "|")

			case "types":
				for _, typstr := range split(rest, "|") {
					var t types.Type = types.Typ[types.Invalid] // means "..."
					if typstr != "..." {
						texpr, err := parser.ParseExpr(typstr)
						if err != nil {
							ok = false
							// Don't print err since its location is bad.
							e.errorf("'%s' is not a valid type", typstr)
						mainFileScope := mainpkg.Object.Scope().Child(0)
						t, _, err = types.EvalNode(imp.Fset, texpr, mainpkg.Object, mainFileScope)
						if err != nil {
							ok = false
							// Don't print err since its location is bad.
							e.errorf("'%s' is not a valid type: %s", typstr, err)
					e.types = append(e.types, t)

			case "calls":
				e.args = split(rest, "->")
				// TODO(adonovan): eagerly reject the
				// expectation if fn doesn't denote
				// existing function, rather than fail
				// the expectation after analysis.
				if len(e.args) != 2 {
					ok = false
					e.errorf("@calls expectation wants 'caller -> callee' arguments")

			case "warning":
				lit, err := strconv.Unquote(strings.TrimSpace(rest))
				if err != nil {
					ok = false
					e.errorf("couldn't parse @warning operand: %s", err.Error())
				e.args = append(e.args, lit)

				ok = false
				e.errorf("unknown expectation kind: %s", e)
			exps = append(exps, e)

	var probes []probe
	var log bytes.Buffer

	// Run the analysis.
	config := &pointer.Config{
		Reflection:     true,
		BuildCallGraph: true,
		Mains:          []*ssa.Package{ptrmain},
		Log:            &log,
		Print: func(site *ssa.CallCommon, p pointer.Pointer) {
			probes = append(probes, probe{site, p})

	// Print the log is there was an error or a panic.
	complete := false
	defer func() {
		if !complete || !ok {

	result := pointer.Analyze(config)

	// Check the expectations.
	for _, e := range exps {
		var pr *probe
		if e.needsProbe() {
			if pr = findProbe(prog, probes, e); pr == nil {
				ok = false
				e.errorf("unreachable print() statement has expectation %s", e)
			if pr.arg0 == nil {
				ok = false
				e.errorf("expectation on non-pointerlike operand: %s", pr.instr.Args[0].Type())

		switch e.kind {
		case "pointsto":
			if !checkPointsToExpectation(e, pr, lineMapping, prog) {
				ok = false

		case "types":
			if !checkTypesExpectation(e, pr) {
				ok = false

		case "calls":
			if !checkCallsExpectation(prog, e, result.CallGraph) {
				ok = false

		case "warning":
			if !checkWarningExpectation(prog, e, result.Warnings) {
				ok = false

	complete = true

	// ok = false // debugging: uncomment to always see log

	return ok
func TestObjValueLookup(t *testing.T) {
	imp := importer.New(new(importer.Config)) // (uses GCImporter)
	f, err := parser.ParseFile(imp.Fset, "testdata/objlookup.go", nil, parser.ParseComments)
	if err != nil {

	// Maps each var Ident (represented "name:linenum") to the
	// kind of ssa.Value we expect (represented "Constant", "&Alloc").
	expectations := make(map[string]string)

	// Find all annotations of form x::BinOp, &y::Alloc, etc.
	re := regexp.MustCompile(`(\b|&)?(\w*)::(\w*)\b`)
	for _, c := range f.Comments {
		text := c.Text()
		pos := imp.Fset.Position(c.Pos())
		for _, m := range re.FindAllStringSubmatch(text, -1) {
			key := fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", m[2], pos.Line)
			value := m[1] + m[3]
			expectations[key] = value

	mainInfo := imp.CreatePackage("main", f)

	prog := ssa.NewProgram(imp.Fset, 0 /*|ssa.LogFunctions*/)
	if err := prog.CreatePackages(imp); err != nil {
	mainPkg := prog.Package(mainInfo.Pkg)

	// Gather all idents and objects in file.
	objs := make(map[types.Object]bool)
	var ids []*ast.Ident
	ast.Inspect(f, func(n ast.Node) bool {
		if id, ok := n.(*ast.Ident); ok {
			ids = append(ids, id)
			if obj := mainInfo.ObjectOf(id); obj != nil {
				objs[obj] = true
		return true

	// Check invariants for func and const objects.
	for obj := range objs {
		switch obj := obj.(type) {
		case *types.Func:
			checkFuncValue(t, prog, obj)

		case *types.Const:
			checkConstValue(t, prog, obj)

	// Check invariants for var objects.
	// The result varies based on the specific Ident.
	for _, id := range ids {
		if id.Name == "_" {
		if obj, ok := mainInfo.ObjectOf(id).(*types.Var); ok {
			ref, _ := importer.PathEnclosingInterval(f, id.Pos(), id.Pos())
			pos := imp.Fset.Position(id.Pos())
			exp := expectations[fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", id.Name, pos.Line)]
			if exp == "" {
				t.Errorf("%s: no expectation for var ident %s ", pos, id.Name)
			wantAddr := false
			if exp[0] == '&' {
				wantAddr = true
				exp = exp[1:]
			checkVarValue(t, prog, mainPkg, ref, obj, exp, wantAddr)
// Ensure that, in debug mode, we can determine the ssa.Value
// corresponding to every ast.Expr.
func TestValueForExpr(t *testing.T) {
	imp := importer.New(new(importer.Config)) // (uses GCImporter)
	f, err := parser.ParseFile(imp.Fset, "testdata/valueforexpr.go", nil, parser.ParseComments)
	if err != nil {

	mainInfo := imp.CreatePackage("main", f)

	prog := ssa.NewProgram(imp.Fset, 0)
	if err := prog.CreatePackages(imp); err != nil {
	mainPkg := prog.Package(mainInfo.Pkg)

	if false {
		// debugging
		for _, mem := range mainPkg.Members {
			if fn, ok := mem.(*ssa.Function); ok {

	// Find the actual AST node for each canonical position.
	parenExprByPos := make(map[token.Pos]*ast.ParenExpr)
	ast.Inspect(f, func(n ast.Node) bool {
		if n != nil {
			if e, ok := n.(*ast.ParenExpr); ok {
				parenExprByPos[e.Pos()] = e
		return true

	// Find all annotations of form /*@kind*/.
	for _, c := range f.Comments {
		text := strings.TrimSpace(c.Text())
		if text == "" || text[0] != '@' {
		text = text[1:]
		pos := c.End() + 1
		position := imp.Fset.Position(pos)
		var e ast.Expr
		if target := parenExprByPos[pos]; target == nil {
			t.Errorf("%s: annotation doesn't precede ParenExpr: %q", position, text)
		} else {
			e = target.X

		path, _ := importer.PathEnclosingInterval(f, pos, pos)
		if path == nil {
			t.Errorf("%s: can't find AST path from root to comment: %s", position, text)

		fn := ssa.EnclosingFunction(mainPkg, path)
		if fn == nil {
			t.Errorf("%s: can't find enclosing function", position)

		v, gotAddr := fn.ValueForExpr(e) // (may be nil)
		got := strings.TrimPrefix(fmt.Sprintf("%T", v), "*ssa.")
		if want := text; got != want {
			t.Errorf("%s: got value %q, want %q", position, got, want)
		if v != nil {
			T := v.Type()
			if gotAddr {
				T = T.Underlying().(*types.Pointer).Elem() // deref
			if !types.IsIdentical(T, mainInfo.TypeOf(e)) {
				t.Errorf("%s: got type %s, want %s", position, mainInfo.TypeOf(e), T)
// This program demonstrates how to run the SSA builder on a "Hello,
// World!" program and shows the printed representation of packages,
// functions and instructions.
// Within the function listing, the name of each BasicBlock such as
// ".0.entry" is printed left-aligned, followed by the block's
// Instructions.
// For each instruction that defines an SSA virtual register
// (i.e. implements Value), the type of that value is shown in the
// right column.
// Build and run the ssadump.go program in this package if you want a
// standalone tool with similar functionality.
func Example() {
	const hello = `
package main

import "fmt"

const message = "Hello, World!"

func main() {
	// Construct an importer.  Imports will be loaded as if by 'go build'.
	imp := importer.New(&importer.Config{Build: &build.Default})

	// Parse the input file.
	file, err := parser.ParseFile(imp.Fset, "hello.go", hello, 0)
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Print(err) // parse error

	// Create single-file main package and import its dependencies.
	mainInfo := imp.CreatePackage("main", file)

	// Create SSA-form program representation.
	var mode ssa.BuilderMode
	prog := ssa.NewProgram(imp.Fset, mode)
	if err := prog.CreatePackages(imp); err != nil {
		fmt.Print(err) // type error in some package
	mainPkg := prog.Package(mainInfo.Pkg)

	// Print out the package.

	// Build SSA code for bodies of functions in mainPkg.

	// Print out the package-level functions.

	// Output:
	// package main:
	//   func  init       func()
	//   var   init$guard bool
	//   func  main       func()
	//   const message    message = "Hello, World!":untyped string
	// # Name: main.init
	// # Package: main
	// # Synthetic: package initializer
	// func init():
	// .0.entry:                                                               P:0 S:2
	// 	t0 = *init$guard                                                   bool
	// 	if t0 goto 2.init.done else 1.init.start
	// .1.init.start:                                                          P:1 S:1
	// 	*init$guard = true:bool
	// 	t1 = fmt.init()                                                      ()
	// 	jump 2.init.done
	// .2.init.done:                                                           P:2 S:0
	// 	return
	// # Name: main.main
	// # Package: main
	// # Location: hello.go:8:6
	// func main():
	// .0.entry:                                                               P:0 S:0
	// 	t0 = new [1]interface{} (varargs)                       *[1]interface{}
	// 	t1 = &t0[0:untyped integer]                                *interface{}
	// 	t2 = make interface{} <- string ("Hello, World!":string)    interface{}
	// 	*t1 = t2
	// 	t3 = slice t0[:]                                          []interface{}
	// 	t4 = fmt.Println(t3)                                 (n int, err error)
	// 	return
Beispiel #15
func TestStdlib(t *testing.T) {
	impctx := importer.Config{Build: &build.Default}

	// Load, parse and type-check the program.
	t0 := time.Now()

	imp := importer.New(&impctx)

	if _, _, err := imp.LoadInitialPackages(allPackages()); err != nil {
		t.Errorf("LoadInitialPackages failed: %s", err)

	t1 := time.Now()

	var memstats runtime.MemStats
	alloc := memstats.Alloc

	// Create SSA packages.
	prog := ssa.NewProgram(imp.Fset, ssa.SanityCheckFunctions)
	if err := prog.CreatePackages(imp); err != nil {
		t.Errorf("CreatePackages failed: %s", err)
	// Enable debug mode globally.
	for _, info := range imp.AllPackages() {

	t2 := time.Now()

	// Build SSA IR... if it's safe.

	t3 := time.Now()


	numPkgs := len(prog.AllPackages())
	if want := 140; numPkgs < want {
		t.Errorf("Loaded only %d packages, want at least %d", numPkgs, want)

	// Dump some statistics.
	allFuncs := ssa.AllFunctions(prog)
	var numInstrs int
	for fn := range allFuncs {
		for _, b := range fn.Blocks {
			numInstrs += len(b.Instrs)

	t.Log("GOMAXPROCS:           ", runtime.GOMAXPROCS(0))
	t.Log("Load/parse/typecheck: ", t1.Sub(t0))
	t.Log("SSA create:           ", t2.Sub(t1))
	t.Log("SSA build:            ", t3.Sub(t2))

	// SSA stats:
	t.Log("#Packages:            ", numPkgs)
	t.Log("#Functions:           ", len(allFuncs))
	t.Log("#Instructions:        ", numInstrs)
	t.Log("#MB:                  ", (memstats.Alloc-alloc)/1000000)
// TestMethodSets tests that Package.TypesWithMethodSets includes all necessary types.
func TestTypesWithMethodSets(t *testing.T) {
	tests := []struct {
		input string
		want  []string
		// An exported package-level type is needed.
		{`package p; type T struct{}; func (T) f() {}`,
			[]string{"*p.T", "p.T"},
		// An unexported package-level type is not needed.
		{`package p; type t struct{}; func (t) f() {}`,
		// Subcomponents of type of exported package-level var are needed.
		{`package p; import "bytes"; var V struct {*bytes.Buffer}`,
		// Subcomponents of type of unexported package-level var are not needed.
		{`package p; import "bytes"; var v struct {*bytes.Buffer}`,
		// Subcomponents of type of exported package-level function are needed.
		{`package p; import "bytes"; func F(struct {*bytes.Buffer}) {}`,
		// Subcomponents of type of unexported package-level function are not needed.
		{`package p; import "bytes"; func f(struct {*bytes.Buffer}) {}`,
		// Subcomponents of type of exported method are needed.
		{`package p; import "bytes"; type x struct{}; func (x) G(struct {*bytes.Buffer}) {}`,
			[]string{"*p.x", "p.x", "struct{*bytes.Buffer}"},
		// Subcomponents of type of unexported method are not needed.
		{`package p; import "bytes"; type X struct{}; func (X) G(struct {*bytes.Buffer}) {}`,
			[]string{"*p.X", "p.X", "struct{*bytes.Buffer}"},
		// Local types aren't needed.
		{`package p; import "bytes"; func f() { type T struct {*bytes.Buffer}; var t T; _ = t }`,
		// ...unless used by MakeInterface.
		{`package p; import "bytes"; func f() { type T struct {*bytes.Buffer}; _ = interface{}(T{}) }`,
			[]string{"*p.T", "p.T"},
		// Types used as operand of MakeInterface are needed.
		{`package p; import "bytes"; func f() { _ = interface{}(struct{*bytes.Buffer}{}) }`,
		// MakeInterface is optimized away when storing to a blank.
		{`package p; import "bytes"; var _ interface{} = struct{*bytes.Buffer}{}`,
	for i, test := range tests {
		imp := importer.New(new(importer.Config)) // no go/build.Context; uses GC importer

		f, err := parser.ParseFile(imp.Fset, "<input>", test.input, 0)
		if err != nil {
			t.Errorf("test %d: %s", i, err)

		mainInfo := imp.CreatePackage("p", f)
		prog := ssa.NewProgram(imp.Fset, ssa.SanityCheckFunctions)
		if err := prog.CreatePackages(imp); err != nil {
			t.Errorf("test %d: %s", i, err)
		mainPkg := prog.Package(mainInfo.Pkg)

		var typstrs []string
		for _, T := range mainPkg.TypesWithMethodSets() {
			typstrs = append(typstrs, T.String())

		if !reflect.DeepEqual(typstrs, test.want) {
			t.Errorf("test %d: got %q, want %q", i, typstrs, test.want)
Beispiel #17
func (compiler *compiler) Compile(filenames []string, importpath string) (m *Module, err error) {
	// FIXME create a compilation state, rather than storing in 'compiler'.
	compiler.llvmtypes = NewLLVMTypeMap(

	buildctx, err := llgobuild.ContextFromTriple(compiler.TargetTriple)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	impcfg := &goimporter.Config{
		TypeChecker: types.Config{
			Import: llgoimporter.NewImporter(buildctx).Import,
			Sizes:  compiler.llvmtypes,
		Build: &buildctx.Context,
	compiler.typechecker = &impcfg.TypeChecker
	compiler.importer = goimporter.New(impcfg)
	program := ssa.NewProgram(compiler.importer.Fset, 0)
	astFiles, err := parseFiles(compiler.importer.Fset, filenames)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	// If no import path is specified, or the package's
	// name (not path) is "main", then set the import
	// path to be the same as the package's name.
	if pkgname := astFiles[0].Name.String(); importpath == "" || pkgname == "main" {
		importpath = pkgname
	mainPkginfo := compiler.importer.CreatePackage(importpath, astFiles...)
	if mainPkginfo.Err != nil {
		return nil, mainPkginfo.Err
	// First call CreatePackages to resolve imports, and then CreatePackage
	// to obtain the main package. The latter simply returns the package
	// created by the former.
	if err := program.CreatePackages(compiler.importer); err != nil {
		return nil, err
	mainpkg := program.CreatePackage(mainPkginfo)

	// Create a Module, which contains the LLVM bitcode. Dispose it on panic,
	// otherwise we'll set a finalizer at the end. The caller may invoke
	// Dispose manually, which will render the finalizer a no-op.
	modulename := importpath
	compiler.module = &Module{llvm.NewModule(modulename), modulename, false}

	// Map runtime types and functions.
	runtimePkginfo := mainPkginfo
	runtimePkg := mainpkg
	if importpath != "runtime" {
		astFiles, err := parseRuntime(&buildctx.Context, compiler.importer.Fset)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		runtimePkginfo = compiler.importer.CreatePackage("runtime", astFiles...)
		if runtimePkginfo.Err != nil {
			return nil, err
		runtimePkg = program.CreatePackage(runtimePkginfo)

	// Create a new translation unit.
	unit := newUnit(compiler, mainpkg)

	// Create the runtime interface.
	compiler.runtime, err = newRuntimeInterface(
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	// Create a struct responsible for mapping static types to LLVM types,
	// and to runtime/dynamic type values.
	compiler.types = NewTypeMap(

	// Create a Builder, for building LLVM instructions.
	compiler.builder = llvm.GlobalContext().NewBuilder()
	defer compiler.builder.Dispose()

	compiler.processAnnotations(unit, mainPkginfo)
	if runtimePkginfo != mainPkginfo {
		compiler.processAnnotations(unit, runtimePkginfo)

		compiler.debug_info = &llvm.DebugInfo{}
		// Compile each file in the package.
		for _, file := range files {
			if compiler.GenerateDebug {
				cu := &llvm.CompileUnitDescriptor{
					Language: llvm.DW_LANG_Go,
					Path:     llvm.FileDescriptor(fset.File(file.Pos()).Name()),
					Producer: LLGOProducer,
					Runtime:  LLGORuntimeVersion,
			for _, decl := range file.Decls {
			if compiler.GenerateDebug {
				cu := compiler.popDebugContext()
				if len(compiler.debug_context) > 0 {

	// Export runtime type information.
	var exportedTypes []types.Type
	for _, m := range mainpkg.Members {
		if t, ok := m.(*ssa.Type); ok && ast.IsExported(t.Name()) {
			exportedTypes = append(exportedTypes, t.Type())
	compiler.exportRuntimeTypes(exportedTypes, importpath == "runtime")

	if importpath == "main" {
		// Wrap "main.main" in a call to runtime.main.
		if err = compiler.createMainFunction(); err != nil {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to create main.main: %v", err)
	} else {
		if err := llgoimporter.Export(buildctx, mainpkg.Object); err != nil {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to export package data: %v", err)

	return compiler.module, nil
Beispiel #18
func run(t *testing.T, dir, input string, success successPredicate) bool {
	fmt.Printf("Input: %s\n", input)

	start := time.Now()

	var inputs []string
	for _, i := range strings.Split(input, " ") {
		inputs = append(inputs, dir+i)

	imp := importer.New(&importer.Config{Build: &build.Default})
	// TODO(adonovan): use LoadInitialPackages, then un-export ParseFiles.
	// Then add the following packages' tests, which pass:
	// "flag", "unicode", "unicode/utf8", "testing", "log", "path".
	files, err := importer.ParseFiles(imp.Fset, ".", inputs...)
	if err != nil {
		t.Errorf("ssa.ParseFiles(%s) failed: %s", inputs, err.Error())
		return false

	// Print a helpful hint if we don't make it to the end.
	var hint string
	defer func() {
		if hint != "" {
		} else {

		interp.CapturedOutput = nil

	hint = fmt.Sprintf("To dump SSA representation, run:\n%% go build && ./ssadump -build=CFP %s\n", input)
	mainInfo := imp.CreatePackage(files[0].Name.Name, files...)

	if _, err := imp.LoadPackage("runtime"); err != nil {
		t.Errorf("LoadPackage(runtime) failed: %s", err)

	prog := ssa.NewProgram(imp.Fset, ssa.SanityCheckFunctions)
	if err := prog.CreatePackages(imp); err != nil {
		t.Errorf("CreatePackages failed: %s", err)
		return false

	mainPkg := prog.Package(mainInfo.Pkg)
	if mainPkg.Func("main") == nil {
		testmainPkg := prog.CreateTestMainPackage(mainPkg)
		if testmainPkg == nil {
			t.Errorf("CreateTestMainPackage(%s) returned nil", mainPkg)
			return false
		if testmainPkg.Func("main") == nil {
			t.Errorf("synthetic testmain package has no main")
			return false
		mainPkg = testmainPkg

	var out bytes.Buffer
	interp.CapturedOutput = &out

	hint = fmt.Sprintf("To trace execution, run:\n%% go build && ./ssadump -build=C -run --interp=T %s\n", input)
	exitCode := interp.Interpret(mainPkg, 0, inputs[0], []string{})

	// The definition of success varies with each file.
	if err := success(exitCode, out.String()); err != nil {
		t.Errorf("interp.Interpret(%s) failed: %s", inputs, err)
		return false

	hint = "" // call off the hounds

	if false {
		fmt.Println(input, time.Since(start)) // test profiling

	return true
Beispiel #19
// Ensure that, in debug mode, we can determine the ssa.Value
// corresponding to every ast.Expr.
func TestValueForExpr(t *testing.T) {
	imp := importer.New(new(importer.Config)) // (uses GCImporter)
	f, err := parser.ParseFile(imp.Fset, "testdata/valueforexpr.go", nil,
	if err != nil {

	mainInfo := imp.LoadMainPackage(f)

	prog := ssa.NewProgram(imp.Fset, 0)
	if err := prog.CreatePackages(imp); err != nil {
	mainPkg := prog.Package(mainInfo.Pkg)

	fn := mainPkg.Func("f")

	if false {
		fn.DumpTo(os.Stderr) // debugging

	// Find the actual AST node for each canonical position.
	parenExprByPos := make(map[token.Pos]*ast.ParenExpr)
	ast.Inspect(f, func(n ast.Node) bool {
		if n != nil {
			if e, ok := n.(*ast.ParenExpr); ok {
				parenExprByPos[e.Pos()] = e
		return true

	// Find all annotations of form /*@kind*/.
	for _, c := range f.Comments {
		text := strings.TrimSpace(c.Text())
		if text == "" || text[0] != '@' {
		text = text[1:]
		pos := c.End() + 1
		position := imp.Fset.Position(pos)
		var e ast.Expr
		if target := parenExprByPos[pos]; target == nil {
			t.Errorf("%s: annotation doesn't precede ParenExpr: %q", position, text)
		} else {
			e = target.X

		v := fn.ValueForExpr(e) // (may be nil)
		got := strings.TrimPrefix(fmt.Sprintf("%T", v), "*ssa.")
		if want := text; got != want {
			t.Errorf("%s: got value %q, want %q", position, got, want)
		if v != nil {
			if !types.IsIdentical(v.Type(), mainInfo.TypeOf(e)) {
				t.Errorf("%s: got type %s, want %s", position, mainInfo.TypeOf(e), v.Type())
Beispiel #20
func main() {
	args := flag.Args()

	impctx := importer.Config{Build: &build.Default}

	var debugMode bool
	var mode ssa.BuilderMode
	for _, c := range *buildFlag {
		switch c {
		case 'D':
			debugMode = true
		case 'P':
			mode |= ssa.LogPackages | ssa.BuildSerially
		case 'F':
			mode |= ssa.LogFunctions | ssa.BuildSerially
		case 'S':
			mode |= ssa.LogSource | ssa.BuildSerially
		case 'C':
			mode |= ssa.SanityCheckFunctions
		case 'N':
			mode |= ssa.NaiveForm
		case 'G':
			impctx.Build = nil
		case 'L':
			mode |= ssa.BuildSerially
			log.Fatalf("Unknown -build option: '%c'.", c)

	var interpMode interp.Mode
	for _, c := range *interpFlag {
		switch c {
		case 'T':
			interpMode |= interp.EnableTracing
		case 'R':
			interpMode |= interp.DisableRecover
			log.Fatalf("Unknown -interp option: '%c'.", c)

	if len(args) == 0 {
		fmt.Fprint(os.Stderr, usage)

	// Profiling support.
	if *cpuprofile != "" {
		f, err := os.Create(*cpuprofile)
		if err != nil {
		defer pprof.StopCPUProfile()

	// Load, parse and type-check the program.
	imp := importer.New(&impctx)
	infos, args, err := imp.LoadInitialPackages(args)
	if err != nil {

	// Create and build SSA-form program representation.
	prog := ssa.NewProgram(imp.Fset, mode)
	if err := prog.CreatePackages(imp); err != nil {
	if debugMode {
		for _, pkg := range prog.AllPackages() {

	// Run the interpreter on the first package with a main function.
	if *runFlag {
		var main *ssa.Package
		for _, info := range infos {
			pkg := prog.Package(info.Pkg)
			if pkg.Func("main") != nil || pkg.CreateTestMainFunction() != nil {
				main = pkg
		if main == nil {
			log.Fatal("No main function")
		interp.Interpret(main, interpMode, main.Object.Path(), args)
Beispiel #21
// This program demonstrates how to use the pointer analysis to
// obtain a conservative call-graph of a Go program.
func Example() {
	const myprog = `
package main

import "fmt"

type I interface {

type C struct{}

func (C) f() {

func main() {
	var i I = C{}
	i.f() // dynamic method call
	// Construct an importer.
	// Imports will be loaded as if by 'go build'.
	imp := importer.New(&importer.Config{Build: &build.Default})

	// Parse the input file.
	file, err := parser.ParseFile(imp.Fset, "myprog.go", myprog, parser.DeclarationErrors)
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Print(err) // parse error

	// Create a "main" package containing one file.
	mainInfo := imp.LoadMainPackage(file)

	// Create SSA-form program representation.
	var mode ssa.BuilderMode
	prog := ssa.NewProgram(imp.Fset, mode)
	if err := prog.CreatePackages(imp); err != nil {
		fmt.Print(err) // type error in some package
	mainPkg := prog.Package(mainInfo.Pkg)

	// Build SSA code for bodies of all functions in the whole program.

	// Run the pointer analysis and build the complete callgraph.
	config := &pointer.Config{
		Mains:          []*ssa.Package{mainPkg},
		BuildCallGraph: true,
	result := pointer.Analyze(config)

	// Find edges originating from the main package.
	// By converting to strings, we de-duplicate nodes
	// representing the same function due to context sensitivity.
	var edges []string
	call.GraphVisitEdges(result.CallGraph, func(edge call.Edge) error {
		caller := edge.Caller.Func()
		if caller.Pkg == mainPkg {
			edges = append(edges, fmt.Sprint(caller, " --> ", edge.Callee.Func()))
		return nil

	// Print the edges in sorted order.
	for _, edge := range edges {

	// Output:
	// (main.C).f --> fmt.Println
	// main.init --> fmt.init
	// main.main --> (main.C).f
Beispiel #22
// TODO(adonovan): move this test into ssa.
func TestEnclosingFunction(t *testing.T) {
	tests := []struct {
		input  string // the input file
		substr string // first occurrence of this string denotes interval
		fn     string // name of expected containing function
		// We use distinctive numbers as syntactic landmarks.

		// Ordinary function:
		{`package main
		  func f() { println(1003) }`,
			"100", "main.f"},
		// Methods:
		{`package main
                  type T int
		  func (t T) f() { println(200) }`,
			"200", "(main.T).f"},
		// Function literal:
		{`package main
		  func f() { println(func() { print(300) }) }`,
			"300", "[email protected]"},
		// Doubly nested
		{`package main
		  func f() { println(func() { print(func() { print(350) })})}`,
			"350", "[email protected]"},
		// Implicit init for package-level var initializer.
		{"package main; var a = 400", "400", "main.init"},
		// No code for constants:
		{"package main; const a = 500", "500", "(none)"},
		// Explicit init()
		{"package main; func init() { println(600) }", "600", "main.init$1"},
		// Multiple explicit init functions:
		{`package main
		  func init() { println("foo") }
		  func init() { println(800) }`,
			"800", "main.init$2"},
		// init() containing FuncLit.
		{`package main
		  func init() { println(func(){print(900)}) }`,
			"900", "[email protected]"},
	for _, test := range tests {
		imp := importer.New(new(importer.Config)) // (NB: no go/build.Config)
		f, start, end := findInterval(t, imp.Fset, test.input, test.substr)
		if f == nil {
		path, exact := importer.PathEnclosingInterval(f, start, end)
		if !exact {
			t.Errorf("EnclosingFunction(%q) not exact", test.substr)
		mainInfo := imp.CreatePackage("main", f)
		prog := ssa.NewProgram(imp.Fset, 0)
		if err := prog.CreatePackages(imp); err != nil {
		pkg := prog.Package(mainInfo.Pkg)

		name := "(none)"
		fn := ssa.EnclosingFunction(pkg, path)
		if fn != nil {
			name = fn.String()

		if name != test.fn {
			t.Errorf("EnclosingFunction(%q in %q) got %s, want %s",
				test.substr, test.input, name, test.fn)

		// While we're here: test HasEnclosingFunction.
		if has := ssa.HasEnclosingFunction(pkg, path); has != (fn != nil) {
			t.Errorf("HasEnclosingFunction(%q in %q) got %v, want %v",
				test.substr, test.input, has, fn != nil)
Beispiel #23
// Tests that programs partially loaded from gc object files contain
// functions with no code for the external portions, but are otherwise ok.
func TestExternalPackages(t *testing.T) {
	test := `
package main

import (

func main() {
        var t testing.T
	t.Parallel()    // static call to external declared method
        t.Fail()        // static call to promoted external declared method
        testing.Short() // static call to external package-level function

        var w io.Writer = new(bytes.Buffer)
        w.Write(nil)    // interface invoke of external declared method
	imp := importer.New(new(importer.Config)) // no go/build.Context; uses GC importer

	f, err := parser.ParseFile(imp.Fset, "<input>", test, parser.DeclarationErrors)
	if err != nil {

	mainInfo := imp.LoadMainPackage(f)

	prog := ssa.NewProgram(imp.Fset, ssa.SanityCheckFunctions)
	if err := prog.CreatePackages(imp); err != nil {
	mainPkg := prog.Package(mainInfo.Pkg)

	// Only the main package and its immediate dependencies are loaded.
	deps := []string{"bytes", "io", "testing"}
	all := prog.AllPackages()
	if len(all) != 1+len(deps) {
		t.Errorf("unexpected set of loaded packages: %q", all)
	for _, path := range deps {
		pkg := prog.ImportedPackage(path)
		if pkg == nil {
			t.Errorf("package not loaded: %q", path)

		// External packages should have no function bodies (except for wrappers).
		isExt := pkg != mainPkg

		// init()
		if isExt && !isEmpty(pkg.Func("init")) {
			t.Errorf("external package %s has non-empty init", pkg)
		} else if !isExt && isEmpty(pkg.Func("init")) {
			t.Errorf("main package %s has empty init", pkg)

		for _, mem := range pkg.Members {
			switch mem := mem.(type) {
			case *ssa.Function:
				// Functions at package level.
				if isExt && !isEmpty(mem) {
					t.Errorf("external function %s is non-empty", mem)
				} else if !isExt && isEmpty(mem) {
					t.Errorf("function %s is empty", mem)

			case *ssa.Type:
				// Methods of named types T.
				// (In this test, all exported methods belong to *T not T.)
				if !isExt {
					t.Fatalf("unexpected name type in main package: %s", mem)
				mset := types.NewPointer(mem.Type()).MethodSet()
				for i, n := 0, mset.Len(); i < n; i++ {
					m := prog.Method(mset.At(i))
					// For external types, only synthetic wrappers have code.
					expExt := !strings.Contains(m.Synthetic, "wrapper")
					if expExt && !isEmpty(m) {
						t.Errorf("external method %s is non-empty: %s",
							m, m.Synthetic)
					} else if !expExt && isEmpty(m) {
						t.Errorf("method function %s is empty: %s",
							m, m.Synthetic)

	expectedCallee := []string{
	callNum := 0
	for _, b := range mainPkg.Func("main").Blocks {
		for _, instr := range b.Instrs {
			switch instr := instr.(type) {
			case ssa.CallInstruction:
				call := instr.Common()
				if want := expectedCallee[callNum]; want != "N/A" {
					got := call.StaticCallee().String()
					if want != got {
						t.Errorf("call #%d from main.main: got callee %s, want %s",
							callNum, got, want)
	if callNum != 4 {
		t.Errorf("in main.main: got %d calls, want %d", callNum, 4)