Beispiel #1
// Extract real parts, copy them from src to dst.
// In the meanwhile, check if imaginary parts are nearly zero
// and scale the kernel to compensate for unnormalized FFTs.
func scaleRealParts(dst, src *data.Slice, scale float32) {
	util.Argument(2*dst.Len() == src.Len())
	util.Argument(dst.NComp() == 1 && src.NComp() == 1)

	srcList := src.HostCopy().Host()[0]
	dstList := dst.Host()[0]

	// Normally, the FFT'ed kernel is purely real because of symmetry,
	// so we only store the real parts...
	maximg := float32(0.)
	maxreal := float32(0.)
	for i := 0; i < src.Len()/2; i++ {
		dstList[i] = srcList[2*i] * scale
		if fabs(srcList[2*i+0]) > maxreal {
			maxreal = fabs(srcList[2*i+0])
		if fabs(srcList[2*i+1]) > maximg {
			maximg = fabs(srcList[2*i+1])
	// ...however, we check that the imaginary parts are nearly zero,
	// just to be sure we did not make a mistake during kernel creation.
	if maximg/maxreal > FFT_IMAG_TOLERANCE {
		log.Fatalf("Too large FFT kernel imaginary/real part: %v", maximg/maxreal)
Beispiel #2
func writeOvf2Binary4(out io.Writer, array *data.Slice) {
	data := array.Tensors()
	gridsize := array.Mesh().Size()

	var bytes []byte

	// OOMMF requires this number to be first to check the format
	var controlnumber float32 = OMF_CONTROL_NUMBER
	// Conversion form float32 [4]byte in big-endian
	// encoding/binary is too slow
	// Inlined for performance, terabytes of data will pass here...
	bytes = (*[4]byte)(unsafe.Pointer(&controlnumber))[:]

	// Here we loop over X,Y,Z, not Z,Y,X, because
	// internal in C-order == external in Fortran-order
	ncomp := array.NComp()
	for i := 0; i < gridsize[X]; i++ {
		for j := 0; j < gridsize[Y]; j++ {
			for k := 0; k < gridsize[Z]; k++ {
				for c := 0; c < ncomp; c++ {
					bytes = (*[4]byte)(unsafe.Pointer(&data[swapIndex(c, ncomp)][i][j][k]))[:]
Beispiel #3
func dumpGnuplot(out io.Writer, f *data.Slice) (err error) {
	buf := bufio.NewWriter(out)
	defer buf.Flush()

	data := f.Tensors()
	gridsize := f.Mesh().Size()
	cellsize := f.Mesh().CellSize()
	// If no cell size is set, use generic cell index.
	if cellsize == [3]float64{0, 0, 0} {
		cellsize = [3]float64{1, 1, 1}
	ncomp := f.NComp()

	// Here we loop over X,Y,Z, not Z,Y,X, because
	// internal in C-order == external in Fortran-order
	for i := 0; i < gridsize[0]; i++ {
		x := float64(i) * cellsize[0]
		for j := 0; j < gridsize[1]; j++ {
			y := float64(j) * cellsize[1]
			for k := 0; k < gridsize[2]; k++ {
				z := float64(k) * cellsize[2]
				_, err = fmt.Fprint(buf, z, " ", y, " ", x, "\t")
				for c := 0; c < ncomp; c++ {
					_, err = fmt.Fprint(buf, data[swapIndex(c, ncomp)][i][j][k], " ") // converts to user space.
				_, err = fmt.Fprint(buf, "\n")
			_, err = fmt.Fprint(buf, "\n")
Beispiel #4
// Memset sets the Slice's components to the specified values.
func Memset(s *data.Slice, val ...float32) {
	util.Argument(len(val) == s.NComp())
	str := stream()
	for c, v := range val {
		cu.MemsetD32Async(cu.DevicePtr(s.DevPtr(c)), math.Float32bits(v), int64(s.Len()), str)
Beispiel #5
func kernMulRSymm2Dx(fftMx, K00 *data.Slice, N1, N2 int, str cu.Stream) {
	util.Argument(K00.Len() == (N1/2+1)*N2)
	util.Argument(fftMx.NComp() == 1 && K00.NComp() == 1)

	cfg := make2DConf(N1, N2)

	k_kernmulRSymm2Dx_async(fftMx.DevPtr(0), K00.DevPtr(0), N1, N2, cfg, str)
Beispiel #6
// Does not yet use Y mirror symmetry!!
// Even though it is implemented partially in kernel
func kernMulRSymm3D(fftM [3]*data.Slice, K00, K11, K22, K12, K02, K01 *data.Slice, N0, N1, N2 int, str cu.Stream) {
	util.Argument(K00.Len() == N0*(N1)*N2) // no symmetry yet
	util.Argument(fftM[0].NComp() == 1 && K00.NComp() == 1)

	cfg := make2DConf(N1, N2)

	k_kernmulRSymm3D_async(fftM[0].DevPtr(0), fftM[1].DevPtr(0), fftM[2].DevPtr(0),
		K00.DevPtr(0), K11.DevPtr(0), K22.DevPtr(0), K12.DevPtr(0), K02.DevPtr(0), K01.DevPtr(0),
		N0, N1, N2, cfg, str)
Beispiel #7
func kernMulRSymm2Dyz(fftMy, fftMz, K11, K22, K12 *data.Slice, N1, N2 int, str cu.Stream) {
	util.Argument(K11.Len() == (N1/2+1)*N2)
	util.Argument(fftMy.NComp() == 1 && K11.NComp() == 1)

	cfg := make2DConf(N1, N2)

	k_kernmulRSymm2Dyz_async(fftMy.DevPtr(0), fftMz.DevPtr(0),
		K11.DevPtr(0), K22.DevPtr(0), K12.DevPtr(0),
		N1, N2, cfg, str)
Beispiel #8
// Copies src into dst, which is larger or smaller.
// The remainder of dst is not filled with zeros.
func copyPad(dst, src *data.Slice, dstsize, srcsize [3]int, str cu.Stream) {
	util.Argument(dst.NComp() == 1 && src.NComp() == 1)
	util.Assert(dst.Len() == prod(dstsize))
	util.Assert(src.Len() == prod(srcsize))

	N0 := iMin(dstsize[1], srcsize[1])
	N1 := iMin(dstsize[2], srcsize[2])
	cfg := make2DConf(N0, N1)

	k_copypad_async(dst.DevPtr(0), dstsize[0], dstsize[1], dstsize[2],
		src.DevPtr(0), srcsize[0], srcsize[1], srcsize[2], cfg, str)
Beispiel #9
// Adds a constant to each element of the slice.
// 	dst[comp][index] += cnst[comp]
func AddConst(dst *data.Slice, cnst ...float32) {
	util.Argument(len(cnst) == dst.NComp())
	N := dst.Len()
	cfg := make1DConf(N)
	str := stream()
	for c := 0; c < dst.NComp(); c++ {
		if cnst[c] != 0 {
			k_madd2_async(dst.DevPtr(c), dst.DevPtr(c), 1, nil, cnst[c], N, cfg, str)
Beispiel #10
// Execute the FFT plan, asynchronous.
// src and dst are 3D arrays stored 1D arrays.
func (p *fft3DR2CPlan) ExecAsync(src, dst *data.Slice) {
	util.Argument(src.NComp() == 1 && dst.NComp() == 1)
	oksrclen := p.InputLen()
	if src.Len() != oksrclen {
		log.Panicf("fft size mismatch: expecting src len %v, got %v", oksrclen, src.Len())
	okdstlen := p.OutputLen()
	if dst.Len() != okdstlen {
		log.Panicf("fft size mismatch: expecting dst len %v, got %v", okdstlen, dst.Len())
	p.handle.ExecR2C(cu.DevicePtr(src.DevPtr(0)), cu.DevicePtr(dst.DevPtr(0)))
Beispiel #11
func preprocess(f *data.Slice) {
	if *flag_normalize {
		normalize(f, 1)
	if *flag_normpeak {
	if *flag_comp != -1 {
		*f = *f.Comp(swapIndex(*flag_comp, f.NComp()))
	if *flag_resize != "" {
		resize(f, *flag_resize)
	//if *flag_scale != 1{
	//	rescale(f, *flag_scale)
Beispiel #12
// Writes data in OMF Text format
func writeOmfText(out io.Writer, tens *data.Slice) (err error) {

	data := tens.Tensors()
	gridsize := tens.Mesh().Size()

	// Here we loop over X,Y,Z, not Z,Y,X, because
	// internal in C-order == external in Fortran-order
	for i := 0; i < gridsize[X]; i++ {
		for j := 0; j < gridsize[Y]; j++ {
			for k := 0; k < gridsize[Z]; k++ {
				for c := 0; c < tens.NComp(); c++ {
					_, err = fmt.Fprint(out, data[swapIndex(c, tens.NComp())][i][j][k], " ") // converts to user space.
				_, err = fmt.Fprint(out, "\n")
Beispiel #13
// multiply-add: dst[i] = src1[i] * factor1 + src2[i] * factor2 + src3 * factor3
func Madd3(dst, src1, src2, src3 *data.Slice, factor1, factor2, factor3 float32) {
	N := dst.Len()
	nComp := dst.NComp()
	util.Assert(src1.Len() == N && src2.Len() == N && src3.Len() == N)
	util.Assert(src1.NComp() == nComp && src2.NComp() == nComp && src3.NComp() == nComp)
	cfg := make1DConf(N)
	str := stream()
	for c := 0; c < nComp; c++ {
		k_madd3_async(dst.DevPtr(c), src1.DevPtr(c), factor1,
			src2.DevPtr(c), factor2, src3.DevPtr(c), factor3, N, cfg, str)
Beispiel #14
func Image(f *data.Slice, fmin, fmax string) *image.NRGBA {
	dim := f.NComp()
	switch dim {
		log.Fatalf("unsupported number of components: %v", dim)
	case 3:
		return drawVectors(f.Vectors())
	case 1:
		min, max := extrema(f.Host()[0])
		if fmin != "auto" {
			m, err := strconv.ParseFloat(fmin, 32)
			min = float32(m)
		if fmax != "auto" {
			m, err := strconv.ParseFloat(fmax, 32)
			max = float32(m)
		return drawFloats(f.Scalars(), min, max)
Beispiel #15
// Copies src into dst, which is larger or smaller, and multiplies by vol*Bsat.
// The remainder of dst is not filled with zeros.
func copyPadMul(dst, src *data.Slice, dstsize, srcsize [3]int, vol *data.Slice, Bsat float64, str cu.Stream) {
	util.Argument(dst.NComp() == 1)
	util.Argument(src.NComp() == 1)
	util.Argument(vol.NComp() == 1)
	util.Assert(dst.Len() == prod(dstsize) && src.Len() == prod(srcsize))
	util.Assert(vol.Mesh().Size() == srcsize)

	N0 := iMin(dstsize[1], srcsize[1])
	N1 := iMin(dstsize[2], srcsize[2])
	cfg := make2DConf(N0, N1)

	k_copypadmul_async(dst.DevPtr(0), dstsize[0], dstsize[1], dstsize[2],
		src.DevPtr(0), srcsize[0], srcsize[1], srcsize[2],
		vol.DevPtr(0), float32(Bsat), cfg, str)
Beispiel #16
func writeVTKCellData(out io.Writer, q *data.Slice, dataformat string) (err error) {
	N := q.NComp()
	data := q.Tensors()
	switch N {
	case 1:
		fmt.Fprintf(out, "\t\t\t<PointData Scalars=\"%s\">\n", q.Tag())
		fmt.Fprintf(out, "\t\t\t\t<DataArray type=\"Float32\" Name=\"%s\" NumberOfComponents=\"%d\" format=\"%s\">\n\t\t\t\t\t", q.Tag(), N, dataformat)
	case 3:
		fmt.Fprintf(out, "\t\t\t<PointData Vectors=\"%s\">\n", q.Tag())
		fmt.Fprintf(out, "\t\t\t\t<DataArray type=\"Float32\" Name=\"%s\" NumberOfComponents=\"%d\" format=\"%s\">\n\t\t\t\t\t", q.Tag(), N, dataformat)
	case 6, 9:
		fmt.Fprintf(out, "\t\t\t<PointData Tensors=\"%s\">\n", q.Tag())
		fmt.Fprintf(out, "\t\t\t\t<DataArray type=\"Float32\" Name=\"%s\" NumberOfComponents=\"%d\" format=\"%s\">\n\t\t\t\t\t", q.Tag(), 9, dataformat) // must be 9!
		log.Fatalf("vtk: cannot handle %v components", N)
	gridsize := q.Mesh().Size()
	switch dataformat {
	case "ascii":
		for i := 0; i < gridsize[X]; i++ {
			for j := 0; j < gridsize[Y]; j++ {
				for k := 0; k < gridsize[Z]; k++ {
					// if symmetric tensor manage it appart to write the full 9 components
					if N == 6 {
						fmt.Fprint(out, data[swapIndex(0, 9)][i][j][k], " ")
						fmt.Fprint(out, data[swapIndex(1, 9)][i][j][k], " ")
						fmt.Fprint(out, data[swapIndex(2, 9)][i][j][k], " ")
						fmt.Fprint(out, data[swapIndex(1, 9)][i][j][k], " ")
						fmt.Fprint(out, data[swapIndex(3, 9)][i][j][k], " ")
						fmt.Fprint(out, data[swapIndex(4, 9)][i][j][k], " ")
						fmt.Fprint(out, data[swapIndex(2, 9)][i][j][k], " ")
						fmt.Fprint(out, data[swapIndex(4, 9)][i][j][k], " ")
						fmt.Fprint(out, data[swapIndex(5, 9)][i][j][k], " ")
					} else {
						for c := 0; c < N; c++ {
							fmt.Fprint(out, data[swapIndex(c, N)][i][j][k], " ")
	case "binary":
		// Inlined for performance, terabytes of data will pass here...
		buffer := new(bytes.Buffer)
		for i := 0; i < gridsize[X]; i++ {
			for j := 0; j < gridsize[Y]; j++ {
				for k := 0; k < gridsize[Z]; k++ {
					// if symmetric tensor manage it appart to write the full 9 components
					if N == 6 {
						binary.Write(buffer, binary.LittleEndian, data[swapIndex(0, 9)][i][j][k])
						binary.Write(buffer, binary.LittleEndian, data[swapIndex(1, 9)][i][j][k])
						binary.Write(buffer, binary.LittleEndian, data[swapIndex(2, 9)][i][j][k])
						binary.Write(buffer, binary.LittleEndian, data[swapIndex(1, 9)][i][j][k])
						binary.Write(buffer, binary.LittleEndian, data[swapIndex(3, 9)][i][j][k])
						binary.Write(buffer, binary.LittleEndian, data[swapIndex(4, 9)][i][j][k])
						binary.Write(buffer, binary.LittleEndian, data[swapIndex(2, 9)][i][j][k])
						binary.Write(buffer, binary.LittleEndian, data[swapIndex(4, 9)][i][j][k])
						binary.Write(buffer, binary.LittleEndian, data[swapIndex(5, 9)][i][j][k])
					} else {
						for c := 0; c < N; c++ {
							binary.Write(buffer, binary.LittleEndian, data[swapIndex(c, N)][i][j][k])
		b64len := uint32(len(buffer.Bytes()))
		bufLen := new(bytes.Buffer)
		binary.Write(bufLen, binary.LittleEndian, b64len)
		base64out := base64.NewEncoder(base64.StdEncoding, out)
		panic(fmt.Errorf("vtk: illegal data format " + dataformat + ". Options are: ascii, binary"))

	fmt.Fprintln(out, "\n\t\t\t\t</DataArray>")
	fmt.Fprintln(out, "\t\t\t</PointData>")
Beispiel #17
func writeOvf2Header(out io.Writer, q *data.Slice, time, tstep float64) {
	gridsize := q.Mesh().Size()
	cellsize := q.Mesh().CellSize()

	fmt.Fprintln(out, "# OOMMF OVF 2.0")
	fmt.Fprintln(out, "#")
	hdr(out, "Segment count", "1")
	fmt.Fprintln(out, "#")
	hdr(out, "Begin", "Segment")
	hdr(out, "Begin", "Header")
	fmt.Fprintln(out, "#")

	hdr(out, "Title", q.Tag()) // TODO
	hdr(out, "meshtype", "rectangular")
	hdr(out, "meshunit", "m")

	hdr(out, "xmin", 0)
	hdr(out, "ymin", 0)
	hdr(out, "zmin", 0)

	hdr(out, "xmax", cellsize[Z]*float64(gridsize[Z]))
	hdr(out, "ymax", cellsize[Y]*float64(gridsize[Y]))
	hdr(out, "zmax", cellsize[X]*float64(gridsize[X]))

	name := q.Tag()
	var labels []interface{}
	if q.NComp() == 1 {
		labels = []interface{}{name}
	} else {
		for i := 0; i < q.NComp(); i++ {
			labels = append(labels, name+"_"+string('x'+i))
	hdr(out, "valuedim", q.NComp())
	hdr(out, "valuelabels", labels...) // TODO
	unit := q.Unit()
	if unit == "" {
		unit = "1"
	if q.NComp() == 1 {
		hdr(out, "valueunits", unit)
	} else {
		hdr(out, "valueunits", unit, unit, unit)

	// We don't really have stages
	fmt.Fprintln(out, "# Desc: Stage simulation time: ", tstep, " s")
	fmt.Fprintln(out, "# Desc: Total simulation time: ", time, " s")

	hdr(out, "xbase", cellsize[Z]/2)
	hdr(out, "ybase", cellsize[Y]/2)
	hdr(out, "zbase", cellsize[X]/2)

	hdr(out, "xnodes", gridsize[Z])
	hdr(out, "ynodes", gridsize[Y])
	hdr(out, "znodes", gridsize[X])

	hdr(out, "xstepsize", cellsize[Z])
	hdr(out, "ystepsize", cellsize[Y])
	hdr(out, "zstepsize", cellsize[X])
	fmt.Fprintln(out, "#")
	hdr(out, "End", "Header")
	fmt.Fprintln(out, "#")
Beispiel #18
// Set all elements of all components to zero.
func Zero(s *data.Slice) {
	Memset(s, make([]float32, s.NComp())...)
Beispiel #19
// Maximum of absolute values of all elements.
func MaxAbs(in *data.Slice) float32 {
	util.Argument(in.NComp() == 1)
	out := reduceBuf(0)
	k_reducemaxabs(in.DevPtr(0), out, 0, in.Len(), reducecfg)
	return copyback(out)
Beispiel #20
// Returns a copy of in, allocated on GPU.
func GPUCopy(in *data.Slice) *data.Slice {
	s := NewSlice(in.NComp(), in.Mesh())
	data.Copy(s, in)
	return s