Beispiel #1
// CreateActivityWithInfo creates an activity, re-using a previous activity if
// available.
func (s *sqlite) CreateActivityWithInfo(ctx context.Context, filename string, gpsTrack io.Reader, activityInfo *doarama.ActivityInfo) (*doarama.Activity, error) {
	content, err := ioutil.ReadAll(gpsTrack)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	gpsTrackSha256 := sha256.Sum256(content)
	activityInfoSha256 := sha256.Sum256(structhash.Dump(activityInfo, 0))
	var activityID int
	switch err := s.queryStmt.QueryRow(gpsTrackSha256[:], activityInfoSha256[:]).Scan(&activityID); err {
	case nil:
		return &doarama.Activity{
			Client: s.client,
			ID:     activityID,
		}, nil
	case sql.ErrNoRows:
		activity, err := s.client.CreateActivityWithInfo(ctx, filename, bytes.NewBuffer(content), activityInfo)
		if err != nil {
			return activity, err
		_, err = s.insertStmt.Exec(activity.ID, gpsTrackSha256[:], activityInfoSha256[:])
		return activity, err
		return nil, err
Beispiel #2
func main() {
	length := len(os.Args)
	if length > 2 {
		if os.Args[2] == "-384" {
			c1 := sha512.Sum384([]byte(os.Args[1]))
			fmt.Printf("%s\n%x\n%T\n", os.Args[1], c1, c1)
		} else if os.Args[2] == "-512" {
			c1 := sha512.Sum512([]byte(os.Args[1]))
			fmt.Printf("%s\n%x\n%T\n", os.Args[1], c1, c1)
		} else {
			c1 := sha256.Sum256([]byte(os.Args[1]))
			fmt.Printf("%s\n%x\n%T\n", os.Args[1], c1, c1)
	} else if length == 2 {
		c1 := sha256.Sum256([]byte(os.Args[1]))
		fmt.Printf("%s\n%x\n%T\n", os.Args[1], c1, c1)
	} else {
		fmt.Printf("less arguments")
	// Output:
	// 2d711642b726b04401627ca9fbac32f5c8530fb1903cc4db02258717921a4881
	// 4b68ab3847feda7d6c62c1fbcbeebfa35eab7351ed5e78f4ddadea5df64b8015
	// false
	// [32]uint8
Beispiel #3
func (c *DBCredentials) buildMasterKey(db *Database) ([]byte, error) {
	masterKey, err := c.buildCompositeKey()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	block, err := aes.NewCipher(db.Headers.TransformSeed)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	for i := uint64(0); i < db.Headers.TransformRounds; i++ {
		result := make([]byte, 16)
		crypter := cipher.NewCBCEncrypter(block, result)
		crypter.CryptBlocks(masterKey[:16], masterKey[:16])
		crypter = cipher.NewCBCEncrypter(block, result)
		crypter.CryptBlocks(masterKey[16:], masterKey[16:])

	tmp := sha256.Sum256(masterKey)
	masterKey = tmp[:]

	masterKey = append(db.Headers.MasterSeed, masterKey...)
	masterHash := sha256.Sum256(masterKey)
	masterKey = masterHash[:]

	return masterKey, nil
Beispiel #4
func main() {
	if *logTimestamps {

	userhash = sha256.Sum256([]byte(*user))
	passhash = sha256.Sum256([]byte(*pass))

	logInfo.Println("starting redirector from", *outerAddress, "to", *innerAddress)

	if *useAuth {
		logInfo.Println("HTTP Basic Auth enabled")
		http.HandleFunc("/", redirectAfterAuthCheck)
	} else {
		logInfo.Println("HTTP Basic Auth disabled")
		http.HandleFunc("/", performRedirect)

	useTLS := *crt != "" && *key != ""
	if useTLS {
		logInfo.Println("TLS enabled")
		logError.Fatal(http.ListenAndServeTLS(*outerAddress, *crt, *key, nil))
	} else {
		logInfo.Println("TLS disabled")
		logError.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(*outerAddress, nil))
Beispiel #5
// Shad Double Sha256 Hash; sha256(sha256(data))
func Shad(data []byte) interfaces.IHash {
	h1 := sha256.Sum256(data)
	h2 := sha256.Sum256(h1[:])
	h := new(Hash)
	return h
Beispiel #6
func main() {
	c1 := sha256.Sum256([]byte("now is the time"))
	c2 := sha256.Sum256([]byte("Bobs your uncle"))
	fmt.Printf("%x\n%x\n%t\n%T\n", c1, c2, c1 == c2, c1)

	c3 := [32]uint8{}

	for i := 0; i < len(c1); i++ {
		c3[i] = c1[i] ^ c2[i]

	fmt.Printf("%x\n", c3)

	var count int

	for i := 0; i < len(c3); i++ {
		count = count + popcount.PopCountByte(c3[i])
		fmt.Printf("Popcount of byte %d is (%b) is %d\n", i, c3[i], popcount.PopCountByte(c3[i]))

	fmt.Printf("Population count is %d\n", count)

	// Output:
	// 2d711642b726b04401627ca9fbac32f5c8530fb1903cc4db02258717921a4881
	// 4b68ab3847feda7d6c62c1fbcbeebfa35eab7351ed5e78f4ddadea5df64b8015
	// false
	// [32]uint8
Beispiel #7
func main() {
	hash1 := sha256.Sum256([]byte("hello world"))
	hash2 := sha256.Sum256([]byte("hello worlD"))
	fmt.Println(diffBits(hash1, hash2))
// MakeSubprin computes the hash of a QEMU/KVM CoreOS image to get a
// subprincipal for authorization purposes.
func (lkcf *LinuxKVMCoreOSFactory) NewHostedProgram(spec HostedProgramSpec) (child HostedProgram, err error) {
	// (id uint, image string, uid, gid int) (auth.SubPrin, string, error) {
	// TODO(tmroeder): the combination of TeeReader and ReadAll doesn't seem
	// to copy the entire image, so we're going to hash in place for now.
	// This needs to be fixed to copy the image so we can avoid a TOCTTOU
	// attack.
	// TODO(kwalsh) why is this recomputed for each hosted program?
	b, err := ioutil.ReadFile(lkcf.Cfg.ImageFile)
	if err != nil {
	h := sha256.Sum256(b)

	bb, err := ioutil.ReadFile(spec.Path)
	if err != nil {
	hh := sha256.Sum256(bb)

	// vet things

	child = &KvmCoreOSContainer{
		spec:        spec,
		FactoryHash: h[:],
		Hash:        hh[:],
		Factory:     lkcf,
		Done:        make(chan bool, 1),
Beispiel #9
//GetAddress returns bitcoin address from PublicKey
func (pub *PublicKey) GetAddress() (string, []byte) {
	var publicKeyPrefix byte

	if pub.isTestnet {
		publicKeyPrefix = 0x6F
	} else {
		publicKeyPrefix = 0x00

	//Next we get a sha256 hash of the public key generated
	//via ECDSA, and then get a ripemd160 hash of the sha256 hash.
	var shadPublicKeyBytes [32]byte
	if pub.isCompressed {
		shadPublicKeyBytes = sha256.Sum256(pub.key.SerializeCompressed())

	} else {
		shadPublicKeyBytes = sha256.Sum256(pub.key.SerializeUncompressed())

	ripeHash := ripemd160.New()
	ripeHashedBytes := ripeHash.Sum(nil)

	publicKeyEncoded := base58check.Encode(publicKeyPrefix, ripeHashedBytes)
	return publicKeyEncoded, ripeHashedBytes
func CalcRootHash() {
	e0, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(Entry0)
	if err != nil {
	h0 := sha256.Sum256(e0)
	e1, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(Entry1)
	if err != nil {
	h1 := sha256.Sum256(e1)
	e2, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(Entry2)
	if err != nil {
	h2 := sha256.Sum256(e2)
	e3, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(Entry3)
	if err != nil {
	h3 := sha256.Sum256(e3)

	hash01 := makeParent(h0[:], h1[:])
	hash23 := makeParent(h2[:], h3[:])
	root := makeParent(hash01[:], hash23[:])
Beispiel #11
// AddFromRequest creates an entry from a OCSP request and adds it to
// the cache, a set of upstream OCSP responders can be provided
func (c *EntryCache) AddFromRequest(req *ocsp.Request, upstream []string) ([]byte, error) {
	e := NewEntry(c.log, c.clk)
	e.serial = req.SerialNumber
	var err error
	e.request, err = req.Marshal()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	e.responders = upstream
	serialHash := sha256.Sum256(e.serial.Bytes())
	key := sha256.Sum256(append(append(req.IssuerNameHash, req.IssuerKeyHash...), serialHash[:]...)) = fmt.Sprintf("%X", key)
	e.issuer = c.issuers.getFromRequest(req.IssuerNameHash, req.IssuerKeyHash)
	if e.issuer == nil {
		return nil, errors.New("No issuer in cache for request")
	ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), c.requestTimeout)
	defer cancel()
	err = e.init(ctx, c.StableBackings, c.client)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	c.addSingle(e, key)
	return e.response, nil
Beispiel #12
func encodeBase58Check(val []byte) []byte {
	const alphabet = "123456789ABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijkmnopqrstuvwxyz"

	// payload
	p := make([]byte, 1+len(val)) // version byte (0x00) + val
	copy(p[1:], val)
	h1 := sha256.Sum256(p)
	h2 := sha256.Sum256(h1[:])

	// value as []byte
	v := make([]byte, len(p)+4) // payload + first 4 bytes of h2
	copy(v, p)
	copy(v[len(p):], h2[:4])

	var res []byte
	x := new(big.Int).SetBytes(v)
	y := big.NewInt(58)
	m, zero := new(big.Int), new(big.Int)

	// convert to base58
	for x.Cmp(zero) > 0 {
		x, m = x.DivMod(x, y, m)
		res = append(res, alphabet[m.Int64()])
	// append '1' for each leading zero byte in value
	for i := 0; v[i] == 0; i++ {
		res = append(res, alphabet[0])
	// reverse
	for i, j := 0, len(res)-1; i < j; i, j = i+1, j-1 {
		res[i], res[j] = res[j], res[i]

	return res
Beispiel #13
func CountSha() {
	c1 := sha256.Sum256([]byte("x"))
	c2 := sha256.Sum256([]byte("X"))

	fmt.Printf("%x\n%x\n%t\n%T\n", c1, c2, c1 == c2, c1)

Beispiel #14
func main() {
	sha1 := sha256.Sum256([]byte(s1))
	sha2 := sha256.Sum256([]byte(s2))
	fmt.Println("sha1:", sha1)
	fmt.Println("sha2:", sha2)
	fmt.Println("bits:", countBits(&sha1, &sha2))
// MakeSubprin computes the hash of a QEMU/KVM CoreOS image to get a
// subprincipal for authorization purposes.
func (lkcf *LinuxKVMCoreOSHostFactory) NewHostedProgram(spec HostedProgramSpec) (child HostedProgram, err error) {
	// (id uint, image string, uid, gid int) (auth.SubPrin, string, error)

	// The args must contain the directory to write the linux_host into, as
	// well as the port to use for SSH.
	if len(spec.Args) != 3 {
		glog.Errorf("Expected %d args, but got %d", 3, len(spec.Args))
		for i, a := range spec.Args {
			glog.Errorf("Arg %d: %s", i, a)
		err = errors.New("KVM/CoreOS guest Tao requires args: <linux_host image> <temp directory for linux_host> <SSH port>")

	// TODO(tmroeder): the combination of TeeReader and ReadAll doesn't seem
	// to copy the entire image, so we're going to hash in place for now.
	// This needs to be fixed to copy the image so we can avoid a TOCTTOU
	// attack.
	// TODO(kwalsh) why is this recomputed for each hosted program?
	// TODO(kwalsh) Move this hash to LinuxKVMCoreOSHostFactory?
	b, err := ioutil.ReadFile(lkcf.Cfg.ImageFile)
	if err != nil {
	h := sha256.Sum256(b)

	bb, err := ioutil.ReadFile(spec.Path)
	if err != nil {
	hh := sha256.Sum256(bb)

	sockName := randName() + ".sock"
	sockPath := path.Join(lkcf.SocketPath, sockName)
	sshCfg := lkcf.Cfg.SSHKeysCfg + "\n - " + string(lkcf.PublicKey)

	cfg := &CoreOSLinuxhostConfig{
		Name:       randName(),
		ImageFile:  lkcf.Cfg.ImageFile, // the VM image
		Memory:     lkcf.Cfg.Memory,
		RulesPath:  lkcf.Cfg.RulesPath,
		SSHKeysCfg: sshCfg,
		SocketPath: sockPath,

	child = &KvmCoreOSHostContainer{
		HostedProgramInfo: HostedProgramInfo{
			spec: spec,
			// TODO(kwalsh) why does Id appear twice in subprin?
			subprin: append(FormatCoreOSLinuxhostSubprin(spec.Id, h[:]), FormatLinuxHostSubprin(spec.Id, hh[:])...),
			Done:    make(chan bool, 1),
		Cfg:        cfg,
		CoreOSHash: h[:],
		LHHash:     hh[:],
		Factory:    lkcf,

Beispiel #16
// This function validates the user privided token
// It calculates 3 different tokens. The current one, one before now and one after now.
// The difference is driven by the TOTP step size
// Based on which of the 3 steps it succeeds to validates, the client offset is updated.
// It also updates the total amount of verification failures and the last time a verification happened in UTC time
// Returns an error in case of verification failure, with the reason
// There is a very basic method which protects from timing attacks, although if the step time used is low it should not be necessary
// An attacker can still learn the synchronization offset. This is however irrelevant because the attacker has then 30 seconds to
// guess the code and after 3 failures the function returns an error for the following 5 minutes
func (otp *Totp) Validate(userCode string) error {

	// check Totp initialization
	if err := totpHasBeenInitialized(otp); err != nil {
		return err

	// verify that the token is valid
	if userCode == "" {
		return errors.New("User provided token is empty")

	// check against the total amount of failures
	if otp.totalVerificationFailures >= max_failures && !validBackoffTime(otp.lastVerificationTime) {
		return LockDownError

	if otp.totalVerificationFailures >= max_failures && validBackoffTime(otp.lastVerificationTime) {
		// reset the total verification failures counter
		otp.totalVerificationFailures = 0

	// calculate the sha256 of the user code
	userTokenHash := sha256.Sum256([]byte(userCode))
	userToken := hex.EncodeToString(userTokenHash[:])

	// 1 calculate the 3 tokens
	tokens := make([]string, 3)
	token0Hash := sha256.Sum256([]byte(calculateTOTP(otp, -1)))
	token1Hash := sha256.Sum256([]byte(calculateTOTP(otp, 0)))
	token2Hash := sha256.Sum256([]byte(calculateTOTP(otp, 1)))

	tokens[0] = hex.EncodeToString(token0Hash[:]) // 30 seconds ago token
	tokens[1] = hex.EncodeToString(token1Hash[:]) // current token
	tokens[2] = hex.EncodeToString(token2Hash[:]) // next 30 seconds token

	// if the current time token is valid then, no need to re-sync and return nil
	if tokens[1] == userToken {
		return nil

	// if the 30 seconds ago token is valid then return nil, but re-synchronize
	if tokens[0] == userToken {
		return nil

	// if the let's say 30 seconds ago token is valid then return nil, but re-synchronize
	if tokens[2] == userToken {
		return nil

	otp.lastVerificationTime = time.Now().UTC() // important to have it in UTC

	// if we got here everything is good
	return errors.New("Tokens mismatch.")
Beispiel #17
func main() {
	c1 := sha256.Sum256([]byte("x"))
	c2 := sha256.Sum256([]byte("X"))

	fmt.Printf("c1==%v\nc2==%v\n", c1, c2)

	fmt.Printf("Different bit count: %v\n", diffCount(c1, c2))
Beispiel #18
func makeKey(passphrase string, salt []byte, iter uint32) ([]byte, []byte) {
	h := sha256.Sum256(append([]byte(passphrase), salt...))
	for i := uint32(0); i < iter; i++ {
		h = sha256.Sum256(h[:])
	phash := sha256.Sum256(h[:])
	return h[:], phash[:]
Beispiel #19
func diffBitSha256(data1, data2 string) int {
	c1 := sha256.Sum256([]byte(data1))
	c2 := sha256.Sum256([]byte(data2))

	diff := xor(c1, c2)

	return PopCount(diff[0:len(diff)])
Beispiel #20
func hashEntry(h hash.Hash, name, pkiBytes []byte, serial *big.Int) ([32]byte, error) {
	issuerNameHash, issuerKeyHash, err := common.HashNameAndPKI(h, name, pkiBytes)
	if err != nil {
		return [32]byte{}, err
	serialHash := sha256.Sum256(serial.Bytes())
	return sha256.Sum256(append(append(issuerNameHash, issuerKeyHash...), serialHash[:]...)), nil
Beispiel #21
func base58CheckEncode(b []byte) string {
	var for_b58enc bytes.Buffer
	hash1 := sha256.Sum256(b)
	hash2 := sha256.Sum256(hash1[:])
	return base58Encode(for_b58enc.Bytes())
Beispiel #22
func (s *state) update() {

	if s.nonce == nil {
		s.nonce = new([lenNonce]byte)
		io.ReadFull(rand.Reader, s.nonce[:])

	if s.pktNoncePrefix == nil {
		s.pktNoncePrefix = new([16]byte)
		io.ReadFull(rand.Reader, s.pktNoncePrefix[:])

	// generate a local line Key
	if s.localLineKey == nil {
		s.localLineKey, _ = generateKey()

	// generate mac key base
	if s.macKeyBase == nil && s.localKey.CanSign() && s.remoteKey.CanEncrypt() {
		s.macKeyBase = new([lenKey]byte)
		box.Precompute(s.macKeyBase,, s.localKey.prv)

	// make local token
	if s.localToken == nil && s.localLineKey != nil {
		s.localToken = new(cipherset.Token)
		sha := sha256.Sum256((*[:lenToken])
		copy((*s.localToken)[:], sha[:lenToken])

	// make remote token
	if s.remoteToken == nil && s.remoteLineKey != nil {
		s.remoteToken = new(cipherset.Token)
		sha := sha256.Sum256((*[:lenToken])
		copy((*s.remoteToken)[:], sha[:lenToken])

	// generate line keys
	if s.localToken != nil && s.remoteToken != nil &&
		(s.lineEncryptionKey == nil || s.lineDecryptionKey == nil) {
		var sharedKey [lenKey]byte
		box.Precompute(&sharedKey,, s.localLineKey.prv)

		sha := sha256.New()
		s.lineEncryptionKey = new([lenKey]byte)

		s.lineDecryptionKey = new([lenKey]byte)
Beispiel #23
Datei: main.go Projekt: zDpxq6/go
func main() {
	c1 := sha256.Sum256([]byte("x"))
	c2 := sha256.Sum256([]byte("X"))
	cDiff := 0
	for i := 0; i < sha256.Size; i++ {
		cDiff += popcount(int(c1[i] & c2[i]))
	fmt.Printf("%v\n", cDiff)
Beispiel #24
func main() {
	c1 := sha256.Sum256([]byte("x"))
	c2 := sha256.Sum256([]byte("X"))

	fmt.Printf("%x\n%x\n%t\n%T\n", c1, c2, c1 == c2, c1)

	fmt.Printf("c1==%v\nc2==%v\n", c1, c2)

Beispiel #25
func main() {
	c1 := sha256.Sum256([]byte("x"))
	c2 := sha256.Sum256([]byte("X"))
	fmt.Printf("%x\n%x\n%d\n", c1, c2, diff(c1, c2))
	// Output:
	// 2d711642b726b04401627ca9fbac32f5c8530fb1903cc4db02258717921a4881
	// 4b68ab3847feda7d6c62c1fbcbeebfa35eab7351ed5e78f4ddadea5df64b8015
	// 131
Beispiel #26
func DifferentBitCountInSha256(b1, b2 []byte) int {
	s1 := sha256.Sum256(b1)
	s2 := sha256.Sum256(b2)

	sum := 0
	for i := 0; i < len(s1); i++ {
		sum += popCount(uint64(s1[i] ^ s2[i]))
	return sum
Beispiel #27
func WriteDOTFile(crawlResults *list.List, renderResults map[string]string) {
	fo, err := os.Create("")
	if err != nil {
	w := bufio.NewWriter(fo)

	w.WriteString("digraph {\n")
	w.WriteString("  node [shape=box];\n")

	urlsWithImages := make(map[string]string)

	for k, v := range renderResults {
		fmt.Printf("render:%s:%s\n", k, v)

		hash_bytes := sha256.Sum256([]byte(k))
		hash := hex.EncodeToString(hash_bytes[:32])

		urlsWithImages[hash] = k

		// TODO(nnielsen): Support remote mode.
		localFile := "file:///"
		path := ""
		if strings.HasPrefix(v, localFile) {
			path = v[len(localFile):]

		w.WriteString("  X" + hash + " [label=\"\" image=\"" + path + "\"];\n")

	for e := crawlResults.Front(); e != nil; e = e.Next() {
		from := e.Value.(Edge).From
		from_hash_bytes := sha256.Sum256([]byte(from))
		from_hash := hex.EncodeToString(from_hash_bytes[:32])

		to := e.Value.(Edge).To
		to_hash_bytes := sha256.Sum256([]byte(to))
		to_hash := hex.EncodeToString(to_hash_bytes[:32])

		if _, ok := urlsWithImages[to_hash]; !ok {
		if _, ok := urlsWithImages[from_hash]; !ok {
		w.WriteString("  X" + from_hash + " -> X" + to_hash + ";\n")



	fmt.Println("Results written to ''")
Beispiel #28
func TestPubKeyToAddressHash(t *testing.T) {
	p, _ := GenerateKeyPair()
	h := p.ToAddressHash()
	// Should be Ripemd160(SHA256(SHA256()))
	x := sha256.Sum256(p[:])
	x = sha256.Sum256(x[:])
	rh := ripemd160.New()
	y := rh.Sum(nil)
	assert.True(t, bytes.Equal(h[:], y))
Beispiel #29
func main() {
	c1 := sha256.Sum256([]byte("x"))
	c1BitsSet := numBitsSet(&c1)
	c2 := sha256.Sum256([]byte("X"))
	c2BitsSet := numBitsSet(&c2)
	fmt.Printf("digest type: %T\n", c1)
	fmt.Printf("c1: %x (bits set: %d)\n", c1, c1BitsSet)
	fmt.Printf("c2: %x (bits set: %d)\n", c2, c2BitsSet)
	dif := c2BitsSet - c1BitsSet
	fmt.Printf("hashes of 'x' and 'X' differ by %d bits\n", dif)
Beispiel #30
func main() {
	c1 := sha256.Sum256([]byte("x"))
	c2 := sha256.Sum256([]byte("X"))
	count := countDiffBits(c1, c2)
	fmt.Printf("%x\n%x\n", c1, c2)
	fmt.Printf("diff=%d\n", count)