Beispiel #1
func refineAuthorsOrArtists(str dna.String) dna.StringArray {
	tmp := str.ToStringArray().SplitWithRegexp(` / `).SplitWithRegexp(` - `).SplitWithRegexp(` – `)
	tmp = tmp.SplitWithRegexp(`, `).SplitWithRegexp(` ft `).SplitWithRegexp(` feat `).SplitWithRegexp(` ft. `)
	tmp = tmp.SplitWithRegexp(` feat. `).SplitWithRegexp(` Feat. `).SplitWithRegexp(` Ft. `)
	tmp = tmp.SplitWithRegexp(` & `).SplitWithRegexp(` vs. `).SplitWithRegexp(`- `).SplitWithRegexp(` & `)
	tmp = dna.StringArray(tmp.Map(func(val dna.String, idx dna.Int) dna.String {
		rv := val.Replace(`Đang Cập Nhật...`, ``).Replace(`Đang Cập Nhật (QT)`, ``)
		rv = rv.Replace(`Đang Cập Nhật (VN)`, ``).Replace(`Nhạc Phim QT`, `Nhạc Phim Quốc Tế`)
		rv = rv.Replace(`Đang cập nhật`, ``).Replace(`Nhiều Ca Sỹ`, `Various Artists`)
		return rv
	}).([]dna.String)).Filter(func(val dna.String, idx dna.Int) dna.Bool {
		if val != "" {
			return true
		} else {
			return false
	return tmp
Beispiel #2
func GetSong(artist, title dna.String) (*Song, error) {
	link := "" + artist.Replace(" ", "_") + ":" + title.Replace(" ", "_")
	result, err := http.Get(link)
	// Log(link)
	// Log(result.Data)
	song := NewSong()
	song.Title = title
	song.Artists = artist.ToStringArray()
	if err == nil {
		data := &result.Data

		if data.Match(`class='lyricbox'.+Instrumental.+TrebleClef`) == true {
			song.Lyric = "Instrumental"

		lyricArr := data.FindAllStringSubmatch(`(?mis)<div class='lyricbox'>(.+?)<!--`, 1)
		if len(lyricArr) > 0 {
			song.Lyric = lyricArr[0][1].Trim().DecodeHTML().ReplaceWithRegexp(`(?mis)^<div.+?</span></div>`, "").Trim().Replace("<br />", "\n")

		if song.Lyric == "" {
			song.DownloadDone = -1
		} else {
			song.DownloadDone = 1

		musicBrainzArr := data.FindAllString(`http://musicbrainz.+html`, 1)
		if musicBrainzArr.Length() > 0 {
			song.MusicbrainzLink = musicBrainzArr[0]

		allmusicArr := data.FindAllString(`http://www\.allmusic\.com.+`, 1)
		if allmusicArr.Length() > 0 {
			song.AllmusicLink = allmusicArr[0].ReplaceWithRegexp(`".+$`, "")

		youtubeArr := data.FindAllString(`http://youtube\.com.+`, 1)
		if youtubeArr.Length() > 0 {
			song.YoutubeLink = youtubeArr[0].ReplaceWithRegexp(`".+$`, "")

		if data.Match("View the Gracenote") {
			song.IsGracenote = "1"

		languageArr := data.FindAllStringSubmatch(`category normal" data-name="Language/(.+)" data-namespace`, 1)
		if len(languageArr) > 0 {
			song.Language = languageArr[0][1]

		albumArr := data.FindAllStringSubmatch(`appears on the album.+">(.+)</a></i>`, 1)
		if len(albumArr) > 0 {
			song.AlbumTitle = albumArr[0][1]

		if song.AlbumTitle.Match(`[0-9]+`) {
			song.Year = song.AlbumTitle.FindAllStringSubmatch(`([0-9]+)`, 1)[0][1]

		if data.Match(`It has been suggested that Gracenote`) {
			song.IsGracenote = "1"
			getGracenoteSongLyric(artist, title, song)

		return song, nil
	} else {
		return nil, err
