func (cr *PeopleController) Create(cx *goweb.Context) {

	// create a new appengine context

	// create a new person
	person := People.New()

	// get the fields from the HTTP request
	var name string = cx.Request.FormValue("name")
	age, _ := strconv.Atoi64(cx.Request.FormValue("age"))

	// set the fields
		SetString("name", name).
		SetInt64("age", age)

	// save it
	err := person.Put()

	if err == nil {

		// success - redirect to see this person
		cx.RespondWithLocation(fmt.Sprint("/people/", person.ID()))

	} else {

		// failed - write the error
		cx.ResponseWriter.Write([]byte(fmt.Sprintf("Error: %v", err)))


// /people
func (cr *PeopleController) ReadMany(cx *goweb.Context) {

	// create a new appengine context

	// load all people
	people, _ := People.All()

	// collect the fields as an array for the view
	peopleData := make([]map[string]interface{}, 0)
	for _, person := range people {

		// save the ID
		person.Set("ID", person.ID())
		peopleData = append(peopleData, person.Fields())


	// create the template data
	data := map[string]interface{}{
		"People": peopleData,

	// render the view
	renderTemplate(cx.ResponseWriter, "People/Index", data)

func (cr *PeopleController) Delete(id string, cx *goweb.Context) {

	// create a new appengine context

	// get the person ID from the URL
	personID, _ := strconv.Atoi64(id)

	// load the person
	person, _ := People.Find(personID)

	// delete the person

	// send them on their way

func (cr *PeopleController) DeleteConfirm(id string, cx *goweb.Context) {

	// create a new appengine context

	// get the person ID from the URL
	personID, _ := strconv.Atoi64(id)

	// load the person
	person, _ := People.Find(personID)

	// create the template data
	data := map[string]interface{}{
		"PersonID":   id,
		"PersonName": person.GetString("name"),

	renderTemplate(cx.ResponseWriter, "People/Delete", data)

func (cr *PeopleController) Read(id string, cx *goweb.Context) {

	// create a new appengine context

	// get the person ID from the URL
	personID, _ := strconv.Atoi64(id)

	// load the person
	person, _ := People.Find(personID)

	// create the template data
	data := map[string]interface{}{
		"Person":   person.Fields(),
		"PersonID": id,

	// render the view
	renderTemplate(cx.ResponseWriter, "People/View", data)
