// Handles POST for /verify
func (validator accountValidator) AccountValidatorPost(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
	var transformedRequest bankAccountRequest

	// Decode the JSON payload
	if err := json.NewDecoder(req.Body).Decode(&transformedRequest); err != nil {

	// Check that we got an expected format
	if !transformedRequest.isValid() {
		message := "Expected a 6 digits sort code and an account number between 6 and 10 digits."
		responses.WriteMessage(http.StatusBadRequest, "invalid_bank_account", message, w)

	// Create the required bank account
	b := models.CreateBankAccount(transformedRequest.SortCode, transformedRequest.AccountNumber)

	// Check if the bank account is valid
	isValid := validator.resolver.IsValid(b)

	// Construct and render the final response
	response := ValidityResponse{
		Valid:         isValid,
		SortCode:      b.SortCode,
		AccountNumber: b.AccountNumber,
	render.JSON(w, http.StatusOK, response)
// The middleware handler
func (l *Limiter) ServeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request, next http.HandlerFunc) {
	apiKey := req.Header.Get("Api-Key")

	// Here, in real life, we would typically create a limiter
	// based on information from the given API key
	hasher := speedbump.PerMinuteHasher{}
	limiter := speedbump.NewLimiter(l.redisConnexion, hasher, 5)

	canAccess, err := limiter.Attempt(apiKey)
	// Trouble with Redis?
	if err != nil {

	// Over the rate limit?
	if !canAccess {
		responses.WriteMessage(429, "rate_exceeded", "API rate exceeded. Too many requests.", w)

	requestsLeft, err := limiter.Left(apiKey)
	// Trouble with Redis?
	if err != nil {
	// Add the number of remaining request as a header
	w.Header().Set("Api-Remaining", strconv.Itoa(int(requestsLeft)))

	// Call the next middleware handler
	next(w, req)
// Say that we got an error contacting Redis
func respondRedisError(w http.ResponseWriter) {
	responses.WriteMessage(http.StatusInternalServerError, "server_error", "Trouble contacting Redis. Aborting.", w)