Beispiel #1
// CheckAPIKey performs a test API call with the API key
// provided in the configuration file to determine if the
// service should be enabled.
func (yt *YouTube) CheckAPIKey() error {
	var (
		response *http.Response
		v        *jason.Object
		err      error

	if viper.GetString("") == "" {
		return errors.New("No YouTube API key has been provided")
	url := ""
	response, err = http.Get(fmt.Sprintf(url, viper.GetString("")))
	defer response.Body.Close()
	if err != nil {
		return err

	if v, err = jason.NewObjectFromReader(response.Body); err != nil {
		return err

	if v, err = v.GetObject("error"); err == nil {
		message, _ := v.GetString("message")
		code, _ := v.GetInt64("code")
		errArray, _ := v.GetObjectArray("errors")
		reason, _ := errArray[0].GetString("reason")

		return fmt.Errorf("%d: %s (reason: %s)", code, message, reason)
	return nil
Beispiel #2
func (sc *SoundCloud) getTrack(obj *jason.Object, offset time.Duration, submitter *gumble.User) (bot.Track, error) {
	title, _ := obj.GetString("title")
	idInt, _ := obj.GetInt64("id")
	id := strconv.FormatInt(idInt, 10)
	url, _ := obj.GetString("permalink_url")
	author, _ := obj.GetString("user", "username")
	authorURL, _ := obj.GetString("user", "permalink_url")
	durationMS, _ := obj.GetInt64("duration")
	duration, _ := time.ParseDuration(fmt.Sprintf("%dms", durationMS))
	thumbnail, err := obj.GetString("artwork_url")
	if err != nil {
		// Track has no artwork, using profile avatar instead.
		thumbnail, _ = obj.GetString("user", "avatar_url")

	return bot.Track{
		ID:             id,
		URL:            url,
		Title:          title,
		Author:         author,
		AuthorURL:      authorURL,
		Submitter:      submitter.Name,
		Service:        sc.ReadableName,
		Filename:       id + ".track",
		ThumbnailURL:   thumbnail,
		Duration:       duration,
		PlaybackOffset: offset,
		Playlist:       nil,
	}, nil
Beispiel #3
// GetTracks uses the passed URL to find and return
// tracks associated with the URL. An error is returned
// if any error occurs during the API call.
func (mc *Mixcloud) GetTracks(url string, submitter *gumble.User) ([]interfaces.Track, error) {
	var (
		apiURL string
		err    error
		resp   *http.Response
		v      *jason.Object
		tracks []interfaces.Track

	apiURL = strings.Replace(url, "www", "api", 1)

	// Track playback offset is not present in Mixcloud URLs,
	// so we can safely assume that users will not request
	// a playback offset in the URL.
	offset, _ := time.ParseDuration("0s")

	resp, err = http.Get(apiURL)
	defer resp.Body.Close()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	v, err = jason.NewObjectFromReader(resp.Body)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	id, _ := v.GetString("slug")
	trackURL, _ := v.GetString("url")
	title, _ := v.GetString("name")
	author, _ := v.GetString("user", "username")
	authorURL, _ := v.GetString("user", "url")
	durationSecs, _ := v.GetInt64("audio_length")
	duration, _ := time.ParseDuration(fmt.Sprintf("%ds", durationSecs))
	thumbnail, err := v.GetString("pictures", "large")
	if err != nil {
		// Track has no artwork, using profile avatar instead.
		thumbnail, _ = v.GetString("user", "pictures", "large")

	track := bot.Track{
		ID:             id,
		URL:            trackURL,
		Title:          title,
		Author:         author,
		AuthorURL:      authorURL,
		Submitter:      submitter.Name,
		Service:        mc.ReadableName,
		ThumbnailURL:   thumbnail,
		Filename:       id + ".track",
		Duration:       duration,
		PlaybackOffset: offset,
		Playlist:       nil,

	tracks = append(tracks, track)

	return tracks, nil