Beispiel #1
// errorf formats the error and terminates processing.
func (t *Tree) errorf(format string, args ...interface{}) {
	t.Root = nil
	format = fmt.Sprintf("expr: %s", format)
	msg := fmt.Errorf(format, args...)
	u.LogTracef(u.WARN, "about to panic: %v", msg)
Beispiel #2
// Create a new Value type with native go value
func NewValue(goVal interface{}) Value {

	switch val := goVal.(type) {
	case nil:
		return NilValueVal
	case Value:
		return val
	case float64:
		return NewNumberValue(val)
	case float32:
		return NewNumberValue(float64(val))
	case int:
		return NewIntValue(int64(val))
	case int32:
		return NewIntValue(int64(val))
	case int64:
		return NewIntValue(val)
	case string:
		return NewStringValue(val)
	case []string:
		return NewStringsValue(val)
	// case []uint8:
	// 	return NewByteSliceValue([]byte(val))
	case []byte:
		return NewByteSliceValue(val)
	case bool:
		return NewBoolValue(val)
	case time.Time:
		return NewTimeValue(val)
	case *time.Time:
		return NewTimeValue(*val)
	case map[string]interface{}:
		return NewMapValue(val)
	case map[string]string:
		return NewMapStringValue(val)
	case map[string]float64:
		return NewMapNumberValue(val)
	case map[string]int64:
		return NewMapIntValue(val)
	case map[string]bool:
		return NewMapBoolValue(val)
	case map[string]int:
		nm := make(map[string]int64, len(val))
		for k, v := range val {
			nm[k] = int64(v)
		return NewMapIntValue(nm)
		if valValue, ok := goVal.(Value); ok {
			return valValue
		u.LogTracef(u.WARN, "hello")
		u.Errorf("invalud value type %T.", val)
	return NilValueVal
Beispiel #3
func (m *DataSources) Get(sourceType string) *DataSourceFeatures {
	if source, ok := m.sources[strings.ToLower(sourceType)]; ok {
		u.Infof("found source: %v", sourceType)
		return NewFeaturedSource(source)
	if len(m.sources) == 1 {
		for _, src := range m.sources {
			u.Warnf("only one source?")
			return NewFeaturedSource(src)
	if sourceType == "" {
		u.LogTracef(u.WARN, "No Source Type?")
	} else {
		u.Debugf("datasource.Get('%v')", sourceType)

	if len(m.tableSources) == 0 {
		for _, src := range m.sources {
			tbls := src.Tables()
			for _, tbl := range tbls {
				if _, ok := m.tableSources[tbl]; ok {
					u.Warnf("table names must be unique across sources %v", tbl)
				} else {
					u.Debugf("creating tbl/source: %v  %T", tbl, src)
					m.tableSources[tbl] = src
	if src, ok := m.tableSources[sourceType]; ok {
		u.Debugf("found src with %v", sourceType)
		return NewFeaturedSource(src)
	} else {
		for src, _ := range m.sources {
			u.Debugf("source: %v", src)
		u.LogTracef(u.WARN, "No table?  len(sources)=%d len(tables)=%v", len(m.sources), len(m.tableSources))
		u.Warnf("could not find table: %v  tables:%v", sourceType, m.tableSources)
	return nil
Beispiel #4
// We need to find all columns used in the given Node (where/join expression)
//  to ensure we have those columns in projection for sub-queries
func columnsFromNode(from *SqlSource, isLeft bool, node Node, cols Columns) Columns {
	switch nt := node.(type) {
	case *IdentityNode:
		if left, right, ok := nt.LeftRight(); ok {
			//u.Debugf("from.Name:%v AS %v   Joinnode l:%v  r:%v    %#v", from.Name, from.alias, left, right, nt)
			//u.Warnf("check cols against join expr arg: %#v", nt)
			if left == from.alias {
				found := false
				for _, col := range cols {
					colLeft, colRight, _ := col.LeftRight()
					//u.Debugf("left='%s'  colLeft='%s' right='%s'  %#v", left, colLeft, colRight,  col)
					//u.Debugf("col:  From %s AS '%s'   '%s'.'%s'  JoinExpr: '%v'.'%v' col:%#v", from.Name, from.alias, colLeft, colRight, left, right, col)
					if left == colLeft || colRight == right {
						found = true
						//u.Infof("columnsFromNode   isLeft?%v from.Name:%v l:%v  r:%v", isLeft, from.alias, left, right)
					} else {
						//u.Warnf("not?   isLeft?%v from.Name:%v l:%v  r:%v   col: P:%p %#v", isLeft, from.alias, left, right, col, col)
				if !found {
					//u.Debugf("columnsFromNode   isLeft?%v from.Name:%v l:%v  r:%v", isLeft, from.alias, left, right)
					newCol := &Column{As: right, SourceField: right, Expr: &IdentityNode{Text: right}}
					newCol.Index = len(cols)
					cols = append(cols, newCol)
					//u.Warnf("sure we want to add?, found it! %s len(cols) = %v", right, len(cols))
	case *BinaryNode:
		switch nt.Operator.T {
		case lex.TokenAnd, lex.TokenLogicAnd, lex.TokenLogicOr:
			cols = columnsFromNode(from, isLeft, nt.Args[0], cols)
			cols = columnsFromNode(from, isLeft, nt.Args[1], cols)
		case lex.TokenEqual, lex.TokenEqualEqual:
			cols = columnsFromNode(from, isLeft, nt.Args[0], cols)
			cols = columnsFromNode(from, isLeft, nt.Args[1], cols)
			u.Warnf("un-implemented op: %v", nt.Operator)
		u.LogTracef(u.INFO, "whoops")
		u.Warnf("%T node types are not suppored yet for join rewrite %s", node, from.String())
	return cols