// handleUnrecognizedTask handles unrecognized tasks by sending 'stopped' with
// a suitable reason to the backend
func (payloadHandler *payloadRequestHandler) handleUnrecognizedTask(task *ecsacs.Task, err error, payload *ecsacs.PayloadMessage) {
	if task.Arn == nil {
		seelog.Criticalf("Recieved task with no arn, messageId: %s, task: %v", *payload.MessageId, task)

	// Only need to stop the task; it brings down the containers too.
		TaskArn: *task.Arn,
		Status:  api.TaskStopped,
		Reason:  UnrecognizedTaskError{err}.Error(),
	}, payloadHandler.ecsClient)
Beispiel #2
// handleUnrecognizedTask handles unrecognized tasks by sending 'stopped' with
// a suitable reason to the backend
func handleUnrecognizedTask(client api.ECSClient, cluster, containerInstanceArn string, task *ecsacs.Task, err error, payload *ecsacs.PayloadMessage) {
	if task.Arn == nil {
		log.Crit("Recieved task with no arn", "task", task, "messageId", *payload.MessageId)

	// Only need to stop the task; it brings down the containers too.
		TaskArn: *task.Arn,
		Status:  api.TaskStopped,
		Reason:  UnrecognizedTaskError{err}.Error(),
	}, client)