// getPluginConfigurations converts from PluginConfig (structure from the MDS message) to plugin.Configuration (structure expected by the plugin)
func getPluginConfigurations(runtimeConfig map[string]*contracts.PluginConfig, orchestrationDir, s3BucketName, s3KeyPrefix, messageID string) (res map[string]*contracts.Configuration) {
	res = make(map[string]*contracts.Configuration)
	for pluginName, pluginConfig := range runtimeConfig {
		res[pluginName] = &contracts.Configuration{
			Properties:             pluginConfig.Properties,
			OutputS3BucketName:     s3BucketName,
			OutputS3KeyPrefix:      path.Join(s3KeyPrefix, fileutil.RemoveInvalidChars(pluginName)),
			OrchestrationDirectory: filepath.Join(orchestrationDir, fileutil.RemoveInvalidChars(pluginName)),
			MessageId:              messageID,
			BookKeepingFileName:    getCommandID(messageID),
func setExecuterExpectations(mockExecuter *executers.MockCommandExecuter, t TestCase, cancelFlag task.CancelFlag, p *Plugin) {
	orchestrationDir := filepath.Join(orchestrationDirectory, fileutil.RemoveInvalidChars(t.Input.ID))
	stdoutFilePath := filepath.Join(orchestrationDir, p.StdoutFileName)
	stderrFilePath := filepath.Join(orchestrationDir, p.StderrFileName)
	mockExecuter.On("Execute", mock.Anything, t.Input.WorkingDirectory, stdoutFilePath, stderrFilePath, cancelFlag, mock.Anything, mock.Anything, mock.Anything).Return(
		readerFromString(t.Output.Stdout), readerFromString(t.Output.Stderr), t.Output.ExitCode, t.ExecuterErrors)
Beispiel #3
// runCommands executes one set of commands and returns their output.
func (p *Plugin) runCommands(log log.T, pluginInput ApplicationPluginInput, orchestrationDirectory string, cancelFlag task.CancelFlag, outputS3BucketName string, outputS3KeyPrefix string) (out ApplicationPluginOutput) {
	var err error

	// if no orchestration directory specified, create temp directory
	var useTempDirectory = (orchestrationDirectory == "")
	var tempDir string
	if useTempDirectory {
		if tempDir, err = ioutil.TempDir("", "Ec2RunCommand"); err != nil {
			out.Errors = append(out.Errors, err.Error())
		orchestrationDirectory = tempDir

	orchestrationDir := fileutil.RemoveInvalidChars(filepath.Join(orchestrationDirectory, pluginInput.ID))
	log.Debugf("OrchestrationDir %v ", orchestrationDir)

	// create orchestration dir if needed
	if err = fileutil.MakeDirs(orchestrationDir); err != nil {
		log.Debug("failed to create orchestrationDir directory", orchestrationDir, err)
		out.Errors = append(out.Errors, err.Error())

	// Get application mode
	mode, err := getMsiApplicationMode(pluginInput)
	if err != nil {
		out.MarkAsFailed(log, err)
	log.Debugf("mode is %v", mode)

	// Download file from source if available
	downloadOutput, err := pluginutil.DownloadFileFromSource(log, pluginInput.Source, pluginInput.SourceHash, pluginInput.SourceHashType)
	if err != nil || downloadOutput.IsHashMatched == false || downloadOutput.LocalFilePath == "" {
		errorString := fmt.Errorf("failed to download file reliably %v", pluginInput.Source)
		out.MarkAsFailed(log, errorString)
	log.Debugf("local path to file is %v", downloadOutput.LocalFilePath)

	// Create msi related log file
	localSourceLogFilePath := downloadOutput.LocalFilePath + ".msiexec.log.txt"
	log.Debugf("log path is %v", localSourceLogFilePath)

	// TODO: This needs to be pulled out of this function as it runs multiple times getting initialized with the same values
	// Create output file paths
	stdoutFilePath := filepath.Join(orchestrationDir, p.StdoutFileName)
	stderrFilePath := filepath.Join(orchestrationDir, p.StderrFileName)
	log.Debugf("stdout file %v, stderr file %v", stdoutFilePath, stderrFilePath)

	// Construct Command Name and Arguments
	commandName := msiExecCommand
	commandArguments := []string{mode, downloadOutput.LocalFilePath, "/quiet", "/norestart", "/log", localSourceLogFilePath}
	if pluginInput.Parameters != "" {
		log.Debugf("Got Parameters \"%v\"", pluginInput.Parameters)
		params := processParams(log, pluginInput.Parameters)
		commandArguments = append(commandArguments, params...)

	// Execute Command
	_, _, exitCode, errs := p.ExecuteCommand(log, defaultWorkingDirectory, stdoutFilePath, stderrFilePath, cancelFlag, defaultApplicationExecutionTimeoutInSeconds, commandName, commandArguments)

	// Set output status
	out.ExitCode = exitCode
	setMsiExecStatus(log, pluginInput, cancelFlag, &out)

	if len(errs) > 0 {
		for _, err := range errs {
			out.Errors = append(out.Errors, err.Error())
			log.Error("failed to run commands: ", err)
			out.Status = contracts.ResultStatusFailed

	// Upload output to S3
	uploadOutputToS3BucketErrors := p.ExecuteUploadOutputToS3Bucket(log, pluginInput.ID, orchestrationDir, outputS3BucketName, outputS3KeyPrefix, useTempDirectory, tempDir, out.Stdout, out.Stderr)
	out.Errors = append(out.Errors, uploadOutputToS3BucketErrors...)

	// Return Json indented response
	responseContent, _ := jsonutil.Marshal(out)
	log.Debug("Returning response:\n", jsonutil.Indent(responseContent))
func setS3UploaderExpectations(mockS3Uploader *pluginutil.MockDefaultPlugin, t TestCase, p *Plugin) {
	var emptyArray []string
	orchestrationDir := filepath.Join(orchestrationDirectory, fileutil.RemoveInvalidChars(t.Input.ID))
	mockS3Uploader.On("UploadOutputToS3Bucket", mock.Anything, t.Input.ID, orchestrationDir, s3BucketName, s3KeyPrefix, false, "", t.Output.Stdout, t.Output.Stderr).Return(emptyArray)
Beispiel #5
// runCommands executes one set of commands and returns their output.
func (p *Plugin) runCommands(log log.T, pluginInput PSModulePluginInput, orchestrationDirectory string, cancelFlag task.CancelFlag, outputS3BucketName string, outputS3KeyPrefix string) (out PSModulePluginOutput) {
	var err error

	// if no orchestration directory specified, create temp directory
	var useTempDirectory = (orchestrationDirectory == "")
	var tempDir string
	if useTempDirectory {
		if tempDir, err = ioutil.TempDir("", "Ec2RunCommand"); err != nil {
			out.Errors = append(out.Errors, err.Error())
		orchestrationDirectory = tempDir

	orchestrationDir := fileutil.RemoveInvalidChars(filepath.Join(orchestrationDirectory, pluginInput.ID))
	log.Debugf("Running commands %v in workingDirectory %v; orchestrationDir %v ", pluginInput.RunCommand, pluginInput.WorkingDirectory, orchestrationDir)

	// create orchestration dir if needed
	if err = fileutil.MakeDirsWithExecuteAccess(orchestrationDir); err != nil {
		log.Debug("failed to create orchestrationDir directory", orchestrationDir)
		out.Errors = append(out.Errors, err.Error())

	// Create script file path
	scriptPath := filepath.Join(orchestrationDir, pluginutil.RunCommandScriptName)
	log.Debugf("Writing commands %v to file %v", pluginInput, scriptPath)

	// Create script file
	if err = pluginutil.CreateScriptFile(log, scriptPath, pluginInput.RunCommand); err != nil {
		out.Errors = append(out.Errors, err.Error())
		log.Errorf("failed to create script file. %v", err)

	// Download file from source if available
	downloadOutput, err := pluginutil.DownloadFileFromSource(log, pluginInput.Source, pluginInput.SourceHash, pluginInput.SourceHashType)
	if err != nil || downloadOutput.IsHashMatched == false || downloadOutput.LocalFilePath == "" {
		errorString := fmt.Errorf("failed to download file reliably %v", pluginInput.Source)
		out.MarkAsFailed(log, errorString)
	} else {
		// Uncompress the zip file received
		fileutil.Uncompress(downloadOutput.LocalFilePath, PowerShellModulesDirectory)

	// Set execution time
	executionTimeout := pluginutil.ValidateExecutionTimeout(log, pluginInput.TimeoutSeconds)

	// Create output file paths
	stdoutFilePath := filepath.Join(orchestrationDir, p.StdoutFileName)
	stderrFilePath := filepath.Join(orchestrationDir, p.StderrFileName)
	log.Debugf("stdout file %v, stderr file %v", stdoutFilePath, stderrFilePath)

	// Construct Command Name and Arguments
	commandName := pluginutil.GetShellCommand()
	commandArguments := append(pluginutil.GetShellArguments(), scriptPath, pluginutil.ExitCodeTrap)

	// Execute Command
	stdout, stderr, exitCode, errs := p.ExecuteCommand(log, pluginInput.WorkingDirectory, stdoutFilePath, stderrFilePath, cancelFlag, executionTimeout, commandName, commandArguments)

	// Set output status
	out.ExitCode = exitCode
	out.Status = pluginutil.GetStatus(out.ExitCode, cancelFlag)

	if len(errs) > 0 {
		for _, err := range errs {
			out.Errors = append(out.Errors, err.Error())
			if out.Status != contracts.ResultStatusCancelled &&
				out.Status != contracts.ResultStatusTimedOut &&
				out.Status != contracts.ResultStatusSuccessAndReboot {
				log.Error("failed to run commands: ", err)
				out.Status = contracts.ResultStatusFailed

	// read (a prefix of) the standard output/error
	out.Stdout, err = pluginutil.ReadPrefix(stdout, p.MaxStdoutLength, p.OutputTruncatedSuffix)
	if err != nil {
		out.Errors = append(out.Errors, err.Error())
	out.Stderr, err = pluginutil.ReadPrefix(stderr, p.MaxStderrLength, p.OutputTruncatedSuffix)
	if err != nil {
		out.Errors = append(out.Errors, err.Error())

	// Upload output to S3
	uploadOutputToS3BucketErrors := p.ExecuteUploadOutputToS3Bucket(log, pluginInput.ID, orchestrationDir, outputS3BucketName, outputS3KeyPrefix, useTempDirectory, tempDir, out.Stdout, out.Stderr)
	out.Errors = append(out.Errors, uploadOutputToS3BucketErrors...)

	// Return Json indented response
	responseContent, _ := jsonutil.Marshal(out)
	log.Debug("Returning response:\n", jsonutil.Indent(responseContent))