func resourceAwsElasticBeanstalkConfigurationTemplateDescriptionUpdate(conn *elasticbeanstalk.ElasticBeanstalk, d *schema.ResourceData) error {
	_, err := conn.UpdateConfigurationTemplate(&elasticbeanstalk.UpdateConfigurationTemplateInput{
		ApplicationName: aws.String(d.Get("application").(string)),
		TemplateName:    aws.String(d.Get("name").(string)),
		Description:     aws.String(d.Get("description").(string)),

	return err
func resourceAwsElasticBeanstalkConfigurationTemplateOptionSettingsUpdate(conn *elasticbeanstalk.ElasticBeanstalk, d *schema.ResourceData) error {
	if d.HasChange("setting") {
		_, err := conn.ValidateConfigurationSettings(&elasticbeanstalk.ValidateConfigurationSettingsInput{
			ApplicationName: aws.String(d.Get("application").(string)),
			TemplateName:    aws.String(d.Get("name").(string)),
			OptionSettings:  gatherOptionSettings(d),
		if err != nil {
			return err

		o, n := d.GetChange("setting")
		if o == nil {
			o = new(schema.Set)
		if n == nil {
			n = new(schema.Set)

		os := o.(*schema.Set)
		ns := o.(*schema.Set)

		remove := extractOptionSettings(os.Difference(ns))
		add := extractOptionSettings(ns.Difference(os))

		req := &elasticbeanstalk.UpdateConfigurationTemplateInput{
			ApplicationName: aws.String(d.Get("application").(string)),
			TemplateName:    aws.String(d.Get("name").(string)),
			OptionSettings:  add,

		for _, elem := range remove {
			req.OptionsToRemove = append(req.OptionsToRemove, &elasticbeanstalk.OptionSpecification{
				Namespace:  elem.Namespace,
				OptionName: elem.OptionName,

		if _, err := conn.UpdateConfigurationTemplate(req); err != nil {
			return err

	return nil
func resourceAwsElasticBeanstalkConfigurationTemplateOptionSettingsUpdate(conn *elasticbeanstalk.ElasticBeanstalk, d *schema.ResourceData) error {
	if d.HasChange("setting") {
		_, err := conn.ValidateConfigurationSettings(&elasticbeanstalk.ValidateConfigurationSettingsInput{
			ApplicationName: aws.String(d.Get("application").(string)),
			TemplateName:    aws.String(d.Get("name").(string)),
			OptionSettings:  gatherOptionSettings(d),
		if err != nil {
			return err

		o, n := d.GetChange("setting")
		if o == nil {
			o = new(schema.Set)
		if n == nil {
			n = new(schema.Set)

		os := o.(*schema.Set)
		ns := n.(*schema.Set)

		rm := extractOptionSettings(os.Difference(ns))
		add := extractOptionSettings(ns.Difference(os))

		// Additions and removals of options are done in a single API call, so we
		// can't do our normal "remove these" and then later "add these", re-adding
		// any updated settings.
		// Because of this, we need to remove any settings in the "removable"
		// settings that are also found in the "add" settings, otherwise they
		// conflict. Here we loop through all the initial removables from the set
		// difference, and we build up a slice of settings not found in the "add"
		// set
		var remove []*elasticbeanstalk.ConfigurationOptionSetting
		for _, r := range rm {
			for _, a := range add {
				if *r.Namespace == *a.Namespace && *r.OptionName == *a.OptionName {
				remove = append(remove, r)

		req := &elasticbeanstalk.UpdateConfigurationTemplateInput{
			ApplicationName: aws.String(d.Get("application").(string)),
			TemplateName:    aws.String(d.Get("name").(string)),
			OptionSettings:  add,

		for _, elem := range remove {
			req.OptionsToRemove = append(req.OptionsToRemove, &elasticbeanstalk.OptionSpecification{
				Namespace:  elem.Namespace,
				OptionName: elem.OptionName,

		log.Printf("[DEBUG] Update Configuration Template request: %s", req)
		if _, err := conn.UpdateConfigurationTemplate(req); err != nil {
			return err

	return nil