func Await(client management.Client, async asyncFunc) error {
	requestID, err := async()
	if err != nil {
		return err
	return client.WaitForOperation(requestID, nil)
Beispiel #2
// ExecuteAsyncOperation blocks until the provided asyncOperation is
// no longer in the InProgress state. Any known retryiable transient
// errors are retried and additional retry rules can be specified.
// If the operation was successful, nothing is returned, otherwise
// an error is returned.
func ExecuteAsyncOperation(client management.Client, asyncOperation func() (management.OperationID, error), extraRules ...RetryRule) error {
	if asyncOperation == nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("Parameter not specified: %s", "asyncOperation")

	retryPolicy := append(newDefaultRetryPolicy(), extraRules...)

	for { // retry loop for azure errors, call continue for retryable errors

		operationId, err := asyncOperation()
		if err == nil && operationId != "" {
			log.Printf("Waiting for operation: %s", operationId)
			err = client.WaitForOperation(operationId, nil)
		if err != nil {
			log.Printf("Caught error (%T) during retryable operation: %v", err, err)
			// need to remove the pointer receiver in Azure SDK to make these *'s go away
			if azureError, ok := err.(management.AzureError); ok {
				log.Printf("Error is Azure error, checking if we should retry...")
				if shouldRetry, backoff := retryPolicy.ShouldRetry(azureError); shouldRetry {
					log.Printf("Error needs to be retried, sleeping %v", backoff)
					continue // retry asyncOperation
		return err
Beispiel #3
// ExecuteAsyncOperation blocks until the provided asyncOperation is
// no longer in the InProgress state. Any known retryiable transient
// errors are retried and additional retry rules can be specified.
// If the operation was successful, nothing is returned, otherwise
// an error is returned.
func ExecuteAsyncOperation(client management.Client, asyncOperation func() (management.OperationID, error), extraRules ...RetryRule) error {
	if asyncOperation == nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("Parameter not specified: %s", "asyncOperation")

	retryPolicy := append(newDefaultRetryPolicy(), extraRules...)

	for { // retry loop for azure errors, call continue for retryable errors

		operationId, err := asyncOperation()
		if err == nil {
			err = client.WaitForOperation(operationId, nil)
		if err != nil {
			// need to remove the pointer receiver in Azure SDK to make these *'s go away
			if azureError, ok := err.(*management.AzureError); ok {
				if shouldRetry, backoff := retryPolicy.ShouldRetry(*azureError); shouldRetry {
					continue // retry asyncOperation
		return err
func GetTestStorageAccount(t *testing.T, client management.Client) storage.StorageServiceResponse {
	t.Log("Retrieving storage account")
	sc := storage.NewClient(client)
	var sa storage.StorageServiceResponse
	ssl, err := sc.ListStorageServices()
	if err != nil {
	rnd := rand.New(rand.NewSource(time.Now().UnixNano()))

	if len(ssl.StorageServices) == 0 {
		t.Log("No storage accounts found, creating a new one")
		lc := location.NewClient(client)
		ll, err := lc.ListLocations()
		if err != nil {
		loc := ll.Locations[rnd.Intn(len(ll.Locations))].Name

		t.Logf("Location for new storage account: %s", loc)
		name := GenerateName()
		op, err := sc.CreateStorageService(storage.StorageAccountCreateParameters{
			ServiceName: name,
			Label:       base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString([]byte(name)),
			Location:    loc,
			AccountType: storage.AccountTypeStandardLRS})
		if err != nil {
		if err := client.WaitForOperation(op, nil); err != nil {
		sa, err = sc.GetStorageService(name)
	} else {

		sa = ssl.StorageServices[rnd.Intn(len(ssl.StorageServices))]

	t.Logf("Selected storage account '%s' in location '%s'",
		sa.ServiceName, sa.StorageServiceProperties.Location)

	return sa