Beispiel #1
// maybeAcceptTransaction is the internal function which implements the public
// MaybeAcceptTransaction.  See the comment for MaybeAcceptTransaction for
// more details.
// This function MUST be called with the mempool lock held (for writes).
func (mp *txMemPool) maybeAcceptTransaction(tx *btcutil.Tx, isNew, rateLimit bool) ([]*wire.ShaHash, error) {
	txHash := tx.Sha()

	// Don't accept the transaction if it already exists in the pool.  This
	// applies to orphan transactions as well.  This check is intended to
	// be a quick check to weed out duplicates.
	if mp.haveTransaction(txHash) {
		str := fmt.Sprintf("already have transaction %v", txHash)
		return nil, txRuleError(wire.RejectDuplicate, str)

	// Perform preliminary sanity checks on the transaction.  This makes
	// use of btcchain which contains the invariant rules for what
	// transactions are allowed into blocks.
	err := blockchain.CheckTransactionSanity(tx)
	if err != nil {
		if cerr, ok := err.(blockchain.RuleError); ok {
			return nil, chainRuleError(cerr)
		return nil, err

	// A standalone transaction must not be a coinbase transaction.
	if blockchain.IsCoinBase(tx) {
		str := fmt.Sprintf("transaction %v is an individual coinbase",
		return nil, txRuleError(wire.RejectInvalid, str)

	// Don't accept transactions with a lock time after the maximum int32
	// value for now.  This is an artifact of older bitcoind clients which
	// treated this field as an int32 and would treat anything larger
	// incorrectly (as negative).
	if tx.MsgTx().LockTime > math.MaxInt32 {
		str := fmt.Sprintf("transaction %v has a lock time after "+
			"2038 which is not accepted yet", txHash)
		return nil, txRuleError(wire.RejectNonstandard, str)

	// Get the current height of the main chain.  A standalone transaction
	// will be mined into the next block at best, so it's height is at least
	// one more than the current height.
	_, curHeight, err := mp.cfg.NewestSha()
	if err != nil {
		// This is an unexpected error so don't turn it into a rule
		// error.
		return nil, err
	nextBlockHeight := curHeight + 1

	// Don't allow non-standard transactions if the network parameters
	// forbid their relaying.
	if !activeNetParams.RelayNonStdTxs {
		err := checkTransactionStandard(tx, nextBlockHeight,
			mp.cfg.TimeSource, mp.cfg.MinRelayTxFee)
		if err != nil {
			// Attempt to extract a reject code from the error so
			// it can be retained.  When not possible, fall back to
			// a non standard error.
			rejectCode, found := extractRejectCode(err)
			if !found {
				rejectCode = wire.RejectNonstandard
			str := fmt.Sprintf("transaction %v is not standard: %v",
				txHash, err)
			return nil, txRuleError(rejectCode, str)

	// The transaction may not use any of the same outputs as other
	// transactions already in the pool as that would ultimately result in a
	// double spend.  This check is intended to be quick and therefore only
	// detects double spends within the transaction pool itself.  The
	// transaction could still be double spending coins from the main chain
	// at this point.  There is a more in-depth check that happens later
	// after fetching the referenced transaction inputs from the main chain
	// which examines the actual spend data and prevents double spends.
	err = mp.checkPoolDoubleSpend(tx)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	// Fetch all of the transactions referenced by the inputs to this
	// transaction.  This function also attempts to fetch the transaction
	// itself to be used for detecting a duplicate transaction without
	// needing to do a separate lookup.
	txStore, err := mp.fetchInputTransactions(tx, false)
	if err != nil {
		if cerr, ok := err.(blockchain.RuleError); ok {
			return nil, chainRuleError(cerr)
		return nil, err

	// Don't allow the transaction if it exists in the main chain and is not
	// not already fully spent.
	if txD, exists := txStore[*txHash]; exists && txD.Err == nil {
		for _, isOutputSpent := range txD.Spent {
			if !isOutputSpent {
				return nil, txRuleError(wire.RejectDuplicate,
					"transaction already exists")
	delete(txStore, *txHash)

	// Transaction is an orphan if any of the referenced input transactions
	// don't exist.  Adding orphans to the orphan pool is not handled by
	// this function, and the caller should use maybeAddOrphan if this
	// behavior is desired.
	var missingParents []*wire.ShaHash
	for _, txD := range txStore {
		if txD.Err == database.ErrTxShaMissing {
			missingParents = append(missingParents, txD.Hash)
	if len(missingParents) > 0 {
		return missingParents, nil

	// Perform several checks on the transaction inputs using the invariant
	// rules in btcchain for what transactions are allowed into blocks.
	// Also returns the fees associated with the transaction which will be
	// used later.
	txFee, err := blockchain.CheckTransactionInputs(tx, nextBlockHeight, txStore)
	if err != nil {
		if cerr, ok := err.(blockchain.RuleError); ok {
			return nil, chainRuleError(cerr)
		return nil, err

	// Don't allow transactions with non-standard inputs if the network
	// parameters forbid their relaying.
	if !activeNetParams.RelayNonStdTxs {
		err := checkInputsStandard(tx, txStore)
		if err != nil {
			// Attempt to extract a reject code from the error so
			// it can be retained.  When not possible, fall back to
			// a non standard error.
			rejectCode, found := extractRejectCode(err)
			if !found {
				rejectCode = wire.RejectNonstandard
			str := fmt.Sprintf("transaction %v has a non-standard "+
				"input: %v", txHash, err)
			return nil, txRuleError(rejectCode, str)

	// NOTE: if you modify this code to accept non-standard transactions,
	// you should add code here to check that the transaction does a
	// reasonable number of ECDSA signature verifications.

	// Don't allow transactions with an excessive number of signature
	// operations which would result in making it impossible to mine.  Since
	// the coinbase address itself can contain signature operations, the
	// maximum allowed signature operations per transaction is less than
	// the maximum allowed signature operations per block.
	numSigOps, err := blockchain.CountP2SHSigOps(tx, false, txStore)
	if err != nil {
		if cerr, ok := err.(blockchain.RuleError); ok {
			return nil, chainRuleError(cerr)
		return nil, err
	numSigOps += blockchain.CountSigOps(tx)
	if numSigOps > maxSigOpsPerTx {
		str := fmt.Sprintf("transaction %v has too many sigops: %d > %d",
			txHash, numSigOps, maxSigOpsPerTx)
		return nil, txRuleError(wire.RejectNonstandard, str)

	// Don't allow transactions with fees too low to get into a mined block.
	// Most miners allow a free transaction area in blocks they mine to go
	// alongside the area used for high-priority transactions as well as
	// transactions with fees.  A transaction size of up to 1000 bytes is
	// considered safe to go into this section.  Further, the minimum fee
	// calculated below on its own would encourage several small
	// transactions to avoid fees rather than one single larger transaction
	// which is more desirable.  Therefore, as long as the size of the
	// transaction does not exceeed 1000 less than the reserved space for
	// high-priority transactions, don't require a fee for it.
	serializedSize := int64(tx.MsgTx().SerializeSize())
	minFee := calcMinRequiredTxRelayFee(serializedSize, mp.cfg.MinRelayTxFee)
	if serializedSize >= (defaultBlockPrioritySize-1000) && txFee < minFee {
		str := fmt.Sprintf("transaction %v has %d fees which is under "+
			"the required amount of %d", txHash, txFee,
		return nil, txRuleError(wire.RejectInsufficientFee, str)

	// Require that free transactions have sufficient priority to be mined
	// in the next block.  Transactions which are being added back to the
	// memory pool from blocks that have been disconnected during a reorg
	// are exempted.
	if isNew && !mp.cfg.DisableRelayPriority && txFee < minFee {
		currentPriority := calcPriority(tx.MsgTx(), txStore,
		if currentPriority <= minHighPriority {
			str := fmt.Sprintf("transaction %v has insufficient "+
				"priority (%g <= %g)", txHash,
				currentPriority, minHighPriority)
			return nil, txRuleError(wire.RejectInsufficientFee, str)

	// Free-to-relay transactions are rate limited here to prevent
	// penny-flooding with tiny transactions as a form of attack.
	if rateLimit && txFee < minFee {
		nowUnix := time.Now().Unix()
		// we decay passed data with an exponentially decaying ~10
		// minutes window - matches bitcoind handling.
		mp.pennyTotal *= math.Pow(1.0-1.0/600.0,
		mp.lastPennyUnix = nowUnix

		// Are we still over the limit?
		if mp.pennyTotal >= mp.cfg.FreeTxRelayLimit*10*1000 {
			str := fmt.Sprintf("transaction %v has been rejected "+
				"by the rate limiter due to low fees", txHash)
			return nil, txRuleError(wire.RejectInsufficientFee, str)
		oldTotal := mp.pennyTotal

		mp.pennyTotal += float64(serializedSize)
		txmpLog.Tracef("rate limit: curTotal %v, nextTotal: %v, "+
			"limit %v", oldTotal, mp.pennyTotal,

	// Verify crypto signatures for each input and reject the transaction if
	// any don't verify.
	err = blockchain.ValidateTransactionScripts(tx, txStore,
		txscript.StandardVerifyFlags, mp.cfg.SigCache)
	if err != nil {
		if cerr, ok := err.(blockchain.RuleError); ok {
			return nil, chainRuleError(cerr)
		return nil, err

	// Add to transaction pool.
	mp.addTransaction(txStore, tx, curHeight, txFee)

	txmpLog.Debugf("Accepted transaction %v (pool size: %v)", txHash,

	return nil, nil
Beispiel #2
// Ingest puts a tx into the DB atomically.  This can result in a
// gain, a loss, or no result.  Gain or loss in satoshis is returned.
func (ts *TxStore) Ingest(tx *wire.MsgTx, height int32) (uint32, error) {
	var hits uint32
	var err error
	var spentOPs [][]byte
	var nUtxoBytes [][]byte

	// tx has been OK'd by SPV; check tx sanity
	utilTx := btcutil.NewTx(tx) // convert for validation
	// checks basic stuff like there are inputs and ouputs
	err = blockchain.CheckTransactionSanity(utilTx)
	if err != nil {
		return hits, err
	// note that you can't check signatures; this is SPV.
	// 0 conf SPV means pretty much nothing.  Anyone can say anything.

	// before entering into db, serialize all inputs of the ingested tx
	for _, txin := range tx.TxIn {
		nOP, err := outPointToBytes(&txin.PreviousOutPoint)
		if err != nil {
			return hits, err
		spentOPs = append(spentOPs, nOP)
	// also generate PKscripts for all addresses (maybe keep storing these?)
	for _, adr := range ts.Adrs {
		// iterate through all our addresses
		aPKscript, err := txscript.PayToAddrScript(adr.PkhAdr)
		if err != nil {
			return hits, err
		// iterate through all outputs of this tx
		for i, out := range tx.TxOut {
			if bytes.Equal(out.PkScript, aPKscript) { // new utxo for us
				var newu Utxo
				newu.AtHeight = height
				newu.KeyIdx = adr.KeyIdx
				newu.Value = out.Value
				var newop wire.OutPoint
				newop.Hash = tx.TxSha()
				newop.Index = uint32(i)
				newu.Op = newop
				b, err := newu.ToBytes()
				if err != nil {
					return hits, err
				nUtxoBytes = append(nUtxoBytes, b)
				break // only one match

	err = ts.StateDB.Update(func(btx *bolt.Tx) error {
		// get all 4 buckets
		duf := btx.Bucket(BKTUtxos)
		//		sta := btx.Bucket(BKTState)
		old := btx.Bucket(BKTStxos)
		txns := btx.Bucket(BKTTxns)
		if duf == nil || old == nil || txns == nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("error: db not initialized")

		// first see if we lose utxos
		// iterate through duffel bag and look for matches
		// this makes us lose money, which is regrettable, but we need to know.
		for _, nOP := range spentOPs {
			duf.ForEach(func(k, v []byte) error {
				if bytes.Equal(k, nOP) { // matched, we lost utxo
					// do all this just to figure out value we lost
					x := make([]byte, len(k)+len(v))
					copy(x, k)
					copy(x[len(k):], v)
					lostTxo, err := UtxoFromBytes(x)
					if err != nil {
						return err
					// then delete the utxo from duf, save to old
					err = duf.Delete(k)
					if err != nil {
						return err
					// after deletion, save stxo to old bucket
					var st Stxo               // generate spent txo
					st.Utxo = lostTxo         // assign outpoint
					st.SpendHeight = height   // spent at height
					st.SpendTxid = tx.TxSha() // spent by txid
					stxb, err := st.ToBytes() // serialize
					if err != nil {
						return err
					err = old.Put(k, stxb) // write k:v outpoint:stxo bytes
					if err != nil {
						return err
					// store this relevant tx
					sha := tx.TxSha()
					var buf bytes.Buffer
					err = txns.Put(sha.Bytes(), buf.Bytes())
					if err != nil {
						return err

					return nil // matched utxo k, won't match another
				return nil // no match
		} // done losing utxos, next gain utxos
		// next add all new utxos to db, this is quick as the work is above
		for _, ub := range nUtxoBytes {
			err = duf.Put(ub[:36], ub[36:])
			if err != nil {
				return err
		return nil
	return hits, err