Beispiel #1
func main() {
	X, _ := xgbutil.NewConn()

	active, err := ewmh.ActiveWindowGet(X)

	wmName, err := icccm.WmNameGet(X, active)
	showTest("WM_NAME get", wmName, err)

	err = icccm.WmNameSet(X, active, "hooblah")
	wmName, _ = icccm.WmNameGet(X, active)
	showTest("WM_NAME set", wmName, err)

	wmNormHints, err := icccm.WmNormalHintsGet(X, active)
	showTest("WM_NORMAL_HINTS get", wmNormHints, err)

	wmNormHints.Width += 5
	err = icccm.WmNormalHintsSet(X, active, wmNormHints)
	showTest("WM_NORMAL_HINTS set", wmNormHints, err)

	wmHints, err := icccm.WmHintsGet(X, active)
	showTest("WM_HINTS get", wmHints, err)

	wmHints.InitialState = icccm.StateNormal
	err = icccm.WmHintsSet(X, active, wmHints)
	showTest("WM_NORMAL_HINTS set", wmHints, err)

	wmClass, err := icccm.WmClassGet(X, active)
	showTest("WM_CLASS get", wmClass, err)

	wmClass.Instance = "hoopdy hoop"
	err = icccm.WmClassSet(X, active, wmClass)
	showTest("WM_CLASS set", wmClass, err)

	wmTrans, err := icccm.WmTransientForGet(X, active)
	showTest("WM_TRANSIENT_FOR get", wmTrans, err)

	wmProts, err := icccm.WmProtocolsGet(X, active)
	showTest("WM_PROTOCOLS get", wmProts, err)

	wmClient, err := icccm.WmClientMachineGet(X, active)
	showTest("WM_CLIENT_MACHINE get", wmClient, err)

	err = icccm.WmClientMachineSet(X, active, "Leopard")
	wmClient, _ = icccm.WmClientMachineGet(X, active)
	showTest("WM_CLIENT_MACHINE set", wmClient, err)

	wmState, err := icccm.WmStateGet(X, active)
	showTest("WM_STATE get", wmState, err)

	wmState.Icon = xproto.Window(8365538)
	wmState.State = icccm.StateNormal
	err = icccm.WmStateSet(X, active, wmState)
	wmState, _ = icccm.WmStateGet(X, active)
	showTest("WM_STATE set", wmState, err)
Beispiel #2
func (w *Window) updateSizeHints() {
	hints := new(icccm.NormalHints)
	if w.lockedSize {
		hints.Flags = icccm.SizeHintPMinSize | icccm.SizeHintPMaxSize
		hints.MinWidth = uint(w.width)
		hints.MaxWidth = uint(w.width)
		hints.MinHeight = uint(w.height)
		hints.MaxHeight = uint(w.height)
	icccm.WmNormalHintsSet(w.xu,, hints)
Beispiel #3
// XShowName is just like XShow, except it sets the name of the window to the
// name provided, and will quit the current event loop if 'quit' is true when
// the window is closed.
// If name is empty and quit is false, then the behavior is precisely the same
// as XShow.
func (im *Image) XShowExtra(name string, quit bool) *xwindow.Window {
	if len(name) == 0 {
		name = "xgbutil Image Window"
	w, h := im.Rect.Dx(), im.Rect.Dy()

	win, err := xwindow.Generate(im.X)
	if err != nil {
		xgbutil.Logger.Printf("Could not generate new window id: %s", err)
		return nil

	// Create a very simple window with dimensions equal to the image.
	win.Create(im.X.RootWin(), 0, 0, w, h, 0)

	// Make this window close gracefully.
	win.WMGracefulClose(func(w *xwindow.Window) {
		xevent.Detach(w.X, w.Id)
		keybind.Detach(w.X, w.Id)
		mousebind.Detach(w.X, w.Id)

		if quit {

	// Set WM_STATE so it is interpreted as a top-level window.
	err = icccm.WmStateSet(im.X, win.Id, &icccm.WmState{
		State: icccm.StateNormal,
	if err != nil { // not a fatal error
		xgbutil.Logger.Printf("Could not set WM_STATE: %s", err)

	// Set WM_NORMAL_HINTS so the window can't be resized.
	err = icccm.WmNormalHintsSet(im.X, win.Id, &icccm.NormalHints{
		Flags:     icccm.SizeHintPMinSize | icccm.SizeHintPMaxSize,
		MinWidth:  uint(w),
		MinHeight: uint(h),
		MaxWidth:  uint(w),
		MaxHeight: uint(h),
	if err != nil { // not a fatal error
		xgbutil.Logger.Printf("Could not set WM_NORMAL_HINTS: %s", err)

	// Set _NET_WM_NAME so it looks nice.
	err = ewmh.WmNameSet(im.X, win.Id, name)
	if err != nil { // not a fatal error
		xgbutil.Logger.Printf("Could not set _NET_WM_NAME: %s", err)

	// Paint our image before mapping.

	// Now we can map, since we've set all our properties.
	// (The initial map is when the window manager starts managing.)

	return win