Beispiel #1
func (hds *Heads) ApplyStruts(clients Clients) {
	hds.workarea = make(xinerama.Heads, len(hds.geom))
	for i, hd := range hds.geom {
		hds.workarea[i] = xrect.New(hd.X(), hd.Y(), hd.Width(), hd.Height())

	rgeom := xwindow.RootGeometry(hds.X)
	for i := 0; i < clients.Len(); i++ {
		c := clients.Get(i)

		strut, _ := ewmh.WmStrutPartialGet(hds.X, c.Id())
		if strut == nil {
		xrect.ApplyStrut(hds.workarea, rgeom.Width(), rgeom.Height(),
			strut.Left, strut.Right, strut.Top, strut.Bottom,
			strut.LeftStartY, strut.LeftEndY,
			strut.RightStartY, strut.RightEndY,
			strut.TopStartX, strut.TopEndX,
			strut.BottomStartX, strut.BottomEndX)
	for _, wrk := range hds.workspaces.Wrks {
Beispiel #2
func main() {
	X, _ := xgbutil.NewConn()

	heads, err := xinerama.PhysicalHeads(X)
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Printf("ERROR: %v\n", err)

	// Test intersection
	r1 := xrect.New(0, 0, 100, 100)
	r2 := xrect.New(100, 100, 100, 100)
	fmt.Println(xrect.IntersectArea(r1, r2))

	// Test largest overlap
	window := xrect.New(1800, 0, 300, 200)
	fmt.Println(xrect.LargestOverlap(window, heads))

	// Test ApplyStrut
	rgeom, _ := xwindow.RawGeometry(X, xproto.Drawable(X.RootWin()))
	for i, head := range heads {
		fmt.Printf("%d - %v\n", i, head)

	// Let's actually apply struts to the current environment
	clients, _ := ewmh.ClientListGet(X)
	for _, client := range clients {
		strut, err := ewmh.WmStrutPartialGet(X, client)
		if err == nil {
			xrect.ApplyStrut(heads, rgeom.Width(), rgeom.Height(),
				strut.Left, strut.Right, strut.Top, strut.Bottom,
				strut.LeftStartY, strut.LeftEndY,
				strut.RightStartY, strut.RightEndY,
				strut.TopStartX, strut.TopEndX,
				strut.BottomStartX, strut.BottomEndX)

	fmt.Println("After applying struts...")
	for i, head := range heads {
		fmt.Printf("%d - %v\n", i, head)
Beispiel #3
func main() {
	// Connect to the X server using the DISPLAY environment variable.
	X, err := xgbutil.NewConn()
	if err != nil {

	// Wrap the root window in a nice Window type.
	root := xwindow.New(X, X.RootWin())

	// Get the geometry of the root window.
	rgeom, err := root.Geometry()
	if err != nil {

	// Get the rectangles for each of the active physical heads.
	// These are returned sorted in order from left to right and then top
	// to bottom.
	// But first check if Xinerama is enabled. If not, use root geometry.
	var heads xinerama.Heads
	if X.ExtInitialized("XINERAMA") {
		heads, err = xinerama.PhysicalHeads(X)
		if err != nil {
	} else {
		heads = xinerama.Heads{rgeom}

	// Fetch the list of top-level client window ids currently managed
	// by the running window manager.
	clients, err := ewmh.ClientListGet(X)
	if err != nil {

	// Output the head geometry before modifying them.
	fmt.Println("Workarea for each head:")
	for i, head := range heads {
		fmt.Printf("\tHead #%d: %s\n", i+1, head)

	// For each client, check to see if it has struts, and if so, apply
	// them to our list of head rectangles.
	for _, clientid := range clients {
		strut, err := ewmh.WmStrutPartialGet(X, clientid)
		if err != nil { // no struts for this client

		// Apply the struts to our heads.
		// This modifies 'heads' in place.
		xrect.ApplyStrut(heads, uint(rgeom.Width()), uint(rgeom.Height()),
			strut.Left, strut.Right, strut.Top, strut.Bottom,
			strut.LeftStartY, strut.LeftEndY,
			strut.RightStartY, strut.RightEndY,
			strut.TopStartX, strut.TopEndX,
			strut.BottomStartX, strut.BottomEndX)

	// Now output the head geometry again after modification.
	fmt.Println("Workarea for each head after applying struts:")
	for i, head := range heads {
		fmt.Printf("\tHead #%d: %s\n", i+1, head)