Beispiel #1
func TestSearch(t *testing.T) {
	type Product struct {
		Name   string
		Colors []string
		ID     string `json:"_id"`

	products := [...]Product{
		Product{Name: "Jeans", ID: "1", Colors: []string{"blue", "red"}},
		Product{Name: "Polo", ID: "2", Colors: []string{"yellow", "red"}},
		Product{Name: "Shirt", ID: "3", Colors: []string{"brown", "blue"}},
	helper := Test{}
	client := elasticsearch.NewClient(ESScheme, ESHost, ESPort)
	client.CreateIndex(IndexName, IndexMapping)

	var buffer bytes.Buffer
	for _, value := range products {
		buffer.WriteString(BulkIndexConstant(IndexName, ProductDocumentType, value.ID))

		jsonProduct, err := json.Marshal(value)
		helper.OK(t, err)

	bulkResponse, err := client.Bulk(buffer.Bytes())
	helper.OK(t, err)
	helper.Assert(t, len(bulkResponse.Items) == 3, "Bulk did not index all items")

	//We have to wait after a bulk
	time.Sleep(1500 * time.Millisecond)

	search, err := client.Search(IndexName, ProductDocumentType, SearchByColorQuery("red"), false)
	helper.OK(t, err)
	helper.Assert(t, search.Hits.Total == 2, "The search doesn't return all matched items")


	mqueries := make([]elasticsearch.MSearchQuery, 2)
	mqueries[0] = elasticsearch.MSearchQuery{Header: `{ "index": "` + IndexName + `", "type": "` + ProductDocumentType + `" }`, Body: `{"query": {"match_all" : {}}, "from" : 0, "size" : 1}`}
	mqueries[1] = elasticsearch.MSearchQuery{Header: `{ "index": "` + IndexName + `", "type": "` + ProductDocumentType + `" }`, Body: `{"query": {"match_all" : {}}, "from" : 0, "size" : 2}`}

	msresult, err := client.MSearch(mqueries)
	helper.OK(t, err)
	helper.Assert(t, len(msresult.Responses[0].Hits.Hits) == 1, "The msearch doesn't return all matched items")
	helper.Assert(t, len(msresult.Responses[1].Hits.Hits) == 2, "The msearch doesn't return all matched items")

	//Delete the index
	deleteResponse, err := client.DeleteIndex(IndexName)
	helper.OK(t, err)
	helper.Assert(t, deleteResponse.Acknowledged, "Index has not been deleted")
Beispiel #2
func TestIndexManagement(t *testing.T) {
	helper := Test{}
	client := elasticsearch.NewClient(ESScheme, ESHost, ESPort)

	//If the index exists, remove it
	if response, _ := client.IndexExists(IndexName); response {
		delReponse, err := client.DeleteIndex(IndexName)
		helper.OK(t, err)
		helper.Assert(t, delReponse.Acknowledged, "Unable to remove existing index:"+delReponse.Error)

	//Check if we have the test index
	response, err := client.IndexExists(IndexName)
	helper.OK(t, err)
	helper.Assert(t, !response, "Index has not been removed with the DeleteIndex function")

	//Create the index
	createResponse, err := client.CreateIndex(IndexName, IndexMapping)
	helper.OK(t, err)
	helper.Assert(t, createResponse.Acknowledged, "Index has not been created")

	//Check if the index has been created
	response, err = client.IndexExists(IndexName)
	helper.OK(t, err)
	helper.Assert(t, response, "Index has not been created with the CreateIndex function")

	//Get mappings for type
	mappings, err := client.GetMapping(IndexName, ProductDocumentType)
	helper.OK(t, err)
	helper.Assert(t, string(mappings) == "{}", "Mappings is not empty")

	//Update mappings for type
	mappingsResponse, err := client.PutMapping(IndexName, ProductDocumentType, ProductMapping)
	helper.OK(t, err)
	helper.Assert(t, mappingsResponse.Acknowledged, "Mappings has not been updated")

	//Get updated mappings type
	mappings, err = client.GetMapping(IndexName, ProductDocumentType)
	helper.OK(t, err)
	helper.Assert(t, strings.Contains(string(mappings), `{"colors":{"type":"string"}`), "Mappings has not been updated")

	//Delete the index
	deleteResponse, err := client.DeleteIndex(IndexName)
	helper.OK(t, err)
	helper.Assert(t, deleteResponse.Acknowledged, "Index has not been deleted")

	//Check if the index has been deleted
	response, err = client.IndexExists(IndexName)
	helper.OK(t, err)
	helper.Assert(t, !response, "Index has not been removed with DeleteIndex function")

Beispiel #3
func TestCRUD(t *testing.T) {
	type Product struct {
		Name string
		ID   string `json:"_id"`

	helper := Test{}
	client := elasticsearch.NewClient(ESScheme, ESHost, ESPort)
	//Create the index
	client.CreateIndex(IndexName, IndexMapping)

	item := Product{Name: "Jeans", ID: "1234"}

	jsonProduct, err := json.Marshal(item)
	helper.OK(t, err)

	insertResponse, err := client.InsertDocument(IndexName, ProductDocumentType, item.ID, jsonProduct)
	helper.OK(t, err)
	helper.Assert(t, insertResponse.ID == "1234", "The document has not been inserted")

	version := insertResponse.Version

	item.Name = "Polo"
	insertResponse, err = client.InsertDocument(IndexName, ProductDocumentType, item.ID, jsonProduct)
	helper.OK(t, err)
	helper.Assert(t, insertResponse.Version == version+1, "The document has not been updated")

	readResponse, err := client.Document(IndexName, ProductDocumentType, item.ID)
	helper.OK(t, err)
	helper.Assert(t, readResponse.Found, "The document has not been found")

	var p Product
	err = json.Unmarshal(readResponse.Source, &p)
	helper.OK(t, err)
	helper.Assert(t, p.ID == "1234", "The document has not been retreived")

	delResponse, err := client.DeleteDocument(IndexName, ProductDocumentType, item.ID)
	helper.OK(t, err)
	helper.Assert(t, delResponse.Found, "The document has not beem deleted")

	//Delete the index
	deleteResponse, err := client.DeleteIndex(IndexName)
	helper.OK(t, err)
	helper.Assert(t, deleteResponse.Acknowledged, "Index has not been deleted")
Beispiel #4
func TestSuggestion(t *testing.T) {

	type PayLoadSuggester struct {
		ID  string `json:"id"`
		SKU string `json:"sku"`

	type InputSuggester struct {
		Input   []string         `json:"input"`
		Ouput   string           `json:"output"`
		Payload PayLoadSuggester `json:"payload"`

	type SuggestionItem struct {
		Name InputSuggester `json:"name_suggest"`

	type OutputSuggester struct {
		Text    string           `json:"text"`
		Score   float32          `json:"score"`
		Payload PayLoadSuggester `json:"payload"`

	type SuggestionResult struct {
		Shards struct {
			Total      int `json:"total"`
			Successful int `json:"successful"`
			Failed     int `json:"failed"`
		} `json:"_shards"`
		Suggestion []struct {
			Text    string            `json:"text"`
			Offset  float32           `json:"offset"`
			Lenght  int               `json:"length"`
			Options []OutputSuggester `json:"options"`
		} `json:"suggestion"`

	helper := Test{}
	client := elasticsearch.NewClient(ESScheme, ESHost, ESPort)
	client.CreateIndex(SuggestionIndexName, SuggestionIndexMapping)

	//Add Data
	sugg := &SuggestionItem{}
	sugg.Name = InputSuggester{}
	sugg.Name.Input = []string{"jeans", "Levi's jeans", "Levi's"}
	sugg.Name.Ouput = "Levi's jeans"
	sugg.Name.Payload = PayLoadSuggester{"12345", "HJYSTG"}

	jsonSuggestion, err := json.Marshal(sugg)
	helper.OK(t, err)

	insertResponse, err := client.InsertDocument(SuggestionIndexName, "suggestion", "1234", jsonSuggestion)
	helper.OK(t, err)
	helper.Assert(t, insertResponse.ID == "1234", "The document has not been inserted")

	suggestResponse, err := client.Suggest(SuggestionIndexName, SuggestByTermQuery("jean"))
	helper.OK(t, err)

	var s SuggestionResult
	err = json.Unmarshal(suggestResponse, &s)
	helper.OK(t, err)
	helper.Assert(t, s.Shards.Failed == 0, "No suggestion inserted")

	//Delete the index
	deleteResponse, err := client.DeleteIndex(SuggestionIndexName)
	helper.OK(t, err)
	helper.Assert(t, deleteResponse.Acknowledged, "Index has not been deleted")
