Beispiel #1
func ExampleClient_SaveEntity_successful() {
	// Some test-related setup code which you can safely ignore.
	defer teardownExample()

	c := clcgo.NewClient()
	c.GetAPICredentials("user", "pass")

	// Build a Server resource. In reality there are many more required fields.
	s := clcgo.Server{Name: "My Server"}

	// Request the Server be provisioned, returning a Status. In your code you
	// must NOT ignore the possibility of an error here.
	st, _ := c.SaveEntity(&s)

	// Refresh the Status until it has completed. In your code you should put a
	// delay between requests, as this can take a while.
	if !st.HasSucceeded() {

	// The Status says that the server is provisioned. You can now request its
	// details. Again, your code should not ignore errors as this is doing.

	fmt.Printf("Server ID: %s", s.ID)
	// Output:
	// Server ID: test-id
Beispiel #2
func ExampleClient_GetAPICredentials_failed() {
	// Some test-related setup code which you can safely ignore.
	defer teardownExample()

	c := clcgo.NewClient()
	err := c.GetAPICredentials("bad", "bad")

	fmt.Printf("Error: %s", err)
	// Output:
	// Error: there was a problem with your credentials
Beispiel #3
func ExampleClient_GetAPICredentials_successful() {
	// Some test-related setup code which you can safely ignore.
	defer teardownExample()

	c := clcgo.NewClient()
	c.GetAPICredentials("user", "pass")

	fmt.Printf("Account Alias: %s", c.APICredentials.AccountAlias)
	// Output:
	// Account Alias: ACME
Beispiel #4
func ExampleClient_GetEntity_successful() {
	// Some test-related setup code which you can safely ignore.
	defer teardownExample()

	c := clcgo.NewClient()
	c.GetAPICredentials("user", "pass")

	s := clcgo.Server{ID: "server1"}

	fmt.Printf("Server Name: %s", s.Name)
	// Output:
	// Server Name: Test Name
func (clc *CenturyLink) initProvider() error {

	if clc.APIUsername == "" || clc.APIPassword == "" || clc.GroupID == "" {
		return errors.New("\nMissing values to create cluster. Check documentation for required values.")

	clc.clcClient = clcgo.NewClient()
	if clc.ServerTemplate == "" {
		clc.ServerTemplate = "RHEL-7-64-TEMPLATE"

	e := clc.clcClient.GetAPICredentials(clc.APIUsername, clc.APIPassword)
	if e != nil {
		return e

	return nil
Beispiel #6
func ExampleClient_GetEntity_expiredToken() {
	// Some test-related setup code which you can safely ignore.
	defer teardownExample()

	c := clcgo.NewClient()
	// You are caching this Bearer Token value and it has either expired or for
	// some other reason become invalid.
	c.APICredentials = clcgo.APICredentials{BearerToken: "expired", AccountAlias: "ACME"}

	s := clcgo.Server{ID: "server1"}
	err := c.GetEntity(&s)

	rerr, _ := err.(clcgo.RequestError)
	fmt.Printf("Error: %s, Status Code: %d", rerr, rerr.StatusCode)
	// Output:
	// Error: your bearer token was rejected, Status Code: 401
Beispiel #7
func ExampleCredentials_persisted() {
	client := clcgo.NewClient()
	creds := clcgo.APICredentials{BearerToken: "TOKEN", AccountAlias: "ACME"}
	client.APICredentials = creds // Client now ready for authenticated requests.