Beispiel #1
func TestLoadAccAliases(t *testing.T) {
	if len(csvr.accAliases) != 2 {
		t.Error("Failed to load acc aliases: ", csvr.accAliases)
	if csvr.accAliases[utils.AccountAliasKey("vdf", "a1")] != "minitsboy" ||
		csvr.accAliases[utils.AccountAliasKey("vdf", "a2")] != "minitsboy" {
		t.Error("Error loading acc aliases: ", csvr.accAliases)
Beispiel #2
func (self *ApierV1) AddAccountAliases(attrs AttrAddAccountAliases, reply *string) error {
	if missing := utils.MissingStructFields(&attrs, []string{"Tenant", "Account", "Aliases"}); len(missing) != 0 {
		return fmt.Errorf("%s:%v", utils.ERR_MANDATORY_IE_MISSING, missing)
	aliasesChanged := []string{}
	for _, alias := range attrs.Aliases {
		if err := self.AccountDb.SetAccAlias(utils.AccountAliasKey(attrs.Tenant, alias), attrs.Account); err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("%s:%s:%s", utils.ERR_SERVER_ERROR, alias, err.Error())
		aliasesChanged = append(aliasesChanged, engine.ACC_ALIAS_PREFIX+utils.AccountAliasKey(attrs.Tenant, alias))
	didNotChange := []string{}
	if err := self.AccountDb.CacheAccounting(didNotChange, didNotChange, aliasesChanged, didNotChange); err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("%s:%s", utils.ERR_SERVER_ERROR, err.Error())
	*reply = utils.OK
	return nil
Beispiel #3
// Returns the key used to retrive the user balance involved in this call
func (cd *CallDescriptor) GetAccountKey() string {
	subj := cd.Subject
	if cd.Account != "" {
		// check if subject is alias
		if realSubject, err := cache2go.GetCached(ACC_ALIAS_PREFIX + utils.AccountAliasKey(cd.Tenant, subj)); err == nil {
			cd.Account = realSubject.(string)
		subj = cd.Account
	return fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s:%s", cd.Direction, cd.Tenant, subj)
Beispiel #4
func TestGetAccountAliases(t *testing.T) {
	if err := accountingStorage.SetAccAlias(utils.AccountAliasKey("", "2001"), "1001"); err != nil {
	if err := accountingStorage.SetAccAlias(utils.AccountAliasKey("", "2002"), "1001"); err != nil {
	if err := accountingStorage.SetAccAlias(utils.AccountAliasKey("", "2003"), "1001"); err != nil {
	expectAliases := sort.StringSlice([]string{"2001", "2002"})
	if aliases, err := accountingStorage.GetAccountAliases("", "1001", true); err != nil {
	} else {
		aliases := sort.StringSlice(aliases)
		if !reflect.DeepEqual(aliases, expectAliases) {
			t.Errorf("Expecting: %v, received: %v", expectAliases, aliases)
Beispiel #5
func (csvr *CSVReader) LoadAccountActions() (err error) {
	csvReader, fp, err := csvr.readerFunc(csvr.accountactionsFn, csvr.sep, utils.ACCOUNT_ACTIONS_NRCOLS)
	if err != nil {
		log.Print("Could not load account actions file: ", err)
		// allow writing of the other values
		return nil
	if fp != nil {
		defer fp.Close()
	for record, err := csvReader.Read(); err == nil; record, err = csvReader.Read() {
		tenant, account, direction := record[0], record[1], record[2]
		// extract aliases from subject
		aliases := strings.Split(account, ";")
		csvr.dirtyAccAliases = append(csvr.dirtyAccAliases, &TenantAccount{Tenant: tenant, Account: aliases[0]})
		if len(aliases) > 1 {
			account = aliases[0]
			for _, alias := range aliases[1:] {
				csvr.accAliases[utils.AccountAliasKey(tenant, alias)] = account
		tag := fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s:%s", direction, tenant, account)
		if _, alreadyDefined := csvr.accountActions[tag]; alreadyDefined {
			return fmt.Errorf("Duplicate account action found: %s", tag)
		aTriggers, exists := csvr.actionsTriggers[record[4]]
		if record[4] != "" && !exists {
			// only return error if there was something there for the tag
			return fmt.Errorf("Could not get action triggers for tag %s", record[4])
		ub := &Account{
			Id:             tag,
			ActionTriggers: aTriggers,
		csvr.accountActions[tag] = ub
		aTimings, exists := csvr.actionsTimings[record[3]]
		if !exists {
			log.Printf("Could not get action plan for tag %s", record[3])
			// must not continue here
		for _, at := range aTimings {
			at.AccountIds = append(at.AccountIds, tag)
	return nil
Beispiel #6
func (dbr *DbReader) LoadAccountActions() (err error) {
	acs, err := dbr.storDb.GetTpAccountActions(&utils.TPAccountActions{TPid: dbr.tpid})
	if err != nil {
		return err
	for _, aa := range acs {
		if _, alreadyDefined := dbr.accountActions[aa.KeyId()]; alreadyDefined {
			return fmt.Errorf("Duplicate account action found: %s", aa.KeyId())

		// extract aliases from subject
		aliases := strings.Split(aa.Account, ";")
		dbr.dirtyAccAliases = append(dbr.dirtyAccAliases, &TenantAccount{Tenant: aa.Tenant, Account: aliases[0]})
		if len(aliases) > 1 {
			aa.Account = aliases[0]
			for _, alias := range aliases[1:] {
				dbr.accAliases[utils.AccountAliasKey(aa.Tenant, alias)] = aa.Account
		aTriggers, exists := dbr.actionsTriggers[aa.ActionTriggersId]
		if !exists {
			return fmt.Errorf("Could not get action triggers for tag %v", aa.ActionTriggersId)
		ub := &Account{
			Id:             aa.KeyId(),
			ActionTriggers: aTriggers,
		dbr.accountActions[aa.KeyId()] = ub
		aTimings, exists := dbr.actionsTimings[aa.ActionPlanId]
		if !exists {
			log.Printf("Could not get action timing for tag %v", aa.ActionPlanId)
			// must not continue here
		for _, at := range aTimings {
			at.AccountIds = append(at.AccountIds, aa.KeyId())
	return nil