Beispiel #1
<< .Object.Property >>

Property can be a attribute or a method both used without ()
Please also note the initial dot .

Currently there are following objects that can be used:

Account -  the account that this action is called on
Action - the action with all it's attributs
Actions - the list of actions in the current action set
Sq - StatsQueueTriggered object

We can actually use everythiong that go templates offer. You can read more here:
func cgrRPCAction(account *Account, sq *StatsQueueTriggered, a *Action, acs Actions) error {
	// parse template
	tmpl := template.New("extra_params")
	tmpl.Delims("<<", ">>")
	t, err := tmpl.Parse(a.ExtraParameters)
	if err != nil {
		utils.Logger.Err(fmt.Sprintf("error parsing *cgr_rpc template: %s", err.Error()))
		return err
	var buf bytes.Buffer
	if err = t.Execute(&buf, struct {
		Account *Account
		Sq      *StatsQueueTriggered
		Action  *Action
		Actions Actions
	}{account, sq, a, acs}); err != nil {
		utils.Logger.Err(fmt.Sprintf("error executing *cgr_rpc template %s:", err.Error()))
		return err
	processedExtraParam := buf.String()
	//utils.Logger.Info("ExtraParameters: " + parsedExtraParameters)
	req := RPCRequest{}
	if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(processedExtraParam), &req); err != nil {
		return err
	params, err := utils.GetRpcParams(req.Method)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	var client rpcclient.RpcClientConnection
	if req.Address != utils.MetaInternal {
		if client, err = rpcclient.NewRpcClient("tcp", req.Address, req.Attempts, 0, config.CgrConfig().ConnectTimeout, config.CgrConfig().ReplyTimeout, req.Transport, nil); err != nil {
			return err
	} else {
		client = params.Object.(rpcclient.RpcClientConnection)
	in, out := params.InParam, params.OutParam
	//utils.Logger.Info("Params: " + utils.ToJSON(req.Params))
	//p, err := utils.FromMapStringInterfaceValue(req.Params, in)
	mapstructure.Decode(req.Params, in)
	if err != nil {
		utils.Logger.Info("<*cgr_rpc> err: " + err.Error())
		return err
	utils.Logger.Info(fmt.Sprintf("<*cgr_rpc> calling: %s with: %s", req.Method, utils.ToJSON(in)))
	if !req.Async {
		err = client.Call(req.Method, in, out)
		utils.Logger.Info(fmt.Sprintf("<*cgr_rpc> result: %s err: %v", utils.ToJSON(out), err))
		return err
	go func() {
		err := client.Call(req.Method, in, out)
		utils.Logger.Info(fmt.Sprintf("<*cgr_rpc> result: %s err: %v", utils.ToJSON(out), err))
	return nil
Beispiel #2
func TestAcntActsDisableAcnt(t *testing.T) {
	acnt1Tag := ""
	at := &engine.ActionTiming{
		ActionsID: "DISABLE_ACNT",
	at.SetAccountIDs(utils.StringMap{acnt1Tag: true})
	if err := at.Execute(); err != nil {
	expectAcnt := &engine.Account{ID: "", Disabled: true}
	if acnt, err := acntDbAcntActs.GetAccount(acnt1Tag); err != nil {
	} else if !reflect.DeepEqual(expectAcnt, acnt) {
		t.Errorf("Expecting: %+v, received: %+v", utils.ToJSON(expectAcnt), utils.ToJSON(acnt))
Beispiel #3
func CleanStalePrefixes(destIds []string) {
	utils.Logger.Info("Cleaning stale dest prefixes: " + utils.ToJSON(destIds))
	prefixMap, err := CacheGetAllEntries(utils.DESTINATION_PREFIX)
	if err != nil {
	for prefix, idIDs := range prefixMap {
		dIDs := idIDs.(map[string]struct{})
		changed := false
		for _, searchedDID := range destIds {
			if _, found := dIDs[searchedDID]; found {
				if len(dIDs) == 1 {
					// remove de prefix from cache
					CacheRemKey(utils.DESTINATION_PREFIX + prefix)
				} else {
					// delete the destination from list and put the new list in chache
					delete(dIDs, searchedDID)
					changed = true
		if changed {
			CacheSet(utils.DESTINATION_PREFIX+prefix, dIDs)
Beispiel #4
func removeBalanceAction(ub *Account, sq *StatsQueueTriggered, a *Action, acs Actions) error {
	if ub == nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("nil account for %s action", utils.ToJSON(a))
	if _, exists := ub.BalanceMap[a.Balance.GetType()]; !exists {
		return utils.ErrNotFound
	bChain := ub.BalanceMap[a.Balance.GetType()]
	found := false
	for i := 0; i < len(bChain); i++ {
		if bChain[i].MatchFilter(a.Balance, false) {
			// delete without preserving order
			bChain[i] = bChain[len(bChain)-1]
			bChain = bChain[:len(bChain)-1]
			i -= 1
			found = true
	ub.BalanceMap[a.Balance.GetType()] = bChain
	if !found {
		return utils.ErrNotFound
	return nil
Beispiel #5
// Attempts to refund a duration, error on failure
func (self *SMGSession) refund(refundDuration time.Duration) error {
	initialRefundDuration := refundDuration
	firstCC := self.callCosts[0] // use merged cc (from close function)
	var refundIncrements engine.Increments
	for i := len(firstCC.Timespans) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
		ts := firstCC.Timespans[i]
		tsDuration := ts.GetDuration()
		if refundDuration <= tsDuration {

			lastRefundedIncrementIndex := -1
			for j := len(ts.Increments) - 1; j >= 0; j-- {
				increment := ts.Increments[j]
				if increment.Duration <= refundDuration {
					refundIncrements = append(refundIncrements, increment)
					refundDuration -= increment.Duration
					lastRefundedIncrementIndex = j
				} else {
					break //increment duration is larger, cannot refund increment
			if lastRefundedIncrementIndex == 0 {
				firstCC.Timespans[i] = nil
				firstCC.Timespans = firstCC.Timespans[:i]
			} else {
				ts.Cost = ts.CalculateCost()
			break // do not go to other timespans
		} else {
			refundIncrements = append(refundIncrements, ts.Increments...)
			// remove the timespan entirely
			firstCC.Timespans[i] = nil
			firstCC.Timespans = firstCC.Timespans[:i]
			// continue to the next timespan with what is left to refund
			refundDuration -= tsDuration
	// show only what was actualy refunded (stopped in timespan)
	// utils.Logger.Info(fmt.Sprintf("Refund duration: %v", initialRefundDuration-refundDuration))
	if len(refundIncrements) > 0 {
		cd := firstCC.CreateCallDescriptor()
		cd.Increments = refundIncrements
		cd.CgrID =
		cd.RunID =
		utils.Logger.Info(fmt.Sprintf("Refunding %s duration %v with cd: %s", cd.CgrID, initialRefundDuration, utils.ToJSON(cd)))
		var response float64
		err := self.rater.Call("Responder.RefundIncrements", cd, &response)
		if err != nil {
			return err
	//firstCC.Cost -= refundIncrements.GetTotalCost() // use updateCost instead
	return nil
Beispiel #6
func (cc *CallCost) AsJSON() string {
	return utils.ToJSON(cc)
Beispiel #7
func (self *SQLStorage) SetCDR(cdr *CDR, allowUpdate bool) error {
	extraFields, err := json.Marshal(cdr.ExtraFields)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	tx := self.db.Begin()
	saved := tx.Save(&TBLCDRs{
		Cgrid:           cdr.CGRID,
		RunID:           cdr.RunID,
		OriginHost:      cdr.OriginHost,
		Source:          cdr.Source,
		OriginID:        cdr.OriginID,
		Tor:             cdr.ToR,
		RequestType:     cdr.RequestType,
		Direction:       cdr.Direction,
		Tenant:          cdr.Tenant,
		Category:        cdr.Category,
		Account:         cdr.Account,
		Subject:         cdr.Subject,
		Destination:     cdr.Destination,
		SetupTime:       cdr.SetupTime,
		Pdd:             cdr.PDD.Seconds(),
		AnswerTime:      cdr.AnswerTime,
		Usage:           cdr.Usage.Seconds(),
		Supplier:        cdr.Supplier,
		DisconnectCause: cdr.DisconnectCause,
		ExtraFields:     string(extraFields),
		CostSource:      cdr.CostSource,
		Cost:            cdr.Cost,
		CostDetails:     cdr.CostDetailsJson(),
		AccountSummary:  utils.ToJSON(cdr.AccountSummary),
		ExtraInfo:       cdr.ExtraInfo,
		CreatedAt:       time.Now(),
	if saved.Error != nil {
		if !allowUpdate {
			return saved.Error
		tx = self.db.Begin()
		updated := tx.Model(&TBLCDRs{}).Where(&TBLCDRs{Cgrid: cdr.CGRID, RunID: cdr.RunID, OriginID: cdr.OriginID}).Updates(
				OriginHost:      cdr.OriginHost,
				Source:          cdr.Source,
				OriginID:        cdr.OriginID,
				Tor:             cdr.ToR,
				RequestType:     cdr.RequestType,
				Direction:       cdr.Direction,
				Tenant:          cdr.Tenant,
				Category:        cdr.Category,
				Account:         cdr.Account,
				Subject:         cdr.Subject,
				Destination:     cdr.Destination,
				SetupTime:       cdr.SetupTime,
				Pdd:             cdr.PDD.Seconds(),
				AnswerTime:      cdr.AnswerTime,
				Usage:           cdr.Usage.Seconds(),
				Supplier:        cdr.Supplier,
				DisconnectCause: cdr.DisconnectCause,
				ExtraFields:     string(extraFields),
				CostSource:      cdr.CostSource,
				Cost:            cdr.Cost,
				CostDetails:     cdr.CostDetailsJson(),
				AccountSummary:  utils.ToJSON(cdr.AccountSummary),
				ExtraInfo:       cdr.ExtraInfo,
				UpdatedAt:       time.Now(),
		if updated.Error != nil {
			return updated.Error
	return nil
Beispiel #8
func setBalanceAction(acc *Account, sq *StatsQueueTriggered, a *Action, acs Actions) error {
	if acc == nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("nil account for %s action", utils.ToJSON(a))
	return acc.setBalanceAction(a)
Beispiel #9
func TestLoadCdrcConfigMultipleFiles(t *testing.T) {
	cgrCfg, err := NewCGRConfigFromFolder(".")
	if err != nil {
	eCgrCfg, _ := NewDefaultCGRConfig()
	eCgrCfg.CdrcProfiles = make(map[string][]*CdrcConfig)
	// Default instance first
	eCgrCfg.CdrcProfiles["/var/spool/cgrates/cdrc/in"] = []*CdrcConfig{
			ID:                      utils.META_DEFAULT,
			Enabled:                 false,
			CdrsConns:               []*HaPoolConfig{&HaPoolConfig{Address: utils.MetaInternal}},
			CdrFormat:               "csv",
			FieldSeparator:          ',',
			DataUsageMultiplyFactor: 1024,
			RunDelay:                0,
			MaxOpenFiles:            1024,
			CdrInDir:                "/var/spool/cgrates/cdrc/in",
			CdrOutDir:               "/var/spool/cgrates/cdrc/out",
			FailedCallsPrefix:       "missed_calls",
			CDRPath:                 utils.HierarchyPath([]string{""}),
			CdrSourceId:             "freeswitch_csv",
			CdrFilter:               utils.ParseRSRFieldsMustCompile("", utils.INFIELD_SEP),
			PartialRecordCache:      time.Duration(10) * time.Second,
			HeaderFields:            make([]*CfgCdrField, 0),
			ContentFields: []*CfgCdrField{
				&CfgCdrField{Tag: "TOR", Type: utils.META_COMPOSED, FieldId: utils.TOR, Value: utils.ParseRSRFieldsMustCompile("2", utils.INFIELD_SEP),
					FieldFilter: utils.ParseRSRFieldsMustCompile("", utils.INFIELD_SEP), Width: 0, Strip: "", Padding: "", Layout: "", Mandatory: true},
				&CfgCdrField{Tag: "OriginID", Type: utils.META_COMPOSED, FieldId: utils.ACCID, Value: utils.ParseRSRFieldsMustCompile("3", utils.INFIELD_SEP),
					FieldFilter: utils.ParseRSRFieldsMustCompile("", utils.INFIELD_SEP), Width: 0, Strip: "", Padding: "", Layout: "", Mandatory: true},
				&CfgCdrField{Tag: "RequestType", Type: utils.META_COMPOSED, FieldId: utils.REQTYPE, Value: utils.ParseRSRFieldsMustCompile("4", utils.INFIELD_SEP),
					FieldFilter: utils.ParseRSRFieldsMustCompile("", utils.INFIELD_SEP), Width: 0, Strip: "", Padding: "", Layout: "", Mandatory: true},
				&CfgCdrField{Tag: "Direction", Type: utils.META_COMPOSED, FieldId: utils.DIRECTION, Value: utils.ParseRSRFieldsMustCompile("5", utils.INFIELD_SEP),
					FieldFilter: utils.ParseRSRFieldsMustCompile("", utils.INFIELD_SEP), Width: 0, Strip: "", Padding: "", Layout: "", Mandatory: true},
				&CfgCdrField{Tag: "Tenant", Type: utils.META_COMPOSED, FieldId: utils.TENANT, Value: utils.ParseRSRFieldsMustCompile("6", utils.INFIELD_SEP),
					FieldFilter: utils.ParseRSRFieldsMustCompile("", utils.INFIELD_SEP), Width: 0, Strip: "", Padding: "", Layout: "", Mandatory: true},
				&CfgCdrField{Tag: "Category", Type: utils.META_COMPOSED, FieldId: utils.CATEGORY, Value: utils.ParseRSRFieldsMustCompile("7", utils.INFIELD_SEP),
					FieldFilter: utils.ParseRSRFieldsMustCompile("", utils.INFIELD_SEP), Width: 0, Strip: "", Padding: "", Layout: "", Mandatory: true},
				&CfgCdrField{Tag: "Account", Type: utils.META_COMPOSED, FieldId: utils.ACCOUNT, Value: utils.ParseRSRFieldsMustCompile("8", utils.INFIELD_SEP),
					FieldFilter: utils.ParseRSRFieldsMustCompile("", utils.INFIELD_SEP), Width: 0, Strip: "", Padding: "", Layout: "", Mandatory: true},
				&CfgCdrField{Tag: "Subject", Type: utils.META_COMPOSED, FieldId: utils.SUBJECT, Value: utils.ParseRSRFieldsMustCompile("9", utils.INFIELD_SEP),
					FieldFilter: utils.ParseRSRFieldsMustCompile("", utils.INFIELD_SEP), Width: 0, Strip: "", Padding: "", Layout: "", Mandatory: true},
				&CfgCdrField{Tag: "Destination", Type: utils.META_COMPOSED, FieldId: utils.DESTINATION, Value: utils.ParseRSRFieldsMustCompile("10", utils.INFIELD_SEP),
					FieldFilter: utils.ParseRSRFieldsMustCompile("", utils.INFIELD_SEP), Width: 0, Strip: "", Padding: "", Layout: "", Mandatory: true},
				&CfgCdrField{Tag: "SetupTime", Type: utils.META_COMPOSED, FieldId: utils.SETUP_TIME, Value: utils.ParseRSRFieldsMustCompile("11", utils.INFIELD_SEP),
					FieldFilter: utils.ParseRSRFieldsMustCompile("", utils.INFIELD_SEP), Width: 0, Strip: "", Padding: "", Layout: "", Mandatory: true},
				&CfgCdrField{Tag: "AnswerTime", Type: utils.META_COMPOSED, FieldId: utils.ANSWER_TIME, Value: utils.ParseRSRFieldsMustCompile("12", utils.INFIELD_SEP),
					FieldFilter: utils.ParseRSRFieldsMustCompile("", utils.INFIELD_SEP), Width: 0, Strip: "", Padding: "", Layout: "", Mandatory: true},
				&CfgCdrField{Tag: "Usage", Type: utils.META_COMPOSED, FieldId: utils.USAGE, Value: utils.ParseRSRFieldsMustCompile("13", utils.INFIELD_SEP),
					FieldFilter: utils.ParseRSRFieldsMustCompile("", utils.INFIELD_SEP), Width: 0, Strip: "", Padding: "", Layout: "", Mandatory: true},
			TrailerFields: make([]*CfgCdrField, 0),
	eCgrCfg.CdrcProfiles["/tmp/cgrates/cdrc1/in"] = []*CdrcConfig{
			ID:                      "CDRC-CSV1",
			Enabled:                 true,
			CdrsConns:               []*HaPoolConfig{&HaPoolConfig{Address: utils.MetaInternal}},
			CdrFormat:               "csv",
			FieldSeparator:          ',',
			DataUsageMultiplyFactor: 1024,
			RunDelay:                0,
			MaxOpenFiles:            1024,
			CdrInDir:                "/tmp/cgrates/cdrc1/in",
			CdrOutDir:               "/tmp/cgrates/cdrc1/out",
			CDRPath:                 nil,
			CdrSourceId:             "csv1",
			CdrFilter:               utils.ParseRSRFieldsMustCompile("", utils.INFIELD_SEP),
			HeaderFields:            make([]*CfgCdrField, 0),
			ContentFields: []*CfgCdrField{
				&CfgCdrField{Tag: "TOR", Type: utils.META_COMPOSED, FieldId: utils.TOR, Value: utils.ParseRSRFieldsMustCompile("2", utils.INFIELD_SEP),
					FieldFilter: utils.ParseRSRFieldsMustCompile("", utils.INFIELD_SEP), Width: 0, Strip: "", Padding: "", Layout: "", Mandatory: true},
				&CfgCdrField{Tag: "OriginID", Type: utils.META_COMPOSED, FieldId: utils.ACCID, Value: utils.ParseRSRFieldsMustCompile("3", utils.INFIELD_SEP),
					FieldFilter: utils.ParseRSRFieldsMustCompile("", utils.INFIELD_SEP), Width: 0, Strip: "", Padding: "", Layout: "", Mandatory: true},
				&CfgCdrField{Tag: "RequestType", Type: utils.META_COMPOSED, FieldId: utils.REQTYPE, Value: utils.ParseRSRFieldsMustCompile("4", utils.INFIELD_SEP),
					FieldFilter: utils.ParseRSRFieldsMustCompile("", utils.INFIELD_SEP), Width: 0, Strip: "", Padding: "", Layout: "", Mandatory: true},
				&CfgCdrField{Tag: "Direction", Type: utils.META_COMPOSED, FieldId: utils.DIRECTION, Value: utils.ParseRSRFieldsMustCompile("5", utils.INFIELD_SEP),
					FieldFilter: utils.ParseRSRFieldsMustCompile("", utils.INFIELD_SEP), Width: 0, Strip: "", Padding: "", Layout: "", Mandatory: true},
				&CfgCdrField{Tag: "Tenant", Type: utils.META_COMPOSED, FieldId: utils.TENANT, Value: utils.ParseRSRFieldsMustCompile("6", utils.INFIELD_SEP),
					FieldFilter: utils.ParseRSRFieldsMustCompile("", utils.INFIELD_SEP), Width: 0, Strip: "", Padding: "", Layout: "", Mandatory: true},
				&CfgCdrField{Tag: "Category", Type: utils.META_COMPOSED, FieldId: utils.CATEGORY, Value: utils.ParseRSRFieldsMustCompile("7", utils.INFIELD_SEP),
					FieldFilter: utils.ParseRSRFieldsMustCompile("", utils.INFIELD_SEP), Width: 0, Strip: "", Padding: "", Layout: "", Mandatory: true},
				&CfgCdrField{Tag: "Account", Type: utils.META_COMPOSED, FieldId: utils.ACCOUNT, Value: utils.ParseRSRFieldsMustCompile("8", utils.INFIELD_SEP),
					FieldFilter: utils.ParseRSRFieldsMustCompile("", utils.INFIELD_SEP), Width: 0, Strip: "", Padding: "", Layout: "", Mandatory: true},
				&CfgCdrField{Tag: "Subject", Type: utils.META_COMPOSED, FieldId: utils.SUBJECT, Value: utils.ParseRSRFieldsMustCompile("9", utils.INFIELD_SEP),
					FieldFilter: utils.ParseRSRFieldsMustCompile("", utils.INFIELD_SEP), Width: 0, Strip: "", Padding: "", Layout: "", Mandatory: true},
				&CfgCdrField{Tag: "Destination", Type: utils.META_COMPOSED, FieldId: utils.DESTINATION, Value: utils.ParseRSRFieldsMustCompile("10", utils.INFIELD_SEP),
					FieldFilter: utils.ParseRSRFieldsMustCompile("", utils.INFIELD_SEP), Width: 0, Strip: "", Padding: "", Layout: "", Mandatory: true},
				&CfgCdrField{Tag: "SetupTime", Type: utils.META_COMPOSED, FieldId: utils.SETUP_TIME, Value: utils.ParseRSRFieldsMustCompile("11", utils.INFIELD_SEP),
					FieldFilter: utils.ParseRSRFieldsMustCompile("", utils.INFIELD_SEP), Width: 0, Strip: "", Padding: "", Layout: "", Mandatory: true},
				&CfgCdrField{Tag: "AnswerTime", Type: utils.META_COMPOSED, FieldId: utils.ANSWER_TIME, Value: utils.ParseRSRFieldsMustCompile("12", utils.INFIELD_SEP),
					FieldFilter: utils.ParseRSRFieldsMustCompile("", utils.INFIELD_SEP), Width: 0, Strip: "", Padding: "", Layout: "", Mandatory: true},
				&CfgCdrField{Tag: "Usage", Type: utils.META_COMPOSED, FieldId: utils.USAGE, Value: utils.ParseRSRFieldsMustCompile("13", utils.INFIELD_SEP),
					FieldFilter: utils.ParseRSRFieldsMustCompile("", utils.INFIELD_SEP), Width: 0, Strip: "", Padding: "", Layout: "", Mandatory: true},
			TrailerFields: make([]*CfgCdrField, 0),
	eCgrCfg.CdrcProfiles["/tmp/cgrates/cdrc2/in"] = []*CdrcConfig{
			ID:                      "CDRC-CSV2",
			Enabled:                 true,
			CdrsConns:               []*HaPoolConfig{&HaPoolConfig{Address: utils.MetaInternal}},
			CdrFormat:               "csv",
			FieldSeparator:          ',',
			DataUsageMultiplyFactor: 0.000976563,
			RunDelay:                1000000000,
			MaxOpenFiles:            1024,
			CdrInDir:                "/tmp/cgrates/cdrc2/in",
			CdrOutDir:               "/tmp/cgrates/cdrc2/out",
			CDRPath:                 nil,
			CdrSourceId:             "csv2",
			CdrFilter:               utils.ParseRSRFieldsMustCompile("", utils.INFIELD_SEP),
			HeaderFields:            make([]*CfgCdrField, 0),
			ContentFields: []*CfgCdrField{
				&CfgCdrField{FieldId: utils.TOR, Value: utils.ParseRSRFieldsMustCompile("~7:s/^(voice|data|sms|mms|generic)$/*$1/", utils.INFIELD_SEP),
					FieldFilter: utils.ParseRSRFieldsMustCompile("", utils.INFIELD_SEP), Width: 0, Strip: "", Padding: "", Layout: "", Mandatory: false},
				&CfgCdrField{Tag: "", Type: "", FieldId: utils.ANSWER_TIME, Value: utils.ParseRSRFieldsMustCompile("1", utils.INFIELD_SEP),
					FieldFilter: utils.ParseRSRFieldsMustCompile("", utils.INFIELD_SEP), Width: 0, Strip: "", Padding: "", Layout: "", Mandatory: false},
				&CfgCdrField{FieldId: utils.USAGE, Value: utils.ParseRSRFieldsMustCompile("~9:s/^(\\d+)$/${1}s/", utils.INFIELD_SEP),
					FieldFilter: utils.ParseRSRFieldsMustCompile("", utils.INFIELD_SEP), Width: 0, Strip: "", Padding: "", Layout: "", Mandatory: false},
			TrailerFields: make([]*CfgCdrField, 0),
	eCgrCfg.CdrcProfiles["/tmp/cgrates/cdrc3/in"] = []*CdrcConfig{
			ID:                      "CDRC-CSV3",
			Enabled:                 true,
			CdrsConns:               []*HaPoolConfig{&HaPoolConfig{Address: utils.MetaInternal}},
			CdrFormat:               "csv",
			FieldSeparator:          ',',
			DataUsageMultiplyFactor: 1024,
			RunDelay:                0,
			MaxOpenFiles:            1024,
			CdrInDir:                "/tmp/cgrates/cdrc3/in",
			CdrOutDir:               "/tmp/cgrates/cdrc3/out",
			CDRPath:                 nil,
			CdrSourceId:             "csv3",
			CdrFilter:               utils.ParseRSRFieldsMustCompile("", utils.INFIELD_SEP),
			HeaderFields:            make([]*CfgCdrField, 0),
			ContentFields: []*CfgCdrField{
				&CfgCdrField{Tag: "TOR", Type: utils.META_COMPOSED, FieldId: utils.TOR, Value: utils.ParseRSRFieldsMustCompile("2", utils.INFIELD_SEP),
					FieldFilter: utils.ParseRSRFieldsMustCompile("", utils.INFIELD_SEP), Width: 0, Strip: "", Padding: "", Layout: "", Mandatory: true},
				&CfgCdrField{Tag: "OriginID", Type: utils.META_COMPOSED, FieldId: utils.ACCID, Value: utils.ParseRSRFieldsMustCompile("3", utils.INFIELD_SEP),
					FieldFilter: utils.ParseRSRFieldsMustCompile("", utils.INFIELD_SEP), Width: 0, Strip: "", Padding: "", Layout: "", Mandatory: true},
				&CfgCdrField{Tag: "RequestType", Type: utils.META_COMPOSED, FieldId: utils.REQTYPE, Value: utils.ParseRSRFieldsMustCompile("4", utils.INFIELD_SEP),
					FieldFilter: utils.ParseRSRFieldsMustCompile("", utils.INFIELD_SEP), Width: 0, Strip: "", Padding: "", Layout: "", Mandatory: true},
				&CfgCdrField{Tag: "Direction", Type: utils.META_COMPOSED, FieldId: utils.DIRECTION, Value: utils.ParseRSRFieldsMustCompile("5", utils.INFIELD_SEP),
					FieldFilter: utils.ParseRSRFieldsMustCompile("", utils.INFIELD_SEP), Width: 0, Strip: "", Padding: "", Layout: "", Mandatory: true},
				&CfgCdrField{Tag: "Tenant", Type: utils.META_COMPOSED, FieldId: utils.TENANT, Value: utils.ParseRSRFieldsMustCompile("6", utils.INFIELD_SEP),
					FieldFilter: utils.ParseRSRFieldsMustCompile("", utils.INFIELD_SEP), Width: 0, Strip: "", Padding: "", Layout: "", Mandatory: true},
				&CfgCdrField{Tag: "Category", Type: utils.META_COMPOSED, FieldId: utils.CATEGORY, Value: utils.ParseRSRFieldsMustCompile("7", utils.INFIELD_SEP),
					FieldFilter: utils.ParseRSRFieldsMustCompile("", utils.INFIELD_SEP), Width: 0, Strip: "", Padding: "", Layout: "", Mandatory: true},
				&CfgCdrField{Tag: "Account", Type: utils.META_COMPOSED, FieldId: utils.ACCOUNT, Value: utils.ParseRSRFieldsMustCompile("8", utils.INFIELD_SEP),
					FieldFilter: utils.ParseRSRFieldsMustCompile("", utils.INFIELD_SEP), Width: 0, Strip: "", Padding: "", Layout: "", Mandatory: true},
				&CfgCdrField{Tag: "Subject", Type: utils.META_COMPOSED, FieldId: utils.SUBJECT, Value: utils.ParseRSRFieldsMustCompile("9", utils.INFIELD_SEP),
					FieldFilter: utils.ParseRSRFieldsMustCompile("", utils.INFIELD_SEP), Width: 0, Strip: "", Padding: "", Layout: "", Mandatory: true},
				&CfgCdrField{Tag: "Destination", Type: utils.META_COMPOSED, FieldId: utils.DESTINATION, Value: utils.ParseRSRFieldsMustCompile("10", utils.INFIELD_SEP),
					FieldFilter: utils.ParseRSRFieldsMustCompile("", utils.INFIELD_SEP), Width: 0, Strip: "", Padding: "", Layout: "", Mandatory: true},
				&CfgCdrField{Tag: "SetupTime", Type: utils.META_COMPOSED, FieldId: utils.SETUP_TIME, Value: utils.ParseRSRFieldsMustCompile("11", utils.INFIELD_SEP),
					FieldFilter: utils.ParseRSRFieldsMustCompile("", utils.INFIELD_SEP), Width: 0, Strip: "", Padding: "", Layout: "", Mandatory: true},
				&CfgCdrField{Tag: "AnswerTime", Type: utils.META_COMPOSED, FieldId: utils.ANSWER_TIME, Value: utils.ParseRSRFieldsMustCompile("12", utils.INFIELD_SEP),
					FieldFilter: utils.ParseRSRFieldsMustCompile("", utils.INFIELD_SEP), Width: 0, Strip: "", Padding: "", Layout: "", Mandatory: true},
				&CfgCdrField{Tag: "Usage", Type: utils.META_COMPOSED, FieldId: utils.USAGE, Value: utils.ParseRSRFieldsMustCompile("13", utils.INFIELD_SEP),
					FieldFilter: utils.ParseRSRFieldsMustCompile("", utils.INFIELD_SEP), Width: 0, Strip: "", Padding: "", Layout: "", Mandatory: true},
			TrailerFields: make([]*CfgCdrField, 0),
	if !reflect.DeepEqual(eCgrCfg.CdrcProfiles, cgrCfg.CdrcProfiles) {
		t.Errorf("Expected: \n%s\n, received: \n%s\n", utils.ToJSON(eCgrCfg.CdrcProfiles), utils.ToJSON(cgrCfg.CdrcProfiles))
Beispiel #10
// Attempts to refund a duration, error on failure
func (self *SMGSession) refund(refundDuration time.Duration) error {
	initialRefundDuration := refundDuration
	lastCC := self.callCosts[len(self.callCosts)-1]
	var refundIncrements engine.Increments
	for i := len(lastCC.Timespans) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
		ts := lastCC.Timespans[i]
		tsDuration := ts.GetDuration()
		if refundDuration <= tsDuration {

			lastRefundedIncrementIndex := -1
			for j := len(ts.Increments) - 1; j >= 0; j-- {
				increment := ts.Increments[j]
				if increment.Duration <= refundDuration {
					refundIncrements = append(refundIncrements, increment)
					refundDuration -= increment.Duration
					lastRefundedIncrementIndex = j
				} else {
					break //increment duration is larger, cannot refund increment
			if lastRefundedIncrementIndex == 0 {
				lastCC.Timespans[i] = nil
				lastCC.Timespans = lastCC.Timespans[:i]
			} else {
				ts.Cost = ts.CalculateCost()
			break // do not go to other timespans
		} else {
			refundIncrements = append(refundIncrements, ts.Increments...)
			// remove the timespan entirely
			lastCC.Timespans[i] = nil
			lastCC.Timespans = lastCC.Timespans[:i]
			// continue to the next timespan with what is left to refund
			refundDuration -= tsDuration
	// show only what was actualy refunded (stopped in timespan)
	// utils.Logger.Info(fmt.Sprintf("Refund duration: %v", initialRefundDuration-refundDuration))
	if len(refundIncrements) > 0 {
		cd := &engine.CallDescriptor{
			Direction:   lastCC.Direction,
			Tenant:      lastCC.Tenant,
			Category:    lastCC.Category,
			Subject:     lastCC.Subject,
			Account:     lastCC.Account,
			Destination: lastCC.Destination,
			TOR:         lastCC.TOR,
			Increments:  refundIncrements,
		utils.Logger.Info(fmt.Sprintf("Refunding duration %v with cd: %s", initialRefundDuration, utils.ToJSON(cd)))
		var response float64
		err := self.rater.RefundIncrements(cd, &response)
		if err != nil {
			return err
	//utils.Logger.Debug(fmt.Sprintf("REFUND INCR: %s", utils.ToJSON(refundIncrements)))
	lastCC.Cost -= refundIncrements.GetTotalCost()
	return nil
Beispiel #11
// Processes one time events (eg: SMS)
func (self *SMGeneric) ChargeEvent(gev SMGenericEvent, clnt *rpc2.Client) (maxDur time.Duration, err error) {
	var sessionRuns []*engine.SessionRun
	if err := self.rater.Call("Responder.GetSessionRuns", gev.AsStoredCdr(self.cgrCfg, self.timezone), &sessionRuns); err != nil {
		return nilDuration, err
	} else if len(sessionRuns) == 0 {
		return nilDuration, nil
	var maxDurInit bool // Avoid differences between default 0 and received 0
	for _, sR := range sessionRuns {
		cc := new(engine.CallCost)
		if err = self.rater.Call("Responder.MaxDebit", sR.CallDescriptor, cc); err != nil {
			utils.Logger.Err(fmt.Sprintf("<SMGeneric> Could not Debit CD: %+v, RunID: %s, error: %s", sR.CallDescriptor, sR.DerivedCharger.RunID, err.Error()))
		sR.CallCosts = append(sR.CallCosts, cc) // Save it so we can revert on issues
		if ccDur := cc.GetDuration(); ccDur == 0 {
			err = utils.ErrInsufficientCredit
		} else if !maxDurInit || ccDur < maxDur {
			maxDur = ccDur
	if err != nil { // Refund the ones already taken since we have error on one of the debits
		for _, sR := range sessionRuns {
			if len(sR.CallCosts) == 0 {
			cc := sR.CallCosts[0]
			if len(sR.CallCosts) > 1 {
				for _, ccSR := range sR.CallCosts {
			// collect increments
			var refundIncrements engine.Increments
			for _, ts := range cc.Timespans {
				refundIncrements = append(refundIncrements, ts.Increments...)
			// refund cc
			if len(refundIncrements) > 0 {
				cd := cc.CreateCallDescriptor()
				cd.Increments = refundIncrements
				cd.CgrID = sR.CallDescriptor.CgrID
				cd.RunID = sR.CallDescriptor.RunID
				utils.Logger.Info(fmt.Sprintf("Refunding session run callcost: %s", utils.ToJSON(cd)))
				var response float64
				err := self.rater.Call("Responder.RefundIncrements", cd, &response)
				if err != nil {
					return nilDuration, err
		return nilDuration, err
	var withErrors bool
	for _, sR := range sessionRuns {
		if len(sR.CallCosts) == 0 {
		cc := sR.CallCosts[0]
		if len(sR.CallCosts) > 1 {
			for _, ccSR := range sR.CallCosts[1:] {
		roundIncrements := cc.GetRoundIncrements()
		if len(roundIncrements) != 0 {
			cd := cc.CreateCallDescriptor()
			cd.Increments = roundIncrements
			var response float64
			if err := self.rater.Call("Responder.RefundRounding", cd, &response); err != nil {
				utils.Logger.Err(fmt.Sprintf("<SM> ERROR failed to refund rounding: %v", err))
		var reply string
		smCost := &engine.SMCost{
			CGRID:       gev.GetCgrId(self.timezone),
			CostSource:  utils.SESSION_MANAGER_SOURCE,
			RunID:       sR.DerivedCharger.RunID,
			OriginHost:  gev.GetOriginatorIP(utils.META_DEFAULT),
			OriginID:    gev.GetUUID(),
			CostDetails: cc,
		if err := self.cdrsrv.Call("CdrsV1.StoreSMCost", engine.AttrCDRSStoreSMCost{Cost: smCost, CheckDuplicate: true}, &reply); err != nil && err != utils.ErrExists {
			withErrors = true
			utils.Logger.Err(fmt.Sprintf("<SMGeneric> Could not save CC: %+v, RunID: %s error: %s", cc, sR.DerivedCharger.RunID, err.Error()))
	if withErrors {
		return nilDuration, ErrPartiallyExecuted
	return maxDur, nil
Beispiel #12
func TestResponderGetLCR(t *testing.T) {
	rsponder.Stats = NewStats(ratingStorage, accountingStorage, 0) // Load stats instance
	dstDe := &Destination{Id: "GERMANY", Prefixes: []string{"+49"}}
	if err := ratingStorage.SetDestination(dstDe, utils.NonTransactional); err != nil {
	if err := ratingStorage.SetReverseDestination(dstDe, utils.NonTransactional); err != nil {
	rp1 := &RatingPlan{
		Id: "RP1",
		Timings: map[string]*RITiming{
			"30eab300": &RITiming{
				Years:     utils.Years{},
				Months:    utils.Months{},
				MonthDays: utils.MonthDays{},
				WeekDays:  utils.WeekDays{},
				StartTime: "00:00:00",
		Ratings: map[string]*RIRate{
			"b457f86d": &RIRate{
				ConnectFee: 0,
				Rates: []*Rate{
						GroupIntervalStart: 0,
						Value:              0.01,
						RateIncrement:      time.Second,
						RateUnit:           time.Second,
				RoundingMethod:   utils.ROUNDING_MIDDLE,
				RoundingDecimals: 4,
		DestinationRates: map[string]RPRateList{
			dstDe.Id: []*RPRate{
					Timing: "30eab300",
					Rating: "b457f86d",
					Weight: 10,
	rp2 := &RatingPlan{
		Id: "RP2",
		Timings: map[string]*RITiming{
			"30eab300": &RITiming{
				Years:     utils.Years{},
				Months:    utils.Months{},
				MonthDays: utils.MonthDays{},
				WeekDays:  utils.WeekDays{},
				StartTime: "00:00:00",
		Ratings: map[string]*RIRate{
			"b457f86d": &RIRate{
				ConnectFee: 0,
				Rates: []*Rate{
						GroupIntervalStart: 0,
						Value:              0.02,
						RateIncrement:      time.Second,
						RateUnit:           time.Second,
				RoundingMethod:   utils.ROUNDING_MIDDLE,
				RoundingDecimals: 4,
		DestinationRates: map[string]RPRateList{
			"GERMANY": []*RPRate{
					Timing: "30eab300",
					Rating: "b457f86d",
					Weight: 10,
	rp3 := &RatingPlan{
		Id: "RP3",
		Timings: map[string]*RITiming{
			"30eab300": &RITiming{
				Years:     utils.Years{},
				Months:    utils.Months{},
				MonthDays: utils.MonthDays{},
				WeekDays:  utils.WeekDays{},
				StartTime: "00:00:00",
		Ratings: map[string]*RIRate{
			"b457f86d": &RIRate{
				ConnectFee: 0,
				Rates: []*Rate{
						GroupIntervalStart: 0,
						Value:              0.03,
						RateIncrement:      time.Second,
						RateUnit:           time.Second,
				RoundingMethod:   utils.ROUNDING_MIDDLE,
				RoundingDecimals: 4,
		DestinationRates: map[string]RPRateList{
			"GERMANY": []*RPRate{
					Timing: "30eab300",
					Rating: "b457f86d",
					Weight: 10,
	for _, rpf := range []*RatingPlan{rp1, rp2, rp3} {
		if err := ratingStorage.SetRatingPlan(rpf, utils.NonTransactional); err != nil {
	danStatsId := "dan12_stats"
	var r int
	rsponder.Stats.Call("CDRStatsV1.AddQueue", &CdrStats{Id: danStatsId, Supplier: []string{"dan12"}, Metrics: []string{ASR, PDD, ACD, TCD, ACC, TCC, DDC}}, &r)
	danRpfl := &RatingProfile{Id: "*out:tenant12:call:dan12",
		RatingPlanActivations: RatingPlanActivations{&RatingPlanActivation{
			ActivationTime:  time.Date(2015, 01, 01, 8, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC),
			RatingPlanId:    rp1.Id,
			FallbackKeys:    []string{},
			CdrStatQueueIds: []string{danStatsId},
	rifStatsId := "rif12_stats"
	rsponder.Stats.Call("CDRStatsV1.AddQueue", &CdrStats{Id: rifStatsId, Supplier: []string{"rif12"}, Metrics: []string{ASR, PDD, ACD, TCD, ACC, TCC, DDC}}, &r)
	rifRpfl := &RatingProfile{Id: "*out:tenant12:call:rif12",
		RatingPlanActivations: RatingPlanActivations{&RatingPlanActivation{
			ActivationTime:  time.Date(2015, 01, 01, 8, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC),
			RatingPlanId:    rp2.Id,
			FallbackKeys:    []string{},
			CdrStatQueueIds: []string{rifStatsId},
	ivoStatsId := "ivo12_stats"
	rsponder.Stats.Call("CDRStatsV1.AddQueue", &CdrStats{Id: ivoStatsId, Supplier: []string{"ivo12"}, Metrics: []string{ASR, PDD, ACD, TCD, ACC, TCC, DDC}}, &r)
	ivoRpfl := &RatingProfile{Id: "*out:tenant12:call:ivo12",
		RatingPlanActivations: RatingPlanActivations{&RatingPlanActivation{
			ActivationTime:  time.Date(2015, 01, 01, 8, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC),
			RatingPlanId:    rp3.Id,
			FallbackKeys:    []string{},
			CdrStatQueueIds: []string{ivoStatsId},
	for _, rpfl := range []*RatingProfile{danRpfl, rifRpfl, ivoRpfl} {
		if err := ratingStorage.SetRatingProfile(rpfl, utils.NonTransactional); err != nil {
	lcrStatic := &LCR{Direction: utils.OUT, Tenant: "tenant12", Category: "call_static", Account: utils.ANY, Subject: utils.ANY,
		Activations: []*LCRActivation{
				ActivationTime: time.Date(2015, 01, 01, 8, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC),
				Entries: []*LCREntry{
					&LCREntry{DestinationId: utils.ANY, RPCategory: "call", Strategy: LCR_STRATEGY_STATIC, StrategyParams: "ivo12;dan12;rif12", Weight: 10.0}},
	lcrLowestCost := &LCR{Direction: utils.OUT, Tenant: "tenant12", Category: "call_least_cost", Account: utils.ANY, Subject: utils.ANY,
		Activations: []*LCRActivation{
				ActivationTime: time.Date(2015, 01, 01, 8, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC),
				Entries: []*LCREntry{
					&LCREntry{DestinationId: utils.ANY, RPCategory: "call", Strategy: LCR_STRATEGY_LOWEST, Weight: 10.0}},
	lcrQosThreshold := &LCR{Direction: utils.OUT, Tenant: "tenant12", Category: "call_qos_threshold", Account: utils.ANY, Subject: utils.ANY,
		Activations: []*LCRActivation{
				ActivationTime: time.Date(2015, 01, 01, 8, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC),
				Entries: []*LCREntry{
					&LCREntry{DestinationId: utils.ANY, RPCategory: "call", Strategy: LCR_STRATEGY_QOS_THRESHOLD, StrategyParams: "35;;;;4m;;;;;;;;;", Weight: 10.0}},
	lcrQos := &LCR{Direction: utils.OUT, Tenant: "tenant12", Category: "call_qos", Account: utils.ANY, Subject: utils.ANY,
		Activations: []*LCRActivation{
				ActivationTime: time.Date(2015, 01, 01, 8, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC),
				Entries: []*LCREntry{
					&LCREntry{DestinationId: utils.ANY, RPCategory: "call", Strategy: LCR_STRATEGY_QOS, Weight: 10.0}},
	lcrLoad := &LCR{Direction: utils.OUT, Tenant: "tenant12", Category: "call_load", Account: utils.ANY, Subject: utils.ANY,
		Activations: []*LCRActivation{
				ActivationTime: time.Date(2015, 01, 01, 8, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC),
				Entries: []*LCREntry{
					&LCREntry{DestinationId: utils.ANY, RPCategory: "call", Strategy: LCR_STRATEGY_LOAD, StrategyParams: "ivo12:10;dan12:3", Weight: 10.0}},
	for _, lcr := range []*LCR{lcrStatic, lcrLowestCost, lcrQosThreshold, lcrQos, lcrLoad} {
		if err := ratingStorage.SetLCR(lcr, utils.NonTransactional); err != nil {
	cdStatic := &CallDescriptor{
		TimeStart:   time.Date(2015, 04, 06, 17, 40, 0, 0, time.UTC),
		TimeEnd:     time.Date(2015, 04, 06, 17, 41, 0, 0, time.UTC),
		Tenant:      "tenant12",
		Direction:   utils.OUT,
		Category:    "call_static",
		Destination: "+4986517174963",
		Account:     "dan",
		Subject:     "dan",
	eStLcr := &LCRCost{
		Entry: &LCREntry{DestinationId: utils.ANY, RPCategory: "call", Strategy: LCR_STRATEGY_STATIC, StrategyParams: "ivo12;dan12;rif12", Weight: 10.0},
		SupplierCosts: []*LCRSupplierCost{
			&LCRSupplierCost{Supplier: "*out:tenant12:call:ivo12", Cost: 1.8, Duration: 60 * time.Second},
			&LCRSupplierCost{Supplier: "*out:tenant12:call:dan12", Cost: 0.6, Duration: 60 * time.Second},
			&LCRSupplierCost{Supplier: "*out:tenant12:call:rif12", Cost: 1.2, Duration: 60 * time.Second},
	var lcr LCRCost
	if err := rsponder.GetLCR(&AttrGetLcr{CallDescriptor: cdStatic}, &lcr); err != nil {
	} else if !reflect.DeepEqual(eStLcr.Entry, lcr.Entry) {
		t.Errorf("Expecting: %+v, received: %+v", eStLcr.Entry, lcr.Entry)
	} else if !reflect.DeepEqual(eStLcr.SupplierCosts, lcr.SupplierCosts) {
		t.Errorf("Expecting: %s, received: %s", utils.ToJSON(eStLcr.SupplierCosts), utils.ToJSON(lcr.SupplierCosts))
	// Test *least_cost strategy here
	cdLowestCost := &CallDescriptor{
		TimeStart:   time.Date(2015, 04, 06, 17, 40, 0, 0, time.UTC),
		TimeEnd:     time.Date(2015, 04, 06, 17, 41, 0, 0, time.UTC),
		Tenant:      "tenant12",
		Direction:   utils.OUT,
		Category:    "call_least_cost",
		Destination: "+4986517174963",
		Account:     "dan",
		Subject:     "dan",
	eLcLcr := &LCRCost{
		Entry: &LCREntry{DestinationId: utils.ANY, RPCategory: "call", Strategy: LCR_STRATEGY_LOWEST, Weight: 10.0},
		SupplierCosts: []*LCRSupplierCost{
			&LCRSupplierCost{Supplier: "*out:tenant12:call:dan12", Cost: 0.6, Duration: 60 * time.Second},
			&LCRSupplierCost{Supplier: "*out:tenant12:call:rif12", Cost: 1.2, Duration: 60 * time.Second},
			&LCRSupplierCost{Supplier: "*out:tenant12:call:ivo12", Cost: 1.8, Duration: 60 * time.Second},
	var lcrLc LCRCost
	if err := rsponder.GetLCR(&AttrGetLcr{CallDescriptor: cdLowestCost}, &lcrLc); err != nil {
	} else if !reflect.DeepEqual(eLcLcr.Entry, lcrLc.Entry) {
		t.Errorf("Expecting: %+v, received: %+v", eLcLcr.Entry, lcrLc.Entry)

	} else if !reflect.DeepEqual(eLcLcr.SupplierCosts, lcrLc.SupplierCosts) {
		t.Errorf("Expecting: %+v, received: %+v", eLcLcr.SupplierCosts, lcrLc.SupplierCosts)
	bRif12 := &Balance{Value: 40, Weight: 10, DestinationIDs: utils.NewStringMap(dstDe.Id)}
	bIvo12 := &Balance{Value: 60, Weight: 10, DestinationIDs: utils.NewStringMap(dstDe.Id)}
	rif12sAccount := &Account{ID: utils.ConcatenatedKey("tenant12", "rif12"), BalanceMap: map[string]Balances{utils.VOICE: Balances{bRif12}}, AllowNegative: true}
	ivo12sAccount := &Account{ID: utils.ConcatenatedKey("tenant12", "ivo12"), BalanceMap: map[string]Balances{utils.VOICE: Balances{bIvo12}}, AllowNegative: true}
	for _, acnt := range []*Account{rif12sAccount, ivo12sAccount} {
		if err := accountingStorage.SetAccount(acnt); err != nil {
	eLcLcr = &LCRCost{
		Entry: &LCREntry{DestinationId: utils.ANY, RPCategory: "call", Strategy: LCR_STRATEGY_LOWEST, Weight: 10.0},
		SupplierCosts: []*LCRSupplierCost{
			&LCRSupplierCost{Supplier: "*out:tenant12:call:ivo12", Cost: 0, Duration: 60 * time.Second},
			&LCRSupplierCost{Supplier: "*out:tenant12:call:rif12", Cost: 0.4, Duration: 60 * time.Second},
			&LCRSupplierCost{Supplier: "*out:tenant12:call:dan12", Cost: 0.6, Duration: 60 * time.Second},
	if err := rsponder.GetLCR(&AttrGetLcr{CallDescriptor: cdLowestCost}, &lcrLc); err != nil {
	} else if !reflect.DeepEqual(eLcLcr.Entry, lcrLc.Entry) {
		t.Errorf("Expecting: %+v, received: %+v", eLcLcr.Entry, lcrLc.Entry)

	} else if !reflect.DeepEqual(eLcLcr.SupplierCosts, lcrLc.SupplierCosts) {
		t.Errorf("Expecting: %+v, received: %+v", eLcLcr.SupplierCosts, lcrLc.SupplierCosts)

	// Test *qos_threshold strategy here
	cdQosThreshold := &CallDescriptor{
		TimeStart:   time.Date(2015, 04, 06, 17, 40, 0, 0, time.UTC),
		TimeEnd:     time.Date(2015, 04, 06, 17, 41, 0, 0, time.UTC),
		Tenant:      "tenant12",
		Direction:   utils.OUT,
		Category:    "call_qos_threshold",
		Destination: "+4986517174963",
		Account:     "dan",
		Subject:     "dan",
	eQTLcr := &LCRCost{
		Entry: &LCREntry{DestinationId: utils.ANY, RPCategory: "call", Strategy: LCR_STRATEGY_QOS_THRESHOLD, StrategyParams: "35;;;;4m;;;;;;;;;", Weight: 10.0},
		SupplierCosts: []*LCRSupplierCost{
			&LCRSupplierCost{Supplier: "*out:tenant12:call:ivo12", Cost: 0, Duration: 60 * time.Second, QOS: map[string]float64{TCD: -1, ACC: -1, TCC: -1, ASR: -1, ACD: -1, PDD: -1, DDC: -1}, qosSortParams: []string{"35", "4m"}},
			&LCRSupplierCost{Supplier: "*out:tenant12:call:rif12", Cost: 0.4, Duration: 60 * time.Second, QOS: map[string]float64{TCD: -1, ACC: -1, TCC: -1, ASR: -1, ACD: -1, PDD: -1, DDC: -1}, qosSortParams: []string{"35", "4m"}},
			&LCRSupplierCost{Supplier: "*out:tenant12:call:dan12", Cost: 0.6, Duration: 60 * time.Second, QOS: map[string]float64{TCD: -1, ACC: -1, TCC: -1, ASR: -1, ACD: -1, PDD: -1, DDC: -1}, qosSortParams: []string{"35", "4m"}},
	var lcrQT LCRCost
	if err := rsponder.GetLCR(&AttrGetLcr{CallDescriptor: cdQosThreshold}, &lcrQT); err != nil {
	} else if !reflect.DeepEqual(eQTLcr.Entry, lcrQT.Entry) {
		t.Errorf("Expecting: %+v, received: %+v", eQTLcr.Entry, lcrQT.Entry)

	} else if !reflect.DeepEqual(eQTLcr.SupplierCosts, lcrQT.SupplierCosts) {
		t.Errorf("Expecting: %+v, received: %+v", eQTLcr.SupplierCosts, lcrQT.SupplierCosts)

	cdr := &CDR{Supplier: "rif12", AnswerTime: time.Now(), Usage: 3 * time.Minute, Cost: 1}
	rsponder.Stats.Call("CDRStatsV1.AppendCDR", cdr, &r)
	cdr = &CDR{Supplier: "dan12", AnswerTime: time.Now(), Usage: 5 * time.Minute, Cost: 2}
	rsponder.Stats.Call("CDRStatsV1.AppendCDR", cdr, &r)

	eQTLcr = &LCRCost{
		Entry: &LCREntry{DestinationId: utils.ANY, RPCategory: "call", Strategy: LCR_STRATEGY_QOS_THRESHOLD, StrategyParams: "35;;;;4m;;;;;;;;;", Weight: 10.0},
		SupplierCosts: []*LCRSupplierCost{
			&LCRSupplierCost{Supplier: "*out:tenant12:call:ivo12", Cost: 0, Duration: 60 * time.Second, QOS: map[string]float64{PDD: -1, TCD: -1, ACC: -1, TCC: -1, ASR: -1, ACD: -1, DDC: -1}, qosSortParams: []string{"35", "4m"}},
			&LCRSupplierCost{Supplier: "*out:tenant12:call:dan12", Cost: 0.6, Duration: 60 * time.Second, QOS: map[string]float64{PDD: -1, ACD: 300, TCD: 300, ASR: 100, ACC: 2, TCC: 2, DDC: 2}, qosSortParams: []string{"35", "4m"}},
	if err := rsponder.GetLCR(&AttrGetLcr{CallDescriptor: cdQosThreshold}, &lcrQT); err != nil {
	} else if !reflect.DeepEqual(eQTLcr.Entry, lcrQT.Entry) {
		t.Errorf("Expecting: %+v, received: %+v", eQTLcr.Entry, lcrQT.Entry)

	} else if !reflect.DeepEqual(eQTLcr.SupplierCosts, lcrQT.SupplierCosts) {
		t.Errorf("Expecting: %+v, received: %+v", eQTLcr.SupplierCosts, lcrQT.SupplierCosts)

	// Test *qos strategy here
	cdQos := &CallDescriptor{
		TimeStart:   time.Date(2015, 04, 06, 17, 40, 0, 0, time.UTC),
		TimeEnd:     time.Date(2015, 04, 06, 17, 41, 0, 0, time.UTC),
		Tenant:      "tenant12",
		Direction:   utils.OUT,
		Category:    "call_qos",
		Destination: "+4986517174963",
		Account:     "dan",
		Subject:     "dan",
	eQosLcr := &LCRCost{
		Entry: &LCREntry{DestinationId: utils.ANY, RPCategory: "call", Strategy: LCR_STRATEGY_QOS, Weight: 10.0},
		SupplierCosts: []*LCRSupplierCost{
			&LCRSupplierCost{Supplier: "*out:tenant12:call:ivo12", Cost: 0, Duration: 60 * time.Second, QOS: map[string]float64{ACD: -1, PDD: -1, TCD: -1, ASR: -1, ACC: -1, TCC: -1, DDC: -1}, qosSortParams: []string{ASR, PDD, ACD, TCD, ACC, TCC, DDC}},
			&LCRSupplierCost{Supplier: "*out:tenant12:call:dan12", Cost: 0.6, Duration: 60 * time.Second, QOS: map[string]float64{ACD: 300, PDD: -1, TCD: 300, ASR: 100, ACC: 2, TCC: 2, DDC: 2}, qosSortParams: []string{ASR, PDD, ACD, TCD, ACC, TCC, DDC}},
			&LCRSupplierCost{Supplier: "*out:tenant12:call:rif12", Cost: 0.4, Duration: 60 * time.Second, QOS: map[string]float64{ACD: 180, PDD: -1, TCD: 180, ASR: 100, ACC: 1, TCC: 1, DDC: 1}, qosSortParams: []string{ASR, PDD, ACD, TCD, ACC, TCC, DDC}},
	var lcrQ LCRCost
	if err := rsponder.GetLCR(&AttrGetLcr{CallDescriptor: cdQos}, &lcrQ); err != nil {
	} else if !reflect.DeepEqual(eQosLcr.Entry, lcrQ.Entry) {
		t.Errorf("Expecting: %+v, received: %+v", eQosLcr.Entry, lcrQ.Entry)

	} else if !reflect.DeepEqual(eQosLcr.SupplierCosts, lcrQ.SupplierCosts) {
		t.Errorf("Expecting: %+v, received: %+v", eQosLcr.SupplierCosts, lcrQ.SupplierCosts)