Beispiel #1
// returns a column of the routing table as a slice of strings
func routingTableColumn(name string) []string {
	cmd := exec.Command("route", "-n")
	out := wrkutils.CommandOutput(cmd)
	table := tabular.ProbabalisticSplit(out)
	if len(table) < 1 {
			"column": name,
			"table":  "\n" + tabular.ToString(table),
		}).Fatal("Routing table was not available or not properly parsed")
	finalTable := table[1:] // has extra line before headers
	return tabular.GetColumnByHeader(name, finalTable)
Beispiel #2
// systemctlSock is an abstraction of systemctlSockPath and systemctlSockUnit,
// it reads from `systemctl list-sockets` and sees if the value is in the
// appropriate column.
func systemctlSock(value string, column string) (exitCode int, exitMessage string) {
	outstr := wrkutils.CommandOutput(exec.Command("systemctl", "list-sockets"))
	lines := tabular.Lines(outstr)
	msg := "systemctl list-sockers didn't output enough rows"
	wrkutils.IndexError(msg, len(lines)-4, lines)
	unlines := tabular.Unlines(lines[:len(lines)-4])
	table := tabular.SeparateOnAlignment(unlines)
	values := tabular.GetColumnByHeader(column, table)
	if tabular.StrIn(value, values) {
		return 0, ""
	return wrkutils.GenericError("Socket not found", value, values)
Beispiel #3
// systemctlService checks to see if a service has a givens status
// status: active | loaded
func systemctlService(service string, activeOrLoaded string) (exitCode int, exitMessage string) {
	// cmd depends on whether we're checking active or loaded
	cmd := exec.Command("systemctl", "show", "-p", "ActiveState", service)
	if activeOrLoaded == "loaded" {
		cmd = exec.Command("systemctl", "show", "-p", "LoadState", service)
	outString := wrkutils.CommandOutput(cmd)
	contained := "ActiveState=active"
	if activeOrLoaded == "loaded" {
		contained = "LoadState=loaded"
	if strings.Contains(outString, contained) {
		return 0, ""
	msg := "Service not " + activeOrLoaded
	return wrkutils.GenericError(msg, service, []string{outString})
Beispiel #4
// getYumRepos constructs Repos from the yum.conf file at path. Gives non-zero
// Names, Fullnames, and URLs.
func getYumRepos() (repos []repo) {
	// safeAccess allows access w/o fear of a panic into a slice of strings
	safeAccess := func(slc []string, index int) string {
		// catch runtime panic
		defer func() {
			if err := recover(); err != nil {
				msg := "safeAccess: Please report this error"
				wrkutils.IndexError(msg, index, slc)
		}() // invoke inside defer
		if len(slc) > index {
			return slc[index]
		return ""

	// get and parse output of `yum repolist`
	cmd := exec.Command("yum", "repolist")
	outstr := wrkutils.CommandOutput(cmd)
	slc := tabular.ProbabalisticSplit(outstr)

	ids := tabular.GetColumnNoHeader(0, slc) // TODO use columnbyheader here
	wrkutils.IndexError("getYumRepos", 2, ids)
	ids = ids[:len(ids)-2]

	names := tabular.GetColumnNoHeader(1, slc)    // TODO and here
	statuses := tabular.GetColumnNoHeader(2, slc) // TODO and here
	if len(ids) != len(names) || len(names) != len(statuses) {
			"names":    len(names),
			"ids":      len(ids),
			"statuses": len(statuses),
		}).Warn("Could not fetch complete metadata for every repo.")
	// Construct repos
	for i := range ids {
		name := safeAccess(names, i)
		id := safeAccess(ids, i)
		status := safeAccess(statuses, i)
		repo := repo{Name: name, ID: id, Status: status}
		repos = append(repos, repo)
	return repos
Beispiel #5
// getSwapOrMemory returns output from `free`, it is an abstraction of
// getSwap and getMemory. inputs: status: free | used | total
// swapOrMem: memory | swap, units: b | kb | mb | gb | tb
// TODO: support kib/gib style units, with proper transformations.
func getSwapOrMemory(status string, swapOrMem string, units string) int {
	statusToColumn := map[string]int{
		"total": 1,
		"used":  2,
		"free":  3,
	unitsToFlag := map[string]string{
		"b":  "--bytes",
		"kb": "--kilo",
		"mb": "--mega",
		"gb": "--giga",
		"tb": "--tera",
	typeToRow := map[string]int{
		"memory": 0,
		"swap":   1,
	// check to see that our keys are really in our dict
	if _, ok := statusToColumn[status]; !ok {
			"status":   status,
			"expected": []string{"total", "used", "free"},
		}).Fatal("Internal error: invalid status in getSwapOrMemory")
	} else if _, ok := unitsToFlag[units]; !ok {
			"units":    units,
			"expected": []string{"b", "kb", "mb", "gb", "tb"},
		}).Fatal("Internal error: invalid units in getSwapOrMemory")
	} else if _, ok := typeToRow[swapOrMem]; !ok {
			"option":   swapOrMem,
			"expected": []string{"memory", "swap"},
		}).Fatal("Internal error: invalid option in getSwapOrMemory")
	// execute free and return the appropriate output
	cmd := exec.Command("free", unitsToFlag[units])
	outStr := wrkutils.CommandOutput(cmd)
	table := tabular.ProbabalisticSplit(outStr)
	column := tabular.GetColumnByHeader(status, table)
	row := typeToRow[swapOrMem]
	// check for errors in output of `free`
	if column == nil {
			"header": status,
			"table":  "\n" + tabular.ToString(table),
		}).Fatal("Free column was empty")
	if row >= len(column) {
			"output": outStr,
			"column": column,
			"row":    row,
		}).Fatal("`free` didn't output enough rows")
	toReturn, err := strconv.ParseInt(column[row], 10, 64)
	if err != nil {
			"cell":   column[row],
			"error":  err.Error(),
			"output": outStr,
		}).Fatal("Couldn't parse output of `free` as an int")
	return int(toReturn)