Beispiel #1
func flowMap(root yaml.Node, env Environment) yaml.Node {
	rootMap := root.Value().(map[string]yaml.Node)

	env = env.WithScope(rootMap)

	newMap := make(map[string]yaml.Node)

	for key, val := range rootMap {
		if key == "<<" {
			base := flow(val, env, true)
			baseMap, ok := base.Value().(map[string]yaml.Node)
			if ok {
				for k, v := range baseMap {
					newMap[k] = v


		newMap[key] = flow(val, env.WithPath(key), true)

	return yaml.NewNode(newMap, root.SourceName())
Beispiel #2
func flowMap(root yaml.Node, env Environment) yaml.Node {
	rootMap := root.Value().(map[string]yaml.Node)

	env = env.WithScope(rootMap)

	newMap := make(map[string]yaml.Node)

	sortedKeys := getSortedKeys(rootMap)

	// iteration order matters for the "<<" operator, it must be the first key in the map that is handled
	for i := range sortedKeys {
		key := sortedKeys[i]
		val := rootMap[key]

		if key == "<<" {
			base := flow(val, env, true)
			baseMap, ok := base.Value().(map[string]yaml.Node)
			if ok {
				for k, v := range baseMap {
					newMap[k] = v


		newMap[key] = flow(val, env.WithPath(key), true)

	return yaml.NewNode(newMap, root.SourceName())
Beispiel #3
func flowList(root yaml.Node, env Environment) yaml.Node {
	rootList := root.Value().([]yaml.Node)

	merged := processMerges(rootList, env)

	newList := []yaml.Node{}

	for idx, val := range merged {
		step := stepName(idx, val)
		newList = append(newList, flow(val, env.WithPath(step), false))

	return yaml.NewNode(newList, root.SourceName())
Beispiel #4
func flowString(root yaml.Node, env Environment) yaml.Node {
	rootString := root.Value().(string)

	sub := embeddedDynaml.FindStringSubmatch(rootString)
	if sub == nil {
		return root

	expr, err := dynaml.Parse(sub[1], env.Path)
	if err != nil {
		return root

	return yaml.NewNode(expr, root.SourceName())