Beispiel #1
			requirementsFactory, logsRepo = getLogsDependencies()

		Context("when the skip-ssl-validation flag is not set", func() {
			It("fails and informs the user about the skip-ssl-validation flag", func() {
				logsRepo.TailLogErr = errors.NewInvalidSSLCert("", "it don't work good")
				ui := callLogs([]string{"my-app"}, requirementsFactory, logsRepo)

					[]string{"Received invalid SSL certificate", ""},

			It("informs the user of the error when they include the --recent flag", func() {
				logsRepo.RecentLogErr = errors.NewInvalidSSLCert("", "how does SSL work???")
				ui := callLogs([]string{"--recent", "my-app"}, requirementsFactory, logsRepo)

					[]string{"Received invalid SSL certificate", ""},

	Context("when the loggregator server has a valid cert", func() {
		var (
			flags               []string
			requirementsFactory *testreq.FakeReqFactory
			logsRepo            *testapi.FakeLogsRepository