Beispiel #1
// shouldQueue determines whether a replica should be queued for garbage
// collection, and if so, at what priority. Returns true for shouldQ
// in the event that the cumulative ages of GC'able bytes or extant
// intents exceed thresholds.
func (*gcQueue) shouldQueue(now hlc.Timestamp, repl *Replica,
	sysCfg config.SystemConfig) (shouldQ bool, priority float64) {
	desc := repl.Desc()
	zone, err := sysCfg.GetZoneConfigForKey(desc.StartKey)
	if err != nil {
		log.Errorf(context.TODO(), "could not find zone config for range %s: %s", repl, err)

	ms := repl.GetMVCCStats()
	// GC score is the total GC'able bytes age normalized by 1 MB * the replica's TTL in seconds.
	gcScore := float64(ms.GCByteAge(now.WallTime)) / float64(zone.GC.TTLSeconds) / float64(gcByteCountNormalization)

	// Intent score. This computes the average age of outstanding intents
	// and normalizes.
	intentScore := ms.AvgIntentAge(now.WallTime) / float64(intentAgeNormalization.Nanoseconds()/1E9)

	// Compute priority.
	if gcScore >= considerThreshold {
		priority += gcScore
	if intentScore >= considerThreshold {
		priority += intentScore
	shouldQ = priority > 0
Beispiel #2
func (rq *replicateQueue) shouldQueue(now roachpb.Timestamp, repl *Replica,
	sysCfg config.SystemConfig) (shouldQ bool, priority float64) {

	if repl.needsSplitBySize() {
		// If the range exceeds the split threshold, let that finish
		// first. Ranges must fit in memory on both sender and receiver
		// nodes while being replicated. This supplements the check
		// provided by acceptsUnsplitRanges, which looks at zone config
		// boundaries rather than data size.

	// Find the zone config for this range.
	desc := repl.Desc()
	zone, err := sysCfg.GetZoneConfigForKey(desc.StartKey)
	if err != nil {

	action, priority := rq.allocator.ComputeAction(*zone, desc)
	if action != AllocatorNoop {
		return true, priority
	// See if there is a rebalancing opportunity present.
	shouldRebalance := rq.allocator.ShouldRebalance(
	return shouldRebalance, 0
Beispiel #3
// GetZoneConfig returns the zone config for the object with 'id'.
func GetZoneConfig(cfg config.SystemConfig, id uint32) (config.ZoneConfig, bool, error) {
	// Look in the zones table.
	if zoneVal := cfg.GetValue(sqlbase.MakeZoneKey(sqlbase.ID(id))); zoneVal != nil {
		var zone config.ZoneConfig
		// We're done.
		return zone, true, zoneVal.GetProto(&zone)

	// No zone config for this ID. We need to figure out if it's a database
	// or table. Lookup its descriptor.
	if descVal := cfg.GetValue(sqlbase.MakeDescMetadataKey(sqlbase.ID(id))); descVal != nil {
		// Determine whether this is a database or table.
		var desc sqlbase.Descriptor
		if err := descVal.GetProto(&desc); err != nil {
			return config.ZoneConfig{}, false, err
		if tableDesc := desc.GetTable(); tableDesc != nil {
			// This is a table descriptor. Lookup its parent database zone config.
			return GetZoneConfig(cfg, uint32(tableDesc.ParentID))

	// Retrieve the default zone config, but only as long as that wasn't the ID
	// we were trying to retrieve (avoid infinite recursion).
	if id != keys.RootNamespaceID {
		return GetZoneConfig(cfg, keys.RootNamespaceID)

	// No descriptor or not a table.
	return config.ZoneConfig{}, false, nil
Beispiel #4
func (rq *replicateQueue) shouldQueue(
	now hlc.Timestamp,
	repl *Replica,
	sysCfg config.SystemConfig,
) (shouldQ bool, priority float64) {
	if ! && repl.needsSplitBySize() {
		// If the range exceeds the split threshold, let that finish first.
		// Ranges must fit in memory on both sender and receiver nodes while
		// being replicated. This supplements the check provided by
		// acceptsUnsplitRanges, which looks at zone config boundaries rather
		// than data size.
		// This check is ignored if the split queue is disabled, since in that
		// case, the split will never come.

	// Find the zone config for this range.
	desc := repl.Desc()
	zone, err := sysCfg.GetZoneConfigForKey(desc.StartKey)
	if err != nil {

	action, priority := rq.allocator.ComputeAction(*zone, desc)
	if action != AllocatorNoop {
		return true, priority
	// See if there is a rebalancing opportunity present.
	shouldRebalance := rq.allocator.ShouldRebalance(
	return shouldRebalance, 0
Beispiel #5
// shouldQueue determines whether a replica should be queued for garbage
// collection, and if so, at what priority. Returns true for shouldQ
// in the event that the cumulative ages of GC'able bytes or extant
// intents exceed thresholds.
func (gcq *gcQueue) shouldQueue(now roachpb.Timestamp, repl *Replica,
	sysCfg *config.SystemConfig) (shouldQ bool, priority float64) {

	desc := repl.Desc()
	zone, err := sysCfg.GetZoneConfigForKey(desc.StartKey)
	if err != nil {
		log.Errorf("could not find GC policy for range %s: %s", repl, err)
	policy := zone.GC

	// GC score is the total GC'able bytes age normalized by 1 MB * the replica's TTL in seconds.
	gcScore := float64(repl.stats.GetGCBytesAge(now.WallTime)) / float64(policy.TTLSeconds) / float64(gcByteCountNormalization)

	// Intent score. This computes the average age of outstanding intents
	// and normalizes.
	intentScore := repl.stats.GetAvgIntentAge(now.WallTime) / float64(intentAgeNormalization.Nanoseconds()/1E9)

	// Compute priority.
	if gcScore > 1 {
		priority += gcScore
	if intentScore > 1 {
		priority += intentScore
	shouldQ = priority > 0
Beispiel #6
// GetZoneConfig returns the zone config for the object with 'id'.
func GetZoneConfig(cfg config.SystemConfig, id uint32) (*config.ZoneConfig, error) {
	// Look in the zones table.
	if zoneVal := cfg.GetValue(MakeZoneKey(ID(id))); zoneVal != nil {
		zone := &config.ZoneConfig{}
		if err := zoneVal.GetProto(zone); err != nil {
			return nil, err
		// We're done.
		return zone, nil

	// No zone config for this ID. We need to figure out if it's a database
	// or table. Lookup its descriptor.
	if descVal := cfg.GetValue(MakeDescMetadataKey(ID(id))); descVal != nil {
		// Determine whether this is a database or table.
		desc := &Descriptor{}
		if err := descVal.GetProto(desc); err != nil {
			return nil, err
		if tableDesc := desc.GetTable(); tableDesc != nil {
			// This is a table descriptor. Lookup its parent database zone config.
			return GetZoneConfig(cfg, uint32(tableDesc.ParentID))

	// No descriptor or not a table. This table/db could have been deleted, just
	// return the default config.
	return config.DefaultZoneConfig, nil
Beispiel #7
// process synchronously invokes admin split for each proposed split key.
func (sq *splitQueue) process(now roachpb.Timestamp, rng *Replica,
	sysCfg *config.SystemConfig) error {

	// First handle case of splitting due to zone config maps.
	desc := rng.Desc()
	splitKeys := sysCfg.ComputeSplitKeys(desc.StartKey, desc.EndKey)
	if len(splitKeys) > 0 {
		log.Infof("splitting %s at keys %v", rng, splitKeys)
		for _, splitKey := range splitKeys {
			if err := sq.db.AdminSplit(splitKey.AsRawKey()); err != nil {
				return util.Errorf("unable to split %s at key %q: %s", rng, splitKey, err)
		return nil

	// Next handle case of splitting due to size.
	zone, err := sysCfg.GetZoneConfigForKey(desc.StartKey)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	// FIXME: why is this implementation not the same as the one above?
	if float64(rng.stats.GetSize())/float64(zone.RangeMaxBytes) > 1 {
		log.Infof("splitting %s size=%d max=%d", rng, rng.stats.GetSize(), zone.RangeMaxBytes)
		if _, pErr := client.SendWrapped(rng, rng.context(), &roachpb.AdminSplitRequest{
			Span: roachpb.Span{Key: desc.StartKey.AsRawKey()},
		}); pErr != nil {
			return pErr.GoError()
	return nil
Beispiel #8
func (bq *baseQueue) requiresSplit(cfg config.SystemConfig, repl *Replica) bool {
	// If there's no store (as is the case in some narrow unit tests), or if
	// the store's split queue is disabled, the "required" split will never
	// come. In that case, pretend we don't require the split.
	if store :=; store == nil || store.splitQueue.Disabled() {
		return false
	desc := repl.Desc()
	return !bq.acceptsUnsplitRanges && cfg.NeedsSplit(desc.StartKey, desc.EndKey)
Beispiel #9
// GetTableDesc returns the table descriptor for the table with 'id'.
// Returns nil if the descriptor is not present, or is present but is not a
// table.
func GetTableDesc(cfg config.SystemConfig, id sqlbase.ID) (*sqlbase.TableDescriptor, error) {
	if descVal := cfg.GetValue(sqlbase.MakeDescMetadataKey(id)); descVal != nil {
		desc := &sqlbase.Descriptor{}
		if err := descVal.GetProto(desc); err != nil {
			return nil, err
		return desc.GetTable(), nil
	return nil, nil
Beispiel #10
func isDeleted(tableID sqlbase.ID, cfg config.SystemConfig) bool {
	descKey := sqlbase.MakeDescMetadataKey(tableID)
	val := cfg.GetValue(descKey)
	if val == nil {
		return false
	var descriptor sqlbase.Descriptor
	if err := val.GetProto(&descriptor); err != nil {
		panic("unable to unmarshal table descriptor")
	table := descriptor.GetTable()
	return table.Deleted()
Beispiel #11
func expectDescriptor(systemConfig config.SystemConfig, idKey roachpb.Key, desc *Descriptor) error {
	descValue := systemConfig.GetValue(idKey)
	if descValue == nil {
		return errStaleMetadata
	var cachedDesc Descriptor
	if err := descValue.GetProto(&cachedDesc); err != nil {
		return err
	if !proto.Equal(&cachedDesc, desc) {
		return errStaleMetadata
	return nil
Beispiel #12
func expectDescriptorID(systemConfig config.SystemConfig, idKey roachpb.Key, id ID) error {
	idValue := systemConfig.GetValue(idKey)
	if idValue == nil {
		return errStaleMetadata
	cachedID, err := idValue.GetInt()
	if err != nil {
		return err
	if ID(cachedID) != id {
		return errStaleMetadata
	return nil
Beispiel #13
// process iterates through all keys in a replica's range, calling the garbage
// collector for each key and associated set of values. GC'd keys are batched
// into GC calls. Extant intents are resolved if intents are older than
// intentAgeThreshold. The transaction and abort cache records are also
// scanned and old entries evicted. During normal operation, both of these
// records are cleaned up when their respective transaction finishes, so the
// amount of work done here is expected to be small.
// Some care needs to be taken to avoid cyclic recreation of entries during GC:
// * a Push initiated due to an intent may recreate a transaction entry
// * resolving an intent may write a new abort cache entry
// * obtaining the transaction for a abort cache entry requires a Push
// The following order is taken below:
// 1) collect all intents with sufficiently old txn record
// 2) collect these intents' transactions
// 3) scan the transaction table, collecting abandoned or completed txns
// 4) push all of these transactions (possibly recreating entries)
// 5) resolve all intents (unless the txn is still PENDING), which will recreate
//    abort cache entries (but with the txn timestamp; i.e. likely gc'able)
// 6) scan the abort cache table for old entries
// 7) push these transactions (again, recreating txn entries).
// 8) send a GCRequest.
func (gcq *gcQueue) process(
	ctx context.Context,
	now hlc.Timestamp,
	repl *Replica,
	sysCfg config.SystemConfig,
) error {
	snap :=
	desc := repl.Desc()
	defer snap.Close()

	// Lookup the GC policy for the zone containing this key range.
	zone, err := sysCfg.GetZoneConfigForKey(desc.StartKey)
	if err != nil {
		return errors.Errorf("could not find zone config for range %s: %s", repl, err)

	gcKeys, info, err := RunGC(ctx, desc, snap, now, zone.GC,
		func(now hlc.Timestamp, txn *roachpb.Transaction, typ roachpb.PushTxnType) {
			pushTxn(, now, txn, typ)
		func(intents []roachpb.Intent, poison bool, wait bool) error {
			return, intents, poison, wait)

	if err != nil {
		return err

	gcq.eventLog.VInfof(true, "completed with stats %+v", info)

	var ba roachpb.BatchRequest
	var gcArgs roachpb.GCRequest
	// TODO(tschottdorf): This is one of these instances in which we want
	// to be more careful that the request ends up on the correct Replica,
	// and we might have to worry about mixing range-local and global keys
	// in a batch which might end up spanning Ranges by the time it executes.
	gcArgs.Key = desc.StartKey.AsRawKey()
	gcArgs.EndKey = desc.EndKey.AsRawKey()
	gcArgs.Keys = gcKeys
	gcArgs.Threshold = info.Threshold

	// Technically not needed since we're talking directly to the Range.
	ba.RangeID = desc.RangeID
	ba.Timestamp = now
	if _, pErr := repl.Send(ctx, ba); pErr != nil {
		return pErr.GoError()
	return nil
func waitForConfigChange(t *testing.T, s *server.TestServer) (*config.SystemConfig, error) {
	var foundDesc sql.DatabaseDescriptor
	var cfg *config.SystemConfig
	return cfg, util.IsTrueWithin(func() bool {
		if cfg = s.Gossip().GetSystemConfig(); cfg != nil {
			if val := cfg.GetValue(configDescKey); val != nil {
				if err := val.GetProto(&foundDesc); err != nil {
				return foundDesc.ID == configID

		return false
	}, 10*time.Second)
Beispiel #15
func TestGet(t *testing.T) {
	defer leaktest.AfterTest(t)

	emptyKeys := []proto.KeyValue{}
	someKeys := []proto.KeyValue{
		plainKV("a", "vala"),
		plainKV("c", "valc"),
		plainKV("d", "vald"),

	testCases := []struct {
		values []proto.KeyValue
		key    string
		found  bool
		value  string
		{emptyKeys, "a", false, ""},
		{emptyKeys, "b", false, ""},
		{emptyKeys, "c", false, ""},
		{emptyKeys, "d", false, ""},
		{emptyKeys, "e", false, ""},

		{someKeys, "", false, ""},
		{someKeys, "b", false, ""},
		{someKeys, "e", false, ""},
		{someKeys, "a0", false, ""},

		{someKeys, "a", true, "vala"},
		{someKeys, "c", true, "valc"},
		{someKeys, "d", true, "vald"},

	cfg := config.SystemConfig{}
	for tcNum, tc := range testCases {
		cfg.Values = tc.values
		val, found := cfg.GetValue([]byte(tc.key))
		if found != tc.found {
			t.Errorf("#%d: expected found=%t", tcNum, tc.found)
		if string(val) != tc.value {
			t.Errorf("#%d: expected value=%s, found %s", tcNum, tc.value, string(val))
Beispiel #16
// isRenamed tests if a descriptor is updated by gossip to the specified name
// and version.
func isRenamed(
	tableID sqlbase.ID,
	expectedName string,
	expectedVersion sqlbase.DescriptorVersion,
	cfg config.SystemConfig,
) bool {
	descKey := sqlbase.MakeDescMetadataKey(tableID)
	val := cfg.GetValue(descKey)
	if val == nil {
		return false
	var descriptor sqlbase.Descriptor
	if err := val.GetProto(&descriptor); err != nil {
		panic("unable to unmarshal table descriptor")
	table := descriptor.GetTable()
	return table.Name == expectedName && table.Version == expectedVersion
Beispiel #17
func waitForConfigChange(t *testing.T, s *testServer) *config.SystemConfig {
	var foundDesc sql.Descriptor
	var cfg *config.SystemConfig
	util.SucceedsSoon(t, func() error {
		if cfg = s.Gossip().GetSystemConfig(); cfg != nil {
			if val := cfg.GetValue(configDescKey); val != nil {
				if err := val.GetProto(&foundDesc); err != nil {
				if id := foundDesc.GetDatabase().GetID(); id != configID {
					return util.Errorf("expected database id %d; got %d", configID, id)
				return nil
		return util.Errorf("got nil system config")
	return cfg
Beispiel #18
func TestGet(t *testing.T) {
	defer leaktest.AfterTest(t)

	emptyKeys := []roachpb.KeyValue{}
	someKeys := []roachpb.KeyValue{
		plainKV("a", "vala"),
		plainKV("c", "valc"),
		plainKV("d", "vald"),

	aVal := roachpb.MakeValueFromString("vala")
	bVal := roachpb.MakeValueFromString("valc")
	cVal := roachpb.MakeValueFromString("vald")

	testCases := []struct {
		values []roachpb.KeyValue
		key    string
		value  *roachpb.Value
		{emptyKeys, "a", nil},
		{emptyKeys, "b", nil},
		{emptyKeys, "c", nil},
		{emptyKeys, "d", nil},
		{emptyKeys, "e", nil},

		{someKeys, "", nil},
		{someKeys, "b", nil},
		{someKeys, "e", nil},
		{someKeys, "a0", nil},

		{someKeys, "a", &aVal},
		{someKeys, "c", &bVal},
		{someKeys, "d", &cVal},

	cfg := config.SystemConfig{}
	for tcNum, tc := range testCases {
		cfg.Values = tc.values
		if val := cfg.GetValue([]byte(tc.key)); !proto.Equal(val, tc.value) {
			t.Errorf("#%d: expected=%s, found=%s", tcNum, tc.value, val)
Beispiel #19
// GetZoneConfig returns the zone config for the object with 'id'.
func GetZoneConfig(cfg *config.SystemConfig, id uint32) (*config.ZoneConfig, error) {
	// Look in the zones table.
	if val, ok := cfg.GetValue(MakeZoneKey(ID(id))); ok {
		zone := &config.ZoneConfig{}
		if err := proto.Unmarshal(val, zone); err != nil {
			return nil, err
		// We're done.
		return zone, nil

	// No zone config for this ID. We need to figure out if it's a database
	// or table. Lookup its descriptor.
	rawDesc, ok := cfg.GetValue(MakeDescMetadataKey(ID(id)))
	if !ok {
		// No descriptor. This table/db could have been deleted,
		// just return the default config.
		return config.DefaultZoneConfig, nil

	// Determine whether this is a database or table.
	// TODO(marc): we need a better way of doing this. Options include:
	// - add a type field on the descriptor table
	// - separate descriptor tables for databases and tables
	// - prebuild list of databases and tables in the system config
	var dbDesc DatabaseDescriptor
	if err := proto.Unmarshal(rawDesc, &dbDesc); err == nil {
		// parses as a database: return default config.
		return config.DefaultZoneConfig, nil

	var tableDesc TableDescriptor
	if err := proto.Unmarshal(rawDesc, &tableDesc); err != nil {
		// does not parse as a table either: this means an entry in the
		// descriptor table we're not familiar with.
		return nil, util.Errorf("descriptor for object ID %d is not a table or database", id)

	// This is a table descriptor. Lookup its parent database zone config.
	return GetZoneConfig(cfg, uint32(tableDesc.ParentID))
Beispiel #20
// process synchronously invokes admin split for each proposed split key.
func (sq *splitQueue) process(
	ctx context.Context,
	now hlc.Timestamp,
	rng *Replica,
	sysCfg config.SystemConfig,
) error {
	// First handle case of splitting due to zone config maps.
	desc := rng.Desc()
	splitKeys := sysCfg.ComputeSplitKeys(desc.StartKey, desc.EndKey)
	if len(splitKeys) > 0 {
		log.Infof("splitting %s at keys %v", rng, splitKeys)
		log.Trace(ctx, fmt.Sprintf("splitting at keys %v", splitKeys))
		for _, splitKey := range splitKeys {
			if err := sq.db.AdminSplit(splitKey.AsRawKey()); err != nil {
				return errors.Errorf("unable to split %s at key %q: %s", rng, splitKey, err)
		return nil

	// Next handle case of splitting due to size.
	zone, err := sysCfg.GetZoneConfigForKey(desc.StartKey)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	size := rng.GetMVCCStats().Total()
	// FIXME: why is this implementation not the same as the one above?
	if float64(size)/float64(zone.RangeMaxBytes) > 1 {
		log.Infof("splitting %s size=%d max=%d", rng, size, zone.RangeMaxBytes)
		log.Trace(ctx, fmt.Sprintf("splitting size=%d max=%d", size, zone.RangeMaxBytes))
		if _, pErr := client.SendWrappedWith(rng, ctx, roachpb.Header{
			Timestamp: now,
		}, &roachpb.AdminSplitRequest{
			Span: roachpb.Span{Key: desc.StartKey.AsRawKey()},
		}); pErr != nil {
			return pErr.GoError()
	return nil
Beispiel #21
// shouldQueue determines whether a range should be queued for
// splitting. This is true if the range is intersected by a zone config
// prefix or if the range's size in bytes exceeds the limit for the zone.
func (*splitQueue) shouldQueue(now roachpb.Timestamp, rng *Replica,
	sysCfg *config.SystemConfig) (shouldQ bool, priority float64) {

	desc := rng.Desc()
	if len(sysCfg.ComputeSplitKeys(desc.StartKey, desc.EndKey)) > 0 {
		// Set priority to 1 in the event the range is split by zone configs.
		priority = 1
		shouldQ = true

	// Add priority based on the size of range compared to the max
	// size for the zone it's in.
	zone, err := sysCfg.GetZoneConfigForKey(desc.StartKey)
	if err != nil {

	if ratio := float64(rng.stats.GetSize()) / float64(zone.RangeMaxBytes); ratio > 1 {
		priority += ratio
		shouldQ = true
func (rq *replicateQueue) shouldQueue(now roachpb.Timestamp, repl *Replica,
	sysCfg config.SystemConfig) (shouldQ bool, priority float64) {

	desc := repl.Desc()
	if len(sysCfg.ComputeSplitKeys(desc.StartKey, desc.EndKey)) > 0 {
		// If the replica's range needs splitting, wait until done.

	// Find the zone config for this range.
	zone, err := sysCfg.GetZoneConfigForKey(desc.StartKey)
	if err != nil {

	action, priority := rq.allocator.ComputeAction(*zone, desc)
	if action != AllocatorNoop {
		return true, priority
	// See if there is a rebalancing opportunity present.
	shouldRebalance := rq.allocator.ShouldRebalance(
	return shouldRebalance, 0
Beispiel #23
func expectDeleted(systemConfig config.SystemConfig, key roachpb.Key) error {
	if systemConfig.GetValue(key) != nil {
		return errStaleMetadata
	return nil
Beispiel #24
func TestComputeSplits(t *testing.T) {
	defer leaktest.AfterTest(t)

	const (
		start         = keys.MaxReservedDescID + 1
		reservedStart = keys.MaxSystemConfigDescID + 1

	schema := sql.MakeMetadataSchema()
	// Real SQL system tables only.
	baseSql := schema.GetInitialValues()
	// Real SQL system tables plus some user stuff.
	userSql := append(schema.GetInitialValues(),
		descriptor(start), descriptor(start+1), descriptor(start+5))
	// Real SQL system with reserved non-system tables.
	schema.AddTable(reservedStart+1, "CREATE TABLE system.test1 (i INT PRIMARY KEY)",
	schema.AddTable(reservedStart+2, "CREATE TABLE system.test2 (i INT PRIMARY KEY)",
	reservedSql := schema.GetInitialValues()
	// Real SQL system with reserved non-system and user database.
	allSql := append(schema.GetInitialValues(),
		descriptor(start), descriptor(start+1), descriptor(start+5))

	allUserSplits := []uint32{start, start + 1, start + 2, start + 3, start + 4, start + 5}
	allReservedSplits := []uint32{reservedStart, reservedStart + 1, reservedStart + 2}
	allSplits := append(allReservedSplits, allUserSplits...)

	testCases := []struct {
		values     []roachpb.KeyValue
		start, end roachpb.RKey
		// Use ints in the testcase definitions, more readable.
		splits []uint32
		// No data.
		{nil, roachpb.RKeyMin, roachpb.RKeyMax, nil},
		{nil, keys.MakeTablePrefix(start), roachpb.RKeyMax, nil},
		{nil, keys.MakeTablePrefix(start), keys.MakeTablePrefix(start + 10), nil},
		{nil, roachpb.RKeyMin, keys.MakeTablePrefix(start + 10), nil},

		// No user data.
		{baseSql, roachpb.RKeyMin, roachpb.RKeyMax, allReservedSplits[:1]},
		{baseSql, keys.MakeTablePrefix(start), roachpb.RKeyMax, nil},
		{baseSql, keys.MakeTablePrefix(start), keys.MakeTablePrefix(start + 10), nil},
		{baseSql, roachpb.RKeyMin, keys.MakeTablePrefix(start + 10), allReservedSplits[:1]},

		// User descriptors.
		{userSql, keys.MakeTablePrefix(start - 1), roachpb.RKeyMax, allUserSplits},
		{userSql, keys.MakeTablePrefix(start), roachpb.RKeyMax, allUserSplits[1:]},
		{userSql, keys.MakeTablePrefix(start), keys.MakeTablePrefix(start + 10), allUserSplits[1:]},
		{userSql, keys.MakeTablePrefix(start - 1), keys.MakeTablePrefix(start + 10), allUserSplits},
		{userSql, keys.MakeTablePrefix(start + 4), keys.MakeTablePrefix(start + 10), allUserSplits[5:]},
		{userSql, keys.MakeTablePrefix(start + 5), keys.MakeTablePrefix(start + 10), nil},
		{userSql, keys.MakeTablePrefix(start + 6), keys.MakeTablePrefix(start + 10), nil},
		{userSql, keys.MakeKey(keys.MakeTablePrefix(start), roachpb.RKey("foo")),
			keys.MakeTablePrefix(start + 10), allUserSplits[1:]},
		{userSql, keys.MakeKey(keys.MakeTablePrefix(start), roachpb.RKey("foo")),
			keys.MakeTablePrefix(start + 5), allUserSplits[1:5]},
		{userSql, keys.MakeKey(keys.MakeTablePrefix(start), roachpb.RKey("foo")),
			keys.MakeKey(keys.MakeTablePrefix(start+5), roachpb.RKey("bar")), allUserSplits[1:5]},
		{userSql, keys.MakeKey(keys.MakeTablePrefix(start), roachpb.RKey("foo")),
			keys.MakeKey(keys.MakeTablePrefix(start), roachpb.RKey("morefoo")), nil},

		// Reserved descriptors.
		{reservedSql, roachpb.RKeyMin, roachpb.RKeyMax, allReservedSplits},
		{reservedSql, keys.MakeTablePrefix(reservedStart), roachpb.RKeyMax, allReservedSplits[1:]},
		{reservedSql, keys.MakeTablePrefix(start), roachpb.RKeyMax, nil},
		{reservedSql, keys.MakeTablePrefix(reservedStart), keys.MakeTablePrefix(start + 10), allReservedSplits[1:]},
		{reservedSql, roachpb.RKeyMin, keys.MakeTablePrefix(reservedStart + 2), allReservedSplits[:2]},
		{reservedSql, roachpb.RKeyMin, keys.MakeTablePrefix(reservedStart + 10), allReservedSplits},
		{reservedSql, keys.MakeTablePrefix(reservedStart), keys.MakeTablePrefix(reservedStart + 2), allReservedSplits[1:2]},
		{reservedSql, keys.MakeKey(keys.MakeTablePrefix(reservedStart), roachpb.RKey("foo")),
			keys.MakeKey(keys.MakeTablePrefix(start+10), roachpb.RKey("foo")), allReservedSplits[1:]},

		// Reserved/User mix.
		{allSql, roachpb.RKeyMin, roachpb.RKeyMax, allSplits},
		{allSql, keys.MakeTablePrefix(reservedStart + 1), roachpb.RKeyMax, allSplits[2:]},
		{allSql, keys.MakeTablePrefix(start), roachpb.RKeyMax, allSplits[4:]},
		{allSql, keys.MakeTablePrefix(reservedStart), keys.MakeTablePrefix(start + 10), allSplits[1:]},
		{allSql, roachpb.RKeyMin, keys.MakeTablePrefix(start + 2), allSplits[:5]},
		{allSql, keys.MakeKey(keys.MakeTablePrefix(reservedStart), roachpb.RKey("foo")),
			keys.MakeKey(keys.MakeTablePrefix(start+5), roachpb.RKey("foo")), allSplits[1:8]},

	cfg := config.SystemConfig{}
	for tcNum, tc := range testCases {
		cfg.Values = tc.values
		splits := cfg.ComputeSplitKeys(tc.start, tc.end)
		if len(splits) == 0 && len(tc.splits) == 0 {

		// Convert ints to actual keys.
		expected := []roachpb.RKey{}
		for _, s := range tc.splits {
			expected = append(expected, keys.MakeNonColumnKey(keys.MakeTablePrefix(s)))
		if !reflect.DeepEqual(splits, expected) {
			t.Errorf("#%d: bad splits:\ngot: %v\nexpected: %v", tcNum, splits, expected)
Beispiel #25
func TestGetLargestID(t *testing.T) {
	defer leaktest.AfterTest(t)
	testCases := []struct {
		values  []roachpb.KeyValue
		largest uint32
		maxID   uint32
		errStr  string
		// No data.
		{nil, 0, 0, "descriptor table not found"},

		// Some data, but not from the system span.
		{[]roachpb.KeyValue{plainKV("a", "b")}, 0, 0, "descriptor table not found"},

		// Some real data, but no descriptors.
			sqlKV(keys.NamespaceTableID, 1, 1),
			sqlKV(keys.NamespaceTableID, 1, 2),
			sqlKV(keys.UsersTableID, 1, 3),
		}, 0, 0, "descriptor table not found"},

		// Single correct descriptor entry.
		{[]roachpb.KeyValue{sqlKV(keys.DescriptorTableID, 1, 1)}, 1, 0, ""},

		// Surrounded by other data.
			sqlKV(keys.NamespaceTableID, 1, 20),
			sqlKV(keys.NamespaceTableID, 1, 30),
			sqlKV(keys.DescriptorTableID, 1, 8),
			sqlKV(keys.ZonesTableID, 1, 40),
		}, 8, 0, ""},

		// Descriptors with holes. Index ID does not matter.
			sqlKV(keys.DescriptorTableID, 1, 1),
			sqlKV(keys.DescriptorTableID, 2, 5),
			sqlKV(keys.DescriptorTableID, 3, 8),
			sqlKV(keys.DescriptorTableID, 4, 12),
		}, 12, 0, ""},

		// Real SQL layout.
		{sql.MakeMetadataSchema().GetInitialValues(), keys.MaxSystemConfigDescID + 1, 0, ""},

		// Test non-zero max.
			sqlKV(keys.DescriptorTableID, 1, 1),
			sqlKV(keys.DescriptorTableID, 2, 5),
			sqlKV(keys.DescriptorTableID, 3, 8),
			sqlKV(keys.DescriptorTableID, 4, 12),
		}, 8, 8, ""},

		// Test non-zero max.
			sqlKV(keys.DescriptorTableID, 1, 1),
			sqlKV(keys.DescriptorTableID, 2, 5),
			sqlKV(keys.DescriptorTableID, 3, 8),
			sqlKV(keys.DescriptorTableID, 4, 12),
		}, 5, 7, ""},

	cfg := config.SystemConfig{}
	for tcNum, tc := range testCases {
		cfg.Values = tc.values
		ret, err := cfg.GetLargestObjectID(tc.maxID)
		if tc.errStr == "" {
			if err != nil {
				t.Errorf("#%d: error: %v", tcNum, err)
		} else if !testutils.IsError(err, tc.errStr) {
			t.Errorf("#%d: expected err=%s, got %v", tcNum, tc.errStr, err)
		if ret != tc.largest {
			t.Errorf("#%d: expected largest=%d, got %d", tcNum, tc.largest, ret)
Beispiel #26
// process iterates through all keys in a replica's range, calling the garbage
// collector for each key and associated set of values. GC'd keys are batched
// into GC calls. Extant intents are resolved if intents are older than
// intentAgeThreshold.
func (gcq *gcQueue) process(now roachpb.Timestamp, repl *Replica,
	sysCfg *config.SystemConfig) error {

	snap := repl.rm.Engine().NewSnapshot()
	desc := repl.Desc()
	iter := newRangeDataIterator(desc, snap)
	defer iter.Close()
	defer snap.Close()

	// Lookup the GC policy for the zone containing this key range.
	zone, err := sysCfg.GetZoneConfigForKey(desc.StartKey)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("could not find GC policy for range %s: %s", repl, err)
	policy := zone.GC

	gcMeta := roachpb.NewGCMetadata(now.WallTime)
	gc := engine.NewGarbageCollector(now, *policy)

	// Compute intent expiration (intent age at which we attempt to resolve).
	intentExp := now
	intentExp.WallTime -= intentAgeThreshold.Nanoseconds()

	// TODO(tschottdorf): execution will use a leader-assigned local
	// timestamp to compute intent age. While this should be fine, could
	// consider adding a Now timestamp to GCRequest which would be used
	// instead.
	gcArgs := &roachpb.GCRequest{
		RequestHeader: roachpb.RequestHeader{
			RangeID: desc.RangeID,
	var mu sync.Mutex
	var oldestIntentNanos int64 = math.MaxInt64
	var expBaseKey roachpb.Key
	var keys []roachpb.EncodedKey
	var vals [][]byte

	// Maps from txn ID to txn and intent key slice.
	txnMap := map[string]*roachpb.Transaction{}
	intentMap := map[string][]roachpb.Intent{}

	// updateOldestIntent atomically updates the oldest intent.
	updateOldestIntent := func(intentNanos int64) {
		defer mu.Unlock()
		if intentNanos < oldestIntentNanos {
			oldestIntentNanos = intentNanos

	// processKeysAndValues is invoked with each key and its set of
	// values. Intents older than the intent age threshold are sent for
	// resolution and values after the MVCC metadata, and possible
	// intent, are sent for garbage collection.
	processKeysAndValues := func() {
		// If there's more than a single value for the key, possibly send for GC.
		if len(keys) > 1 {
			meta := &engine.MVCCMetadata{}
			if err := proto.Unmarshal(vals[0], meta); err != nil {
				log.Errorf("unable to unmarshal MVCC metadata for key %q: %s", keys[0], err)
			} else {
				// In the event that there's an active intent, send for
				// intent resolution if older than the threshold.
				startIdx := 1
				if meta.Txn != nil {
					// Keep track of intent to resolve if older than the intent
					// expiration threshold.
					if meta.Timestamp.Less(intentExp) {
						id := string(meta.Txn.ID)
						txnMap[id] = meta.Txn
						intentMap[id] = append(intentMap[id], roachpb.Intent{Key: expBaseKey})
					} else {
					// With an active intent, GC ignores MVCC metadata & intent value.
					startIdx = 2
				// See if any values may be GC'd.
				if gcTS := gc.Filter(keys[startIdx:], vals[startIdx:]); !gcTS.Equal(roachpb.ZeroTimestamp) {
					// TODO(spencer): need to split the requests up into
					// multiple requests in the event that more than X keys
					// are added to the request.
					gcArgs.Keys = append(gcArgs.Keys, roachpb.GCRequest_GCKey{Key: expBaseKey, Timestamp: gcTS})

	// Iterate through the keys and values of this replica's range.
	for ; iter.Valid(); iter.Next() {
		baseKey, ts, isValue, err := engine.MVCCDecodeKey(iter.Key())
		if err != nil {
			log.Errorf("unable to decode MVCC key: %q: %v", iter.Key(), err)
		if !isValue {
			// Moving to the next key (& values).
			expBaseKey = baseKey
			keys = []roachpb.EncodedKey{iter.Key()}
			vals = [][]byte{iter.Value()}
		} else {
			if !baseKey.Equal(expBaseKey) {
				log.Errorf("unexpectedly found a value for %q with ts=%s; expected key %q", baseKey, ts, expBaseKey)
			keys = append(keys, iter.Key())
			vals = append(vals, iter.Value())
	if iter.Error() != nil {
		return iter.Error()
	// Handle last collected set of keys/vals.

	// Process push transactions in parallel.
	var wg sync.WaitGroup
	for _, txn := range txnMap {
		go gcq.pushTxn(repl, now, txn, updateOldestIntent, &wg)

	// Resolve all intents.
	var intents []roachpb.Intent
	for id, txn := range txnMap {
		if txn.Status != roachpb.PENDING {
			for _, intent := range intentMap[id] {
				intent.Txn = *txn
				intents = append(intents, intent)

	done := true
	if len(intents) > 0 {
		done = false
		repl.resolveIntents(repl.context(), intents)

	// Set start and end keys.
	if len(gcArgs.Keys) > 0 {
		done = false
		gcArgs.Key = gcArgs.Keys[0].Key
		gcArgs.EndKey = gcArgs.Keys[len(gcArgs.Keys)-1].Key.Next()

	if done {
		return nil

	// Send GC request through range.
	gcMeta.OldestIntentNanos = proto.Int64(oldestIntentNanos)
	gcArgs.GCMeta = *gcMeta
	if _, err := client.SendWrapped(repl, repl.context(), gcArgs); err != nil {
		return err

	// Store current timestamp as last verification for this replica, as
	// we've just successfully scanned.
	if err := repl.SetLastVerificationTimestamp(now); err != nil {
		log.Errorf("failed to set last verification timestamp for replica %s: %s", repl, err)

	return nil
Beispiel #27
// process iterates through all keys in a replica's range, calling the garbage
// collector for each key and associated set of values. GC'd keys are batched
// into GC calls. Extant intents are resolved if intents are older than
// intentAgeThreshold. The transaction and sequence cache records are also
// scanned and old entries evicted. During normal operation, both of these
// records are cleaned up when their respective transaction finishes, so the
// amount of work done here is expected to be small.
// Some care needs to be taken to avoid cyclic recreation of entries during GC:
// * a Push initiated due to an intent may recreate a transaction entry
// * resolving an intent may write a new sequence cache entry
// * obtaining the transaction for a sequence cache entry requires a Push
// The following order is taken below:
// 1) collect all intents with sufficiently old txn record
// 2) collect these intents' transactions
// 3) scan the transaction table, collecting abandoned or completed txns
// 4) push all of these transactions (possibly recreating entries)
// 5) resolve all intents (unless the txn is still PENDING), which will recreate
//    sequence cache entries (but with the txn timestamp; i.e. likely gc'able)
// 6) scan the sequence table for old entries
// 7) push these transactions (again, recreating txn entries).
// 8) send a GCRequest.
func (gcq *gcQueue) process(now roachpb.Timestamp, repl *Replica,
	sysCfg config.SystemConfig) error {

	snap :=
	desc := repl.Desc()
	iter := newReplicaDataIterator(desc, snap, true /* replicatedOnly */)
	defer iter.Close()
	defer snap.Close()

	// Lookup the GC policy for the zone containing this key range.
	zone, err := sysCfg.GetZoneConfigForKey(desc.StartKey)
	if err != nil {
		return util.Errorf("could not find zone config for range %s: %s", repl, err)

	gc := engine.NewGarbageCollector(now, zone.GC)

	// Compute intent expiration (intent age at which we attempt to resolve).
	intentExp := now
	intentExp.WallTime -= intentAgeThreshold.Nanoseconds()
	txnExp := now
	txnExp.WallTime -= txnCleanupThreshold.Nanoseconds()

	gcArgs := &roachpb.GCRequest{}
	// TODO(tschottdorf): This is one of these instances in which we want
	// to be more careful that the request ends up on the correct Replica,
	// and we might have to worry about mixing range-local and global keys
	// in a batch which might end up spanning Ranges by the time it executes.
	gcArgs.Key = desc.StartKey.AsRawKey()
	gcArgs.EndKey = desc.EndKey.AsRawKey()

	var expBaseKey roachpb.Key
	var keys []engine.MVCCKey
	var vals [][]byte

	// Maps from txn ID to txn and intent key slice.
	txnMap := map[uuid.UUID]*roachpb.Transaction{}
	intentSpanMap := map[uuid.UUID][]roachpb.Span{}

	// processKeysAndValues is invoked with each key and its set of
	// values. Intents older than the intent age threshold are sent for
	// resolution and values after the MVCC metadata, and possible
	// intent, are sent for garbage collection.
	var intentCount int
	processKeysAndValues := func() {
		// If there's more than a single value for the key, possibly send for GC.
		if len(keys) > 1 {
			meta := &engine.MVCCMetadata{}
			if err := proto.Unmarshal(vals[0], meta); err != nil {
				log.Errorf("unable to unmarshal MVCC metadata for key %q: %s", keys[0], err)
			} else {
				// In the event that there's an active intent, send for
				// intent resolution if older than the threshold.
				startIdx := 1
				if meta.Txn != nil {
					// Keep track of intent to resolve if older than the intent
					// expiration threshold.
					if meta.Timestamp.Less(intentExp) {
						txnID := *meta.Txn.ID
						txn := &roachpb.Transaction{
							TxnMeta: *meta.Txn,
						txnMap[txnID] = txn
						intentSpanMap[txnID] = append(intentSpanMap[txnID], roachpb.Span{Key: expBaseKey})
					// With an active intent, GC ignores MVCC metadata & intent value.
					startIdx = 2
				// See if any values may be GC'd.
				if gcTS := gc.Filter(keys[startIdx:], vals[startIdx:]); !gcTS.Equal(roachpb.ZeroTimestamp) {
					// TODO(spencer): need to split the requests up into
					// multiple requests in the event that more than X keys
					// are added to the request.
					gcArgs.Keys = append(gcArgs.Keys, roachpb.GCRequest_GCKey{Key: expBaseKey, Timestamp: gcTS})

	// Iterate through the keys and values of this replica's range.
	for ; iter.Valid(); iter.Next() {
		iterKey := iter.Key()
		if !iterKey.IsValue() || !iterKey.Key.Equal(expBaseKey) {
			// Moving to the next key (& values).
			expBaseKey = iterKey.Key
			if !iterKey.IsValue() {
				keys = []engine.MVCCKey{iter.Key()}
				vals = [][]byte{iter.Value()}
			// An implicit metadata.
			keys = []engine.MVCCKey{engine.MakeMVCCMetadataKey(iterKey.Key)}
			// A nil value for the encoded MVCCMetadata. This will unmarshal to an
			// empty MVCCMetadata which is sufficient for processKeysAndValues to
			// determine that there is no intent.
			vals = [][]byte{nil}
		keys = append(keys, iter.Key())
		vals = append(vals, iter.Value())
	if iter.Error() != nil {
		return iter.Error()
	// Handle last collected set of keys/vals.
	gcq.eventLog.Infof(true, "assembled %d transactions from %d old intents; found %d gc'able keys", len(txnMap), intentCount, len(gcArgs.Keys))

	txnKeys, err := gcq.processTransactionTable(repl, txnMap, txnExp)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	// From now on, all newly added keys are range-local.
	// TODO(tschottdorf): Might need to use two requests at some point since we
	// hard-coded the full non-local key range in the header, but that does
	// not take into account the range-local keys. It will be OK as long as
	// we send directly to the Replica, though.
	gcArgs.Keys = append(gcArgs.Keys, txnKeys...)

	// Process push transactions in parallel.
	var wg sync.WaitGroup
	gcq.eventLog.Infof(true, "pushing %d txns", len(txnMap))
	for _, txn := range txnMap {
		if txn.Status != roachpb.PENDING {
		go gcq.pushTxn(repl, now, txn, roachpb.PUSH_ABORT, &wg)

	// Resolve all intents.
	var intents []roachpb.Intent
	for txnID, txn := range txnMap {
		if txn.Status != roachpb.PENDING {
			for _, intent := range intentSpanMap[txnID] {
				intents = append(intents, roachpb.Intent{Span: intent, Status: txn.Status, Txn: txn.TxnMeta})
	gcq.eventLog.Infof(true, "resolving %d intents", len(intents))

	if pErr :=, repl, intents,
		true /* wait */, false /* !poison */); pErr != nil {
		return pErr.GoError()

	// Deal with any leftover sequence cache keys. There shouldn't be many of
	// them.
	leftoverSeqCacheKeys := gcq.processSequenceCache(repl, now, txnExp, txnMap)
	gcq.eventLog.Infof(true, "collected %d leftover sequence cache keys", len(leftoverSeqCacheKeys))
	gcArgs.Keys = append(gcArgs.Keys, leftoverSeqCacheKeys...)
	gcq.eventLog.Infof(true, "sending gc request for %d keys", len(gcArgs.Keys))

	var ba roachpb.BatchRequest
	// Technically not needed since we're talking directly to the Range.
	ba.RangeID = desc.RangeID
	ba.Timestamp = now
	if _, pErr := repl.Send(repl.context(), ba); pErr != nil {
		return pErr.GoError()

	return nil
Beispiel #28
// process iterates through all keys in a replica's range, calling the garbage
// collector for each key and associated set of values. GC'd keys are batched
// into GC calls. Extant intents are resolved if intents are older than
// intentAgeThreshold.
func (gcq *gcQueue) process(now roachpb.Timestamp, repl *Replica,
	sysCfg *config.SystemConfig) error {

	snap :=
	desc := repl.Desc()
	iter := newReplicaDataIterator(desc, snap)
	defer iter.Close()
	defer snap.Close()

	// Lookup the GC policy for the zone containing this key range.
	zone, err := sysCfg.GetZoneConfigForKey(desc.StartKey)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("could not find GC policy for range %s: %s", repl, err)
	policy := zone.GC

	gcMeta := roachpb.NewGCMetadata(now.WallTime)
	gc := engine.NewGarbageCollector(now, *policy)

	// Compute intent expiration (intent age at which we attempt to resolve).
	intentExp := now
	intentExp.WallTime -= intentAgeThreshold.Nanoseconds()
	txnExp := now
	txnExp.WallTime -= txnCleanupThreshold.Nanoseconds()

	gcArgs := &roachpb.GCRequest{}
	// TODO(tschottdorf): This is one of these instances in which we want
	// to be more careful that the request ends up on the correct Replica,
	// and we might have to worry about mixing range-local and global keys
	// in a batch which might end up spanning Ranges by the time it executes.
	gcArgs.Key = desc.StartKey.AsRawKey()
	gcArgs.EndKey = desc.EndKey.AsRawKey()

	var expBaseKey roachpb.Key
	var keys []engine.MVCCKey
	var vals [][]byte

	// Maps from txn ID to txn and intent key slice.
	txnMap := map[string]*roachpb.Transaction{}
	intentSpanMap := map[string][]roachpb.Span{}

	// processKeysAndValues is invoked with each key and its set of
	// values. Intents older than the intent age threshold are sent for
	// resolution and values after the MVCC metadata, and possible
	// intent, are sent for garbage collection.
	processKeysAndValues := func() {
		// If there's more than a single value for the key, possibly send for GC.
		if len(keys) > 1 {
			meta := &engine.MVCCMetadata{}
			if err := proto.Unmarshal(vals[0], meta); err != nil {
				log.Errorf("unable to unmarshal MVCC metadata for key %q: %s", keys[0], err)
			} else {
				// In the event that there's an active intent, send for
				// intent resolution if older than the threshold.
				startIdx := 1
				if meta.Txn != nil {
					// Keep track of intent to resolve if older than the intent
					// expiration threshold.
					if meta.Timestamp.Less(intentExp) {
						id := string(meta.Txn.ID)
						txnMap[id] = meta.Txn
						intentSpanMap[id] = append(intentSpanMap[id], roachpb.Span{Key: expBaseKey})
					// With an active intent, GC ignores MVCC metadata & intent value.
					startIdx = 2
				// See if any values may be GC'd.
				if gcTS := gc.Filter(keys[startIdx:], vals[startIdx:]); !gcTS.Equal(roachpb.ZeroTimestamp) {
					// TODO(spencer): need to split the requests up into
					// multiple requests in the event that more than X keys
					// are added to the request.
					gcArgs.Keys = append(gcArgs.Keys, roachpb.GCRequest_GCKey{Key: expBaseKey, Timestamp: gcTS})

	// Iterate through the keys and values of this replica's range.
	for ; iter.Valid(); iter.Next() {
		baseKey, ts, isValue, err := engine.MVCCDecodeKey(iter.Key())
		if err != nil {
			log.Errorf("unable to decode MVCC key: %q: %v", iter.Key(), err)
		if !isValue {
			// Moving to the next key (& values).
			expBaseKey = baseKey
			keys = []engine.MVCCKey{iter.Key()}
			vals = [][]byte{iter.Value()}
		} else {
			if !baseKey.Equal(expBaseKey) {
				log.Errorf("unexpectedly found a value for %q with ts=%s; expected key %q", baseKey, ts, expBaseKey)
			keys = append(keys, iter.Key())
			vals = append(vals, iter.Value())
	if iter.Error() != nil {
		return iter.Error()
	// Handle last collected set of keys/vals.

	txnKeys, err := processTransactionTable(repl, txnMap, txnExp)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	// From now on, all newly added keys are range-local.
	// TODO(tschottdorf): Might need to use two requests at some point since we
	// hard-coded the full non-local key range in the header, but that does
	// not take into account the range-local keys. It will be OK as long as
	// we send directly to the Replica, though.
	gcArgs.Keys = append(gcArgs.Keys, txnKeys...)

	// Process push transactions in parallel.
	var wg sync.WaitGroup
	for _, txn := range txnMap {
		if txn.Status != roachpb.PENDING {
		go pushTxn(repl, now, txn, roachpb.ABORT_TXN, &wg)

	// Resolve all intents.
	var intents []roachpb.Intent
	for id, txn := range txnMap {
		if txn.Status != roachpb.PENDING {
			for _, intent := range intentSpanMap[id] {
				intents = append(intents, roachpb.Intent{Span: intent, Txn: *txn})

	if err := repl.resolveIntents(repl.context(), intents, true /* wait */, false /* !poison */); err != nil {
		return err

	// Deal with any leftover sequence cache keys. There shouldn't be many of
	// them.
	gcArgs.Keys = append(gcArgs.Keys, processSequenceCache(repl, now, txnExp, txnMap)...)

	// Send GC request through range.
	gcArgs.GCMeta = *gcMeta

	var ba roachpb.BatchRequest
	// Technically not needed since we're talking directly to the Range.
	ba.RangeID = desc.RangeID
	ba.Timestamp = now
	if _, pErr := repl.Send(repl.context(), ba); pErr != nil {
		return pErr.GoError()

	// Store current timestamp as last verification for this replica, as
	// we've just successfully scanned.
	if err := repl.SetLastVerificationTimestamp(now); err != nil {
		log.Errorf("failed to set last verification timestamp for replica %s: %s", repl, err)

	return nil
Beispiel #29
func TestComputeSplits(t *testing.T) {
	defer leaktest.AfterTest(t)()

	const (
		start         = keys.MaxReservedDescID + 1
		reservedStart = keys.MaxSystemConfigDescID + 1

	schema := sqlbase.MakeMetadataSchema()
	// Real SQL system tables only.
	baseSql := schema.GetInitialValues()
	// Real SQL system tables plus some user stuff.
	userSql := append(schema.GetInitialValues(),
		descriptor(start), descriptor(start+1), descriptor(start+5))
	// Real SQL system with reserved non-system tables.
	priv := sqlbase.NewDefaultPrivilegeDescriptor()
	desc1 := sql.CreateTableDescriptor(reservedStart+1, keys.SystemDatabaseID, "CREATE TABLE system.test1 (i INT PRIMARY KEY)", priv)
	schema.AddDescriptor(keys.SystemDatabaseID, &desc1)
	desc2 := sql.CreateTableDescriptor(reservedStart+2, keys.SystemDatabaseID, "CREATE TABLE system.test2 (i INT PRIMARY KEY)", priv)
	schema.AddDescriptor(keys.SystemDatabaseID, &desc2)
	reservedSql := schema.GetInitialValues()
	// Real SQL system with reserved non-system and user database.
	allSql := append(schema.GetInitialValues(),
		descriptor(start), descriptor(start+1), descriptor(start+5))

	allUserSplits := []uint32{start, start + 1, start + 2, start + 3, start + 4, start + 5}
	var allReservedSplits []uint32
	for i := 0; i < schema.SystemDescriptorCount()-schema.SystemConfigDescriptorCount(); i++ {
		allReservedSplits = append(allReservedSplits, reservedStart+uint32(i))
	allSplits := append(allReservedSplits, allUserSplits...)

	testCases := []struct {
		values     []roachpb.KeyValue
		start, end roachpb.RKey
		// Use ints in the testcase definitions, more readable.
		splits []uint32
		// No data.
		{nil, roachpb.RKeyMin, roachpb.RKeyMax, nil},
		{nil, keys.MakeTablePrefix(start), roachpb.RKeyMax, nil},
		{nil, keys.MakeTablePrefix(start), keys.MakeTablePrefix(start + 10), nil},
		{nil, roachpb.RKeyMin, keys.MakeTablePrefix(start + 10), nil},

		// No user data.
		{baseSql, roachpb.RKeyMin, roachpb.RKeyMax, allReservedSplits},
		{baseSql, keys.MakeTablePrefix(start), roachpb.RKeyMax, nil},
		{baseSql, keys.MakeTablePrefix(start), keys.MakeTablePrefix(start + 10), nil},
		{baseSql, roachpb.RKeyMin, keys.MakeTablePrefix(start + 10), allReservedSplits},

		// User descriptors.
		{userSql, keys.MakeTablePrefix(start - 1), roachpb.RKeyMax, allUserSplits},
		{userSql, keys.MakeTablePrefix(start), roachpb.RKeyMax, allUserSplits[1:]},
		{userSql, keys.MakeTablePrefix(start), keys.MakeTablePrefix(start + 10), allUserSplits[1:]},
		{userSql, keys.MakeTablePrefix(start - 1), keys.MakeTablePrefix(start + 10), allUserSplits},
		{userSql, keys.MakeTablePrefix(start + 4), keys.MakeTablePrefix(start + 10), allUserSplits[5:]},
		{userSql, keys.MakeTablePrefix(start + 5), keys.MakeTablePrefix(start + 10), nil},
		{userSql, keys.MakeTablePrefix(start + 6), keys.MakeTablePrefix(start + 10), nil},
		{userSql, testutils.MakeKey(keys.MakeTablePrefix(start), roachpb.RKey("foo")),
			keys.MakeTablePrefix(start + 10), allUserSplits[1:]},
		{userSql, testutils.MakeKey(keys.MakeTablePrefix(start), roachpb.RKey("foo")),
			keys.MakeTablePrefix(start + 5), allUserSplits[1:5]},
		{userSql, testutils.MakeKey(keys.MakeTablePrefix(start), roachpb.RKey("foo")),
			testutils.MakeKey(keys.MakeTablePrefix(start+5), roachpb.RKey("bar")), allUserSplits[1:5]},
		{userSql, testutils.MakeKey(keys.MakeTablePrefix(start), roachpb.RKey("foo")),
			testutils.MakeKey(keys.MakeTablePrefix(start), roachpb.RKey("morefoo")), nil},

		// Reserved descriptors.
		{reservedSql, roachpb.RKeyMin, roachpb.RKeyMax, allReservedSplits},
		{reservedSql, keys.MakeTablePrefix(reservedStart), roachpb.RKeyMax, allReservedSplits[1:]},
		{reservedSql, keys.MakeTablePrefix(start), roachpb.RKeyMax, nil},
		{reservedSql, keys.MakeTablePrefix(reservedStart), keys.MakeTablePrefix(start + 10), allReservedSplits[1:]},
		{reservedSql, roachpb.RKeyMin, keys.MakeTablePrefix(reservedStart + 2), allReservedSplits[:2]},
		{reservedSql, roachpb.RKeyMin, keys.MakeTablePrefix(reservedStart + 10), allReservedSplits},
		{reservedSql, keys.MakeTablePrefix(reservedStart), keys.MakeTablePrefix(reservedStart + 2), allReservedSplits[1:2]},
		{reservedSql, testutils.MakeKey(keys.MakeTablePrefix(reservedStart), roachpb.RKey("foo")),
			testutils.MakeKey(keys.MakeTablePrefix(start+10), roachpb.RKey("foo")), allReservedSplits[1:]},

		// Reserved/User mix.
		{allSql, roachpb.RKeyMin, roachpb.RKeyMax, allSplits},
		{allSql, keys.MakeTablePrefix(reservedStart + 1), roachpb.RKeyMax, allSplits[2:]},
		{allSql, keys.MakeTablePrefix(start), roachpb.RKeyMax, allUserSplits[1:]},
		{allSql, keys.MakeTablePrefix(reservedStart), keys.MakeTablePrefix(start + 10), allSplits[1:]},
		{allSql, roachpb.RKeyMin, keys.MakeTablePrefix(start + 2), allSplits[:6]},
		{allSql, testutils.MakeKey(keys.MakeTablePrefix(reservedStart), roachpb.RKey("foo")),
			testutils.MakeKey(keys.MakeTablePrefix(start+5), roachpb.RKey("foo")), allSplits[1:9]},

	cfg := config.SystemConfig{}
	for tcNum, tc := range testCases {
		cfg.Values = tc.values
		splits := cfg.ComputeSplitKeys(tc.start, tc.end)
		if len(splits) == 0 && len(tc.splits) == 0 {

		// Convert ints to actual keys.
		expected := []roachpb.RKey{}
		for _, s := range tc.splits {
			expected = append(expected, keys.MakeRowSentinelKey(keys.MakeTablePrefix(s)))
		if !reflect.DeepEqual(splits, expected) {
			t.Errorf("#%d: bad splits:\ngot: %v\nexpected: %v", tcNum, splits, expected)
func (rq *replicateQueue) process(now roachpb.Timestamp, repl *Replica, sysCfg config.SystemConfig) error {
	desc := repl.Desc()
	// Find the zone config for this range.
	zone, err := sysCfg.GetZoneConfigForKey(desc.StartKey)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	action, _ := rq.allocator.ComputeAction(*zone, desc)

	// Avoid taking action if the range has too many dead replicas to make
	// quorum.
	deadReplicas := rq.allocator.storePool.deadReplicas(desc.Replicas)
	quorum := computeQuorum(len(desc.Replicas))
	liveReplicaCount := len(desc.Replicas) - len(deadReplicas)
	if liveReplicaCount < quorum {
		return util.Errorf("range requires a replication change, but lacks a quorum of live nodes.")

	switch action {
	case AllocatorAdd:
		newStore, err := rq.allocator.AllocateTarget(zone.ReplicaAttrs[0], desc.Replicas, true, nil)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		newReplica := roachpb.ReplicaDescriptor{
			NodeID:  newStore.Node.NodeID,
			StoreID: newStore.StoreID,
		if err = repl.ChangeReplicas(roachpb.ADD_REPLICA, newReplica, desc); err != nil {
			return err
	case AllocatorRemove:
		removeReplica, err := rq.allocator.RemoveTarget(desc.Replicas)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		if err = repl.ChangeReplicas(roachpb.REMOVE_REPLICA, removeReplica, desc); err != nil {
			return err
		// Do not requeue if we removed ourselves.
		if removeReplica.StoreID == {
			return nil
	case AllocatorRemoveDead:
		if len(deadReplicas) == 0 {
			if log.V(1) {
				log.Warningf("Range of replica %s was identified as having dead replicas, but no dead replicas were found.", repl)
		if err = repl.ChangeReplicas(roachpb.REMOVE_REPLICA, deadReplicas[0], desc); err != nil {
			return err
	case AllocatorNoop:
		// The Noop case will result if this replica was queued in order to
		// rebalance. Attempt to find a rebalancing target.
		rebalanceStore := rq.allocator.RebalanceTarget(, zone.ReplicaAttrs[0], desc.Replicas)
		if rebalanceStore == nil {
			// No action was necessary and no rebalance target was found. Return
			// without re-queuing this replica.
			return nil
		rebalanceReplica := roachpb.ReplicaDescriptor{
			NodeID:  rebalanceStore.Node.NodeID,
			StoreID: rebalanceStore.StoreID,
		if err = repl.ChangeReplicas(roachpb.ADD_REPLICA, rebalanceReplica, desc); err != nil {
			return err

	// Enqueue this replica again to see if there are more changes to be made.
	rq.MaybeAdd(repl, rq.clock.Now())
	return nil