Beispiel #1
// Start starts the test cluster by bootstrapping an in-memory store
// (defaults to maximum of 50M). The server is started, launching the
// node RPC server and all HTTP endpoints. Use the value of
// TestServer.Addr after Start() for client connections. Use Stop()
// to shutdown the server after the test completes.
func (ltc *LocalTestCluster) Start(t util.Tester, baseCtx *base.Config, initSender InitSenderFn) {
	ambient := log.AmbientContext{Tracer: tracing.NewTracer()}
	nc := &base.NodeIDContainer{}
	ambient.AddLogTag("n", nc)

	nodeID := roachpb.NodeID(1)
	nodeDesc := &roachpb.NodeDescriptor{NodeID: nodeID}

	ltc.tester = t
	ltc.Manual = hlc.NewManualClock(0)
	ltc.Clock = hlc.NewClock(ltc.Manual.UnixNano)
	ltc.Stopper = stop.NewStopper()
	rpcContext := rpc.NewContext(ambient, baseCtx, ltc.Clock, ltc.Stopper)
	server := rpc.NewServer(rpcContext) // never started
	ltc.Gossip = gossip.New(ambient, nc, rpcContext, server, nil, ltc.Stopper, metric.NewRegistry())
	ltc.Eng = engine.NewInMem(roachpb.Attributes{}, 50<<20)

	ltc.Stores = storage.NewStores(ambient, ltc.Clock)

	ltc.Sender = initSender(nodeDesc, ambient.Tracer, ltc.Clock, ltc.Latency, ltc.Stores, ltc.Stopper,
	if ltc.DBContext == nil {
		dbCtx := client.DefaultDBContext()
		ltc.DBContext = &dbCtx
	ltc.DB = client.NewDBWithContext(ltc.Sender, *ltc.DBContext)
	transport := storage.NewDummyRaftTransport()
	cfg := storage.TestStoreConfig()
	if ltc.RangeRetryOptions != nil {
		cfg.RangeRetryOptions = *ltc.RangeRetryOptions
	cfg.AmbientCtx = ambient
	cfg.Clock = ltc.Clock
	cfg.DB = ltc.DB
	cfg.Gossip = ltc.Gossip
	cfg.Transport = transport
	cfg.MetricsSampleInterval = metric.TestSampleInterval
	ltc.Store = storage.NewStore(cfg, ltc.Eng, nodeDesc)
	if err := ltc.Store.Bootstrap(roachpb.StoreIdent{NodeID: nodeID, StoreID: 1}); err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("unable to start local test cluster: %s", err)
	if err := ltc.Store.BootstrapRange(nil); err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("unable to start local test cluster: %s", err)
	if err := ltc.Store.Start(context.Background(), ltc.Stopper); err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("unable to start local test cluster: %s", err)
	nc.Set(context.TODO(), nodeDesc.NodeID)
	if err := ltc.Gossip.SetNodeDescriptor(nodeDesc); err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("unable to set node descriptor: %s", err)
Beispiel #2
// NewServer creates a Server from a server.Context.
func NewServer(cfg Config, stopper *stop.Stopper) (*Server, error) {
	if _, err := net.ResolveTCPAddr("tcp", cfg.AdvertiseAddr); err != nil {
		return nil, errors.Errorf("unable to resolve RPC address %q: %v", cfg.AdvertiseAddr, err)

	if cfg.AmbientCtx.Tracer == nil {
		cfg.AmbientCtx.Tracer = tracing.NewTracer()

	// Try loading the TLS configs before anything else.
	if _, err := cfg.GetServerTLSConfig(); err != nil {
		return nil, err
	if _, err := cfg.GetClientTLSConfig(); err != nil {
		return nil, err

	s := &Server{
		mux:     http.NewServeMux(),
		clock:   hlc.NewClock(hlc.UnixNano, cfg.MaxOffset),
		stopper: stopper,
		cfg:     cfg,
	// Add a dynamic log tag value for the node ID.
	// We need to pass an ambient context to the various server components, but we
	// won't know the node ID until we Start(). At that point it's too late to
	// change the ambient contexts in the components (various background processes
	// will have already started using them).
	// NodeIDContainer allows us to add the log tag to the context now and update
	// the value asynchronously. It's not significantly more expensive than a
	// regular tag since it's just doing an (atomic) load when a log/trace message
	// is constructed. The node ID is set by the Store if this host was
	// bootstrapped; otherwise a new one is allocated in Node.
	s.cfg.AmbientCtx.AddLogTag("n", &s.nodeIDContainer)

	ctx := s.AnnotateCtx(context.Background())
	if s.cfg.Insecure {
		log.Warning(ctx, "running in insecure mode, this is strongly discouraged. See --insecure.")

	s.rpcContext = rpc.NewContext(s.cfg.AmbientCtx, s.cfg.Config, s.clock, s.stopper)
	s.rpcContext.HeartbeatCB = func() {
		if err := s.rpcContext.RemoteClocks.VerifyClockOffset(); err != nil {
			log.Fatal(ctx, err)
	s.grpc = rpc.NewServer(s.rpcContext)

	s.registry = metric.NewRegistry()
	s.gossip = gossip.New(
	s.storePool = storage.NewStorePool(
		/* deterministic */ false,

	// A custom RetryOptions is created which uses stopper.ShouldQuiesce() as
	// the Closer. This prevents infinite retry loops from occurring during
	// graceful server shutdown
	// Such a loop loop occurs with the DistSender attempts a connection to the
	// local server during shutdown, and receives an internal server error (HTTP
	// Code 5xx). This is the correct error for a server to return when it is
	// shutting down, and is normally retryable in a cluster environment.
	// However, on a single-node setup (such as a test), retries will never
	// succeed because the only server has been shut down; thus, thus the
	// DistSender needs to know that it should not retry in this situation.
	retryOpts := base.DefaultRetryOptions()
	retryOpts.Closer = s.stopper.ShouldQuiesce()
	distSenderCfg := kv.DistSenderConfig{
		AmbientCtx:      s.cfg.AmbientCtx,
		Clock:           s.clock,
		RPCContext:      s.rpcContext,
		RPCRetryOptions: &retryOpts,
	s.distSender = kv.NewDistSender(distSenderCfg, s.gossip)

	txnMetrics := kv.MakeTxnMetrics(s.cfg.MetricsSampleInterval)
	s.txnCoordSender = kv.NewTxnCoordSender(
	s.db = client.NewDB(s.txnCoordSender)

	// Use the range lease expiration and renewal durations as the node
	// liveness expiration and heartbeat interval.
	active, renewal := storage.RangeLeaseDurations(
		storage.RaftElectionTimeout(s.cfg.RaftTickInterval, s.cfg.RaftElectionTimeoutTicks))
	s.nodeLiveness = storage.NewNodeLiveness(
		s.cfg.AmbientCtx, s.clock, s.db, s.gossip, active, renewal,

	s.raftTransport = storage.NewRaftTransport(
		s.cfg.AmbientCtx, storage.GossipAddressResolver(s.gossip), s.grpc, s.rpcContext,

	s.kvDB = kv.NewDBServer(s.cfg.Config, s.txnCoordSender, s.stopper)
	roachpb.RegisterExternalServer(s.grpc, s.kvDB)

	// Set up internal memory metrics for use by internal SQL executors.
	s.internalMemMetrics = sql.MakeMemMetrics("internal")

	// Set up Lease Manager
	var lmKnobs sql.LeaseManagerTestingKnobs
	if cfg.TestingKnobs.SQLLeaseManager != nil {
		lmKnobs = *s.cfg.TestingKnobs.SQLLeaseManager.(*sql.LeaseManagerTestingKnobs)
	s.leaseMgr = sql.NewLeaseManager(&s.nodeIDContainer, *s.db, s.clock, lmKnobs,
		s.stopper, &s.internalMemMetrics)
	s.leaseMgr.RefreshLeases(s.stopper, s.db, s.gossip)

	// Set up the DistSQL server
	distSQLCfg := distsql.ServerConfig{
		AmbientContext: s.cfg.AmbientCtx,
		DB:             s.db,
		RPCContext:     s.rpcContext,
		Stopper:        s.stopper,
	s.distSQLServer = distsql.NewServer(distSQLCfg)
	distsql.RegisterDistSQLServer(s.grpc, s.distSQLServer)

	// Set up admin memory metrics for use by admin SQL executors.
	s.adminMemMetrics = sql.MakeMemMetrics("admin")

	// Set up Executor
	execCfg := sql.ExecutorConfig{
		AmbientCtx:            s.cfg.AmbientCtx,
		NodeID:                &s.nodeIDContainer,
		DB:                    s.db,
		Gossip:                s.gossip,
		LeaseManager:          s.leaseMgr,
		Clock:                 s.clock,
		DistSQLSrv:            s.distSQLServer,
		MetricsSampleInterval: s.cfg.MetricsSampleInterval,
	if s.cfg.TestingKnobs.SQLExecutor != nil {
		execCfg.TestingKnobs = s.cfg.TestingKnobs.SQLExecutor.(*sql.ExecutorTestingKnobs)
	} else {
		execCfg.TestingKnobs = &sql.ExecutorTestingKnobs{}
	if s.cfg.TestingKnobs.SQLSchemaChanger != nil {
		execCfg.SchemaChangerTestingKnobs =
	} else {
		execCfg.SchemaChangerTestingKnobs = &sql.SchemaChangerTestingKnobs{}
	s.sqlExecutor = sql.NewExecutor(execCfg, s.stopper, &s.adminMemMetrics)

	s.pgServer = pgwire.MakeServer(
		s.cfg.AmbientCtx, s.cfg.Config, s.sqlExecutor, &s.internalMemMetrics, s.cfg.SQLMemoryPoolSize,

	s.tsDB = ts.NewDB(s.db)
	s.tsServer = ts.MakeServer(s.cfg.AmbientCtx, s.tsDB, s.cfg.TimeSeriesServerConfig, s.stopper)

	// TODO(bdarnell): make StoreConfig configurable.
	storeCfg := storage.StoreConfig{
		AmbientCtx:                     s.cfg.AmbientCtx,
		Clock:                          s.clock,
		DB:                             s.db,
		Gossip:                         s.gossip,
		NodeLiveness:                   s.nodeLiveness,
		Transport:                      s.raftTransport,
		RaftTickInterval:               s.cfg.RaftTickInterval,
		ScanInterval:                   s.cfg.ScanInterval,
		ScanMaxIdleTime:                s.cfg.ScanMaxIdleTime,
		ConsistencyCheckInterval:       s.cfg.ConsistencyCheckInterval,
		ConsistencyCheckPanicOnFailure: s.cfg.ConsistencyCheckPanicOnFailure,
		MetricsSampleInterval:          s.cfg.MetricsSampleInterval,
		StorePool:                      s.storePool,
		SQLExecutor: sql.InternalExecutor{
			LeaseManager: s.leaseMgr,
		LogRangeEvents: s.cfg.EventLogEnabled,
		AllocatorOptions: storage.AllocatorOptions{
			AllowRebalance: true,
		RangeLeaseActiveDuration:  active,
		RangeLeaseRenewalDuration: renewal,
		TimeSeriesDataStore:       s.tsDB,
	if s.cfg.TestingKnobs.Store != nil {
		storeCfg.TestingKnobs = *s.cfg.TestingKnobs.Store.(*storage.StoreTestingKnobs)

	s.recorder = status.NewMetricsRecorder(s.clock)

	s.runtime = status.MakeRuntimeStatSampler(s.clock)

	s.node = NewNode(storeCfg, s.recorder, s.registry, s.stopper, txnMetrics, sql.MakeEventLogger(s.leaseMgr))
	roachpb.RegisterInternalServer(s.grpc, s.node)
	storage.RegisterConsistencyServer(s.grpc, s.node.storesServer)
	storage.RegisterFreezeServer(s.grpc, s.node.storesServer)

	s.admin = newAdminServer(s)
	s.status = newStatusServer(
		s.cfg.AmbientCtx, s.db, s.gossip, s.recorder, s.rpcContext, s.node.stores,
	for _, gw := range []grpcGatewayServer{s.admin, s.status, &s.tsServer} {

	return s, nil