Beispiel #1
// orderBy constructs a sortNode based on the ORDER BY clause.
// In the general case (SELECT/UNION/VALUES), we can sort by a column index or a
// column name.
// However, for a SELECT, we can also sort by the pre-alias column name (SELECT
// a AS b ORDER BY b) as well as expressions (SELECT a, b, ORDER BY a+b). In
// this case, construction of the sortNode might adjust the number of render
// targets in the selectNode if any ordering expressions are specified.
// TODO(dan): SQL also allows sorting a VALUES or UNION by an expression.
// Support this. It will reduce some of the special casing below, but requires a
// generalization of how to add derived columns to a SelectStatement.
func (p *planner) orderBy(orderBy parser.OrderBy, n planNode) (*sortNode, error) {
	if orderBy == nil {
		return nil, nil

	// Multiple tests below use selectNode as a special case.
	// So factor the cast.
	s, _ := n.(*selectNode)

	// We grab a copy of columns here because we might add new render targets
	// below. This is the set of columns requested by the query.
	columns := n.Columns()
	numOriginalCols := len(columns)
	if s != nil {
		numOriginalCols = s.numOriginalCols
	var ordering sqlbase.ColumnOrdering

	for _, o := range orderBy {
		direction := encoding.Ascending
		if o.Direction == parser.Descending {
			direction = encoding.Descending

		index := -1

		// Unwrap parenthesized expressions like "((a))" to "a".
		expr := parser.StripParens(o.Expr)

		// The logical data source for ORDER BY is the list of render
		// expressions for a SELECT, as specified in the input SQL text
		// (or an entire UNION or VALUES clause).  Alas, SQL has some
		// historical baggage from SQL92 and there are some special cases:
		// SQL92 rules:
		// 1) if the expression is the aliased (AS) name of a render
		//    expression in a SELECT clause, then use that
		//    render as sort key.
		//    e.g. SELECT a AS b, b AS c ORDER BY b
		//    this sorts on the first render.
		// 2) column ordinals. If a simple integer literal is used,
		//    optionally enclosed within parentheses but *not subject to
		//    any arithmetic*, then this refers to one of the columns of
		//    the data source. Then use the render expression at that
		//    ordinal position as sort key.
		// SQL99 rules:
		// 3) otherwise, if the expression is already in the render list,
		//    then use that render as sort key.
		//    e.g. SELECT b AS c ORDER BY b
		//    this sorts on the first render.
		//    (this is an optimization)
		// 4) if the sort key is not dependent on the data source (no
		//    IndexedVar) then simply do not sort. (this is an optimization)
		// 5) otherwise, add a new render with the ORDER BY expression
		//    and use that as sort key.
		//    e.g. SELECT a FROM t ORDER by b
		//    e.g. SELECT a, b FROM t ORDER by a+b

		// First, deal with render aliases.
		if vBase, ok := expr.(parser.VarName); index == -1 && ok {
			v, err := vBase.NormalizeVarName()
			if err != nil {
				return nil, err

			if c, ok := v.(*parser.ColumnItem); ok && c.TableName.Table() == "" {
				// Look for an output column that matches the name. This
				// handles cases like:
				//   SELECT a AS b FROM t ORDER BY b
				target := c.ColumnName.Normalize()
				for j, col := range columns {
					if parser.ReNormalizeName(col.Name) == target {
						if index != -1 {
							// There is more than one render alias that matches the ORDER BY
							// clause. Here, SQL92 is specific as to what should be done:
							// if the underlying expression is known (we're on a selectNode)
							// and it is equivalent, then just accept that and ignore the ambiguity.
							// This plays nice with `SELECT b, * FROM t ORDER BY b`. Otherwise,
							// reject with an ambituity error.
							if s == nil || !s.equivalentRenders(j, index) {
								return nil, errors.Errorf("ORDER BY \"%s\" is ambiguous", target)
						index = j

		// So Then, deal with column ordinals.
		if index == -1 {
			col, err := p.colIndex(numOriginalCols, expr, "ORDER BY")
			if err != nil {
				return nil, err
			if col != -1 {
				index = col

		if s != nil {
			// Try to optimize constant sorts. For this we need to resolve
			// names to IndexedVars then see if there were any row-dependent
			// expressions found in the sort expression.
			sortExpr := expr
			if index != -1 {
				// We found a render above, so fetch it. This is needed
				// because if the sort expression is a reference to a render
				// alias, resolveNames below would be incorrect.
				sortExpr = s.render[index]
			_, hasRowDependentValues, err := p.resolveNames(sortExpr, s.sourceInfo, s.ivarHelper)
			if err != nil {
				return nil, err
			if !hasRowDependentValues {
				// No sorting needed!

		// Finally, if we haven't found anything so far, we really
		// need a new render.
		// TODO(knz/dan) currently this is only possible for selectNode.
		// If we are dealing with a UNION or something else we would need
		// to fabricate an intermediate selectNode to add the new render.
		if index == -1 && s != nil {
			cols, exprs, hasStar, err := p.computeRender(parser.SelectExpr{Expr: expr}, parser.TypeAny,, s.ivarHelper, true)
			if err != nil {
				return nil, err
			s.isStar = s.isStar || hasStar

			if len(cols) == 0 {
				// Nothing was expanded! No order here.

			colIdxs := s.addOrMergeRenders(cols, exprs, true)
			for i := 0; i < len(colIdxs)-1; i++ {
				// If more than 1 column were expanded, turn them into sort columns too.
				// Except the last one, which will be added below.
				ordering = append(ordering,
					sqlbase.ColumnOrderInfo{ColIdx: colIdxs[i], Direction: direction})
			index = colIdxs[len(colIdxs)-1]

		if index == -1 {
			return nil, errors.Errorf("column %s does not exist", expr)
		ordering = append(ordering,
			sqlbase.ColumnOrderInfo{ColIdx: index, Direction: direction})

	if ordering == nil {
		// All the sort expressions are constant. Simply drop the sort node.
		return nil, nil
	return &sortNode{ctx: p.ctx(), p: p, columns: columns, ordering: ordering}, nil
Beispiel #2
// orderBy constructs a sortNode based on the ORDER BY clause.
// In the general case (SELECT/UNION/VALUES), we can sort by a column index or a
// column name.
// However, for a SELECT, we can also sort by the pre-alias column name (SELECT
// a AS b ORDER BY b) as well as expressions (SELECT a, b, ORDER BY a+b). In
// this case, construction of the sortNode might adjust the number of render
// targets in the selectNode if any ordering expressions are specified.
// TODO(dan): SQL also allows sorting a VALUES or UNION by an expression.
// Support this. It will reduce some of the special casing below, but requires a
// generalization of how to add derived columns to a SelectStatement.
func (p *planner) orderBy(orderBy parser.OrderBy, n planNode) (*sortNode, error) {
	if orderBy == nil {
		return nil, nil

	// Multiple tests below use selectNode as a special case.
	// So factor the cast.
	s, _ := n.(*selectNode)

	// We grab a copy of columns here because we might add new render targets
	// below. This is the set of columns requested by the query.
	columns := n.Columns()
	numOriginalCols := len(columns)
	if s != nil {
		numOriginalCols = s.numOriginalCols
	var ordering sqlbase.ColumnOrdering

	for _, o := range orderBy {
		direction := encoding.Ascending
		if o.Direction == parser.Descending {
			direction = encoding.Descending

		index := -1

		// Unwrap parenthesized expressions like "((a))" to "a".
		expr := parser.StripParens(o.Expr)

		// The logical data source for ORDER BY is the list of render
		// expressions for a SELECT, as specified in the input SQL text
		// (or an entire UNION or VALUES clause).  Alas, SQL has some
		// historical baggage and there are some special cases:
		// 1) column ordinals. If a simple integer literal is used,
		//    optionally enclosed within parentheses but *not subject to
		//    any arithmetic*, then this refers to one of the columns of
		//    the data source. Then use the render expression at that
		//    ordinal position as sort key.
		// 2) if the expression is the aliased (AS) name of a render
		//    expression in a SELECT clause, then use that
		//    render as sort key.
		//    e.g. SELECT a AS b, b AS c ORDER BY b
		//    this sorts on the first render.
		// 3) otherwise, if the expression is already in the render list,
		//    then use that render as sort key.
		//    e.g. SELECT b AS c ORDER BY b
		//    this sorts on the first render.
		//    (this is an optimization)
		// 4) if the sort key is not dependent on the data source (no
		//    IndexedVar) then simply do not sort. (this is an optimization)
		// 5) otherwise, add a new render with the ORDER BY expression
		//    and use that as sort key.
		//    e.g. SELECT a FROM t ORDER by b
		//    e.g. SELECT a, b FROM t ORDER by a+b
		// So first, deal with column ordinals.
		col, err := p.colIndex(numOriginalCols, expr, "ORDER BY")
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		if col != -1 {
			index = col

		// Now, deal with render aliases.
		if vBase, ok := expr.(parser.VarName); index == -1 && ok {
			v, err := vBase.NormalizeVarName()
			if err != nil {
				return nil, err

			if c, ok := v.(*parser.ColumnItem); ok && c.TableName.Table() == "" {
				// Look for an output column that matches the name. This
				// handles cases like:
				//   SELECT a AS b FROM t ORDER BY b
				target := c.ColumnName.Normalize()
				for j, col := range columns {
					if parser.ReNormalizeName(col.Name) == target {
						index = j

		if s != nil {
			// Try to optimize constant sorts. For this we need to resolve
			// names to IndexedVars then see if there were any vars
			// substituted.
			sortExpr := expr
			if index != -1 {
				// We found a render above, so fetch it. This is needed
				// because if the sort expression is a reference to a render
				// alias, resolveNames below would be incorrect.
				sortExpr = s.render[index]
			resolved, hasVars, err := p.resolveNames(sortExpr, s.sourceInfo, s.ivarHelper)
			if err != nil {
				return nil, err
			if !hasVars {
				// No sorting needed!

			// Now, try to find an equivalent render. We use the syntax
			// representation as approximation of equivalence.
			// We also use the expression after name resolution so
			// that comparison occurs after replacing ordinal references
			// to IndexedVars.
			if index == -1 {
				exprStr := parser.AsStringWithFlags(resolved, parser.FmtSymbolicVars)
				for j, render := range s.render {
					if parser.AsStringWithFlags(render, parser.FmtSymbolicVars) == exprStr {
						index = j

		// Finally, if we haven't found anything so far, we really
		// need a new render.
		// TODO(knz/dan) currently this is only possible for selectNode.
		// If we are dealing with a UNION or something else we would need
		// to fabricate an intermediate selectNode to add the new render.
		if index == -1 && s != nil {
			// We need to add a new render, but let's be careful: if there's
			// a star in there, we're really adding multiple columns. These
			// all become sort columns! And if no columns are expanded, then
			// no columns become sort keys.
			nextRenderIdx := len(s.render)

			// TODO(knz) the optimizations above which reuse existing
			// renders and skip ordering for constant expressions are not
			// applied by addRender(). In other words, "ORDER BY foo.*" will
			// not be optimized as well as "ORDER BY foo.x, foo.y".  We
			// could do this either here or as a separate later
			// optimization.
			if err := s.addRender(parser.SelectExpr{Expr: expr}, nil); err != nil {
				return nil, err

			for extraIdx := nextRenderIdx; extraIdx < len(s.render)-1; extraIdx++ {
				// If more than 1 column were expanded, turn them into sort columns too.
				// Except the last one, which will be added below.
				ordering = append(ordering,
					sqlbase.ColumnOrderInfo{ColIdx: extraIdx, Direction: direction})
			if len(s.render) == nextRenderIdx {
				// Nothing was expanded! So there is no order here.
			index = len(s.render) - 1

		if index == -1 {
			return nil, errors.Errorf("column %s does not exist", expr)
		ordering = append(ordering,
			sqlbase.ColumnOrderInfo{ColIdx: index, Direction: direction})

	if ordering == nil {
		// All the sort expressions are constant. Simply drop the sort node.
		return nil, nil
	return &sortNode{ctx: p.ctx(), p: p, columns: columns, ordering: ordering}, nil
Beispiel #3
// orderBy constructs a sortNode based on the ORDER BY clause.
// In the general case (SELECT/UNION/VALUES), we can sort by a column index or a
// column name.
// However, for a SELECT, we can also sort by the pre-alias column name (SELECT
// a AS b ORDER BY b) as well as expressions (SELECT a, b, ORDER BY a+b). In
// this case, construction of the sortNode might adjust the number of render
// targets in the selectNode if any ordering expressions are specified.
// TODO(dan): SQL also allows sorting a VALUES or UNION by an expression.
// Support this. It will reduce some of the special casing below, but requires a
// generalization of how to add derived columns to a SelectStatement.
func (p *planner) orderBy(orderBy parser.OrderBy, n planNode) (*sortNode, error) {
	if orderBy == nil {
		return nil, nil

	// We grab a copy of columns here because we might add new render targets
	// below. This is the set of columns requested by the query.
	columns := n.Columns()
	numOriginalCols := len(columns)
	if s, ok := n.(*selectNode); ok {
		numOriginalCols = s.numOriginalCols
	var ordering sqlbase.ColumnOrdering

	for _, o := range orderBy {
		index := -1

		// Unwrap parenthesized expressions like "((a))" to "a".
		expr := parser.StripParens(o.Expr)

		if vBase, ok := expr.(parser.VarName); ok {
			v, err := vBase.NormalizeVarName()
			if err != nil {
				return nil, err

			var c *parser.ColumnItem
			switch t := v.(type) {
			case *parser.ColumnItem:
				c = t
				return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid syntax for ORDER BY: %s", v)

			if c.TableName.Table() == "" {
				// Look for an output column that matches the name. This
				// handles cases like:
				//   SELECT a AS b FROM t ORDER BY b
				target := c.ColumnName.Normalize()
				for j, col := range columns {
					if parser.ReNormalizeName(col.Name) == target {
						index = j

			if s, ok := n.(*selectNode); ok && index == -1 {
				// No output column matched the  name, so look for an existing
				// render target that matches the column name. This handles cases like:
				//   SELECT a AS b FROM t ORDER BY a
				colIdx, err := s.source.findUnaliasedColumn(c)
				if err != nil {
					return nil, err
				if colIdx != invalidColIdx {
					for j, r := range s.render {
						if ivar, ok := r.(*parser.IndexedVar); ok {
							if ivar.Idx == colIdx {
								index = j

		if index == -1 {
			// The order by expression matched neither an output column nor an
			// existing render target.
			if col, err := colIndex(numOriginalCols, expr); err != nil {
				return nil, err
			} else if col >= 0 {
				index = col
			} else if s, ok := n.(*selectNode); ok {
				// TODO(dan): Once we support VALUES (1), (2) ORDER BY 3*4, this type
				// check goes away.

				// Add a new render expression to use for ordering. This
				// handles cases were the expression is either not a name or
				// is a name that is otherwise not referenced by the query:
				//   SELECT a FROM t ORDER by b
				//   SELECT a, b FROM t ORDER by a+b
				if err := s.addRender(parser.SelectExpr{Expr: expr}, nil); err != nil {
					return nil, err
				index = len(s.columns) - 1
			} else {
				return nil, errors.Errorf("column %s does not exist", expr)
		direction := encoding.Ascending
		if o.Direction == parser.Descending {
			direction = encoding.Descending
		ordering = append(ordering, sqlbase.ColumnOrderInfo{ColIdx: index, Direction: direction})

	return &sortNode{ctx: p.ctx(), p: p, columns: columns, ordering: ordering}, nil