Beispiel #1
func makeSQLClient() (*sql.DB, string) {
	sqlURL := connURL
	if len(connURL) == 0 {
		options := url.Values{}
		if context.Insecure {
			options.Add("sslmode", "disable")
		} else {
			options.Add("sslmode", "verify-full")
			options.Add("sslcert", security.ClientCertPath(context.Certs, connUser))
			options.Add("sslkey", security.ClientKeyPath(context.Certs, connUser))
			options.Add("sslrootcert", security.CACertPath(context.Certs))
		pgURL := url.URL{
			Scheme:   "postgresql",
			User:     url.User(connUser),
			Host:     net.JoinHostPort(connHost, connPGPort),
			Path:     connDBName,
			RawQuery: options.Encode(),
		sqlURL = pgURL.String()
	db, err := sql.Open("postgres", sqlURL)
	if err != nil {
		panicf("failed to initialize SQL client: %s", err)
	return db, sqlURL
Beispiel #2
// PGUrl returns a postgres connection url which connects to this server with
// the given user. Returns a connection string and a cleanup function which must
// be called after any connection created using the string has been closed.
// In order to connect securely using postgres, this method will create
// temporary on-disk copies of certain embedded security certificates. The
// certificates will be created as temporary files in the provided directory,
// and their filenames will have the provided prefix. The returned cleanup
// function will delete these temporary files.
func PGUrl(t util.Tester, ts *server.TestServer, user, tempDir, prefix string) (url.URL, func()) {
	host, port, err := net.SplitHostPort(ts.PGAddr())
	if err != nil {

	caPath := security.CACertPath(security.EmbeddedCertsDir)
	certPath := security.ClientCertPath(security.EmbeddedCertsDir, user)
	keyPath := security.ClientKeyPath(security.EmbeddedCertsDir, user)

	// Copy these assets to disk from embedded strings, so this test can
	// run from a standalone binary.
	tempCAPath, tempCACleanup := securitytest.RestrictedCopy(t, caPath, tempDir, "TestLogic_ca")
	tempCertPath, tempCertCleanup := securitytest.RestrictedCopy(t, certPath, tempDir, "TestLogic_cert")
	tempKeyPath, tempKeyCleanup := securitytest.RestrictedCopy(t, keyPath, tempDir, "TestLogic_key")

	return url.URL{
			Scheme: "postgres",
			User:   url.User(user),
			Host:   net.JoinHostPort(host, port),
			RawQuery: fmt.Sprintf("sslmode=verify-full&sslrootcert=%s&sslcert=%s&sslkey=%s",
		}, func() {
Beispiel #3
// PGURL returns the URL for the postgres endpoint.
func (ctx *Context) PGURL(user string) *url.URL {
	// Try to convert path to an absolute path. Failing to do so return path
	// unchanged.
	absPath := func(path string) string {
		r, err := filepath.Abs(path)
		if err != nil {
			return path
		return r

	options := url.Values{}
	if ctx.Insecure {
		options.Add("sslmode", "disable")
	} else {
		options.Add("sslmode", "verify-full")
		options.Add("sslcert", absPath(security.ClientCertPath(ctx.Certs, user)))
		options.Add("sslkey", absPath(security.ClientKeyPath(ctx.Certs, user)))
		options.Add("sslrootcert", absPath(security.CACertPath(ctx.Certs)))
	return &url.URL{
		Scheme:   "postgresql",
		User:     url.User(user),
		Host:     ctx.Addr,
		RawQuery: options.Encode(),
Beispiel #4
// PGUrl returns a URL string for the given node postgres server.
func (l *LocalCluster) PGUrl(i int) string {
	certUser := security.RootUser
	options := url.Values{}
	options.Add("sslmode", "verify-full")
	options.Add("sslcert", security.ClientCertPath(l.CertsDir, certUser))
	options.Add("sslkey", security.ClientKeyPath(l.CertsDir, certUser))
	options.Add("sslrootcert", security.CACertPath(l.CertsDir))
	pgURL := url.URL{
		Scheme:   "postgres",
		User:     url.User(certUser),
		Host:     l.Nodes[i].PGAddr().String(),
		RawQuery: options.Encode(),
	return pgURL.String()
Beispiel #5
func newCLITest() cliTest {
	// Reset the client context for each test. We don't reset the
	// pointer (because they are tied into the flags), but instead
	// overwrite the existing struct's values.

	osStderr = os.Stdout

	s := &server.TestServer{}
	if err := s.Start(); err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("Could not start server: %v", err)

	tempDir, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "cli-test")
	if err != nil {

	// Copy these assets to disk from embedded strings, so this test can
	// run from a standalone binary.
	// Disable embedded certs, or the security library will try to load
	// our real files as embedded assets.

	assets := []string{
		security.ClientCertPath(security.EmbeddedCertsDir, security.RootUser),
		security.ClientKeyPath(security.EmbeddedCertsDir, security.RootUser),
		security.ClientCertPath(security.EmbeddedCertsDir, security.NodeUser),
		security.ClientKeyPath(security.EmbeddedCertsDir, security.NodeUser),

	cleanups := []func(){}
	for _, a := range assets {
		_, cleanupFn := securitytest.RestrictedCopy(nil, a, tempDir, filepath.Base(a))
		cleanups = append(cleanups, cleanupFn)

	return cliTest{
		TestServer: s,
		certsDir:   tempDir,
		cleanupFunc: func() {
			for _, f := range cleanups {
func makeSQLClient() (*sql.DB, string) {
	// Use the sql administrator by default (root user).
	sqlURL := connURL
	if len(connURL) == 0 {
		sslOptions := ""
		if context.Insecure {
			sslOptions = "sslmode=disable"
		} else {
			sslOptions = fmt.Sprintf("sslmode=verify-full&sslcert=%s&sslkey=%s&sslrootcert=%s",
				security.ClientCertPath(context.Certs, connUser),
				security.ClientKeyPath(context.Certs, connUser),
		sqlURL = fmt.Sprintf("postgresql://%s@%s:%s/%s?%s",
			connUser, connHost, connPGPort, connDBName, sslOptions)
	db, err := sql.Open("postgres", sqlURL)
	if err != nil {
		panicf("failed to initialize SQL client: %s", err)
	return db, sqlURL
Beispiel #7
// PGUrl returns a postgres connection url which connects to this server with the given user, and a
// cleanup function which must be called after all connections created using the connection url have
// been closed.
// In order to connect securely using postgres, this method will create temporary on-disk copies of
// certain embedded security certificates. The certificates will be created in a new temporary
// directory. The returned cleanup function will delete this temporary directory.
func PGUrl(t testing.TB, ts *server.TestServer, user, prefix string) (url.URL, func()) {
	host, port, err := net.SplitHostPort(ts.PGAddr())
	if err != nil {

	tempDir, err := ioutil.TempDir("", prefix)
	if err != nil {

	caPath := security.CACertPath(security.EmbeddedCertsDir)
	certPath := security.ClientCertPath(security.EmbeddedCertsDir, user)
	keyPath := security.ClientKeyPath(security.EmbeddedCertsDir, user)

	// Copy these assets to disk from embedded strings, so this test can
	// run from a standalone binary.
	tempCAPath := securitytest.RestrictedCopy(t, caPath, tempDir, "ca")
	tempCertPath := securitytest.RestrictedCopy(t, certPath, tempDir, "cert")
	tempKeyPath := securitytest.RestrictedCopy(t, keyPath, tempDir, "key")
	options := url.Values{}
	options.Add("sslmode", "verify-full")
	options.Add("sslrootcert", tempCAPath)
	options.Add("sslcert", tempCertPath)
	options.Add("sslkey", tempKeyPath)

	return url.URL{
			Scheme:   "postgres",
			User:     url.User(user),
			Host:     net.JoinHostPort(host, port),
			RawQuery: options.Encode(),
		}, func() {
			if err := os.RemoveAll(tempDir); err != nil {
				// Not Fatal() because we might already be panicking.