// TestCoordinatorHeartbeat verifies periodic heartbeat of the
// transaction record.
func TestCoordinatorHeartbeat(t *testing.T) {
	db, _, manual := createTestDB(t)
	defer db.Close()

	// Set heartbeat interval to 1ms for testing.
	db.coordinator.heartbeatInterval = 1 * time.Millisecond

	txnID := engine.Key("txn")
	<-db.Put(createPutRequest(engine.Key("a"), []byte("value"), txnID))

	// Verify 3 heartbeats.
	var heartbeatTS proto.Timestamp
	for i := 0; i < 3; i++ {
		if err := util.IsTrueWithin(func() bool {
			txn := proto.Transaction{}
			if ok, _, err := storage.GetProto(db, engine.MakeKey(engine.KeyLocalTransactionPrefix, txnID), &txn); !ok || err != nil {
				return false
			// Advance clock by 1ns.
			*manual = hlc.ManualClock(*manual + 1)
			if heartbeatTS.Less(txn.LastHeartbeat) {
				heartbeatTS = txn.LastHeartbeat
				return true
			return false
		}, 50*time.Millisecond); err != nil {
			t.Error("expected initial heartbeat within 50ms")
Beispiel #2
// Get retrieves the zone configuration for the specified key. If the
// key is empty, all zone configurations are returned. Otherwise, the
// leading "/" path delimiter is stripped and the zone configuration
// matching the remainder is retrieved. Note that this will retrieve
// the default zone config if "key" is equal to "/", and will list all
// configs if "key" is equal to "". The body result contains
// JSON-formatted output for a listing of keys and YAML-formatted
// output for retrieval of a zone config.
func (zh *zoneHandler) Get(path string, r *http.Request) (body []byte, contentType string, err error) {
	// Scan all zones if the key is empty.
	if len(path) == 0 {
		sr := <-zh.db.Scan(&proto.ScanRequest{
			RequestHeader: proto.RequestHeader{
				Key:    engine.KeyConfigZonePrefix,
				EndKey: engine.PrefixEndKey(engine.KeyConfigZonePrefix),
				User:   storage.UserRoot,
			MaxResults: maxGetResults,
		if sr.Error != nil {
			err = sr.GoError()
		if len(sr.Rows) == maxGetResults {
			log.Warningf("retrieved maximum number of results (%d); some may be missing", maxGetResults)
		var prefixes []string
		for _, kv := range sr.Rows {
			trimmed := bytes.TrimPrefix(kv.Key, engine.KeyConfigZonePrefix)
			prefixes = append(prefixes, url.QueryEscape(string(trimmed)))
		// JSON-encode the prefixes array.
		contentType = "application/json"
		if body, err = json.Marshal(prefixes); err != nil {
			err = util.Errorf("unable to format zone configurations: %v", err)
	} else {
		zoneKey := engine.MakeKey(engine.KeyConfigZonePrefix, engine.Key(path[1:]))
		var ok bool
		config := &proto.ZoneConfig{}
		if ok, _, err = storage.GetProto(zh.db, zoneKey, config); err != nil {
		// On get, if there's no zone config for the requested prefix,
		// return a not found error.
		if !ok {
			err = util.Errorf("no config found for key prefix %q", path)
		var out []byte
		if out, err = yaml.Marshal(config); err != nil {
			err = util.Errorf("unable to marshal zone config %+v to yaml: %v", config, err)
		if !utf8.ValidString(string(out)) {
			err = util.Errorf("config contents not valid utf8: %q", out)
		contentType = "text/yaml"
		body = out
