// marshalAndSendPost marshals the passed command to JSON-RPC and sends it to
// the server by issuing an HTTP POST request and returns a response channel
// on which the reply will be delivered.  Typically a new connection is opened
// and closed for each command when using this method, however, the underlying
// HTTP client might coalesce multiple commands depending on several factors
// including the remote server configuration.
func (c *Client) marshalAndSendPost(cmd btcjson.Cmd, responseChan chan *futureResult) {
	marshalledJSON, err := json.Marshal(cmd)
	if err != nil {
		responseChan <- &futureResult{reply: nil, err: err}

	// Generate a request to the configured RPC server.
	protocol := "http"
	if !c.config.DisableTLS {
		protocol = "https"
	url := protocol + "://" + c.config.Host
	req, err := http.NewRequest("POST", url, bytes.NewReader(marshalledJSON))
	if err != nil {
		responseChan <- &futureResult{reply: nil, err: err}
	req.Close = true
	req.Header.Set("Content-Type", "application/json")

	// Configure basic access authorization.
	req.SetBasicAuth(c.config.User, c.config.Pass)

	log.Tracef("Sending command [%s] with id %d", cmd.Method(), cmd.Id())
	c.sendPostRequest(req, cmd, responseChan)
Beispiel #2
// standardCmdReply checks that a parsed command is a standard
// Bitcoin JSON-RPC command and runs the proper handler to reply to the
// command.
func standardCmdReply(cmd btcjson.Cmd, s *rpcServer) (reply btcjson.Reply) {
	id := cmd.Id()
	reply.Id = &id

	handler, ok := rpcHandlers[cmd.Method()]
	if !ok {
		reply.Error = &btcjson.ErrMethodNotFound
		return reply

	result, err := handler(s, cmd)
	if err != nil {
		jsonErr, ok := err.(btcjson.Error)
		if !ok {
			// In the case where we did not have a btcjson
			// error to begin with, make a new one to send,
			// but this really should not happen.
			jsonErr = btcjson.Error{
				Code:    btcjson.ErrInternal.Code,
				Message: err.Error(),
		reply.Error = &jsonErr
	} else {
		reply.Result = result
	return reply
Beispiel #3
// respondToAnyCmd checks that a parsed command is a standard or
// extension JSON-RPC command and runs the proper handler to reply to
// the command.  Any and all responses are sent to the wallet from
// this function.
func respondToAnyCmd(cmd btcjson.Cmd, s *rpcServer, wallet walletChan) {
	// Lookup the websocket extension for the command and if it doesn't
	// exist fallback to handling the command as a standard command.
	wsHandler, ok := wsHandlers[cmd.Method()]
	if !ok {
		reply := standardCmdReply(cmd, s)
		mreply, _ := json.Marshal(reply)
		wallet <- mreply

	// Call the appropriate handler which responds unless there was an
	// error in which case the error is marshalled and sent here.
	if err := wsHandler(s, cmd, wallet); err != nil {
		var reply btcjson.Reply
		jsonErr, ok := err.(btcjson.Error)
		if ok {
			reply.Error = &jsonErr
			mreply, _ := json.Marshal(reply)
			wallet <- mreply

		// In the case where we did not have a btcjson
		// error to begin with, make a new one to send,
		// but this really should not happen.
		jsonErr = btcjson.Error{
			Code:    btcjson.ErrInternal.Code,
			Message: err.Error(),
		reply.Error = &jsonErr
		mreply, _ := json.Marshal(reply)
		wallet <- mreply
Beispiel #4
// handleBtcdConnectedNtfn handles btcwallet btcdconnected notifications,
// updating the GUI with info about whether btcd is connected to btcwallet
// or not.
func handleBtcdConnectedNtfn(n btcjson.Cmd) {
	bcn, ok := n.(*btcws.BtcdConnectedNtfn)
	if !ok {
		log.Printf("[ERR] %v handler: unexpected type", n.Method())

	updateChans.btcdConnected <- bcn.Connected
// marshalAndSend marshals the passed command to JSON-RPC and sends it to the
// server.  It returns a response channel on which the reply will be delivered.
func (c *Client) marshalAndSend(cmd btcjson.Cmd, responseChan chan *futureResult) {
	marshalledJSON, err := json.Marshal(cmd)
	if err != nil {
		responseChan <- &futureResult{reply: nil, err: err}

	log.Tracef("Sending command [%s] with id %d", cmd.Method(), cmd.Id())
Beispiel #6
// handleBlockDisconnectedNtfn handles btcd/btcwallet blockdisconnected
// notifications resulting from blocks disconnected from the main chain.
// TODO(jrick): handle this by rolling back tx history and balances.
func handleBlockDisconnectedNtfn(n btcjson.Cmd) {
	bdn, ok := n.(*btcws.BlockDisconnectedNtfn)
	if !ok {
		log.Printf("[ERR] %v handler: unexpected type", n.Method())

	// TODO
	_ = bdn
Beispiel #7
// NtfnRescanProgress handles btcd rescanprogress notifications resulting
// from a partially completed rescan.
func NtfnRescanProgress(n btcjson.Cmd) error {
	cn, ok := n.(*btcws.RescanProgressNtfn)
	if !ok {
		return fmt.Errorf("%v handler: unexpected type", n.Method())

	// Notify the rescan manager of the completed partial progress for
	// the current rescan.

	return nil
Beispiel #8
// handleWalletLockStateNtfn handles btcwallet walletlockstate notifications
// by updating the GUI with whether the wallet is locked or not, setting
// the sensitivity of various widgets for locking or unlocking the wallet.
func handleWalletLockStateNtfn(n btcjson.Cmd) {
	wlsn, ok := n.(*btcws.WalletLockStateNtfn)
	if !ok {
		log.Printf("[ERR] %v handler: unexpected type", n.Method())

	// TODO(jrick): do proper filtering and display all
	// account balances somewhere
	if wlsn.Account == "" {
		updateChans.lockState <- wlsn.Locked
Beispiel #9
// NtfnTxMined handles btcd notifications resulting from newly
// mined transactions that originated from this wallet.
func NtfnTxMined(n btcjson.Cmd, marshaled []byte) {
	tmn, ok := n.(*btcws.TxMinedNtfn)
	if !ok {
		log.Errorf("%v handler: unexpected type", n.Method())

	txid, err := btcwire.NewShaHashFromStr(tmn.TxID)
	if err != nil {
		log.Errorf("%v handler: invalid hash string", n.Method())
	blockhash, err := btcwire.NewShaHashFromStr(tmn.BlockHash)
	if err != nil {
		log.Errorf("%v handler: invalid block hash string", n.Method())

	err = accountstore.RecordMinedTx(txid, blockhash,
		tmn.BlockHeight, tmn.Index, tmn.BlockTime)
	if err != nil {
		log.Errorf("%v handler: %v", n.Method(), err)

	// Remove mined transaction from pool.
	delete(UnminedTxs.m, TXID(*txid))
Beispiel #10
// handleAccountBalanceNtfn handles btcwallet accountbalance notifications by
// updating the GUI with either a new confirmed or unconfirmed balance.
func handleAccountBalanceNtfn(n btcjson.Cmd) {
	abn, ok := n.(*btcws.AccountBalanceNtfn)
	if !ok {
		log.Printf("[ERR] %v handler: unexpected type", n.Method())

	// TODO(jrick): do proper filtering and display all
	// account balances somewhere
	if abn.Account == "" {
		if abn.Confirmed {
			updateChans.balance <- abn.Balance
		} else {
			updateChans.unconfirmed <- abn.Balance

Beispiel #11
// NtfnBlockDisconnected handles btcd notifications resulting from
// blocks disconnected from the main chain in the event of a chain
// switch and notifies frontends of the new blockchain height.
func NtfnBlockDisconnected(n btcjson.Cmd, marshaled []byte) {
	bdn, ok := n.(*btcws.BlockDisconnectedNtfn)
	if !ok {
		log.Errorf("%v handler: unexpected type", n.Method())
	hash, err := btcwire.NewShaHashFromStr(bdn.Hash)
	if err != nil {
		log.Errorf("%v handler: invalid hash string", n.Method())

	// Rollback Utxo and Tx data stores.
	accountstore.Rollback(bdn.Height, hash)

	// Pass notification to frontends too.
	frontendNotificationMaster <- marshaled
Beispiel #12
// NtfnBlockDisconnected handles btcd notifications resulting from
// blocks disconnected from the main chain in the event of a chain
// switch and notifies frontends of the new blockchain height.
func NtfnBlockDisconnected(n btcjson.Cmd) error {
	bdn, ok := n.(*btcws.BlockDisconnectedNtfn)
	if !ok {
		return fmt.Errorf("%v handler: unexpected type", n.Method())
	hash, err := btcwire.NewShaHashFromStr(bdn.Hash)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("%v handler: invalid hash string", n.Method())

	// Rollback Utxo and Tx data stores.
	AcctMgr.Rollback(bdn.Height, hash)

	// Pass notification to frontends too.
	marshaled, _ := n.MarshalJSON()
	allClients <- marshaled

	return nil
Beispiel #13
// respondToAnyCmd checks that a parsed command is a standard or
// extension JSON-RPC command and runs the proper handler to reply to
// the command.  Any and all responses are sent to the wallet from
// this function.
func respondToAnyCmd(cmd btcjson.Cmd, s *rpcServer, c handlerChans) *btcjson.Reply {
	// Lookup the websocket extension for the command and if it doesn't
	// exist fallback to handling the command as a standard command.
	wsHandler, ok := wsHandlers[cmd.Method()]
	if !ok {
		// No websocket-specific handler so handle like a legacy
		// RPC connection.
		response := standardCmdReply(cmd, s)
		return &response
	result, jsonErr := wsHandler(s, cmd, c)
	id := cmd.Id()
	response := btcjson.Reply{
		Id:     &id,
		Result: result,
		Error:  jsonErr,
	return &response
Beispiel #14
// handleTxNtfn handles btcwallet newtx notifications by updating the GUI
// with details about a new tx to or from wallet addresses.
func handleTxNtfn(n btcjson.Cmd) {
	tn, ok := n.(*btcws.TxNtfn)
	if !ok {
		log.Printf("[ERR] %v handler: unexpected type", n.Method())

	// TODO(jrick): do proper filtering and display
	// tx details for all accounts.
	if tn.Account == "" {
		attr, err := parseTxDetails(tn.Details)
		if err != nil {
			log.Printf("[ERR] %v handler: bad details: %v",
				n.Method(), err)
		updateChans.prependOverviewTx <- attr
		updateChans.prependTx <- attr
Beispiel #15
// NtfnBlockConnected handles btcd notifications resulting from newly
// connected blocks to the main blockchain.
// TODO(jrick): Send block time with notification.  This will be used
// to mark wallet files with a possibly-better earliest block height,
// and will greatly reduce rescan times for wallets created with an
// out of sync btcd.
func NtfnBlockConnected(n btcjson.Cmd) error {
	bcn, ok := n.(*btcws.BlockConnectedNtfn)
	if !ok {
		return fmt.Errorf("%v handler: unexpected type", n.Method())
	hash, err := btcwire.NewShaHashFromStr(bcn.Hash)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("%v handler: invalid hash string", n.Method())

	// Update the blockstamp for the newly-connected block.
	bs := &wallet.BlockStamp{
		Height: bcn.Height,
		Hash:   *hash,
	curBlock.BlockStamp = *bs

	// btcd notifies btcwallet about transactions first, and then sends
	// the new block notification.  New balance notifications for txs
	// in blocks are therefore sent here after all tx notifications
	// have arrived and finished being processed by the handlers.
	workers := NotifyBalanceRequest{
		block: *hash,
		wg:    make(chan *sync.WaitGroup),
	NotifyBalanceSyncerChans.access <- workers
	if wg := <-workers.wg; wg != nil {
		NotifyBalanceSyncerChans.remove <- *hash

	// Pass notification to frontends too.
	marshaled, _ := n.MarshalJSON()
	allClients <- marshaled

	return nil
Beispiel #16
// processNotification checks for a handler for a notification, and sends
func processNotification(n btcjson.Cmd, s string) {
	// Message is a btcd notification.  Check the method and dispatch
	// correct handler, or if no handler, pass up to each wallet.
	if ntfnHandler, ok := notificationHandlers[n.Method()]; ok {
		log.Debugf("Running notification handler for method %v",
		ntfnHandler(n, []byte(s))
	} else {
		// No handler; send to all wallets.
		log.Debugf("Sending notification with method %v to all wallets",
		frontendNotificationMaster <- []byte(s)
Beispiel #17
// NtfnRedeemingTx handles btcd redeemingtx notifications resulting from a
// transaction spending a watched outpoint.
func NtfnRedeemingTx(n btcjson.Cmd) error {
	cn, ok := n.(*btcws.RedeemingTxNtfn)
	if !ok {
		return fmt.Errorf("%v handler: unexpected type", n.Method())

	rawTx, err := hex.DecodeString(cn.HexTx)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("%v handler: bad hexstring: %v", n.Method(), err)
	tx, err := btcutil.NewTxFromBytes(rawTx)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("%v handler: bad transaction bytes: %v", n.Method(), err)

	block, txIdx, err := parseBlock(cn.Block)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("%v handler: bad block: %v", n.Method(), err)
	return AcctMgr.RecordSpendingTx(tx, block)
Beispiel #18
// NtfnRecvTx handles the btcws.RecvTxNtfn notification.
func NtfnRecvTx(n btcjson.Cmd) error {
	rtx, ok := n.(*btcws.RecvTxNtfn)
	if !ok {
		return fmt.Errorf("%v handler: unexpected type", n.Method())

	bs, err := GetCurBlock()
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("%v handler: cannot get current block: %v", n.Method(), err)

	rawTx, err := hex.DecodeString(rtx.HexTx)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("%v handler: bad hexstring: %v", n.Method(), err)
	tx, err := btcutil.NewTxFromBytes(rawTx)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("%v handler: bad transaction bytes: %v", n.Method(), err)

	block, txIdx, err := parseBlock(rtx.Block)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("%v handler: bad block: %v", n.Method(), err)

	// For transactions originating from this wallet, the sent tx history should
	// be recorded before the received history.  If wallet created this tx, wait
	// for the sent history to finish being recorded before continuing.
	// TODO(jrick) this is wrong due to tx malleability.  Cannot safely use the
	// txsha as an identifier.
	req := SendTxHistSyncRequest{
		txsha:    *tx.Sha(),
		response: make(chan SendTxHistSyncResponse),
	SendTxHistSyncChans.access <- req
	resp := <-req.response
	if resp.ok {
		// Wait until send history has been recorded.
		SendTxHistSyncChans.remove <- *tx.Sha()

	// For every output, find all accounts handling that output address (if any)
	// and record the received txout.
	for outIdx, txout := range tx.MsgTx().TxOut {
		var accounts []*Account
		_, addrs, _, _ := btcscript.ExtractPkScriptAddrs(txout.PkScript, cfg.Net())
		for _, addr := range addrs {
			a, err := AcctMgr.AccountByAddress(addr)
			if err != nil {
			accounts = append(accounts, a)

		for _, a := range accounts {
			txr, err := a.TxStore.InsertTx(tx, block)
			if err != nil {
				return err
			cred, err := txr.AddCredit(uint32(outIdx), false)
			if err != nil {
				return err

			// Notify frontends of tx.  If the tx is unconfirmed, it is always
			// notified and the outpoint is marked as notified.  If the outpoint
			// has already been notified and is now in a block, a txmined notifiction
			// should be sent once to let frontends that all previous send/recvs
			// for this unconfirmed tx are now confirmed.
			op := *cred.OutPoint()
			previouslyNotifiedReq := NotifiedRecvTxRequest{
				op:       op,
				response: make(chan NotifiedRecvTxResponse),
			NotifiedRecvTxChans.access <- previouslyNotifiedReq
			if <-previouslyNotifiedReq.response {
				NotifiedRecvTxChans.remove <- op
			} else {
				// Notify frontends of new recv tx and mark as notified.
				NotifiedRecvTxChans.add <- op

				ltr, err := cred.ToJSON(a.Name(), bs.Height, a.Wallet.Net())
				if err != nil {
					return err
				NotifyNewTxDetails(allClients, a.Name(), ltr)

			// Notify frontends of new account balance.
			confirmed := a.CalculateBalance(1)
			unconfirmed := a.CalculateBalance(0) - confirmed
			NotifyWalletBalance(allClients, a.name, confirmed)
			NotifyWalletBalanceUnconfirmed(allClients, a.name, unconfirmed)

	return nil
Beispiel #19
// NtfnProcessedTx handles the btcws.ProcessedTxNtfn notification.
func NtfnProcessedTx(n btcjson.Cmd, marshaled []byte) {
	ptn, ok := n.(*btcws.ProcessedTxNtfn)
	if !ok {
		log.Errorf("%v handler: unexpected type", n.Method())

	// Create useful types from the JSON strings.
	receiver, err := btcutil.DecodeAddr(ptn.Receiver)
	if err != nil {
		log.Errorf("%v handler: error parsing receiver: %v", n.Method(), err)
	txID, err := btcwire.NewShaHashFromStr(ptn.TxID)
	if err != nil {
		log.Errorf("%v handler: error parsing txid: %v", n.Method(), err)
	blockHash, err := btcwire.NewShaHashFromStr(ptn.BlockHash)
	if err != nil {
		log.Errorf("%v handler: error parsing block hash: %v", n.Method(), err)
	pkscript, err := hex.DecodeString(ptn.PkScript)
	if err != nil {
		log.Errorf("%v handler: error parsing pkscript: %v", n.Method(), err)

	// Lookup account for address in result.
	aname, err := LookupAccountByAddress(ptn.Receiver)
	if err == ErrNotFound {
		log.Warnf("Received rescan result for unknown address %v", ptn.Receiver)
	a, err := accountstore.Account(aname)
	if err == ErrAcctNotExist {
		log.Errorf("Missing account for rescaned address %v", ptn.Receiver)

	// Create RecvTx to add to tx history.
	t := &tx.RecvTx{
		TxID:         *txID,
		TxOutIdx:     ptn.TxOutIndex,
		TimeReceived: time.Now().Unix(),
		BlockHeight:  ptn.BlockHeight,
		BlockHash:    *blockHash,
		BlockIndex:   int32(ptn.BlockIndex),
		BlockTime:    ptn.BlockTime,
		Amount:       ptn.Amount,
		ReceiverHash: receiver.ScriptAddress(),

	// For transactions originating from this wallet, the sent tx history should
	// be recorded before the received history.  If wallet created this tx, wait
	// for the sent history to finish being recorded before continuing.
	req := SendTxHistSyncRequest{
		txid:     *txID,
		response: make(chan SendTxHistSyncResponse),
	SendTxHistSyncChans.access <- req
	resp := <-req.response
	if resp.ok {
		// Wait until send history has been recorded.
		SendTxHistSyncChans.remove <- *txID

	// Record the tx history.

	// Notify frontends of tx.  If the tx is unconfirmed, it is always
	// notified and the outpoint is marked as notified.  If the outpoint
	// has already been notified and is now in a block, a txmined notifiction
	// should be sent once to let frontends that all previous send/recvs
	// for this unconfirmed tx are now confirmed.
	recvTxOP := btcwire.NewOutPoint(txID, ptn.TxOutIndex)
	previouslyNotifiedReq := NotifiedRecvTxRequest{
		op:       *recvTxOP,
		response: make(chan NotifiedRecvTxResponse),
	NotifiedRecvTxChans.access <- previouslyNotifiedReq
	if <-previouslyNotifiedReq.response {
		NotifyMinedTx <- t
		NotifiedRecvTxChans.remove <- *recvTxOP
	} else {
		// Notify frontends of new recv tx and mark as notified.
		NotifiedRecvTxChans.add <- *recvTxOP
		NotifyNewTxDetails(frontendNotificationMaster, a.Name(), t.TxInfo(a.Name(),
			ptn.BlockHeight, a.Wallet.Net())[0])

	if !ptn.Spent {
		u := &tx.Utxo{
			Amt:       uint64(ptn.Amount),
			Height:    ptn.BlockHeight,
			Subscript: pkscript,
		copy(u.Out.Hash[:], txID[:])
		u.Out.Index = uint32(ptn.TxOutIndex)
		copy(u.AddrHash[:], receiver.ScriptAddress())
		copy(u.BlockHash[:], blockHash[:])

		// If this notification came from mempool, notify frontends of
		// the new unconfirmed balance immediately.  Otherwise, wait until
		// the blockconnected notifiation is processed.
		if u.Height == -1 {
			bal := a.CalculateBalance(0) - a.CalculateBalance(1)
				a.name, bal)

	// Notify frontends of new account balance.
	confirmed := a.CalculateBalance(1)
	unconfirmed := a.CalculateBalance(0) - confirmed
	NotifyWalletBalance(frontendNotificationMaster, a.name, confirmed)
	NotifyWalletBalanceUnconfirmed(frontendNotificationMaster, a.name, unconfirmed)