Beispiel #1
// pushAddrMsg sends one, or more, addr message(s) to the connected peer using
// the provided addresses.
func (p *peer) pushAddrMsg(addresses []*btcwire.NetAddress) error {
	// Nothing to send.
	if len(addresses) == 0 {
		return nil

	numAdded := 0
	msg := btcwire.NewMsgAddr()
	for _, na := range addresses {
		// Filter addresses the peer already knows about.
		if p.knownAddresses[NetAddressKey(na)] {

		// Add the address to the message.
		err := msg.AddAddress(na)
		if err != nil {
			return err

		// Split into multiple messages as needed.
		if numAdded > 0 && numAdded%btcwire.MaxAddrPerMsg == 0 {
			p.QueueMessage(msg, nil)

	// Send message with remaining addresses if needed.
	if numAdded%btcwire.MaxAddrPerMsg != 0 {
		p.QueueMessage(msg, nil)
	return nil
Beispiel #2
// pushAddrMsg sends one, or more, addr message(s) to the connected peer using
// the provided addresses.
func (p *peer) pushAddrMsg(addresses []*btcwire.NetAddress) error {
	// Nothing to send.
	if len(addresses) == 0 {
		return nil

	numAdded := 0
	msg := btcwire.NewMsgAddr()
	for _, na := range addresses {
		// Filter addresses the peer already knows about.
		if p.knownAddresses[NetAddressKey(na)] {

		// Add the address to the message.
		err := msg.AddAddress(na)
		if err != nil {
			return err

		// Split into multiple messages as needed.
		if numAdded > 0 && numAdded%btcwire.MaxAddrPerMsg == 0 {
			p.QueueMessage(msg, nil)

			// NOTE: This needs to be a new address message and not
			// simply call ClearAddresses since the message is a
			// pointer and queueing it does not make a copy.
			msg = btcwire.NewMsgAddr()

	// Send message with remaining addresses if needed.
	if numAdded%btcwire.MaxAddrPerMsg != 0 {
		p.QueueMessage(msg, nil)
	return nil
Beispiel #3
// TestAddrWireErrors performs negative tests against wire encode and decode
// of MsgAddr to confirm error paths work correctly.
func TestAddrWireErrors(t *testing.T) {
	pver := btcwire.ProtocolVersion
	pverMA := btcwire.MultipleAddressVersion
	btcwireErr := &btcwire.MessageError{}

	// A couple of NetAddresses to use for testing.
	na := &btcwire.NetAddress{
		Timestamp: time.Unix(0x495fab29, 0), // 2009-01-03 12:15:05 -0600 CST
		Services:  btcwire.SFNodeNetwork,
		IP:        net.ParseIP(""),
		Port:      8333,
	na2 := &btcwire.NetAddress{
		Timestamp: time.Unix(0x495fab29, 0), // 2009-01-03 12:15:05 -0600 CST
		Services:  btcwire.SFNodeNetwork,
		IP:        net.ParseIP(""),
		Port:      8334,

	// Address message with multiple addresses.
	baseAddr := btcwire.NewMsgAddr()
	baseAddr.AddAddresses(na, na2)
	baseAddrEncoded := []byte{
		0x02,                   // Varint for number of addresses
		0x29, 0xab, 0x5f, 0x49, // Timestamp
		0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, // SFNodeNetwork
		0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
		0x00, 0x00, 0xff, 0xff, 0x7f, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, // IP
		0x20, 0x8d, // Port 8333 in big-endian
		0x29, 0xab, 0x5f, 0x49, // Timestamp
		0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, // SFNodeNetwork
		0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
		0x00, 0x00, 0xff, 0xff, 0xc0, 0xa8, 0x00, 0x01, // IP
		0x20, 0x8e, // Port 8334 in big-endian


	// Message that forces an error by having more than the max allowed
	// addresses.
	maxAddr := btcwire.NewMsgAddr()
	for i := 0; i < btcwire.MaxAddrPerMsg; i++ {
	maxAddr.AddrList = append(maxAddr.AddrList, na)
	maxAddrEncoded := []byte{
		0xfd, 0x03, 0xe9, // Varint for number of addresses (1001)

	tests := []struct {
		in       *btcwire.MsgAddr // Value to encode
		buf      []byte           // Wire encoding
		pver     uint32           // Protocol version for wire encoding
		max      int              // Max size of fixed buffer to induce errors
		writeErr error            // Expected write error
		readErr  error            // Expected read error
		// Latest protocol version with intentional read/write errors.
		// Force error in addresses count
		{baseAddr, baseAddrEncoded, pver, 0, io.ErrShortWrite, io.EOF},
		// Force error in address list.
		{baseAddr, baseAddrEncoded, pver, 1, io.ErrShortWrite, io.EOF},
		// Force error with greater than max inventory vectors.
		{maxAddr, maxAddrEncoded, pver, 3, btcwireErr, btcwireErr},
		// Force error with greater than max inventory vectors for
		// protocol versions before multiple addresses were allowed.
		{maxAddr, maxAddrEncoded, pverMA - 1, 3, btcwireErr, btcwireErr},

	t.Logf("Running %d tests", len(tests))
	for i, test := range tests {
		// Encode to wire format.
		w := newFixedWriter(test.max)
		err :=, test.pver)
		if reflect.TypeOf(err) != reflect.TypeOf(test.writeErr) {
			t.Errorf("BtcEncode #%d wrong error got: %v, want: %v",
				i, err, test.writeErr)

		// For errors which are not of type btcwire.MessageError, check
		// them for equality.
		if _, ok := err.(*btcwire.MessageError); !ok {
			if err != test.writeErr {
				t.Errorf("BtcEncode #%d wrong error got: %v, "+
					"want: %v", i, err, test.writeErr)

		// Decode from wire format.
		var msg btcwire.MsgAddr
		r := newFixedReader(test.max, test.buf)
		err = msg.BtcDecode(r, test.pver)
		if reflect.TypeOf(err) != reflect.TypeOf(test.readErr) {
			t.Errorf("BtcDecode #%d wrong error got: %v, want: %v",
				i, err, test.readErr)

		// For errors which are not of type btcwire.MessageError, check
		// them for equality.
		if _, ok := err.(*btcwire.MessageError); !ok {
			if err != test.readErr {
				t.Errorf("BtcDecode #%d wrong error got: %v, "+
					"want: %v", i, err, test.readErr)

Beispiel #4
// TestAddr tests the MsgAddr API.
func TestAddr(t *testing.T) {
	pver := btcwire.ProtocolVersion

	// Ensure the command is expected value.
	wantCmd := "addr"
	msg := btcwire.NewMsgAddr()
	if cmd := msg.Command(); cmd != wantCmd {
		t.Errorf("NewMsgAddr: wrong command - got %v want %v",
			cmd, wantCmd)

	// Ensure max payload is expected value for latest protocol version.
	// Num addresses (varInt) + max allowed addresses.
	wantPayload := uint32(30009)
	maxPayload := msg.MaxPayloadLength(pver)
	if maxPayload != wantPayload {
		t.Errorf("MaxPayloadLength: wrong max payload length for "+
			"protocol version %d - got %v, want %v", pver,
			maxPayload, wantPayload)

	// Ensure NetAddresses are added properly.
	tcpAddr := &net.TCPAddr{IP: net.ParseIP(""), Port: 8333}
	na, err := btcwire.NewNetAddress(tcpAddr, btcwire.SFNodeNetwork)
	if err != nil {
		t.Errorf("NewNetAddress: %v", err)
	err = msg.AddAddress(na)
	if err != nil {
		t.Errorf("AddAddress: %v", err)
	if msg.AddrList[0] != na {
		t.Errorf("AddAddress: wrong address added - got %v, want %v",
			spew.Sprint(msg.AddrList[0]), spew.Sprint(na))

	// Ensure the address list is cleared properly.
	if len(msg.AddrList) != 0 {
		t.Errorf("ClearAddresses: address list is not empty - "+
			"got %v [%v], want %v", len(msg.AddrList),
			spew.Sprint(msg.AddrList[0]), 0)

	// Ensure adding more than the max allowed addresses per message returns
	// error.
	for i := 0; i < btcwire.MaxAddrPerMsg+1; i++ {
		err = msg.AddAddress(na)
	if err == nil {
		t.Errorf("AddAddress: expected error on too many addresses " +
			"not received")
	err = msg.AddAddresses(na)
	if err == nil {
		t.Errorf("AddAddresses: expected error on too many addresses " +
			"not received")

	// Ensure max payload is expected value for protocol versions before
	// timestamp was added to NetAddress.
	// Num addresses (varInt) + max allowed addresses.
	pver = btcwire.NetAddressTimeVersion - 1
	wantPayload = uint32(26009)
	maxPayload = msg.MaxPayloadLength(pver)
	if maxPayload != wantPayload {
		t.Errorf("MaxPayloadLength: wrong max payload length for "+
			"protocol version %d - got %v, want %v", pver,
			maxPayload, wantPayload)

	// Ensure max payload is expected value for protocol versions before
	// multiple addresses were allowed.
	// Num addresses (varInt) + a single net addresses.
	pver = btcwire.MultipleAddressVersion - 1
	wantPayload = uint32(35)
	maxPayload = msg.MaxPayloadLength(pver)
	if maxPayload != wantPayload {
		t.Errorf("MaxPayloadLength: wrong max payload length for "+
			"protocol version %d - got %v, want %v", pver,
			maxPayload, wantPayload)

Beispiel #5
// TestAddrWire tests the MsgAddr wire encode and decode for various numbers
// of addreses and protocol versions.
func TestAddrWire(t *testing.T) {
	// A couple of NetAddresses to use for testing.
	na := &btcwire.NetAddress{
		Timestamp: time.Unix(0x495fab29, 0), // 2009-01-03 12:15:05 -0600 CST
		Services:  btcwire.SFNodeNetwork,
		IP:        net.ParseIP(""),
		Port:      8333,
	na2 := &btcwire.NetAddress{
		Timestamp: time.Unix(0x495fab29, 0), // 2009-01-03 12:15:05 -0600 CST
		Services:  btcwire.SFNodeNetwork,
		IP:        net.ParseIP(""),
		Port:      8334,

	// Empty address message.
	noAddr := btcwire.NewMsgAddr()
	noAddrEncoded := []byte{
		0x00, // Varint for number of addresses

	// Address message with multiple addresses.
	multiAddr := btcwire.NewMsgAddr()
	multiAddr.AddAddresses(na, na2)
	multiAddrEncoded := []byte{
		0x02,                   // Varint for number of addresses
		0x29, 0xab, 0x5f, 0x49, // Timestamp
		0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, // SFNodeNetwork
		0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
		0x00, 0x00, 0xff, 0xff, 0x7f, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, // IP
		0x20, 0x8d, // Port 8333 in big-endian
		0x29, 0xab, 0x5f, 0x49, // Timestamp
		0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, // SFNodeNetwork
		0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
		0x00, 0x00, 0xff, 0xff, 0xc0, 0xa8, 0x00, 0x01, // IP
		0x20, 0x8e, // Port 8334 in big-endian


	tests := []struct {
		in   *btcwire.MsgAddr // Message to encode
		out  *btcwire.MsgAddr // Expected decoded message
		buf  []byte           // Wire encoding
		pver uint32           // Protocol version for wire encoding
		// Latest protocol version with no addresses.

		// Latest protocol version with multiple addresses.

		// Protocol version MultipleAddressVersion-1 with no addresses.
			btcwire.MultipleAddressVersion - 1,

	t.Logf("Running %d tests", len(tests))
	for i, test := range tests {
		// Encode the message to wire format.
		var buf bytes.Buffer
		err :=, test.pver)
		if err != nil {
			t.Errorf("BtcEncode #%d error %v", i, err)
		if !bytes.Equal(buf.Bytes(), test.buf) {
			t.Errorf("BtcEncode #%d\n got: %s want: %s", i,
				spew.Sdump(buf.Bytes()), spew.Sdump(test.buf))

		// Decode the message from wire format.
		var msg btcwire.MsgAddr
		rbuf := bytes.NewBuffer(test.buf)
		err = msg.BtcDecode(rbuf, test.pver)
		if err != nil {
			t.Errorf("BtcDecode #%d error %v", i, err)
		if !reflect.DeepEqual(&msg, test.out) {
			t.Errorf("BtcDecode #%d\n got: %s want: %s", i,
				spew.Sdump(msg), spew.Sdump(test.out))
Beispiel #6
// TestMessage tests the Read/WriteMessage API.
func TestMessage(t *testing.T) {
	pver := btcwire.ProtocolVersion

	// Create the various types of messages to test.

	// MsgVersion.
	addrYou := &net.TCPAddr{IP: net.ParseIP(""), Port: 8333}
	you, err := btcwire.NewNetAddress(addrYou, btcwire.SFNodeNetwork)
	if err != nil {
		t.Errorf("NewNetAddress: %v", err)
	you.Timestamp = time.Time{} // Version message has zero value timestamp.
	addrMe := &net.TCPAddr{IP: net.ParseIP(""), Port: 8333}
	me, err := btcwire.NewNetAddress(addrMe, btcwire.SFNodeNetwork)
	if err != nil {
		t.Errorf("NewNetAddress: %v", err)
	me.Timestamp = time.Time{} // Version message has zero value timestamp.
	msgVersion := btcwire.NewMsgVersion(me, you, 123123, "/test:0.0.1/", 0)

	msgVerack := btcwire.NewMsgVerAck()
	msgGetAddr := btcwire.NewMsgGetAddr()
	msgAddr := btcwire.NewMsgAddr()
	msgGetBlocks := btcwire.NewMsgGetBlocks(&btcwire.ShaHash{})
	msgBlock := &blockOne
	msgInv := btcwire.NewMsgInv()
	msgGetData := btcwire.NewMsgGetData()
	msgNotFound := btcwire.NewMsgNotFound()
	msgTx := btcwire.NewMsgTx()
	msgPing := btcwire.NewMsgPing(123123)
	msgPong := btcwire.NewMsgPong(123123)
	msgGetHeaders := btcwire.NewMsgGetHeaders()
	msgHeaders := btcwire.NewMsgHeaders()
	msgAlert := btcwire.NewMsgAlert("payload", "signature")
	msgMemPool := btcwire.NewMsgMemPool()

	tests := []struct {
		in     btcwire.Message    // Value to encode
		out    btcwire.Message    // Expected decoded value
		pver   uint32             // Protocol version for wire encoding
		btcnet btcwire.BitcoinNet // Network to use for wire encoding
		{msgVersion, msgVersion, pver, btcwire.MainNet},
		{msgVerack, msgVerack, pver, btcwire.MainNet},
		{msgGetAddr, msgGetAddr, pver, btcwire.MainNet},
		{msgAddr, msgAddr, pver, btcwire.MainNet},
		{msgGetBlocks, msgGetBlocks, pver, btcwire.MainNet},
		{msgBlock, msgBlock, pver, btcwire.MainNet},
		{msgInv, msgInv, pver, btcwire.MainNet},
		{msgGetData, msgGetData, pver, btcwire.MainNet},
		{msgNotFound, msgNotFound, pver, btcwire.MainNet},
		{msgTx, msgTx, pver, btcwire.MainNet},
		{msgPing, msgPing, pver, btcwire.MainNet},
		{msgPong, msgPong, pver, btcwire.MainNet},
		{msgGetHeaders, msgGetHeaders, pver, btcwire.MainNet},
		{msgHeaders, msgHeaders, pver, btcwire.MainNet},
		{msgAlert, msgAlert, pver, btcwire.MainNet},
		{msgMemPool, msgMemPool, pver, btcwire.MainNet},

	t.Logf("Running %d tests", len(tests))
	for i, test := range tests {
		// Encode to wire format.
		var buf bytes.Buffer
		err := btcwire.WriteMessage(&buf,, test.pver, test.btcnet)
		if err != nil {
			t.Errorf("WriteMessage #%d error %v", i, err)

		// Decode from wire format.
		rbuf := bytes.NewBuffer(buf.Bytes())
		msg, _, err := btcwire.ReadMessage(rbuf, test.pver, test.btcnet)
		if err != nil {
			t.Errorf("ReadMessage #%d error %v, msg %v", i, err,
		if !reflect.DeepEqual(msg, test.out) {
			t.Errorf("ReadMessage #%d\n got: %v want: %v", i,
				spew.Sdump(msg), spew.Sdump(test.out))