Beispiel #1
func (h *Histogram) Init(buckets []int64, humanizeFn func(int64) string) {
	l := len(buckets)
	h.buckets = make([]int64, l+2)
	copy(h.buckets[1:l], buckets)
	h.buckets[0] = math.MinInt64
	h.buckets[l] = math.MaxInt64
	h.vals = make([]platform.AlignedInt64, l)

	for i, _ := range h.vals {
		h.vals[i] = platform.NewAlignedInt64(0)

	if humanizeFn == nil {
		humanizeFn = func(v int64) string { return fmt.Sprint(v) }

	h.humanizeFn = humanizeFn
//NewAtomicMutationQueue allocates a new Atomic Mutation Queue and initializes it
func NewAtomicMutationQueue(numVbuckets uint16, maxLenPerVb int64) *atomicMutationQueue {

	q := &atomicMutationQueue{head: make([]unsafe.Pointer, numVbuckets),
		tail:        make([]unsafe.Pointer, numVbuckets),
		free:        make([]*node, numVbuckets),
		size:        make([]platform.AlignedInt64, numVbuckets),
		numVbuckets: numVbuckets,
		maxLen:      maxLenPerVb,
		stopch:      make([]StopChannel, numVbuckets),

	var x uint16
	for x = 0; x < numVbuckets; x++ {
		node := &node{} //sentinel node for the queue
		q.head[x] = unsafe.Pointer(node)
		q.tail[x] = unsafe.Pointer(node)[x] = node
		q.stopch[x] = make(StopChannel)
		q.size[x] = platform.NewAlignedInt64(0)

	return q

Beispiel #3
// NewServer creates a new queryport daemon.
func NewServer(
	laddr string, callb RequestHandler,
	config c.Config) (s *Server, err error) {

	s = &Server{
		laddr:          laddr,
		callb:          callb,
		killch:         make(chan bool),
		maxPayload:     config["maxPayload"].Int(),
		readDeadline:   time.Duration(config["readDeadline"].Int()),
		writeDeadline:  time.Duration(config["writeDeadline"].Int()),
		streamChanSize: config["streamChanSize"].Int(),
		logPrefix:      fmt.Sprintf("[Queryport %q]", laddr),
		nConnections:   platform.NewAlignedInt64(0),
	if s.lis, err = net.Listen("tcp", laddr); err != nil {
		logging.Errorf("%v failed starting %v !!\n", s.logPrefix, err)
		return nil, err

	go s.listener()
	logging.Infof("%v started ...\n", s.logPrefix)
	return s, nil
//NewForestDBSlice initiailizes a new slice with forestdb backend.
//Both main and back index gets initialized with default config.
//Slice methods are not thread-safe and application needs to
//handle the synchronization. The only exception being Insert and
//Delete can be called concurrently.
//Returns error in case slice cannot be initialized.
func NewForestDBSlice(path string, sliceId SliceId, idxDefnId common.IndexDefnId,
	idxInstId common.IndexInstId, isPrimary bool,
	sysconf common.Config, idxStats *IndexStats) (*fdbSlice, error) {

	info, err := os.Stat(path)
	if err != nil || err == nil && info.IsDir() {
		os.Mkdir(path, 0777)

	filepath := newFdbFile(path, false)
	slice := &fdbSlice{}
	slice.idxStats = idxStats

	slice.get_bytes = platform.NewAlignedInt64(0)
	slice.insert_bytes = platform.NewAlignedInt64(0)
	slice.delete_bytes = platform.NewAlignedInt64(0)
	slice.extraSnapDataSize = platform.NewAlignedInt64(0)
	slice.flushedCount = platform.NewAlignedUint64(0)
	slice.committedCount = platform.NewAlignedUint64(0)

	config := forestdb.DefaultConfig()

	memQuota := sysconf["settings.memory_quota"].Uint64()
	logging.Debugf("NewForestDBSlice(): buffer cache size %d", memQuota)
	logging.Debugf("NewForestDBSlice(): buffer cache size %d", memQuota)

	prob := sysconf["settings.max_writer_lock_prob"].Int()
	logging.Debugf("NewForestDBSlice(): max writer lock prob %d", prob)

	kvconfig := forestdb.DefaultKVStoreConfig()

	if slice.dbfile, err = forestdb.Open(filepath, config); err != nil {
		if err == forestdb.RESULT_NO_DB_HEADERS {
			logging.Warnf("NewForestDBSlice(): Open failed with no_db_header error...Resetting the forestdb file")
			goto retry
		return nil, err

	slice.config = config
	slice.sysconf = sysconf

	//open a separate file handle for compaction
	if slice.compactFd, err = forestdb.Open(filepath, config); err != nil {
		return nil, err

	if slice.statFd, err = forestdb.Open(filepath, config); err != nil {
		return nil, err

	slice.numWriters = sysconf["numSliceWriters"].Int()
	slice.main = make([]*forestdb.KVStore, slice.numWriters)
	for i := 0; i < slice.numWriters; i++ {
		if slice.main[i], err = slice.dbfile.OpenKVStore("main", kvconfig); err != nil {
			return nil, err

	//create a separate back-index for non-primary indexes
	if !isPrimary {
		slice.back = make([]*forestdb.KVStore, slice.numWriters)
		for i := 0; i < slice.numWriters; i++ {
			if slice.back[i], err = slice.dbfile.OpenKVStore("back", kvconfig); err != nil {
				return nil, err

	// Make use of default kvstore provided by forestdb
	if slice.meta, err = slice.dbfile.OpenKVStore("default", kvconfig); err != nil {
		return nil, err

	slice.path = path
	slice.currfile = filepath
	slice.idxInstId = idxInstId
	slice.idxDefnId = idxDefnId = sliceId

	sliceBufSize := sysconf["settings.sliceBufSize"].Uint64()
	slice.cmdCh = make(chan interface{}, sliceBufSize)
	slice.workerDone = make([]chan bool, slice.numWriters)
	slice.stopCh = make([]DoneChannel, slice.numWriters)

	slice.isPrimary = isPrimary

	for i := 0; i < slice.numWriters; i++ {
		slice.stopCh[i] = make(DoneChannel)
		slice.workerDone[i] = make(chan bool)
		go slice.handleCommandsWorker(i)

	logging.Debugf("ForestDBSlice:NewForestDBSlice \n\t Created New Slice Id %v IndexInstId %v "+
		"WriterThreads %v", sliceId, idxInstId, slice.numWriters)


	return slice, nil
Beispiel #5
func (v *Int64Val) Init() {
	v.val = new(platform.AlignedInt64)
	*v.val = platform.NewAlignedInt64(0)