Beispiel #1
func get_cell_info(ctype string, lbb bool) (ctypeNew string, nverts int) {
	ctypeNew = ctype
	if ctypeNew == "qua9" {
		ctypeNew = "qua8"
	if lbb {
		ctypeNew = shp.GetBasicType(ctypeNew)
	nverts = shp.GetNverts(ctypeNew)
Beispiel #2
// register element
func init() {

	// information allocator
	infogetters["phi"] = func(cellType string, faceConds []*FaceCond) *Info {

		// new info
		var info Info

		nverts := shp.GetNverts(cellType)
		ykeys := []string{"h"}

		info.Dofs = make([][]string, nverts)
		for m := 0; m < nverts; m++ {
			info.Dofs[m] = ykeys

		info.T1vars = ykeys

		// return information
		return &info

	// element allocator
	eallocators["phi"] = func(cellType string, faceConds []*FaceCond, cid int, edat *inp.ElemData, x [][]float64) Elem {

		// basic data
		var o ElemPhi
		o.Cid = cid
		o.X = x
		o.Shp = shp.Get(cellType) // cellType: e.g. "tri6", "qua8"
		o.Nu = o.Shp.Nverts

		// integration points
		o.IpsElem, _ = GetIntegrationPoints(edat.Nip, edat.Nipf, cellType)
		if o.IpsElem == nil {
			return nil // => failed

		// local starred variables
		nip := len(o.IpsElem)
		o.ψs = make([]float64, nip)

		// scratchpad. computed @ each ip
		o.K = la.MatAlloc(o.Nu, o.Nu)

		// return new element
		return &o
Beispiel #3
// register element
func init() {

	// information allocator
	infogetters["u"] = func(cellType string, faceConds []*FaceCond) *Info {

		// new info
		var info Info

		// number of nodes in element
		nverts := shp.GetNverts(cellType)

		// solution variables
		ykeys := []string{"ux", "uy"}
		if Global.Ndim == 3 {
			ykeys = []string{"ux", "uy", "uz"}
		info.Dofs = make([][]string, nverts)
		for m := 0; m < nverts; m++ {
			info.Dofs[m] = ykeys

		// maps
		info.Y2F = map[string]string{"ux": "fx", "uy": "fy", "uz": "fz"}

		// t1 and t2 variables
		info.T2vars = ykeys
		return &info

	// element allocator
	eallocators["u"] = func(cellType string, faceConds []*FaceCond, cid int, edat *inp.ElemData, x [][]float64) Elem {

		// basic data
		var o ElemU
		o.Cid = cid
		o.X = x
		o.Shp = shp.Get(cellType)
		ndim := Global.Ndim
		o.Nu = ndim * o.Shp.Nverts

		// parse flags
		o.UseB, o.Debug, o.Thickness = GetSolidFlags(edat.Extra)

		// integration points
		o.IpsElem, o.IpsFace = GetIntegrationPoints(edat.Nip, edat.Nipf, cellType)
		if o.IpsElem == nil || o.IpsFace == nil {
			return nil
		nip := len(o.IpsElem)

		// model
		var prms fun.Prms
		o.Model, prms = GetAndInitSolidModel(edat.Mat, ndim)
		if o.Model == nil {
			return nil

		// model specialisations
		switch m := o.Model.(type) {
		case msolid.Small:
			o.MdlSmall = m
		case msolid.Large:
			o.MdlLarge = m
			chk.Panic("__internal_error__: 'u' element cannot determine the type of the material model")

		// parameters
		for _, p := range prms {
			switch p.N {
			case "rho":
				o.Rho = p.V
			case "Cdam":
				o.Cdam = p.V

		// local starred variables
		o.ζs = la.MatAlloc(nip, ndim)
		o.χs = la.MatAlloc(nip, ndim)
		o.divχs = make([]float64, nip)

		// scratchpad. computed @ each ip
		nsig := 2 * ndim
		o.grav = make([]float64, ndim) = make([]float64, ndim) = make([]float64, o.Nu)
		o.D = la.MatAlloc(nsig, nsig)
		o.K = la.MatAlloc(o.Nu, o.Nu)
		if o.UseB {
			o.B = la.MatAlloc(nsig, o.Nu)

		// strains
		o.ε = make([]float64, nsig)
		o.Δε = make([]float64, nsig)

		// variables for debugging
		if o.Debug {
			o.fex = make([]float64, o.Shp.Nverts)
			o.fey = make([]float64, o.Shp.Nverts)
			if ndim == 3 {
				o.fez = make([]float64, o.Shp.Nverts)

		// surface loads (natural boundary conditions)
		for _, fc := range faceConds {
			o.NatBcs = append(o.NatBcs, &NaturalBc{fc.Cond, fc.FaceId, fc.Func, fc.Extra})

		// return new element
		return &o
Beispiel #4
// register element
func init() {

	// information allocator
	infogetters["up"] = func(cellType string, faceConds []*FaceCond) *Info {

		// new info
		var info Info

		// p-element cell type
		p_cellType := cellType
		lbb := !Global.Sim.Data.NoLBB
		if lbb {
			p_cellType = shp.GetBasicType(cellType)

		// underlying cells info
		u_info := infogetters["u"](cellType, faceConds)
		p_info := infogetters["p"](p_cellType, faceConds)

		// solution variables
		nverts := shp.GetNverts(cellType)
		info.Dofs = make([][]string, nverts)
		for i, dofs := range u_info.Dofs {
			info.Dofs[i] = append(info.Dofs[i], dofs...)
		for i, dofs := range p_info.Dofs {
			info.Dofs[i] = append(info.Dofs[i], dofs...)

		// maps
		info.Y2F = u_info.Y2F
		for key, val := range p_info.Y2F {
			info.Y2F[key] = val

		// t1 and t2 variables
		info.T1vars = p_info.T1vars
		info.T2vars = u_info.T2vars
		return &info

	// element allocator
	eallocators["up"] = func(cellType string, faceConds []*FaceCond, cid int, edat *inp.ElemData, x [][]float64) Elem {

		// basic data
		var o ElemUP
		o.Fconds = faceConds

		// p-element cell type
		p_cellType := cellType
		lbb := !Global.Sim.Data.NoLBB
		if lbb {
			p_cellType = shp.GetBasicType(cellType)

		// cell types
		o.CtypeU = cellType
		o.CtypeP = p_cellType

		// allocate u element
		u_allocator := eallocators["u"]
		u_elem := u_allocator(cellType, faceConds, cid, edat, x)
		if LogErrCond(u_elem == nil, "cannot allocate underlying u-element") {
			return nil
		o.U = u_elem.(*ElemU)

		// make sure p-element uses the same nubmer of integration points than u-element
		edat.Nip = len(o.U.IpsElem)
		//edat.Nipf = len(o.U.IpsFace) // TODO: check if this is necessary

		// allocate p-element
		p_allocator := eallocators["p"]
		p_elem := p_allocator(p_cellType, faceConds, cid, edat, x)
		if LogErrCond(p_elem == nil, "cannot allocate underlying p-element") {
			return nil
		o.P = p_elem.(*ElemP)

		// scratchpad. computed @ each ip
		ndim := Global.Ndim = make([]float64, ndim)
		o.hl = make([]float64, ndim)
		o.Kup = la.MatAlloc(o.U.Nu, o.P.Np)
		o.Kpu = la.MatAlloc(o.P.Np, o.U.Nu)

		// seepage terms
		if o.P.DoExtrap {
			p_nverts := o.P.Shp.Nverts
			u_nverts := o.U.Shp.Nverts
			o.dρldus_ex = la.MatAlloc(p_nverts, u_nverts*ndim)

		// return new element
		return &o
Beispiel #5
// register element
func init() {

	// information allocator
	infogetters["rod"] = func(cellType string, faceConds []*FaceCond) *Info {

		// new info
		var info Info

		// number of nodes in element
		nverts := shp.GetNverts(cellType)

		// solution variables
		ykeys := []string{"ux", "uy"}
		if Global.Ndim == 3 {
			ykeys = []string{"ux", "uy", "uz"}
		info.Dofs = make([][]string, nverts)
		for m := 0; m < nverts; m++ {
			info.Dofs[m] = ykeys

		// maps
		info.Y2F = map[string]string{"ux": "fx", "uy": "fy", "uz": "fz"}

		// t1 and t2 variables
		info.T2vars = ykeys
		return &info

	// element allocator
	eallocators["rod"] = func(cellType string, faceConds []*FaceCond, cid int, edat *inp.ElemData, x [][]float64) Elem {

		// basic data
		var o Rod
		o.Cid = cid
		o.X = x
		o.Shp = shp.Get(cellType)
		ndim := Global.Ndim
		o.Nu = ndim * o.Shp.Nverts

		var err error

		// material model name
		matname := edat.Mat
		matdata := Global.Sim.Mdb.Get(matname)
		if LogErrCond(matdata == nil, "materials database failed on getting %q material\n", matname) {
			return nil
		mdlname := matdata.Model
		o.Model = msolid.GetOnedSolid(Global.Sim.Data.FnameKey, matname, mdlname, false)
		if LogErrCond(o.Model == nil, "cannot find model named %s\n", mdlname) {
			return nil
		err = o.Model.Init(ndim, matdata.Prms)
		if LogErr(err, "Model.Init failed") {
			return nil

		// parameters
		for _, p := range matdata.Prms {
			switch p.N {
			case "A":
				o.A = p.V
			case "rho":
				o.Rho = p.V

		// integration points
		var nip int
		if s_nip, found := io.Keycode(edat.Extra, "nip"); found {
			nip = io.Atoi(s_nip)
		o.IpsElem, err = shp.GetIps(o.Shp.Type, nip)
		if LogErr(err, "GetIps failed") {
			return nil
		nip = len(o.IpsElem)

		// scratchpad. computed @ each ip
		o.K = la.MatAlloc(o.Nu, o.Nu)
		o.M = la.MatAlloc(o.Nu, o.Nu)
		o.ue = make([]float64, o.Nu)
		o.Rus = make([]float64, o.Nu)

		// scratchpad. computed @ each ip
		o.grav = make([]float64, ndim) = make([]float64, ndim) = make([]float64, o.Nu)

		// return new element
		return &o
Beispiel #6
// register element
func init() {

	// information allocator
	infogetters["p"] = func(cellType string, faceConds []*FaceCond) *Info {

		// new info
		var info Info

		// number of nodes in element
		nverts := shp.GetNverts(cellType)

		// solution variables
		ykeys := []string{"pl"}
		info.Dofs = make([][]string, nverts)
		for m := 0; m < nverts; m++ {
			info.Dofs[m] = ykeys

		// maps
		info.Y2F = map[string]string{"pl": "ql"}

		// vertices on seepage faces
		lverts := GetVertsWithCond(faceConds, "seep")
		for _, m := range lverts {
			if m < nverts { // avoid adding vertices of superelement (e.g. qua8 vertices in this qua4 cell)
				info.Dofs[m] = append(info.Dofs[m], "fl")
		if len(lverts) > 0 {
			ykeys = append(ykeys, "fl")
			info.Y2F["fl"] = "nil"

		// t1 and t2 variables
		info.T1vars = ykeys
		return &info

	// element allocator
	eallocators["p"] = func(cellType string, faceConds []*FaceCond, cid int, edat *inp.ElemData, x [][]float64) Elem {

		// basic data
		var o ElemP
		o.Cid = cid
		o.X = x
		o.Shp = shp.Get(cellType)
		o.Np = o.Shp.Nverts

		// integration points
		o.IpsElem, o.IpsFace = GetIntegrationPoints(edat.Nip, edat.Nipf, cellType)
		if o.IpsElem == nil || o.IpsFace == nil {
			return nil
		nip := len(o.IpsElem)

		// models
		o.Mdl = GetAndInitPorousModel(edat.Mat)
		if o.Mdl == nil {
			return nil

		// local starred variables
		o.ψl = make([]float64, nip)

		// scratchpad. computed @ each ip
		ndim := Global.Ndim
		o.g = make([]float64, ndim)
		o.gpl = make([]float64, ndim)
		o.ρwl = make([]float64, ndim)
		o.tmp = make([]float64, ndim)
		o.Kpp = la.MatAlloc(o.Np, o.Np)
		o.res = new(mporous.LsVars)

		// vertices on seepage faces
		var seepverts []int
		lverts := GetVertsWithCond(faceConds, "seep")
		for _, m := range lverts {
			if m < o.Np { // avoid adding vertices of superelement (e.g. qua8 vertices in this qua4 cell)
				seepverts = append(seepverts, m)

		o.Nf = len(seepverts)
		o.HasSeep = o.Nf > 0
		if o.HasSeep {

			// vertices on seepage face; numbering
			o.SeepId2vid = seepverts
			o.Vid2seepId = utl.IntVals(o.Np, -1)
			o.Fmap = make([]int, o.Nf)
			for μ, m := range o.SeepId2vid {
				o.Vid2seepId[m] = μ

			// flags
			o.Macaulay, o.βrmp, o.κ = GetSeepFaceFlags(edat.Extra)

			// allocate coupling matrices
			o.Kpf = la.MatAlloc(o.Np, o.Nf)
			o.Kfp = la.MatAlloc(o.Nf, o.Np)
			o.Kff = la.MatAlloc(o.Nf, o.Nf)

		// set natural boundary conditions
		for idx, fc := range faceConds {
			o.NatBcs = append(o.NatBcs, &NaturalBc{fc.Cond, fc.FaceId, fc.Func, fc.Extra})

			// allocate extrapolation structures
			if fc.Cond == "ql" || fc.Cond == "seep" {
				nv := o.Shp.Nverts
				nip := len(o.IpsElem)
				o.ρl_ex = make([]float64, nv)
				o.dρldpl_ex = la.MatAlloc(nv, nv)
				o.Emat = la.MatAlloc(nv, nip)
				o.DoExtrap = true
				if LogErr(o.Shp.Extrapolator(o.Emat, o.IpsElem), "element allocation") {
					return nil

			// additional seepage condition structures: hydrostatic flags
			if fc.Cond == "seep" {
				if len(o.Hst) == 0 {
					o.Hst = make([]bool, len(faceConds))
				if s_val, found := io.Keycode(fc.Extra, "plmax"); found {
					o.Hst[idx] = (s_val == "hst")

		// return new element
		return &o