Beispiel #1
// Test that literals are correctly pushed onto their respective stacks
func TestPushingLiterals(t *testing.T) {
	interpreter := gopush.NewInterpreter(gopush.DefaultOptions)
	err := interpreter.Run("3 3.1415926535 FALSE TRUE")

	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("unexpected error: %v", err)

	if interpreter.Stacks["integer"].Pop().(int64) != 3 {
		t.Error("expected integer stack to contain 3")

	if interpreter.Stacks["float"].Pop().(float64) != 3.1415926535 {
		t.Error("expected float stack to contain 3.1415926535")

	b1 := interpreter.Stacks["boolean"].Pop().(bool)
	b2 := interpreter.Stacks["boolean"].Pop().(bool)

	if b1 != true {
		t.Error("expected top of the boolean stack to contain TRUE")

	if b2 != false {
		t.Error("expected bottom of the boolean stack to contain FALSE")
Beispiel #2
func Example() {
	// Use the default options
	options := gopush.DefaultOptions

	// Instantiate a new interpreter
	interpreter := gopush.NewInterpreter(options)

	// Create a new data type
	printStack := &gopush.Stack{
		Functions: make(map[string]func()),

	// Add a function to the data type. This also demonstrates that
	// functions may have side effects outside of the interpreter when called.
	printStack.Functions["hello"] = func() {

	// Register the new data type. The first statement adds the functions of
	// the type to the list of allowed functions, the second statement makes
	// the new type usable by the interpreter.
	interpreter.Options.RegisterStack("print", printStack)
	interpreter.RegisterStack("print", printStack)

	// Run the interpreter

	// Output: hello
Beispiel #3
// This goes through the test suite under tests/ and runs every single example
func TestSuite(t *testing.T) {
	var testOptions gopush.Options
	var interpreter, expInterpreter *gopush.Interpreter

	testsuites := findTestSuites("tests", t)
	for _, ts := range testsuites {

		testOptions = gopush.DefaultOptions
		testOptions.TopLevelPopCode = true
		testOptions.RandomSeed = 1138

		var setup, program, expected []byte
		var err error

		// Open 1-setup.push (if present)
		if _, err = os.Stat(filepath.Join(ts, "1-setup.push")); err == nil {
			setup, err = ioutil.ReadFile(filepath.Join(ts, "1-setup.push"))
			if err != nil {
				t.Fatalf("error while reading %q", filepath.Join(ts, "1-setup.push"))

		// Open 2-program.push
		program, err = ioutil.ReadFile(filepath.Join(ts, "2-program.push"))
		if err != nil {
			t.Fatalf("error while reading %q", filepath.Join(ts, "2-program.push"))

		// Open 3-expected.push
		expected, err = ioutil.ReadFile(filepath.Join(ts, "3-expected.push"))
		if err != nil {
			t.Fatalf("error while reading %q", filepath.Join(ts, "3-expected.push"))

		interpreter = gopush.NewInterpreter(testOptions)

		// Run the setup program
		err = interpreter.Run(string(setup))
		if err != nil {
			t.Fatalf("error while setting up test suite %q: %v", ts, err)

		// Run the test program
		err = interpreter.Run(string(program))
		if err != nil {
			t.Fatalf("error while running test suite %q: %v", ts, err)

		expInterpreter = gopush.NewInterpreter(testOptions)

		// Run the expected program
		err = expInterpreter.Run(string(expected))
		if err != nil {
			t.Fatalf("error while running expected program of test suite %q: %v", ts, err)

		for name, stack := range interpreter.Stacks {
			// Missing and empty stacks are equivalent
			if len(stack.Stack) == 0 && len(expInterpreter.Stacks[name].Stack) == 0 {

			// We need to separately handle the FLOAT stack since
			// the calculations using floating point are giving
			// slightly different values on
			if name == "float" {
				if !compareFloatStacks(stack, expInterpreter.Stacks[name], 1.0/1000000) {
					t.Errorf("testsuite %q: stack float does not equal expected. Expected: \n%v\n, got: \n%v\n", ts, expInterpreter.Stacks[name].Stack, stack.Stack)

			if !reflect.DeepEqual(stack.Stack, expInterpreter.Stacks[name].Stack) {
				t.Errorf("testsuite %q: stack %s does not equal expected. Expected: \n%v\n, got: \n%v\n", ts, name, expInterpreter.Stacks[name].Stack, stack.Stack)