Beispiel #1
func loadHost(hostname string, m map[string]*sign.Node, testSuite abstract.Suite, testRand cipher.Stream, hc *HostConfig) *sign.Node {
	if h, ok := m[hostname]; ok {
		return h
	host := coconet.NewGoHost(hostname, coconet.NewGoDirectory())
	h := sign.NewNode(host, testSuite, testRand)
	hc.Hosts[hostname] = h
	m[hostname] = h
	return h
Beispiel #2
// TODO: if in tcp mode associate each hostname in the file with a different
// port. Get the remote address of this computer to combine with those for the
// complete hostnames to be used by the hosts.
func LoadJSON(file []byte, optsSlice ...ConfigOptions) (*HostConfig, error) {
	opts := ConfigOptions{}
	if len(optsSlice) > 0 {
		opts = optsSlice[0]

	hc := NewHostConfig()
	var cf ConfigFile
	err := json.Unmarshal(file, &cf)
	if err != nil {
		return hc, err
	connT := GoC
	if cf.Conn == "tcp" {
		connT = TcpC

	// options override file
	if opts.ConnType == "tcp" {
		connT = TcpC

	dir := hc.Dir
	hosts := make(map[string]coconet.Host)
	nameToAddr := make(map[string]string)

	if connT == GoC {
		for _, h := range cf.Hosts {
			if _, ok := hc.Hosts[h]; !ok {
				nameToAddr[h] = h
				// it doesn't make sense to only make 1 go host
				if opts.Faulty == true {
					gohost := coconet.NewGoHost(h, dir)
					hosts[h] = coconet.NewFaultyHost(gohost)
				} else {
					hosts[h] = coconet.NewGoHost(h, dir)

	} else if connT == TcpC {
		localAddr := ""

		if opts.GenHosts {
			localAddr, err = GetAddress()
			if err != nil {
				return nil, err

		for i, h := range cf.Hosts {

			addr := h
			if opts.GenHosts {
				p := strconv.Itoa(StartConfigPort)
				addr = localAddr + ":" + p
				//log.Println("created new host address: ", addr)
				StartConfigPort += 10
			} else if opts.Port != "" {
				log.Println("attempting to rewrite port: ", opts.Port)
				// if the port has been specified change the port
				hostport := strings.Split(addr, ":")
				if len(hostport) == 2 {
					addr = hostport[0] + ":" + opts.Port
			} else if len(opts.Hostnames) != 0 {
				addr = opts.Hostnames[i]

			nameToAddr[h] = addr
			// add to the hosts list if we havent added it before
			if _, ok := hc.Hosts[addr]; !ok {
				// only create the tcp hosts requested
				if opts.Host == "" || opts.Host == addr {
					if opts.Faulty == true {
						tcpHost := coconet.NewTCPHost(addr)
						hosts[addr] = coconet.NewFaultyHost(tcpHost)
					} else {
						hosts[addr] = coconet.NewTCPHost(addr)
				} else {
					hosts[addr] = nil // it is there but not backed
	suite := nist.NewAES128SHA256P256()
	if opts.Suite != nil {
		suite = opts.Suite
	rand := suite.Cipher([]byte("example"))
	fmt.Println("hosts", hosts)
	_, err = ConstructTree(cf.Tree, hc, "", suite, rand, hosts, nameToAddr, opts)
	if connT != GoC {
		hc.Dir = nil

	log.Println("IN LOAD JSON")
	// add a hostlist to each of the signing nodes
	var hostList []string
	for h := range hosts {
		hostList = append(hostList, h)
	for _, sn := range hc.SNodes {
		sn.HostList = make([]string, len(hostList))
		sortable := sort.StringSlice(hostList)
		copy(sn.HostList, sortable)
		// set host list on view 0
		log.Println("in config hostlist", sn.HostList)
		sn.SetHostList(0, sn.HostList)

	return hc, err
Beispiel #3
func runStaticTest(signType sign.Type, RoundsPerView int, faultyNodes error {
	// Crypto setup
	suite := nist.NewAES128SHA256P256()
	rand := suite.Cipher([]byte("example"))

	// number of nodes for the test
	nNodes := 4
	// create new directory for communication between peers
	dir := coconet.NewGoDirectory()
	// Create Hosts and Peers
	h := make([]coconet.Host, nNodes)

	for i := 0; i < nNodes; i++ {
		hostName := "host" + strconv.Itoa(i)

		if len(faultyNodes) > 0 {
			h[i] = &coconet.FaultyHost{}
			gohost := coconet.NewGoHost(hostName, dir)
			h[i] = coconet.NewFaultyHost(gohost)
		} else {
			h[i] = coconet.NewGoHost(hostName, dir)


	for _, fh := range faultyNodes {
		h[fh].(*coconet.FaultyHost).SetDeadFor("response", true)

	// Create Signing Nodes out of the hosts
	nodes := make([]*sign.Node, nNodes)
	for i := 0; i < nNodes; i++ {
		nodes[i] = sign.NewNode(h[i], suite, rand)
		nodes[i].Type = signType
		nodes[i].RoundsPerView = RoundsPerView
		defer nodes[i].Close()

		// To test the already keyed signing node, uncomment
		// PrivKey := suite.Secret().Pick(rand)
		// nodes[i] = NewKeyedNode(h[i], suite, PrivKey)
	nodes[0].Height = 2
	nodes[1].Height = 1
	nodes[2].Height = 0
	nodes[3].Height = 0
	// Add edges to parents
	h[1].AddParent(DefaultView, h[0].Name())
	h[2].AddParent(DefaultView, h[1].Name())
	h[3].AddParent(DefaultView, h[1].Name())
	// Add edges to children, listen to children
	h[0].AddChildren(DefaultView, h[1].Name())
	h[1].AddChildren(DefaultView, h[2].Name(), h[3].Name())

	for _, host := range h {

	for i := 0; i < nNodes; i++ {
		if len(faultyNodes) > 0 {
			nodes[i].FailureRate = 1

		go func(i int) {
			// start listening for messages from within the tree

	// Have root node initiate the signing protocol
	// via a simple annoucement
	nodes[0].LogTest = []byte("Hello World")
	// return nodes[0].Announce(DefaultView, &sign.AnnouncementMessage{LogTest: nodes[0].LogTest, Round: 1})
	return nodes[0].StartAnnouncement(&sign.AnnouncementMessage{LogTest: nodes[0].LogTest, Round: 1})