Beispiel #1
// Config gets or sets a configuration value from the cluster.
// A configuration value is stored and retrieved from a key/value store (in this case, etcd)
// at /deis/<component>/<config>. Configuration values are typically used for component-level
// configuration, such as enabling TLS for the routers.
func (c *Client) Config(argv []string) error {
	usage := `Gets or sets a configuration value from the cluster.

A configuration value is stored and retrieved from a key/value store
(in this case, etcd) at /deis/<component>/<config>. Configuration
values are typically used for component-level configuration, such as
enabling TLS for the routers.

Note: "deisctl config platform set sshPrivateKey=" expects a path
to a private key.

  deisctl config <target> get [<key>...]
  deisctl config <target> set <key=val>...
  deisctl config <target> rm [<key>...]

  deisctl config platform set
  deisctl config platform set sshPrivateKey=$HOME/.ssh/deis
  deisctl config controller get webEnabled
  deisctl config controller rm webEnabled
	// parse command-line arguments
	args, err := docopt.Parse(usage, argv, true, "", false)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	var action string
	var key []string

	switch {
	case args["set"] == true:
		action = "set"
		key = args["<key=val>"].([]string)
	case args["rm"] == true:
		action = "rm"
		key = args["<key>"].([]string)
		action = "get"
		key = args["<key>"].([]string)

	return cmd.Config(args["<target>"].(string), action, key, c.configBackend)
Beispiel #2
// Config gets or sets a configuration value from the cluster.
// A configuration value is stored and retrieved from a key/value store (in this case, etcd)
// at /deis/<component>/<config>. Configuration values are typically used for component-level
// configuration, such as enabling TLS for the routers.
func (c *Client) Config(argv []string) error {
	return cmd.Config(argv)