Beispiel #1
func TestContainerNameValidation(t *testing.T) {
	eng := NewTestEngine(t)
	daemon := mkDaemonFromEngine(eng, t)
	defer nuke(daemon)

	for _, test := range []struct {
		Name  string
		Valid bool
		{"abc-123_AAA.1", true},
		{"\000asdf", false},
	} {
		config, _, _, err := parseRun([]string{unitTestImageID, "echo test"})
		if err != nil {
			if !test.Valid {

		containerId, _, err := daemon.ContainerCreate(test.Name, config, &runconfig.HostConfig{})
		if err != nil {
			if !test.Valid {

		container, err := daemon.Get(containerId)
		if err != nil {

		if container.Name != "/"+test.Name {
			t.Fatalf("Expect /%s got %s", test.Name, container.Name)

		if c, err := daemon.Get("/" + test.Name); err != nil {
			t.Fatalf("Couldn't retrieve test container as /%s", test.Name)
		} else if c.ID != container.ID {
			t.Fatalf("Container /%s has ID %s instead of %s", test.Name, c.ID, container.ID)
Beispiel #2
func startEchoServerContainer(t *testing.T, proto string) (*daemon.Daemon, *daemon.Container, string) {
	var (
		err     error
		id      string
		strPort string
		eng     = NewTestEngine(t)
		daemon  = mkDaemonFromEngine(eng, t)
		port    = 5554
		p       nat.Port
	defer func() {
		if err != nil {

	for {
		port += 1
		strPort = strconv.Itoa(port)
		var cmd string
		if proto == "tcp" {
			cmd = "socat TCP-LISTEN:" + strPort + ",reuseaddr,fork EXEC:/bin/cat"
		} else if proto == "udp" {
			cmd = "socat UDP-RECVFROM:" + strPort + ",fork EXEC:/bin/cat"
		} else {
			t.Fatal(fmt.Errorf("Unknown protocol %v", proto))
		ep := make(map[nat.Port]struct{}, 1)
		p = nat.Port(fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", strPort, proto))
		ep[p] = struct{}{}

		c := &runconfig.Config{
			Image:        unitTestImageID,
			Cmd:          runconfig.NewCommand("sh", "-c", cmd),
			PortSpecs:    []string{fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", strPort, proto)},
			ExposedPorts: ep,

		id, _, err = daemon.ContainerCreate(unitTestImageID, c, &runconfig.HostConfig{})
		// FIXME: this relies on the undocumented behavior of daemon.Create
		// which will return a nil error AND container if the exposed ports
		// are invalid. That behavior should be fixed!
		if id != "" {
		t.Logf("Port %v already in use, trying another one", strPort)


	if err := daemon.ContainerStart(id, &runconfig.HostConfig{}); err != nil {

	container, err := daemon.Get(id)
	if err != nil {

	setTimeout(t, "Waiting for the container to be started timed out", 2*time.Second, func() {
		for !container.IsRunning() {
			time.Sleep(10 * time.Millisecond)

	// Even if the state is running, lets give some time to lxc to spawn the process
	container.WaitStop(500 * time.Millisecond)

	strPort = container.NetworkSettings.Ports[p][0].HostPort
	return daemon, container, strPort