Beispiel #1
func (c *networkConfiguration) processIPAM(id string, ipamV4Data, ipamV6Data []driverapi.IPAMData) error {
	if len(ipamV4Data) > 1 || len(ipamV6Data) > 1 {
		return types.ForbiddenErrorf("bridge driver doesn't support multiple subnets")

	if len(ipamV4Data) == 0 {
		return types.BadRequestErrorf("bridge network %s requires ipv4 configuration", id)

	if ipamV4Data[0].Gateway != nil {
		c.AddressIPv4 = types.GetIPNetCopy(ipamV4Data[0].Gateway)

	if gw, ok := ipamV4Data[0].AuxAddresses[DefaultGatewayV4AuxKey]; ok {
		c.DefaultGatewayIPv4 = gw.IP

	if len(ipamV6Data) > 0 {
		c.AddressIPv6 = ipamV6Data[0].Pool

		if ipamV6Data[0].Gateway != nil {
			c.AddressIPv6 = types.GetIPNetCopy(ipamV6Data[0].Gateway)

		if gw, ok := ipamV6Data[0].AuxAddresses[DefaultGatewayV6AuxKey]; ok {
			c.DefaultGatewayIPv6 = gw.IP

	return nil
Beispiel #2
// GetCopy returns a copy of this Interface structure
func (i *Interface) GetCopy() *Interface {
	return &Interface{
		SrcName:     i.SrcName,
		DstName:     i.DstName,
		Address:     types.GetIPNetCopy(i.Address),
		AddressIPv6: types.GetIPNetCopy(i.AddressIPv6),
Beispiel #3
// CopyTo deep copies the pool data to the destination pooldata
func (p *PoolData) CopyTo(dstP *PoolData) error {
	dstP.ParentKey = p.ParentKey
	dstP.Pool = types.GetIPNetCopy(p.Pool)

	if p.Range != nil {
		dstP.Range = &AddressRange{}
		dstP.Range.Sub = types.GetIPNetCopy(p.Range.Sub)
		dstP.Range.Start = p.Range.Start
		dstP.Range.End = p.Range.End

	dstP.RefCount = p.RefCount
	return nil
Beispiel #4
func (epi *endpointInterface) CopyTo(dstEpi *endpointInterface) error {
	dstEpi.mac = types.GetMacCopy(epi.mac)
	dstEpi.addr = types.GetIPNetCopy(epi.addr)
	dstEpi.addrv6 = types.GetIPNetCopy(epi.addrv6)
	dstEpi.srcName = epi.srcName
	dstEpi.dstPrefix = epi.dstPrefix
	dstEpi.poolID = epi.poolID

	for _, route := range epi.routes {
		dstEpi.routes = append(dstEpi.routes, types.GetIPNetCopy(route))

	return nil
Beispiel #5
func setAddress(ifaceAddr **net.IPNet, address *net.IPNet) error {
	if *ifaceAddr != nil {
		return types.ForbiddenErrorf("endpoint interface IP present (%s). Cannot be modified with (%s).", *ifaceAddr, address)
	*ifaceAddr = types.GetIPNetCopy(address)
	return nil
Beispiel #6
func (a *Allocator) getAddress(nw *net.IPNet, bitmask *bitseq.Handle, prefAddress net.IP, ipr *AddressRange) (net.IP, error) {
	var (
		ordinal uint64
		err     error
		base    *net.IPNet

	base = types.GetIPNetCopy(nw)

	if bitmask.Unselected() <= 0 {
		return nil, ipamapi.ErrNoAvailableIPs
	if ipr == nil && prefAddress == nil {
		ordinal, err = bitmask.SetAny()
	} else if prefAddress != nil {
		hostPart, e := types.GetHostPartIP(prefAddress, base.Mask)
		if e != nil {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to allocate preferred address %s: %v", prefAddress.String(), e)
		ordinal = ipToUint64(types.GetMinimalIP(hostPart))
		err = bitmask.Set(ordinal)
	} else {
		base.IP = ipr.Sub.IP
		ordinal, err = bitmask.SetAnyInRange(ipr.Start, ipr.End)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, ipamapi.ErrNoAvailableIPs

	// Convert IP ordinal for this subnet into IP address
	return generateAddress(ordinal, base), nil
func (epi *endpointInterface) IPAliases() []*net.IPNet {
	var aliases []*net.IPNet
	for _, alias := range epi.ipAliases {
		aliases = append(aliases, types.GetIPNetCopy(alias))
	return aliases
func (epi *endpointInterface) SetIPAliases(aliases []*net.IPNet) error {

	if epi.ipAliases != nil {
		return types.ForbiddenErrorf("endpoint aliases present. Cannot be modified with (%s).", aliases)
	epi.ipAliases = make([]*net.IPNet, 0)
	for _, alias := range aliases {
		epi.ipAliases = append(epi.ipAliases, types.GetIPNetCopy(alias))
	return nil
func (i *nwIface) IPAliases() []*net.IPNet {
	defer i.Unlock()

	aliases := make([]*net.IPNet, len(i.aliases))
	for index, alias := range i.aliases {
		ipa := types.GetIPNetCopy(alias)
		aliases[index] = ipa

	return aliases
Beispiel #10
func getIPv4Data(t *testing.T) []driverapi.IPAMData {
	ipd := driverapi.IPAMData{AddressSpace: "full"}
	nw, _, err := ipamutils.ElectInterfaceAddresses("")
	if err != nil {
	ipd.Pool = nw
	// Set network gateway to X.X.X.1
	ipd.Gateway = types.GetIPNetCopy(nw)
	ipd.Gateway.IP[len(ipd.Gateway.IP)-1] = 1
	return []driverapi.IPAMData{ipd}
Beispiel #11
func (epi *endpointInterface) CopyTo(dstEpi *endpointInterface) error {
	dstEpi.mac = types.GetMacCopy(epi.mac)
	dstEpi.addr = types.GetIPNetCopy(epi.addr)
	dstEpi.addrv6 = types.GetIPNetCopy(epi.addrv6)
	dstEpi.srcName = epi.srcName
	dstEpi.dstPrefix = epi.dstPrefix
	dstEpi.v4PoolID = epi.v4PoolID
	dstEpi.v6PoolID = epi.v6PoolID
	if len(epi.llAddrs) != 0 {
		dstEpi.llAddrs = make([]*net.IPNet, 0, len(epi.llAddrs))
		for _, ll := range epi.llAddrs {
			dstEpi.llAddrs = append(dstEpi.llAddrs, ll)

	for _, route := range epi.routes {
		dstEpi.routes = append(dstEpi.routes, types.GetIPNetCopy(route))

	return nil
Beispiel #12
func (i *nwIface) Routes() []*net.IPNet {
	defer i.Unlock()

	routes := make([]*net.IPNet, len(i.routes))
	for index, route := range i.routes {
		r := types.GetIPNetCopy(route)
		routes[index] = r

	return routes
Beispiel #13
// CopyTo deep copies to the destination IpamInfo
func (i *IpamInfo) CopyTo(dstI *IpamInfo) error {
	dstI.PoolID = i.PoolID
	if i.Meta != nil {
		dstI.Meta = make(map[string]string)
		for k, v := range i.Meta {
			dstI.Meta[k] = v

	dstI.AddressSpace = i.AddressSpace
	dstI.Pool = types.GetIPNetCopy(i.Pool)
	dstI.Gateway = types.GetIPNetCopy(i.Gateway)

	if i.AuxAddresses != nil {
		dstI.AuxAddresses = make(map[string]*net.IPNet)
		for k, v := range i.AuxAddresses {
			dstI.AuxAddresses[k] = types.GetIPNetCopy(v)

	return nil
Beispiel #14
func (ep *endpoint) SetIPAddress(address *net.IPNet) error {
	if address.IP == nil {
		return types.BadRequestErrorf("tried to set nil IP address to endpoint interface")
	if address.IP.To4() == nil {
		return types.NotImplementedErrorf("do not support ipv6 yet")
	if ep.addr != nil {
		return types.ForbiddenErrorf("endpoint interface IP present (%s). Cannot be modified with %s.", ep.addr, address)
	ep.addr = types.GetIPNetCopy(address)
	return nil
Beispiel #15
func verifyV4INCEntries(networks map[string]*bridgeNetwork, numEntries int, t *testing.T) {
	out, err := iptables.Raw("-L", "FORWARD")
	if err != nil {
	for _, nw := range networks {
		nt := types.GetIPNetCopy(nw.bridge.bridgeIPv4)
		nt.IP = nt.IP.Mask(nt.Mask)
		re := regexp.MustCompile(nt.String())
		matches := re.FindAllString(string(out[:]), -1)
		if len(matches) != numEntries {
			t.Fatalf("Cannot find expected inter-network isolation rules in IP Tables:\n%s", string(out[:]))
Beispiel #16
func (a *Allocator) getAddress(nw *net.IPNet, bitmask *bitseq.Handle, prefAddress net.IP, ipr *AddressRange) (net.IP, error) {
	var (
		ordinal uint64
		err     error
		base    *net.IPNet

	base = types.GetIPNetCopy(nw)

	if bitmask.Unselected() <= 0 {
		return nil, ipamapi.ErrNoAvailableIPs
	if ipr == nil && prefAddress == nil {
		ordinal, err = bitmask.SetAny()
	} else if prefAddress != nil {
		hostPart, e := types.GetHostPartIP(prefAddress, base.Mask)
		if e != nil {
			return nil, types.InternalErrorf("failed to allocate requested address %s: %v", prefAddress.String(), e)
		ordinal = ipToUint64(types.GetMinimalIP(hostPart))
		err = bitmask.Set(ordinal)
	} else {
		ordinal, err = bitmask.SetAnyInRange(ipr.Start, ipr.End)

	switch err {
	case nil:
		// Convert IP ordinal for this subnet into IP address
		return generateAddress(ordinal, base), nil
	case bitseq.ErrBitAllocated:
		return nil, ipamapi.ErrIPAlreadyAllocated
	case bitseq.ErrNoBitAvailable:
		return nil, ipamapi.ErrNoAvailableIPs
		return nil, err
Beispiel #17
func newTestEndpoint(nw *net.IPNet, ordinal byte) *testEndpoint {
	addr := types.GetIPNetCopy(nw)
	addr.IP[len(addr.IP)-1] = ordinal
	return &testEndpoint{iface: &testInterface{addr: addr}}
Beispiel #18
func (epi *endpointInterface) AddressIPv6() *net.IPNet {
	return types.GetIPNetCopy(epi.addrv6)
Beispiel #19
func (ep *endpoint) Address() *net.IPNet {
	return types.GetIPNetCopy(ep.addr)
Beispiel #20
func (i *nwIface) AddressIPv6() *net.IPNet {
	defer i.Unlock()

	return types.GetIPNetCopy(i.addressIPv6)