Beispiel #1
func (a BugApplication) Edit(args ArgumentList) {
	issues, _ := ioutil.ReadDir(string(bugs.GetIssuesDir()))

	// No parameters, print a list of all bugs
	if len(args) == 1 {
		idx, err := strconv.Atoi(args[0])
		if idx > len(issues) || idx < 1 {
			fmt.Printf("Invalid issue number %d\n", idx)
		dir := bugs.Directory(bugs.GetIssuesDir()) + bugs.Directory(issues[idx-1].Name())
		cmd := exec.Command(getEditor(), string(dir)+"/Description")

		cmd.Stdin = os.Stdin
		cmd.Stdout = os.Stdout
		cmd.Stderr = os.Stderr

		err = cmd.Run()
		if err != nil {
	} else {
		fmt.Printf("Usage: %s edit issuenum\n", os.Args[0])
		fmt.Printf("\nNo issue number specified\n")
Beispiel #2
func List(args ArgumentList, stdout *os.File) {
	issues, _ := ioutil.ReadDir(string(bugs.GetIssuesDir()))

	var wantTags bool = false
	if args.HasArgument("--tags") {
		wantTags = true

	// No parameters, print a list of all bugs
	if len(args) == 0 || (wantTags && len(args) == 1) {
		//os.Stdout = stdout
		for idx, issue := range issues {
			if issue.IsDir() != true {
			var dir bugs.Directory = bugs.GetIssuesDir() + bugs.Directory(issue.Name())
			b := bugs.Bug{dir}
			name := getBugName(b, idx)
			if wantTags == false {
				fmt.Printf("%s: %s\n", name, b.Title(""))
			} else {
				fmt.Printf("%s: %s\n", name, b.Title("tags"))

	// getAllTags() is defined in Tag.go
	// Get a list of tags, so that when we encounter
	// an error we can check if it's because the user
	// provided a tagname instead of a BugID. If they
	// did, then list bugs matching that tag instead
	// of full descriptions
	tags := getAllTags()
	// There were parameters, so show the full description of each
	// of those issues
	for i, length := 0, len(args); i < length; i += 1 {
		b, err := bugs.LoadBugByHeuristic(args[i])
		if err != nil {
			for _, tagname := range tags {
				if tagname == args[i] {
					listTags(issues, args)
			fmt.Printf("%s\n", err.Error())

		if i < length-1 {
Beispiel #3
func (a BugApplication) List(args ArgumentList) {
	issues, _ := ioutil.ReadDir(string(bugs.GetIssuesDir()))

	var wantTags bool = false
	if args.HasArgument("--tags") {
		wantTags = true

	// No parameters, print a list of all bugs
	if len(args) == 0 || (wantTags && len(args) == 1) {
		for idx, issue := range issues {
			if issue.IsDir() != true {
			var dir bugs.Directory = bugs.GetIssuesDir() + bugs.Directory(issue.Name())
			b := bugs.Bug{dir}
			if wantTags == false {
				fmt.Printf("Issue %d: %s\n", idx+1, b.Title(""))
			} else {
				fmt.Printf("Issue %d: %s\n", idx+1, b.Title("tags"))

	// There were parameters, so show the full description of each
	// of those issues
	b := bugs.Bug{}
	for i, length := 0, len(args); i < length; i += 1 {
		idx, err := strconv.Atoi(args[i])
		if err != nil {
			listTags(issues, args)
		if idx > len(issues) || idx < 1 {
			fmt.Printf("Invalid issue number %d\n", idx)
		if err == nil {
			b.LoadBug(bugs.Directory(bugs.GetIssuesDir() + bugs.Directory(issues[idx-1].Name())))
			if i < length-1 {
Beispiel #4
Datei: be.go Projekt: Komosa/bug
func beImport() {
	wd, err := os.Getwd()
	if dir := walkAndSearch(wd, []string{".be"}); err != nil || dir == nil {
		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Could not find any Bugs Everywhere repository relative to current path.\n")
	} else {
		files, err := dir.Readdir(-1)
		if err != nil {
			fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Error importing BE database: %s\n", err.Error())

		issuesDir := bugs.GetIssuesDir()
		lastIdentifier := ""
		nextIdentifier := ""
		for idx, file := range files {
			if file.IsDir() {
				if idx < len(files)-1 {
					nextIdentifier = files[idx+1].Name()
				name := shortestPrefix(file.Name(), nextIdentifier, lastIdentifier, 3)

				beImportBugs(name, string(issuesDir), dir.Name(), file.Name())
				lastIdentifier = file.Name()
Beispiel #5
func listTags(files []os.FileInfo, args ArgumentList) {
	b := bugs.Bug{}
	for idx, _ := range files {
		b.LoadBug(bugs.Directory(bugs.GetIssuesDir() + bugs.Directory(files[idx].Name())))

		for _, tag := range args {
			if b.HasTag(bugs.Tag(tag)) {
				fmt.Printf("%s: %s\n", getBugName(b, idx), b.Title("tags"))
Beispiel #6
// This will try and commit the $(bug pwd) directory
// transparently. It does the following steps:
// 1. "git stash create"
// 2. "git reset --mixed" (unstage the user's currently staged files)
// 3. "git add $(bug pwd)"
// 4. "git commit"
// 5a. "git reset --hard" (if there was any stash created,
// 						this is necessary for 5b to work.)
// 5b. "git stash apply --index" the stash from step 1
func (a BugApplication) Commit() {
	scm, _, err := scm.DetectSCM()
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Printf("Error: %s\n", err.Error())

	err = scm.Commit(bugs.GetIssuesDir(), "Added or removed issues with the tool \"bug\"")

	if err != nil {
		fmt.Printf("Could not commit: %s\n", err.Error())
Beispiel #7
func (a BugApplication) Purge() {
	scm, _, err := scm.DetectSCM()

	if err != nil {
		fmt.Printf("Error: %s\n", err.Error())

	err = scm.Purge(bugs.GetIssuesDir())
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Printf("Error: %s\n", err.Error())
Beispiel #8
func (a BugApplication) Env() {
	scm, scmdir, scmerr := scm.DetectSCM()
	fmt.Printf("Settings used by this command:\n")
	fmt.Printf("\nEditor: %s", getEditor())
	fmt.Printf("\nIssues directory: %s", bugs.GetIssuesDir())

	if scmerr == nil {
		fmt.Printf("\n\nSCM Type:\t%s", scm.GetSCMType())
		fmt.Printf("\n%s directory:\t%s", scm.GetSCMType(), scmdir)
	} else {
		fmt.Printf("\n\nSCM Type: None (purge and commit commands unavailable)")

Beispiel #9
func (a BugApplication) Close(args ArgumentList) {
	issues, _ := ioutil.ReadDir(string(bugs.GetIssuesDir()))

	// No parameters, print a list of all bugs
	if len(args) == 0 {
		fmt.Printf("Usage: %s close IssueNumber\n\nMust provide an IssueNumber to close as parameter\n", os.Args[0])

	// There were parameters, so show the full description of each
	// of those issues
	for i := 0; i < len(args); i += 1 {
		idx, err := strconv.Atoi(args[i])
		if idx > len(issues) || idx < 1 {
			fmt.Printf("Invalid issue number %d\n", idx)
		if err == nil {
			dir := bugs.GetIssuesDir() + bugs.Directory(issues[idx-1].Name())
			fmt.Printf("Removing %s\n", dir)
Beispiel #10
func (a BugApplication) Create(Args ArgumentList) {
	if len(Args) < 1 || (len(Args) < 2 && Args[0] == "-n") {
		fmt.Printf("Usage: %s create [-n] Bug Description\n", os.Args[0])
		fmt.Printf("\nNo Bug Description provided.\n")
	var noDesc bool = false

	if Args.HasArgument("-n") {
		noDesc = true
		Args = Args[1:]

	var bug bugs.Bug
	bug = bugs.Bug{
		Dir: bugs.GetIssuesDir() + bugs.TitleToDir(strings.Join(Args, " ")),

	dir, _ := bug.GetDirectory()
	fmt.Printf("Created issue: %s\n", bug.Title(""))

	var mode os.FileMode
	mode = 0775
	os.Mkdir(string(dir), mode)

	if noDesc {
		txt := []byte("")
		ioutil.WriteFile(string(dir)+"/Description", txt, 0644)
	} else {
		cmd := exec.Command(getEditor(), string(dir)+"/Description")

		cmd.Stdin = os.Stdin
		cmd.Stdout = os.Stdout
		cmd.Stderr = os.Stderr
		err := cmd.Run()

		if err != nil {
Beispiel #11
func (a BugApplication) Relabel(Args ArgumentList) {
	if len(Args) < 2 {
		fmt.Printf("Usage: %s relabel issuenum New Title\n", os.Args[0])

	b, err := bugs.LoadBugByStringIndex(Args[0])

	if err != nil {
		fmt.Printf("Could not load bug: %s\n", err.Error())

	currentDir, _ := b.GetDirectory()
	newDir := bugs.GetIssuesDir() + bugs.TitleToDir(strings.Join(Args[1:], " "))
	fmt.Printf("Moving %s to %s\n", currentDir, newDir)
	err = os.Rename(string(currentDir), string(newDir))
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Printf("Error moving directory\n")
Beispiel #12
func Create(Args ArgumentList) {
	if len(Args) < 1 || (len(Args) < 2 && Args[0] == "-n") {
		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Usage: %s create [-n] Bug Description\n", os.Args[0])
		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "\nNo Bug Description provided.\n")
	var noDesc bool = false

	if Args.HasArgument("-n") {
		noDesc = true
		Args = Args[1:]

	Args, argVals := Args.GetAndRemoveArguments([]string{"--tag", "--status", "--priority", "--milestone", "--identifier"})
	tag := argVals[0]
	status := argVals[1]
	priority := argVals[2]
	milestone := argVals[3]
	identifier := argVals[4]

	if Args.HasArgument("--generate-id") {
		for i, token := range Args {
			if token == "--generate-id" {
				if i+1 < len(Args) {
					Args = append(Args[:i], Args[i+1:]...)
				} else {
					Args = Args[:i]
		identifier = generateID(strings.Join(Args, " "))

	var bug bugs.Bug
	bug = bugs.Bug{
		Dir: bugs.GetIssuesDir() + bugs.TitleToDir(strings.Join(Args, " ")),

	dir := bug.GetDirectory()

	var mode os.FileMode
	mode = 0775
	os.Mkdir(string(dir), mode)

	if noDesc {
		txt := []byte("")
		ioutil.WriteFile(string(dir)+"/Description", txt, 0644)
	} else {
		cmd := exec.Command(getEditor(), string(dir)+"/Description")

		cmd.Stdin = os.Stdin
		cmd.Stdout = os.Stdout
		cmd.Stderr = os.Stderr
		err := cmd.Run()

		if err != nil {

	if tag != "" {
	if status != "" {
	if priority != "" {
	if milestone != "" {
	if identifier != "" {
	fmt.Printf("Created issue: %s\n", bug.Title(""))
Beispiel #13
// This will try and commit the $(bug pwd) directory
// transparently. It does the following steps:
// 1. "git stash create"
// 2. "git reset --mixed" (unstage the user's currently staged files)
// 3. "git add $(bug pwd)"
// 4. "git commit"
// 5a. "git reset --hard" (if there was any stash created,
// 						this is necessary for 5b to work.)
// 5b. "git stash apply --index" the stash from step 1
func (a BugApplication) Commit() {
	type FileStatus struct {
		IndexStatus      string
		WorkingDirStatus string
		Filename         string
	statusOutput := func(dir bugs.Directory) []FileStatus {
		cmd := exec.Command("git", "status", "--porcelain", "-z", string(dir))
		output, err := cmd.Output()
		if err != nil {
			fmt.Printf("Could not check git status")
			return nil
		fileStatusLines := strings.Split(string(output), "\000")
		var files []FileStatus
		for _, line := range fileStatusLines {
			if len(line) == 0 {
			files = append(files, FileStatus{
				IndexStatus:      line[0:1],
				WorkingDirStatus: line[1:2],
				Filename:         line[2:],
		return files
	// Before doing anything, check git status to see if
	// the index is in a state that's going to cause an
	// error
	sOutput := statusOutput(bugs.GetIssuesDir())
	for _, file := range sOutput {
		if file.IndexStatus == "D" {
			fmt.Printf("You have manually staged changes in your issue directory which will conflict with %s commit.\n", os.Args[0])

	sOutput = statusOutput(bugs.GetRootDir())
	for _, file := range sOutput {
		if file.IndexStatus == "A" {
			fmt.Printf("You have a new file staged in your git index, which will cause conflicts with %s commit. Please either commit your changes or unstage %s.\n", os.Args[0], file.Filename)

	cmd := exec.Command("git", "stash", "create")

	output, err := cmd.Output()

	if err != nil {
		fmt.Printf("Could not execute git stash create")
	var stashHash string = strings.Trim(string(output), "\n")

	// Unstage everything, if there was anything stashed, so that
	// we don't commit things that the user has staged that aren't
	// issues
	if stashHash != "" {
		cmd = exec.Command("git", "reset", "--mixed")
		err = cmd.Run()

		if err != nil {

	// Commit the issues directory
	// git add $(bug pwd)
	// git commit -m "Added new issues" -q
	cmd = exec.Command("git", "add", "-A", string(bugs.GetRootDir())+"/issues")
	err = cmd.Run()
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Printf("Could not add to index?\n")
	cmd = exec.Command("git", "commit", "-m", "Added or removes issues with the tool \"bug\"", "-q")
	err = cmd.Run()
	if err != nil {
		// If nothing was added commit will have an error,
		// but we don't care it just means there's nothing
		// to commit.
		fmt.Printf("No new issues commited\n")

	// There were changes that had been stashed, so we need
	// to restore them with git stash apply.. first, we
	// need to do a "git reset --hard" so that the dirty working
	// tree doesn't cause an error. This isn't as scary as it
	// sounds, since immediately after git reset --hard we apply
	// a stash which has the exact same changes that we just threw
	// away.
	if stashHash != "" {
		cmd = exec.Command("git", "reset", "--hard")
		err = cmd.Run()
		if err != nil {
			fmt.Printf("Error resetting the git working tree\n")
			fmt.Printf("The stash which should have your changes is: %s\n", stashHash)
		cmd = exec.Command("git", "stash", "apply", "--index", stashHash)
		err = cmd.Run()
		if err != nil {
			fmt.Printf("Error restoring the git working tree")
			fmt.Printf("The stash which should have your changes is: %s\n", stashHash)
			// If nothing was stashed, it's not the end of the world.
			//fmt.Printf("Could not pop from stash\n")
Beispiel #14
Datei: Pwd.go Projekt: Komosa/bug
func Pwd() {
	fmt.Printf("%s", bugs.GetIssuesDir())
Beispiel #15
func (a BugApplication) Pwd() {
	fmt.Printf("%s", bugs.GetIssuesDir())