Beispiel #1
func (v *CompileVisitor) Declare(vname string, t *ast.Type) {
	switch SizeOnStack(t) {
	case 4:
		v.Append(x86.Commented(x86.PushL(x86.Imm32(0)), "This is variable "+vname))
	case 8:
		v.Append(x86.Commented(x86.PushL(x86.Imm32(0)), "This is variable "+vname))
		v.Append(x86.Commented(x86.PushL(x86.Imm32(0)), "This is variable "+vname))
		panic(fmt.Sprintf("I don't handle variables with length %s", SizeOnStack(t)))
	v.Stack.DefineVariable(vname, t)
Beispiel #2
func (v *CompileVisitor) Visit(n0 ast.Node) (w ast.Visitor) {
	// The following only handles functions (not methods)
	if n, ok := n0.(*ast.FuncDecl); ok && n.Recv == nil {
		for _, statement := range n.Body.List {
		v.Append(x86.GlobalSymbol("return_" + n.Name.Name))
		v.Append(x86.Commented(x86.PopL(x86.EAX), "Pop the return address"))
		// Pop off function arguments...
		fmt.Println("Function", v.Stack.Name, "has stack size", v.Stack.Size)
		fmt.Println("Function", v.Stack.Name, "has return values size", v.Stack.ReturnSize)
		v.Append(x86.Commented(x86.AddL(x86.Imm32(v.Stack.Size-4-v.Stack.ReturnSize), x86.ESP),
			"Popping "+v.Stack.Name+" arguments."))
		// Then we return!
		v.Append(x86.RawAssembly("\tjmp *%eax"))
		v.Stack = v.Stack.Parent
		return nil // No need to peek inside the func declaration!
	return v
Beispiel #3
func (v *CompileVisitor) FunctionPostlogue() {
	// First we roll back the stack from where we started...
	for v.Stack.Name == "_" {
		// We need to pop off any extra layers of stack we've added...
		if v.Stack.Size > 0 {
			v.Append(x86.Commented(x86.AddL(x86.Imm32(v.Stack.Size), x86.ESP),
				"We stored this much on the stack so far."))
		v.Stack = v.Stack.Parent // We've popped off the arguments...
	// Now jump to the "real" postlogue.  This is a little stupid, but I
	// expect it'll come in handy when I implement defer (not to mention
	// panic/recover).
	v.Append(x86.Jmp(x86.Symbol("return_" + v.Stack.Name)))
Beispiel #4
// PopTo returns code to save data from the stack into the variable.
// It also changes the stack size accordingly.
func (s *Stack) PopTo(name string) x86.X86 {
	v := s.Lookup(name)
	off := SizeOnStack(v.Type())
	if TypeToSize(v.Type()) != off {
		panic("I can't yet handle types with sizes that aren't a multiple of 4")
	comment := "Popping to variable " + v.Name()
	if v.Name() == "_" {
		comment = fmt.Sprint("Popping to ", name, " of type ", PrettyType(v.Type()), " at ", v.InMemory())
	code := []x86.X86{x86.Comment(s.PrettyComments())}
	switch off {
	case 4:
		s.Size -= off
		vnew := s.Lookup(name) // Its location relative to stack may have changed!
		return x86.RawAssembly(x86.Assembly([]x86.X86{
			x86.Commented(x86.MovL(x86.EAX, vnew.InMemory()), comment),
	case 8:
		s.Size -= 4
		vnew := s.Lookup(name) // Its location relative to stack may have changed!
		code = append(code,
			x86.Commented(x86.MovL(x86.EAX, vnew.InMemory()), comment))
		s.Size -= 4
		vnew = s.Lookup(name) // Its location relative to stack may have changed again!
		code = append(code,
			x86.Commented(x86.MovL(x86.EAX, vnew.InMemory().Add(4)), comment))
		return x86.RawAssembly(x86.Assembly(code))
		panic(fmt.Sprintf("I don't pop variables with length %s", SizeOnStack(v.Type())))
	panic("This can't happen")
Beispiel #5
func (v StringVisitor) Visit(n0 ast.Node) (w ast.Visitor) {
	//fmt.Printf("in StringVisitor, n0 is %s of type %T\n", n0, n0)
	if n, ok := n0.(*ast.BasicLit); ok && n != nil && n.Kind == token.STRING {
		str, err := strconv.Unquote(string(n.Value))
		if err != nil {
		sanitize := func(rune int) int {
			if unicode.IsLetter(rune) {
				return rune
			return -1
		fmt.Println("string literals are: ", v.string_literals)
		if _, ok := v.string_literals[str]; !ok {
			strname := "string_" + strings.Map(sanitize, str)
			for {
				// See if our strname is valid...
				nameexists := false
				for _, n := range v.string_literals {
					if n == strname {
						nameexists = true
				if !nameexists {
					break // we've got a unique name already!
				strname = strname + "X"
			*v.assembly = append(*v.assembly,
				x86.Commented(x86.Ascii(str), "a non-null-terminated string"))
			v.string_literals[str] = strname
			fmt.Println("Got new string literal: ", str)
	return v
Beispiel #6
func (v *CompileVisitor) FunctionPrologue(fn *ast.FuncDecl) {
	v.Stack = v.Stack.New(fn.Name.Name)
	ftype := ast.NewType(ast.Function)
	ftype.N = uint(fn.Type.Results.NumFields())
	ftype.Params = ast.NewScope(nil)
	fmt.Println("Working on function", fn.Name.Name)
	if fn.Type.Results != nil {
		resultnum := 0
		for _, resultfield := range fn.Type.Results.List {
			names := []string{"_"}
			if resultfield.Names != nil {
				names = []string{}
				for _, i := range resultfield.Names {
					names = append(names, i.Name)
			t := TypeExpression(resultfield.Type)
			for _, n := range names {
				ftype.Params.Insert(&ast.Object{ast.Fun, n, t, resultfield, 0})
				v.Stack.DefineVariable(n, t, fmt.Sprintf("return_value_%d", resultnum))

				// The return values are actually allocated elsewhere... here
				// we just need to define the function type properly so it
				// gets called properly.
	fmt.Println("Stack size after results is", v.Stack.Size)
	v.Stack.ReturnSize = v.Stack.Size
	// The arguments are pushed last argument first, so that eventually
	// the types of the "later" arguments can depend on the first
	// arguments, which seems nice to me.
	for pi := len(fn.Type.Params.List) - 1; pi >= 0; pi-- {
		paramfield := fn.Type.Params.List[pi]
		names := []string{"_"}
		if paramfield.Names != nil {
			names = []string{}
			for _, i := range paramfield.Names {
				names = append(names, i.Name)
		t := TypeExpression(paramfield.Type)
		for i := len(names) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
			n := names[i]
			ftype.Params.Insert(&ast.Object{ast.Fun, n, t, paramfield, 0})
			v.Stack.DefineVariable(n, t)

			// The function parameters are actually allocated
			// elsewhere... here we just need to define the function type
			// properly so it gets called properly.
	fmt.Println("Stack size after params is", v.Stack.Size)
	v.Stack.DefineVariable("return", IntType)
	fmt.Println("Stack size after return is", v.Stack.Size)
	v.Stack = v.Stack.New("_")
	DefineGlobal(fn.Name.Name, ftype)
	// symbol for the start name
	pos := myfiles.Position(fn.Pos())
		fmt.Sprint(pos.Filename, ": line ", pos.Line)))
	// If we had arguments, we'd want to swap them with the return
	// address here...
Beispiel #7
func (v *CompileVisitor) CompileExpression(exp ast.Expr) {
	switch e := exp.(type) {
	case *ast.BasicLit:
		switch e.Kind {
		case token.STRING:
			str, err := strconv.Unquote(string(e.Value))
			if err != nil {
			n, ok := v.string_literals[str]
			if !ok {
				panic(fmt.Sprintf("I don't recognize the string: %s", string(e.Value)))
				x86.Commented(x86.PushL(x86.Symbol(n)), "Pushing string literal "+string(e.Value)),
			v.Stack.Push(StringType) // let the stack know we've pushed a literal
			panic(fmt.Sprintf("I don't know how to deal with literal: %s", e))
	case *ast.CallExpr:
		if fn, ok := e.Fun.(*ast.Ident); ok {
			pos := myfiles.Position(fn.Pos())
			switch fn.Name {
			case "println", "print":
				if len(e.Args) != 1 {
					panic(fmt.Sprintf("%s expects just one argument, not %d", fn.Name, len(e.Args)))
				argtype := ExprType(e.Args[0], v.Stack)
				if argtype.N != ast.String || argtype.Form != ast.Basic {
					panic(fmt.Sprintf("Argument to %s has type %s but should have type string!",
						fn.Name, argtype))
				v.Stack = v.Stack.New("arguments")
					fmt.Sprint(pos.Filename, ": line ", pos.Line)))
				v.Stack = v.Stack.Parent // A hack to let the callee clean up arguments
				// This must not be a built-in function...
				functype := v.Stack.Lookup(fn.Name)
				if functype.Type().Form != ast.Function {
					panic("Function " + fn.Name + " is not actually a function!")
				for i := 0; i < int(functype.Type().N); i++ {
					// Put zeros on the stack for the return values (and define these things)
				v.Stack = v.Stack.New("arguments")
				for i := len(e.Args) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
				// FIXME: I assume here that there is no return value!
					fmt.Sprint(pos.Filename, ": line ", pos.Line)))
				v.Stack = v.Stack.Parent // A hack to let the callee clean up arguments
		} else {
			panic(fmt.Sprintf("I don't know how to deal with complicated function: %s", e.Fun))
	case *ast.Ident:
		evar := v.Stack.Lookup(e.Name)
		switch SizeOnStack(evar.Type()) {
		case 4:
			v.Append(x86.Commented(x86.MovL(evar.InMemory(), x86.EAX), "Reading variable "+e.Name))
			v.Stack.DefineVariable("_copy_of_"+e.Name, evar.Type())
		case 8:
			v.Append(x86.Comment(fmt.Sprintf("The offset of %s is %s", e.Name, evar.InMemory())))
			v.Append(x86.Commented(x86.MovL(evar.InMemory().Add(4), x86.EAX),
				"Reading variable "+e.Name))
			v.Append(x86.MovL(evar.InMemory(), x86.EBX))
			v.Stack.DefineVariable("_copy_of_"+e.Name, evar.Type())
			panic(fmt.Sprintf("I don't handle variables with length %s", SizeOnStack(evar.Type())))
		panic(fmt.Sprintf("I can't handle expressions such as: %T value %s", exp, exp))