Beispiel #1
func TestRng(t *testing.T) {
	var n int = 10
	T := rng.DefaultRngType()
	r := rng.RngAlloc(T)
	for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
		u := rng.Uniform(r)
		fmt.Printf("%.5f\n", u)
Beispiel #2
func TestRandist(t *testing.T) {
	var n int = 10
	var mu float64 = 3.0
	T := rng.DefaultRngType()
	r := rng.RngAlloc(T)
	for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
		k := randist.Poisson(r, mu)
		fmt.Printf(" %d", k)
Beispiel #3
func MakeData(start float64, end float64, inc float64) []float64 {
	var data []float64
	T := rng.DefaultRngType()
	r := rng.RngAlloc(T)
	for x := start; x < end; x += inc {
		y0 := math.Exp(x)
		sigma := inc * y0
		dy := randist.Gaussian(r, sigma)
		data = append(data, []float64{x, y0 + dy, sigma}...)
	return data
Beispiel #4
func TestNtupleWrite(t *testing.T) {

	dataBuf := make([]Data, 1)
	nt := ntuple.Create(TEMP_FILE_NAME, dataBuf)

	T := rng.DefaultRngType()
	r := rng.RngAlloc(T)
	for i := 0; i < 10000; i++ {
		dataBuf[0].x = randist.Ugaussian(r)
		dataBuf[0].y = randist.Ugaussian(r)
		dataBuf[0].z = randist.Ugaussian(r)
Beispiel #5
func TestSort(t *testing.T) {
	var n int = 100000
	var k int = 5
	x := make([]float64, n)
	small := make([]float64, k)
	T := rng.DefaultRngType()
	r := rng.RngAlloc(T)
	for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
		x[i] = rng.Uniform(r)
	sort.SortSmallest(small, k, x, 1, n)
	fmt.Printf("%d smallest values from %d\n", k, n)
	for i := 0; i < k; i++ {
		fmt.Printf("%d: %.18f\n", i, small[i])
Beispiel #6
func TestSortVectorIndex(t *testing.T) {
	var n int = 10000
	var k int = 5
	v := vector.VectorAlloc(n)
	p := permutation.PermutationAlloc(n)
	T := rng.DefaultRngType()
	r := rng.RngAlloc(T)
	for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
		vector.Set(v, i, rng.Uniform(r))
	sort.SortVectorIndex(p, v)
	pData := p.Slice_().([]int)
	for i := 0; i < k; i++ {
		vpi := vector.Get(v, pData[i])
		fmt.Printf("order = %d, value = %g\n", i, vpi)
Beispiel #7
func TestPermutation(t *testing.T) {
	var N int = 15
	p := permutation.PermutationAlloc(N)
	q := permutation.PermutationAlloc(N)
	T := rng.DefaultRngType()
	r := rng.RngAlloc(T)
	fmt.Printf("initial permutation: ")
	permutation.Fprintf(os.Stdout, p, " %u")
	fmt.Printf(" random permutation: ")
	randist.Shuffle(r, p.Slice_(), p.Len())
	permutation.Fprintf(os.Stdout, p, " %u")
	fmt.Printf(" inverse permutation: ")
	permutation.Inverse(q, p)
	permutation.Fprintf(os.Stdout, q, " %u")
Beispiel #8
func TestSiman(t *testing.T) {

	params := &siman.GslSimanParams{
		NumTries:   N_TRIES,
		ItersFixed: ITERS_FIXED_T,
		StepSize:   STEP_SIZE,
		K:          K,
		TInitial:   T_INITIAL,
		Mu:         MU_T,
		TMin:       T_MIN,

	var xInitial float64 = 15.5

	T := rng.DefaultRngType()
	r := rng.RngAlloc(T)
	siman.Solve(r, &xInitial, E1, S1, M1, P1, nil, nil, nil, params)
Beispiel #9
func TestHistogram(t *testing.T) {

	h := histogram.Histogram2dAlloc(10, 10)
	histogram.Histogram2dSetRangesUniform(h, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0)
	histogram.Histogram2dAccumulate(h, 0.3, 0.3, 1)
	histogram.Histogram2dAccumulate(h, 0.8, 0.1, 5)
	histogram.Histogram2dAccumulate(h, 0.7, 0.9, 0.5)

	T := rng.DefaultRngType()
	r := rng.RngAlloc(T)

	hDim := h.Dim()
	p := histogram.Histogram2dPdfAlloc(hDim[0], hDim[1])
	histogram.Histogram2dPdfInit(p, h)
	for i := 0; i < 1000; i++ {
		u := rng.Uniform(r)
		v := rng.Uniform(r)
		_, x, y := histogram.Histogram2dPdfSample(p, u, v)
		fmt.Printf("%g %g\n", x, y)
Beispiel #10
func TestMonte(t *testing.T) {

	xl := []float64{0, 0, 0}
	xu := []float64{math.Pi, math.Pi, math.Pi}

	G := &monte.GslMonteFunction{
		Function: g,
		Dim:      3,

	var calls int = 500000

	T := rng.DefaultRngType()
	r := rng.RngAlloc(T)

	sp := monte.PlainAlloc(3)
	_, res, err := monte.PlainIntegrate(G, xl, xu, 3, calls, r, sp)
	DisplayResults("plain", res, err)

	sm := monte.MiserAlloc(3)
	_, res, err = monte.MiserIntegrate(G, xl, xu, 3, calls, r, sm)
	DisplayResults("miser", res, err)

	sv := monte.VegasAlloc(3)
	_, res, err = monte.VegasIntegrate(G, xl, xu, 3, 10000, r, sv)
	DisplayResults("vegas warm-up", res, err)

	for {
		_, res, err = monte.VegasIntegrate(G, xl, xu, 3, calls/5, r, sv)
		fmt.Printf("result = % .6f sigma = % .6f "+
			"chisq/dof = %.1f\n", res, err, monte.VegasChisq(sv))
		if math.Abs(monte.VegasChisq(sv))-1.0 <= 0.5 {
Beispiel #11
func TestRobust(t *testing.T) {
	var p int = 2 // linear fit

	var a float64 = 1.45 // data slope
	var b float64 = 3.88 // data intercept

	var n int = 20

	X := matrix.MatrixAlloc(n, p)
	x := vector.VectorAlloc(n)
	y := vector.VectorAlloc(n)

	c := vector.VectorAlloc(p)
	cOls := vector.VectorAlloc(p)
	cov := matrix.MatrixAlloc(p, p)

	r := rng.RngAlloc(rng.DefaultRngType())

	// generate linear dataset
	for i := 0; i < n-3; i++ {
		dx := 10.0 / (float64(n) - 1.0)
		ei := rng.Uniform(r)
		xi := -5.0 + float64(i)*dx
		yi := a*xi + b

		vector.Set(x, i, xi)
		vector.Set(y, i, yi+ei)

	// add a few outliers
	vector.Set(x, n-3, 4.7)
	vector.Set(y, n-3, -8.3)

	vector.Set(x, n-2, 3.5)
	vector.Set(y, n-2, -6.7)

	vector.Set(x, n-1, 4.1)
	vector.Set(y, n-1, -6.0)

	// construct design matrix X for linear fit
	for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
		xi := vector.Get(x, i)
		matrix.Set(X, i, 0, 1.0)
		matrix.Set(X, i, 1, xi)

	// perform robust and OLS fit
	DoFit(multifit.GSL_MULTIFIT_ROBUST_OLS, X, y, cOls, cov)
	DoFit(multifit.GSL_MULTIFIT_ROBUST_BISQUARE, X, y, c, cov)

	// output data and model
	for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
		xi := vector.Get(x, i)
		yi := vector.Get(y, i)
		v := matrix.Row(X, i).Vector()
		_, yRob, _ := multifit.RobustEst(v, c, cov)
		_, yOls, _ := multifit.RobustEst(v, cOls, cov)

		fmt.Printf("%g %g %g %g\n", xi, yi, yRob, yOls)

	fmt.Printf("# best fit: Y = %g + %g X\n", vector.Get(c, 0), vector.Get(c, 1))
	fmt.Printf("# covariance matrix:\n")
	fmt.Printf("# [ %+.5e, %+.5e\n", matrix.Get(cov, 0, 0), matrix.Get(cov, 0, 1))
	fmt.Printf("#   %+.5e, %+.5e\n", matrix.Get(cov, 1, 0), matrix.Get(cov, 1, 1))
Beispiel #12
func TestBspline(t *testing.T) {

	var n int = 200
	var ncoeffs int = 12
	var nbreak int = ncoeffs - 2

	r := rng.RngAlloc(rng.DefaultRngType())

	// allocate a cubic bspline workspace (k = 4)
	bw := bspline.Alloc(4, nbreak)
	B := vector.VectorAlloc(ncoeffs)

	x := vector.VectorAlloc(n)
	y := vector.VectorAlloc(n)
	X := matrix.MatrixAlloc(n, ncoeffs)
	c := vector.VectorAlloc(ncoeffs)
	w := vector.VectorAlloc(n)
	cov := matrix.MatrixAlloc(ncoeffs, ncoeffs)
	mw := multifit.LinearAlloc(n, ncoeffs)

	// this is the data to be fitted
	for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
		xi := (15.0 / (float64(n) - 1)) * float64(i)
		yi := math.Cos(xi) * math.Exp(-0.1*xi)
		sigma := 0.1 * yi
		dy := randist.Gaussian(r, sigma)
		vector.Set(x, i, xi)
		vector.Set(y, i, yi+dy)
		vector.Set(w, i, 1.0/(sigma*sigma))
		fmt.Printf("%f %f\n", xi, yi+dy)

	// use uniform breakpoints on [0, 15]
	bspline.KnotsUniform(0.0, 15.0, bw)

	// construct the fit matrix X
	for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
		xi := vector.Get(x, i)

		// compute B_j(xi) for all j
		bspline.Eval(xi, B, bw)

		// fill in row i of X
		for j := 0; j < ncoeffs; j++ {
			matrix.Set(X, i, j, vector.Get(B, j))

	// do the fit
	_, chisq := multifit.Wlinear(X, w, y, c, cov, mw)
	dof := float64(n - ncoeffs)
	tss := stats.Wtss(w.Data_(), w.Stride(), y.Data_(), y.Stride(), n)
	rsq := 1.0 - chisq/tss
	fmt.Printf("chisq/dof = %e, Rsq = %f\n", chisq/dof, rsq)

	for xi := 0.0; xi < 15.0; xi += 0.1 {
		bspline.Eval(xi, B, bw)
		_, yi, _ := multifit.LinearEst(B, c, cov)
		fmt.Printf("%f %f\n", xi, yi)