Beispiel #1
func (cb *Defn) applyVarsToField(desc, fieldName, fieldValue string) (string, error) {
	t := template.New(fieldName)
	t, err := t.Parse(fieldValue)
	if err != nil {
		return "", out.WrapErrf(err, 3004, "Parsing problem applying templates to:\n%v\n  URI Template: %v", desc, fieldValue)
	buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
	err = t.Execute(buf, cb.Vars)
	if err != nil {
		return "", out.WrapErrf(err, 3005, "Template execute problem with codebase repo definition\n%v\n  URI Template: %v", desc, fieldValue)
	result := fmt.Sprintf("%s", buf)
	return result, nil
Beispiel #2
// Read will, given an io.Reader, attempt to scan in the codebase contents
// and "fill out" the given Defn structure for you.  What could
// go wrong?  If anything a non-nil error is returned.
func (cb *Defn) Read(r io.Reader) error {
	codebaseMap := make(map[string]interface{})
	decJSON := json.NewDecoder(r)
	err := decJSON.Decode(&codebaseMap)
	if err != nil {
		if serr, ok := err.(*json.SyntaxError); ok {
			return out.WrapErrf(err, 3001, "Failed to decode codebase JSON (Bad Char Offset: %v)", serr.Offset)
		return out.WrapErr(err, "Failed to decode codebase JSON file", 3001)

	config := &mapstructure.DecoderConfig{
		WeaklyTypedInput: true,
		Result:           cb,
	decoder, err := mapstructure.NewDecoder(config)
	if err != nil {
		return out.WrapErr(err, "Failed to prepare codebase file decoder", 3002)

	err = decoder.Decode(codebaseMap)
	if err != nil {
		return out.WrapErr(err, "Failed to decode codebase file contents", 3003)
	// codebase definitions can be reduced in size if the person defining that
	// file uses variables to identify common repo references and such, lets
	// examine those vars and, if any, make sure we "expand" them so the codebase
	// definition is complete.  Write() will "smart" subtitute the vars back.
	if err = cb.expandVarUse(); err != nil {
		return err
	return nil
Beispiel #3
Datei: git.go Projekt: dvln/vcs
// findGitDirs expects to be pointed at a git workspace, either
// bare or standard.  It'll find the gitdir and worktree dirs
// and return them, if it fails it'll return non-nil err.  Params:
//	path (string): path to the git workspace
// Returns:
//	gitDir (string): path to git metadata location
//	workTreeDir (string): working tree, "" if bare clone
//	err (error): a valid error if unable to find a git repo
func findGitDirs(path string) (string, string, error) {
	gitDir := filepath.Join(path, ".git") // see if std git clone
	var err error
	var exists bool
	if exists, err = dir.Exists(gitDir); exists && err == nil {
		return gitDir, path, nil
	gitRefsDir := filepath.Join(path, "refs")
	if exists, err = dir.Exists(gitRefsDir); exists && err == nil {
		gitConfigFile := filepath.Join(path, "config")
		if exists, err = file.Exists(gitConfigFile); exists && err == nil {
			return path, "", nil

	if err == nil {
		return "", "", out.WrapErrf(ErrNoExist, 4500, "Unable to find valid git clone under path: %s", path)
	return "", "", out.WrapErrf(ErrNoExist, 4500, "Unable to find valid git clone under path: %s\n  existence err: %s", path, err)
Beispiel #4
Datei: bzr.go Projekt: dvln/vcs
// BzrExists verifies the local repo or remote location is of the Bzr repo type,
// returns where it was found ("" if not found) and any error.  If it does not
// exist a wrapped ErrNoExist error is returned (use out.IsError() to check)
func BzrExists(e Existence, l Location) (string, Resulter, error) {
	results := newResults()
	var err error
	path := ""
	if l == LocalPath {
		if exists, err := dir.Exists(e.LocalRepoPath() + "/.bzr"); exists && err == nil {
			return e.LocalRepoPath(), nil, nil
		err = out.WrapErrf(ErrNoExist, 4505, "Local bzr location, \"%s\", does not exist, err: %s", e.LocalRepoPath(), err)
	} else { // checking remote "URL" as well as possible for current VCS..
		remote := e.Remote()
		scheme := url.GetScheme(remote)
		// if we have a scheme then just see if the repo exists...
		if scheme != "" {
			var result *Result
			result, err = run(bzrTool, "info", remote)
			if err == nil {
				path = remote
		} else {
			vcsSchemes := e.Schemes()
			for _, scheme = range vcsSchemes {
				var result *Result
				result, err = run(bzrTool, "info", scheme+"://"+remote)
				if err == nil {
					path = scheme + "://" + remote
		if err == nil {
			return path, results, nil
		err = out.WrapErrf(ErrNoExist, 4506, "Remote bzr location, \"%s\", does not exist, err: %s", e.Remote(), err)
	return path, results, err
Beispiel #5
Datei: git.go Projekt: dvln/vcs
// GitHookInstall is used to install a hook into a git clone, params:
//	h (*GitHookMgr): the hook mgr structure (find location of repo/etc)
//	path (string): where is the hook we wish to install?
//	name (string): what is the "git name" for the hook?
//	link (bool): is hook a symlink to hookPath, or full copy/install?
// Returns full path/name to git hook installed along w/any error seen
func GitHookInstall(h *GitHookMgr, path, name string, link bool) (string, error) {
	repoPath, _, err := h.Exists(LocalPath)
	hookInstallPath := ""
	if err == nil && repoPath != "" { // if the local path exists...
		hookInstallPath = filepath.Join(repoPath, ".git", "hooks", name)
		if isBareRepo(repoPath) {
			hookInstallPath = filepath.Join(repoPath, "hooks", name)
		if there, err := file.Exists(hookInstallPath); err == nil && there {
			err = os.Remove(hookInstallPath)
			if err != nil {
				return "", out.WrapErr(err, "Failed to remove previously installed hook", 4510)
		if there, err := file.Exists(path); err != nil || !there {
			if err != nil {
				return "", out.WrapErr(err, "Hook install failed checking source hook existence", 4511)
			return "", out.NewErrf(4512, "Hook install failed, hook source path does not exist:\n  path: %s", path)
		oldUmask := syscall.Umask(0)
		defer syscall.Umask(oldUmask)
		if link { // if symlink desired, try and create that
			err = os.Symlink(path, hookInstallPath)
			if err != nil {
				err = out.WrapErrf(err, 4513, "Hook install failed, failed to set up symlink:\n  linktgt: %s\n  link: %s\n", path, hookInstallPath)
		} else { // otherwise try and copy in the hook file
			_, err = file.CopyFileSetPerms(path, hookInstallPath, 0775)
			if err != nil {
				err = out.WrapErrf(err, 4514, "Hook install failed, failed to copy hook file:\n  hook source path %s\n  hook install path: %s\n", path, hookInstallPath)
	return hookInstallPath, err
Beispiel #6
Datei: git.go Projekt: dvln/vcs
// GitExists verifies the local repo or remote location is a Git repo,
// returns where it was found (or "" if not found), the results
// of any git cmds run (cmds and related output) and any error.
// Note that if no git cmds run then Resulter won't have any data
// (which occurs if the git repo is local). If the git repo does not
// exist a wrapped ErrNoExist is returned (use out.IsError() to check)
func GitExists(e Existence, l Location) (string, Resulter, error) {
	results := newResults()
	var err error
	path := ""
	if l == LocalPath {
		_, _, err = findGitDirs(e.LocalRepoPath()) // clone? wrapped ErrNoExists if not
		if err == nil {
			return e.LocalRepoPath(), nil, nil // it's a local git clone, success
	} else { // checking remote "URL" as well as possible for current VCS..
		remote := e.Remote()
		scheme := url.GetScheme(remote)
		if scheme != "" { // if we have a scheme then see if the repo exists...
			var result *Result
			result, err = run(gitTool, "ls-remote", remote)
			if err == nil {
				path = remote
		} else {
			vcsSchemes := e.Schemes()
			for _, scheme = range vcsSchemes {
				var result *Result
				result, err = run(gitTool, "ls-remote", scheme+"://"+remote)
				if err == nil {
					path = scheme + "://" + remote
		if err == nil {
			return path, results, nil
		err = out.WrapErrf(ErrNoExist, 4501, "Remote git location does not exist: %s\n  run err: %s", e.Remote(), err)
	return path, results, err