Beispiel #1
//ExecConcurently, for each `subrepository` in the working dir, execute the command `command` with arguments `args`.
// Each command is executed in non interactive mode (no access to stdin/stdout)
func ExecConcurrently(x *sbr.Workspace, command string, args ...string) <-chan Execution {
	executions := make(chan Execution)
	var waiter sync.WaitGroup // to wait for all commands to return
	for _, sub := range x.ScanRel() {

		go func(sub string) {
			defer waiter.Done()
			cmd := exec.Command(command, args...)
			cmd.Dir = sub
			out, err := cmd.CombinedOutput()
			if err != nil {
			rel := filepath.Join(x.Wd(), sub)
			// keep
			//head := fmt.Sprintf("\033[00;32m%s\033[00m$ %s %s\n", sub, command, strings.Join(args, " "))
			//executions <- head + string(out)
			result := string(out)
			result = strings.Trim(result, git.DefaultTrimCut)
			executions <- Execution{Name: sub, Rel: rel, Cmd: command, Args: args, Result: result}

	go func() {
	return executions
Beispiel #2
//ExecSequentially, for each `subrepository` in the working dir, execute the  command `command` with arguments `args`.
// It passes the stdin, stdout, and stderr to the subprocess. and wait for the result, before moving to the next one.
func ExecSequentially(x *sbr.Workspace, command string, args ...string) {
	var count int

	for _, sub := range x.ScanRel() {

		rel, err := filepath.Rel(x.Wd(), sub)
		if err != nil {
			rel = sub // use absolute path
		//log.Printf("%v, %v", sub, rel)
		fmt.Printf("\033[00;32m%s\033[00m$ %s %s\n", rel, command, strings.Join(args, " "))
		cmd := exec.Command(command, args...)
		cmd.Dir = sub
		cmd.Stderr, cmd.Stdout, cmd.Stdin = os.Stderr, os.Stdout, os.Stdin
		if err := cmd.Run(); err != nil {
			fmt.Printf("Error running '%s %s':\n    %s\n", command, strings.Join(args, " "), err.Error())
	fmt.Printf("Done (\033[00;32m%v\033[00m repositories)\n", count)