Beispiel #1
package ethpipe

import (


var logger = ethlog.NewLogger("PIPE")

type VmVars struct {
	State *ethstate.State

type Pipe struct {
	obj          ethchain.EthManager
	stateManager *ethchain.StateManager
	blockChain   *ethchain.BlockChain
	world        *World

	Vm VmVars

func New(obj ethchain.EthManager) *Pipe {
	pipe := &Pipe{
		obj:          obj,
Beispiel #2

const (
	seedTextFileUri string = ""
	seedNodeAddress        = ""

var ethlogger = ethlog.NewLogger("SERV")

func eachPeer(peers *list.List, callback func(*Peer, *list.Element)) {
	// Loop thru the peers and close them (if we had them)
	for e := peers.Front(); e != nil; e = e.Next() {
		if peer, ok := e.Value.(*Peer); ok {
			callback(peer, e)

const (
	processReapingTimeout = 60 // TODO increase

type Ethereum struct {
Beispiel #3
package ethrepl

import (

var logger = ethlog.NewLogger("REPL")

type Repl interface {

type JSRepl struct {
	re *JSRE

	prompt string

	history *os.File

	running bool

func NewJSRepl(ethereum *eth.Ethereum) *JSRepl {
Beispiel #4
package ethvm

import (

var vmlogger = ethlog.NewLogger("VM")

var (
	GasStep    = big.NewInt(1)
	GasSha     = big.NewInt(20)
	GasSLoad   = big.NewInt(20)
	GasSStore  = big.NewInt(100)
	GasBalance = big.NewInt(20)
	GasCreate  = big.NewInt(100)
	GasCall    = big.NewInt(20)
	GasMemory  = big.NewInt(1)
	GasData    = big.NewInt(5)
	GasTx      = big.NewInt(500)

	Pow256 = ethutil.BigPow(2, 256)

	LogTyPretty byte = 0x1
	LogTyDiff   byte = 0x2
Beispiel #5
package ethchain

import (


var txplogger = ethlog.NewLogger("TXP")

const (
	txPoolQueueSize = 50

type TxPoolHook chan *Transaction
type TxMsgTy byte

const (
	TxPre = iota
	minGasPrice = 1000000

type TxMsg struct {
	Tx   *Transaction
Beispiel #6
package ethrpc

import (


var logger = ethlog.NewLogger("JSON")

type JsonRpcServer struct {
	quit     chan bool
	listener net.Listener
	pipe     *ethpipe.JSPipe

func (s *JsonRpcServer) exitHandler() {
	for {
		select {
		case <-s.quit:
			break out

	logger.Infoln("Shutdown JSON-RPC server")
Beispiel #7

var logger = ethlog.NewLogger("GUI")

type Gui struct {
	// The main application window
	win *qml.Window
	// QML Engine
	engine    *qml.Engine
	component *qml.Common
	// The ethereum interface
	eth *eth.Ethereum

	// The public Ethereum library
	uiLib *UiLib

	txDb *ethdb.LDBDatabase
Beispiel #8
package ethminer

import (


var logger = ethlog.NewLogger("MINER")

type Miner struct {
	pow         ethchain.PoW
	ethereum    ethchain.EthManager
	coinbase    []byte
	reactChan   chan ethreact.Event
	txs         ethchain.Transactions
	uncles      []*ethchain.Block
	block       *ethchain.Block
	powChan     chan []byte
	powQuitChan chan ethreact.Event
	quitChan    chan chan error

	turbo bool

func (self *Miner) GetPow() ethchain.PoW {
	return self.pow
Beispiel #9
package main

import (

const (
	ClientIdentifier = "Ethereum(G)"
	Version          = "0.5.17"

var logger = ethlog.NewLogger("CLI")

func main() {


	// precedence: code-internal flag default < config file < environment variables < command line
	Init() // parsing command line

	// If the difftool option is selected ignore all other log output
	if DiffTool {
		LogLevel = 0

	utils.InitConfig(ConfigFile, Datadir, "ETH")
	ethutil.Config.Diff = DiffTool
Beispiel #10


var statelogger = ethlog.NewLogger("STATE")

type BlockProcessor interface {
	ProcessBlock(block *Block)

type Peer interface {
	Inbound() bool
	LastSend() time.Time
	LastPong() int64
	Host() []byte
	Port() uint16
	Version() string
	PingTime() string
	Connected() *int32
Beispiel #11
import (

var jsrelogger = ethlog.NewLogger("JSRE")

type JSRE struct {
	ethereum *eth.Ethereum
	vm       *otto.Otto
	lib      *ethpub.PEthereum

	blockChan  chan ethutil.React
	changeChan chan ethutil.React
	quitChan   chan bool

	objectCb map[string][]otto.Value

func (jsre *JSRE) LoadExtFile(path string) {
	result, err := ioutil.ReadFile(path)
Beispiel #12
package ethreact

import (

var logger = ethlog.NewLogger("REACTOR")

const (
	eventBufferSize int = 10

type EventHandler struct {
	lock  sync.RWMutex
	name  string
	chans []chan Event

// Post the Event with the reactor resource on the channels
// currently subscribed to the event
func (e *EventHandler) Post(event Event) {
	defer e.lock.RUnlock()

	// if we want to preserve order pushing to subscibed channels
	// dispatching should be syncrounous
	// this means if subscribed event channel is blocked
	// the reactor dispatch will be blocked, so we need to mitigate by skipping
	// rogue blocking subscribers
	for i, ch := range e.chans {
Beispiel #13


var peerlogger = ethlog.NewLogger("PEER")

const (
	// The size of the output buffer for writing messages
	outputBufferSize = 50
	// Current protocol version
	ProtocolVersion = 28
	// Interval for ping/pong message
	pingPongTimer = 2 * time.Second

type DiscReason byte

const (
	// Values are given explicitly instead of by iota because these values are
	// defined by the wire protocol spec; it is easier for humans to ensure
Beispiel #14
package ethchain

import (


var powlogger = ethlog.NewLogger("POW")

type PoW interface {
	Search(block *Block, reactChan chan ethreact.Event) []byte
	Verify(hash []byte, diff *big.Int, nonce []byte) bool
	GetHashrate() int64

type EasyPow struct {
	hash     *big.Int
	HashRate int64
	turbo    bool

func (pow *EasyPow) GetHashrate() int64 {
Beispiel #15
package ethchain

import (


var chainlogger = ethlog.NewLogger("CHAIN")

type BlockChain struct {
	Ethereum EthManager
	// The famous, the fabulous Mister GENESIIIIIIS (block)
	genesisBlock *Block
	// Last known total difficulty
	TD *big.Int

	LastBlockNumber uint64

	CurrentBlock  *Block
	LastBlockHash []byte

func NewBlockChain(ethereum EthManager) *BlockChain {
	bc := &BlockChain{}
	bc.genesisBlock = NewBlockFromBytes(ethutil.Encode(Genesis))
	bc.Ethereum = ethereum