Beispiel #1
// spawnHostExpirationWarnings is a notificationBuilder to build any necessary
// warnings about hosts that will be expiring soon (but haven't expired yet)
func spawnHostExpirationWarnings(settings *evergreen.Settings) ([]notification,
	error) {

	evergreen.Logger.Logf(slogger.INFO, "Building spawned host expiration"+
		" warnings...")

	// sanity check, since the thresholds are supplied in code
	if len(spawnWarningThresholds) == 0 {
		evergreen.Logger.Logf(slogger.WARN, "there are no currently set warning"+
			" thresholds for spawned hosts - users will not receive emails"+
			" warning them of imminent host expiration")
		return nil, nil

	// assumed to be the first warning threshold (the least recent one)
	firstWarningThreshold :=

	// find all spawned hosts that have passed at least one warning threshold
	now := time.Now()
	thresholdTime := now.Add(firstWarningThreshold)
	hosts, err := host.Find(host.ByExpiringBetween(now, thresholdTime))
	if err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("error finding spawned hosts that will be"+
			" expiring soon: %v", err)

	// the eventual list of warning notifications to be sent
	warnings := []notification{}

	for _, h := range hosts {

		// figure out the most recent expiration notification threshold the host
		// has crossed
		threshold := lastWarningThresholdCrossed(&h)

		// for keying into the host's notifications map
		thresholdKey := strconv.Itoa(int(threshold.Minutes()))

		// if a notification has already been sent for the threshold for this
		// host, skip it
		if h.Notifications[thresholdKey] {

		evergreen.Logger.Logf(slogger.INFO, "Warning needs to be sent for threshold"+
			" '%v' for host %v", thresholdKey, h.Id)

		// fetch information about the user we are notifying
		userToNotify, err := user.FindOne(user.ById(h.StartedBy))
		if err != nil {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("error finding user to notify by Id %v: %v", h.StartedBy, err)


		// if we didn't find a user (in the case of testing) set the timezone to ""
		// to avoid triggering a nil pointer exception
		timezone := ""
		if userToNotify != nil {
			timezone = userToNotify.Settings.Timezone

		var expirationTimeFormatted string
		// use our fetched information to load proper time zone to notify the user with
		// (if time zone is empty, defaults to UTC)
		loc, err := time.LoadLocation(timezone)
		if err != nil {
			evergreen.Logger.Logf(slogger.ERROR, "Error loading timezone for email format with user_id %v: %v", userToNotify.Id, err)
			expirationTimeFormatted = h.ExpirationTime.Format(time.RFC1123)
		} else {
			expirationTimeFormatted = h.ExpirationTime.In(loc).Format(time.RFC1123)
		// we need to send a notification for the threshold for this host
		hostNotification := notification{
			recipient: h.StartedBy,
			subject:   fmt.Sprintf("%v host termination reminder", h.Distro.Id),
			message: fmt.Sprintf("Your %v host with id %v will be terminated"+
				" at %v, in %v minutes. Visit %v to extend its lifetime.",
				h.Distro.Id, h.Id,
			threshold: thresholdKey,
			host:      h,
			callback: func(h host.Host, thresholdKey string) error {
				return h.SetExpirationNotification(thresholdKey)

		// add it to the list
		warnings = append(warnings, hostNotification)


	evergreen.Logger.Logf(slogger.INFO, "Built %v warnings about imminently"+
		" expiring hosts", len(warnings))

	return warnings, nil
Beispiel #2
// run all monitoring functions
func RunAllMonitoring(settings *evergreen.Settings) error {

	// load in all of the distros
	distros, err := distro.Find(db.Q{})
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("error finding distros: %v", err)

	// fetch the project refs, which we will use to get all of the projects
	projectRefs, err := model.FindAllProjectRefs()
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("error loading in project refs: %v", err)

	// turn the project refs into a map of the project id -> project
	projects := map[string]model.Project{}
	for _, ref := range projectRefs {
		// only monitor projects that are enabled
		if !ref.Enabled {
		project, err := model.FindProject("", &ref)

		// continue on error to stop the whole monitoring process from
		// being held up
		if err != nil {
			evergreen.Logger.Logf(slogger.ERROR, "error finding project %v: %v",
				ref.Identifier, err)

		if project == nil {
			evergreen.Logger.Logf(slogger.ERROR, "no project entry found for"+
				" ref %v", ref.Identifier)

		projects[project.Identifier] = *project

	// initialize the task monitor
	taskMonitor := &TaskMonitor{
		flaggingFuncs: defaultTaskFlaggingFuncs,

	// clean up any necessary tasks
	errs := taskMonitor.CleanupTasks(projects)
	for _, err := range errs {
		evergreen.Logger.Logf(slogger.ERROR, "Error cleaning up tasks: %v", err)

	// initialize the host monitor
	hostMonitor := &HostMonitor{
		flaggingFuncs:   defaultHostFlaggingFuncs,
		monitoringFuncs: defaultHostMonitoringFuncs,

	// clean up any necessary hosts
	errs = hostMonitor.CleanupHosts(distros, settings)
	for _, err := range errs {
		evergreen.Logger.Logf(slogger.ERROR, "Error cleaning up hosts: %v", err)

	// run monitoring checks
	errs = hostMonitor.RunMonitoringChecks(settings)
	for _, err := range errs {
		evergreen.Logger.Logf(slogger.ERROR, "Error running host monitoring checks: %v", err)

	// initialize the notifier
	notifier := &Notifier{
		notificationBuilders: defaultNotificationBuilders,

	// send notifications
	errs = notifier.Notify(settings)
	for _, err := range errs {
		evergreen.Logger.Logf(slogger.ERROR, "Error sending notifications: %v", err)

	// Do alerts for spawnhosts - collect all hosts expiring in the next 12 hours.
	// The trigger logic will filter out any hosts that aren't in a notification window, or have
	// already have alerts sent.
	now := time.Now()
	thresholdTime := now.Add(12 * time.Hour)
	expiringSoonHosts, err := host.Find(host.ByExpiringBetween(now, thresholdTime))
	if err != nil {
		return err

	for _, h := range expiringSoonHosts {
		err := alerts.RunSpawnWarningTriggers(&h)

		if err != nil {
			evergreen.Logger.Logf(slogger.ERROR, "Error queueing alert: %v", err)

	return nil

Beispiel #3
// spawnHostExpirationWarnings is a notificationBuilder to build any necessary
// warnings about hosts that will be expiring soon (but haven't expired yet)
func spawnHostExpirationWarnings(settings *evergreen.Settings) ([]notification,
	error) {

	evergreen.Logger.Logf(slogger.INFO, "Building spawned host expiration"+
		" warnings...")

	// sanity check, since the thresholds are supplied in code
	if len(spawnWarningThresholds) == 0 {
		evergreen.Logger.Logf(slogger.WARN, "there are no currently set warning"+
			" thresholds for spawned hosts - users will not receive emails"+
			" warning them of imminent host expiration")
		return nil, nil

	// assumed to be the first warning threshold (the least recent one)
	firstWarningThreshold :=

	// find all spawned hosts that have passed at least one warning threshold
	now := time.Now()
	thresholdTime := now.Add(firstWarningThreshold)
	hosts, err := host.Find(host.ByExpiringBetween(now, thresholdTime))
	if err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("error finding spawned hosts that will be"+
			" expiring soon: %v", err)

	// the eventual list of warning notifications to be sent
	warnings := []notification{}

	for _, h := range hosts {

		// figure out the most recent expiration notification threshold the host
		// has crossed
		threshold := lastWarningThresholdCrossed(&h)

		// for keying into the host's notifications map
		thresholdKey := strconv.Itoa(int(threshold.Minutes()))

		// if a notification has already been sent for the threshold for this
		// host, skip it
		if h.Notifications[thresholdKey] {

		evergreen.Logger.Logf(slogger.INFO, "Warning needs to be sent for threshold"+
			" '%v' for host %v", thresholdKey, h.Id)

		// we need to send a notification for the threshold for this host
		hostNotification := notification{
			recipient: h.StartedBy,
			subject:   fmt.Sprintf("%v host termination reminder", h.Distro.Id),
			message: fmt.Sprintf("Your %v host with id %v will be terminated"+
				" at %v, in %v minutes. Visit %v to extend its lifetime.",
				h.Distro.Id, h.Id,
			threshold: thresholdKey,
			host:      h,
			callback: func(h host.Host, thresholdKey string) error {
				return h.SetExpirationNotification(thresholdKey)

		// add it to the list
		warnings = append(warnings, hostNotification)


	evergreen.Logger.Logf(slogger.INFO, "Built %v warnings about imminently"+
		" expiring hosts", len(warnings))

	return warnings, nil