Beispiel #1
// End of Block means packing the current block away, and setting
// up the next
func (fs *FactoidState) ProcessEndOfBlock(state interfaces.IState) {
	var hash, hash2 interfaces.IHash

	if fs.GetCurrentBlock() == nil {
		panic("Invalid state on initialization")

	hash = fs.CurrentBlock.GetHash()
	hash2 = fs.CurrentBlock.GetLedgerKeyMR()


	if err := state.GetDB().SaveFactoidBlockHead(fs.CurrentBlock); err != nil {


	fs.CurrentBlock = block.NewFBlock(fs.GetFactoshisPerEC(), state.GetDBHeight()+1)

	t := coinbase.GetCoinbase(primitives.GetTimeMilli())
	err := fs.CurrentBlock.AddCoinbase(t)
	if err != nil {

	if hash != nil {

Beispiel #2
// btcdMain is the real main function for btcd.  It is necessary to work around
// the fact that deferred functions do not run when os.Exit() is called.  The
// optional serverChan parameter is mainly used by the service code to be
// notified with the server once it is setup so it can gracefully stop it when
// requested from the service control manager.
//func btcdMain(serverChan chan<- *server) error {
func btcdMain(serverChan chan<- *Server, state interfaces.IState) error {

	// Load configuration and parse command line.  This function also
	// initializes logging and configures it accordingly.
	tcfg, _, err := loadConfig()
	if err != nil {
		return err
	cfg = tcfg
	// tweak some config options
	cfg.DisableCheckpoints = true
	defer backendLog.Flush()

	// Show version at startup.
	btcdLog.Infof("Version %s", version())

	// Ensure the database is sync'd and closed on Ctrl+C.
	AddInterruptHandler(func() {
		btcdLog.Infof("Gracefully shutting down the database...")
		state.GetDB().(interfaces.IDatabase).Close() //db.RollbackClose()

	// Create server and start it.
	server, err := newServer(cfg.Listeners, activeNetParams.Params, state)
	if err != nil {
		// TODO(oga) this logging could do with some beautifying.
		btcdLog.Errorf("Unable to start server on %v: %v",
			cfg.Listeners, err)
		return err
	AddInterruptHandler(func() {
		btcdLog.Infof("Gracefully shutting down the server...")
	if serverChan != nil {
		serverChan <- server

	// Factom Additions BEGIN
	// Factom Additions END

	go func() {
		srvrLog.Infof("Server shutdown complete")
		shutdownChannel <- struct{}{}

	// Wait for shutdown signal from either a graceful server stop or from
	// the interrupt handler.
	btcdLog.Info("Shutdown complete")
	return nil
Beispiel #3
// InitAnchor inits rpc clients for factom
// and load up unconfirmed DirBlockInfo from leveldb
func InitAnchor(s interfaces.IState) (*Anchor, error) {
	a := NewAnchor()
	a.state = s
	a.db = s.GetDB()
	a.minBalance, _ = btcutil.NewAmount(0.01)

	var err error
	a.dirBlockInfoSlice, err = a.db.FetchAllUnconfirmedDirBlockInfos()
	if err != nil {
		anchorLog.Error("InitAnchor error - " + err.Error())
		return nil, err
	anchorLog.Debug("init dirBlockInfoSlice.len=", len(a.dirBlockInfoSlice))
	// this might take a while to check missing DirBlockInfo for existing DirBlocks in database

	//TODO: handle concurrance better
	go a.checkMissingDirBlockInfo()

	if err = a.InitRPCClient(); err != nil {
	} else {

	ticker0 := time.NewTicker(time.Minute * time.Duration(1))
	go func() {
		for _ = range ticker0.C {

	ticker := time.NewTicker(time.Minute * time.Duration(a.tenMinutes))
	go func() {
		for _ = range ticker.C {
			anchorLog.Info("In 10 minutes ticker...")
			if a.dclient == nil || a.wclient == nil {
				if err = a.InitRPCClient(); err != nil {
			if a.wclient != nil {
	return a, nil
Beispiel #4
// DirBlockLocatorFromHash returns a block locator for the passed block hash.
// See BlockLocator for details on the algotirhm used to create a block locator.
// In addition to the general algorithm referenced above, there are a couple of
// special cases which are handled:
//  - If the genesis hash is passed, there are no previous hashes to add and
//    therefore the block locator will only consist of the genesis hash
//  - If the passed hash is not currently known, the block locator will only
//    consist of the passed hash
func DirBlockLocatorFromHash(hash interfaces.IHash, state interfaces.IState) BlockLocator {
	// The locator contains the requested hash at the very least.
	locator := make(BlockLocator, 0, messages.MaxBlockLocatorsPerMsg)
	locator = append(locator, hash)

	genesisHash, _ := HexToHash(GENESIS_DIR_BLOCK_HASH)
	// Nothing more to do if a locator for the genesis hash was requested.
	if genesisHash.IsSameAs(hash) {
		return locator

	// Attempt to find the height of the block that corresponds to the
	// passed hash, and if it's on a side chain, also find the height at
	// which it forks from the main chain.
	blockHeight := int64(-1)

	// Generate the block locators according to the algorithm described in
	// in the BlockLocator comment and make sure to leave room for the
	// final genesis hash.

	dblock, _ := state.GetDB().FetchDBlockByHash(hash)
	//dblock := dblock0.(directoryBlock.DirectoryBlock)
	if dblock != nil {
		blockHeight = int64(dblock.GetHeader().GetDBHeight())
	increment := int64(1)
	for len(locator) < messages.MaxBlockLocatorsPerMsg-1 {
		// Once there are 10 locators, exponentially increase the
		// distance between each block locator.
		if len(locator) > 10 {
			increment *= 2
		blockHeight -= increment
		if blockHeight < 1 {

		blk, _ := state.GetDB().FetchDBlockByHeight(uint32(blockHeight))
		if blk == nil || blk.GetHash() == nil {
			//blk.DBHash, _ = CreateHash(blk)

		locator = append(locator, blk.GetHash())

	// Append the appropriate genesis block.
	locator = append(locator, genesisHash)
	return locator