Beispiel #1
// Checks the transaction timestamp for validity in being included in the current
// No node has any responsiblity to forward on transactions that do not fall within
// the timeframe around a block defined by TRANSACTION_PRIOR_LIMIT and TRANSACTION_POST_LIMIT
func (fs *FactoidState) ValidateTransactionAge(trans interfaces.ITransaction) error {
	tsblk := fs.GetCurrentBlock().GetCoinbaseTimestamp().GetTimeMilli()
	if tsblk < 0 {
		return fmt.Errorf("Block has no coinbase transaction at this time")

	tstrans := trans.GetTimestamp().GetTimeMilli()

	if tsblk-tstrans > constants.TRANSACTION_PRIOR_LIMIT {
		return fmt.Errorf("Transaction is too old to be included in the current block")

	if tstrans-tsblk > constants.TRANSACTION_POST_LIMIT {
		//	return fmt.Errorf("Transaction is dated too far in the future to be included in the current block")
	return nil
Beispiel #2
// Only add valid transactions to the current
func (fs *FactoidState) AddTransaction(index int, trans interfaces.ITransaction) error {
	if err := fs.Validate(index, trans); err != nil {
		return err
	if err := fs.ValidateTransactionAge(trans); err != nil {
		return err
	if err := fs.UpdateTransaction(true, trans); err != nil {
		return err
	if err := fs.CurrentBlock.AddTransaction(trans); err != nil {
		if err != nil {
			return err
		// We assume validity has been done elsewhere.  We are maintaining the "seen" state of
		// all transactions here.
		fs.State.Replay.IsTSValid(constants.INTERNAL_REPLAY|constants.NETWORK_REPLAY, trans.GetSigHash(), trans.GetTimestamp())
		fs.State.Replay.IsTSValid(constants.NETWORK_REPLAY|constants.NETWORK_REPLAY, trans.GetSigHash(), trans.GetTimestamp())

		for index, eo := range trans.GetECOutputs() {
			pl := fs.State.ProcessLists.Get(fs.DBHeight)
			incBal := entryCreditBlock.NewIncreaseBalance()
			v := eo.GetAddress().Fixed()
			incBal.ECPubKey = (*primitives.ByteSlice32)(&v)
			incBal.NumEC = eo.GetAmount() / fs.GetCurrentBlock().GetExchRate()
			incBal.TXID = trans.GetSigHash()
			incBal.Index = uint64(index)
			entries := pl.EntryCreditBlock.GetEntries()
			i := 0
			// Find the end of the last IncreaseBalance in this minute
			for i < len(entries) {
				if _, ok := entries[i].(*entryCreditBlock.IncreaseBalance); ok {
			entries = append(entries, nil)
			copy(entries[i+1:], entries[i:])
			entries[i] = incBal


	return nil