func TestDefault(t *testing.T) {
	profile := profile.Default()
	if profile.Name == "" {
		t.Errorf("Default profile name cannot be empty")
type InternalApplication struct {
	Dependencies []string       `json:"dependencies"`
	Id           string         `json:"id"`
	Ports        []InternalPort `json:"ports"`

type InternalPort struct {
	Healthcheck healthcheck.HealthCheck
	External    int64
	Internal    int64

const LATEST = "latest"

var wsProfile = profile.Default()

func dockerRegistryClient() dockerregistry.Client {
	return dockerregistry.Client{
		HttpClient: &http.Client{},
		BaseUrl:    dockerregistry.BaseUrl,
		Username:   wsProfile.DockerUsername,
		Password:   wsProfile.DockerPassword,
		JwtToken:   wsProfile.DockerJwtToken,

	Utility to get image name without version
func getBaseImage(image string) string {