Beispiel #1
func (s *ControllerSuite) TestResourceProvisionRecreatedApp(t *c.C) {
	app := "app-recreate-" + random.String(8)
	client := s.controllerClient(t)

	// create, delete, and recreate app
	r := s.newGitRepo(t, "http")
	t.Assert(r.flynn("create", app), Succeeds)
	t.Assert(r.flynn("delete", "--yes"), Succeeds)
	t.Assert(r.flynn("create", app), Succeeds)

	// provision resource
	t.Assert(r.flynn("resource", "add", "postgres"), Succeeds)
	resources, err := client.AppResourceList(app)
	t.Assert(err, c.IsNil)
	t.Assert(resources, c.HasLen, 1)
Beispiel #2
func (s *ControllerSuite) TestAppDeleteCleanup(t *c.C) {
	app := "app-delete-cleanup-" + random.String(8)
	client := s.controllerClient(t)

	// create and push app
	r := s.newGitRepo(t, "http")
	t.Assert(r.flynn("create", app), Succeeds)
	t.Assert(r.git("push", "flynn", "master"), Succeeds)

	// wait for it to start
	service := app + "-web"
	_, err := s.discoverdClient(t).Instances(service, 10*time.Second)
	t.Assert(err, c.IsNil)

	t.Assert(r.flynn("scale", "another-web=1"), Succeeds)
	_, err = s.discoverdClient(t).Instances(app+"-another-web", 10*time.Second)
	t.Assert(err, c.IsNil)

	// create some routes
	routes := []string{"", "", ""}
	for _, route := range routes {
		if route == "" {
			t.Assert(r.flynn("route", "add", "http", "-s", app+"-another-web", route), Succeeds)
		} else {
			t.Assert(r.flynn("route", "add", "http", route), Succeeds)
	routeList, err := client.RouteList(app)
	t.Assert(err, c.IsNil)
	numRoutes := len(routes) + 1 // includes default app route
	t.Assert(routeList, c.HasLen, numRoutes)

	assertRouteStatus := func(route string, status int) {
		req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", "http://"+routerIP, nil)
		t.Assert(err, c.IsNil)
		req.Host = route
		res, err := http.DefaultClient.Do(req)
		t.Assert(err, c.IsNil)
		t.Assert(res.StatusCode, c.Equals, status)
	for _, route := range routes {
		assertRouteStatus(route, 200)

	// provision resources
	t.Assert(r.flynn("resource", "add", "postgres"), Succeeds)
	resources, err := client.AppResourceList(app)
	t.Assert(err, c.IsNil)
	numResources := 1
	t.Assert(resources, c.HasLen, numResources)

	// delete app
	cmd := r.flynn("delete", "--yes")
	t.Assert(cmd, Succeeds)

	// check route cleanup
	t.Assert(cmd, OutputContains, fmt.Sprintf("removed %d routes", numRoutes))
	for _, route := range routes {
		assertRouteStatus(route, 404)

	// check resource cleanup
	t.Assert(cmd, OutputContains, fmt.Sprintf("deprovisioned %d resources", numResources))

	// check creating and pushing same app name succeeds
	t.Assert(os.RemoveAll(r.dir), c.IsNil)
	r = s.newGitRepo(t, "http")
	t.Assert(r.flynn("create", app), Succeeds)
	t.Assert(r.git("push", "flynn", "master"), Succeeds)