Beispiel #1
func ExampleMany() {
	var r interface{}
	var ok bool
	prt := func() {
		if ok {
			fmt.Printf("Result: %c\n", r)
		} else {
			fmt.Printf("Error: %v\n", r)

	letter := kern.Regexp(`\pL`)
	p := kern.Many(letter)

	t := utf88.Text("abc78d")
	u := utf88.Text("789def")

	r, ok = kern.ParseText(p, t)
	r, ok = kern.ParseText(p, u)

	// Output:
	// Result: [[a] [b] [c]]
	// Result: []
Beispiel #2
func ExampleParseText() {
	var r interface{}
	var ok bool
	prt := func() {
		if ok {
			fmt.Printf("Result: %c\n", r)
		} else {
			fmt.Printf("Error: %v\n", r)

	p := kern.Symbol(utf88.Codepoint('a'))

	t := utf88.Text("abc")
	r, ok = kern.ParseText(p, t)

	u := utf88.Text("defg")
	r, ok = kern.ParseText(p, u)

	// Output:
	// Result: a
	// Error: Unexpected d input.
Beispiel #3
func ExampleOption() {
	var r interface{}
	var ok bool
	prt := func() {
		if ok {
			fmt.Printf("Result: %s\n", utf88.Surr(r.(utf88.Text)))
		} else {
			fmt.Printf("Error: %v\n", r)

	letter := kern.Regexp(`\pL`)
	p := kern.Option(utf88.Text("None."), letter)

	t := utf88.Text("abc")
	u := utf88.Text("789")

	r, ok = kern.ParseText(p, t)
	r, ok = kern.ParseText(p, u)

	// Output:
	// Result: a
	// Result: None.
Beispiel #4
func ExampleSepBy() {
	var r interface{}
	var ok bool
	prt := func() {
		if ok {
			fmt.Printf("Result: %c\n", r)
		} else {
			fmt.Printf("Error: %v\n", r)

	letter := kern.Regexp(`\pL`)
	punc := kern.Regexp(`\pP`)
	p := kern.SepBy(punc, letter)

	t := utf88.Text("a;b:c789")
	u := utf88.Text(";789")

	r, ok = kern.ParseText(p, t)
	r, ok = kern.ParseText(p, u)

	// Output:
	// Result: [[a] [b] [c]]
	// Result: []
Beispiel #5
func ExampleAlt() {
	var r interface{}
	var ok bool
	prt := func() {
		if ok {
			fmt.Printf("Result: %s\n", utf88.Surr(r.(utf88.Text)))
		} else {
			fmt.Printf("Error: %v\n", r)

	lower := kern.Regexp(`\p{Ll}`)
	upper := kern.Regexp(`\p{Lu}`)
	digit := kern.Regexp(`\p{Nd}`)

	p := kern.Alt(lower, digit)
	q := kern.Alt(lower, digit, upper)

	t := utf88.Text("7ef")
	u := utf88.Text(";ef")

	r, ok = kern.ParseText(p, t)

	r, ok = kern.ParseText(p, u)

	r, ok = kern.ParseText(q, t)

	// Output:
	// Result: 7
	// Error: No alternatives selected.
	// Result: 7
Beispiel #6
func ExampleNoneOf() {
	p := kern.NoneOf(utf88.Text("xyz\n\t"))

	t := utf88.Text("abcde")
	r, ok := kern.ParseText(p, t)
	if ok {
		fmt.Printf("Result: %s\n", utf88.Sur(r.(utf88.Codepoint)))
	} else {
		fmt.Printf("Error: %v\n", r)

	// Output:
	// Result: a
Beispiel #7
func ExampleToken() {
	p := kern.Token(utf88.Text("ab"))

	t := utf88.Text("abc")
	r, ok := kern.ParseText(p, t)
	if ok {
		fmt.Printf("Result: %s\n", utf88.Surr(r.(utf88.Text)))
	} else {
		fmt.Printf("Error: %v\n", r)

	// Output:
	// Result: ab
Beispiel #8
func ExampleFail() {
	p := kern.Fail(utf88.Text("Some Failure"))

	t := utf88.Text("anything")
	r, ok := kern.ParseText(p, t)
	if ok {
		fmt.Printf("Result: %v\n", r)
	} else {
		fmt.Printf("Error: %v\n", r)

	// Output:
	// Error: Some Failure
Beispiel #9
func ExampleTry() {
	p := kern.Flatten(kern.Regexp(`\pL`), kern.Regexp(`\pL`))
	q := kern.Flatten(kern.Regexp(`\pL`), kern.Regexp(`\pN`))

	t := utf88.Text("a7bcde")

	var r interface{}
	var ok bool
	prt := func() {
		if ok {
			fmt.Printf("Result: %s\n", utf88.Surr(r.(utf88.Text)))
		} else {
			fmt.Printf("Error: %v\n", r)

	r, ok = kern.ParseText(kern.Alt(p, q), t)

	r, ok = kern.ParseText(kern.Alt(kern.Try(p), q), t)

	// Output:
	// Error: Unexpected 7 input.
	// Result: a7
Beispiel #10
func ExampleBind() {
	var r interface{}
	var ok bool
	prt := func() {
		if ok {
			fmt.Printf("Result: %s\n", r)
		} else {
			fmt.Printf("Error: %v\n", r)

	lower := kern.Regexp(`\p{Ll}`)
	intNum := kern.Regexp(`\p{Nd}*`)

	p := kern.Bind(lower, func(c interface{}) kern.Parser {
		return kern.Bind(intNum, func(d interface{}) kern.Parser {
			return kern.Bind(lower, func(e interface{}) kern.Parser {
				return kern.Return(utf88.Surr(c.(utf88.Text)) + "," +
					utf88.Surr(d.(utf88.Text)) + "," +

	t := utf88.Text("e789fg")
	r, ok = kern.ParseText(p, t)

	// Output:
	// Result: e,789,f
Beispiel #11
func ExampleAsk() {
	letter := kern.Regexp(`\pL`)
	digit := kern.Regexp(`\p{Nd}`)

	p := kern.Ask(kern.Collect(digit, letter), utf88.Text("digit,letter"))

	t := utf88.Text(";efg")
	r, ok := kern.ParseText(p, t)
	if ok {
		fmt.Printf("Result: %s\n", utf88.Sur(r.(utf88.Codepoint)))
	} else {
		fmt.Printf("Error: %v\n", r)

	// Output:
	// Error: Unexpected ; input. Expecting digit,letter
Beispiel #12
func ExamplePrint() {
	p := Alt(digit,
			Print(u8.Text("Just before the letter:"), letter)))
	parseStr(p, "defg")

	// Output:
	// Just before the letter: "defg"/0, ok, empty
Beispiel #13
func ExamplePrintState() {
	p := Alt(digit,
			Bind(PrintState(u8.Text("Just before the letter:")),
				func(x interface{}) (p Parser) { return letter })))
	parseStr(p, "defg")

	// Output:
	// Just before the letter: "defg"/0, ok, empty
Beispiel #14
func TestInputAndPosition(t *testing.T) {
	ts.LogAsserts("InputAndPosition", t, func(tt *ts.T) {
		letter := Regexp(`\pL`)
		p1 := Flatten(letter, letter, letter)

		tt.AssertEqual(parseStr(SeqRight(SetInput(u8.Desur("Hi!")), GetInput), "abcdefg"),
			PState{input: "Hi!", pos: 0, value: u8.Desur("Hi!"), empty: true, ok: true})
		tt.AssertEqual(parseStr(SeqRight(letter, GetInput), "abcdefg"),
			PState{input: "bcdefg", pos: 1, value: u8.Desur("bcdefg"), ok: true})

		tt.AssertEqual(parseStr(SeqRight(SetPosition(100), GetPosition), "abcdefg"),
			PState{input: "abcdefg", pos: 100, value: uint64(100), empty: true, ok: true})

		tt.AssertEqual(parseStr(SeqRight(SetInputAndPosition(InputAndPosition{u8.Desur("Hi there!"), 5}), GetInputAndPosition), "abcdefg"),
			PState{input: "Hi there!", pos: 5, value: InputAndPosition{u8.Desur("Hi there!"), 5}, empty: true, ok: true})

		tt.AssertEqual(parseStr(Collect(p1, SeqRight(SetInput(u8.Desur("XYZ")), p1)), "ABCDEFG"),
			PState{input: "", pos: 6, value: arrText("ABC", "XYZ"), ok: true}) //TODO: what should pos be?
		tt.AssertEqual(parseStr(Collect(p1, SeqRight(SetInput(u8.Desur("XYZ")), p1)), "ABC"),
			PState{input: "", pos: 6, value: arrText("ABC", "XYZ"), ok: true}) //TODO: ditto

		tt.AssertEqual(parseStr(Collect(p1), "ABC"),
			PState{input: "", pos: 3, value: arrText("ABC"), ok: true})

		p2 := SeqRight(Skip(SetInput(u8.Text("XY0")), SetPosition(0)), p1)
		tt.AssertEqual(parseStr(Collect(p1, p2), "ABC"),
			PState{input: "0", pos: 2, value: nil, error: makeUnexpInp("0")})

		p3 := SeqRight(Skip(SetInput(u8.Text("WXYZ")), SetPosition(0)), GetPosition)
		tt.AssertEqual(parseStr(SeqRight(p1, p3), "ABC"),
			PState{input: "WXYZ", pos: 0, value: uint64(0), ok: true})

		p4 := SeqRight(SetInput(u8.Text("XYZ")), GetInput)
		tt.AssertEqual(parseStr(SeqRight(p1, p4), "ABC"),
			PState{input: "XYZ", pos: 3, value: u8.Text("XYZ"), ok: true})

		tt.AssertEqual(parseStr(Collect(p1, SeqRight(SetInputAndPosition(InputAndPosition{u8.Desur("XYZ"), 2}), p1)), "ABCDEFG"), //posn changed from 3 to 2...
			PState{input: "", pos: 5, value: arrText("ABC", "XYZ"), ok: true}) // posn is 5 instead of 6

Beispiel #15
func ExampleReturn() {
	p := kern.Return(1234567890)

	t := utf88.Text("anything")
	r, ok := kern.ParseText(p, t)
	if ok {
		fmt.Printf("Result: %v\n", r)
	} else {
		fmt.Printf("Error: %v\n", r)

	// Output:
	// Result: 1234567890
Beispiel #16
func ExampleSymbol() {
	p := kern.Symbol(utf88.Codepoint('a'))

	t := utf88.Text("abc")
	r, ok := kern.ParseText(p, t)
	if ok {
		fmt.Printf("Result: %c\n", r)
	} else {
		fmt.Printf("Error: %v\n", r)

	// Output:
	// Result: a
Beispiel #17
func ExampleRegexp() {
	p := kern.Regexp(`z|a|b`)

	t := utf88.Text("abc")
	r, ok := kern.ParseText(p, t)
	if ok {
		fmt.Printf("Result: %s\n", utf88.Surr(r.(utf88.Text)))
	} else {
		fmt.Printf("Error: %v\n", r)

	// Output:
	// Result: a
Beispiel #18
func ExampleFwd() {
	var expr func() kern.Parser

	paren := func() kern.Parser {
		return kern.SeqRight(kern.Token(utf88.Text(string('('))),
			kern.SeqLeft(kern.Fwd(expr), // Fwd will evaluate passed expression lazily
	expr = func() kern.Parser { // will parse string enclosed in parenthesis pairs to any depth
		return kern.Alt(kern.Token(utf88.Text(string('a'))),

	t := utf88.Text("(((a)))")
	r, ok := kern.ParseText(expr(), t)
	if ok {
		fmt.Printf("Result: %s\n", utf88.Surr(r.(utf88.Text)))
	} else {
		fmt.Printf("Error: %v\n", r)

	// Output:
	// Result: a
Beispiel #19
func ExampleFwdWithParams() {
	var expr func(...interface{}) kern.Parser

	paren := func(as ...interface{}) kern.Parser {
		return kern.SeqRight(kern.Token(utf88.Text(string('('))),
			kern.SeqLeft(kern.FwdWithParams(expr, as...), // FwdWithParams will evaluate passed expression lazily
	expr = func(as ...interface{}) kern.Parser { // will parse string enclosed in parenthesis pairs to any depth
		return kern.Alt(kern.Token(utf88.Text(string('a'))),

	t := utf88.Text("(((a)))")
	r, ok := kern.ParseText(expr(101, 102), t) // call expr with extra (unused in this e.g.) args
	if ok {
		fmt.Printf("Result: %s\n", utf88.Surr(r.(utf88.Text)))
	} else {
		fmt.Printf("Error: %v\n", r)

	// Output:
	// Result: a
Beispiel #20
func ExampleSatisfy() {
	p := kern.Satisfy(func(c utf88.Codepoint) bool {
		return c == 'a'

	t := utf88.Text("abcde")
	r, ok := kern.ParseText(p, t)
	if ok {
		fmt.Printf("Result: %c\n", r)
	} else {
		fmt.Printf("Error: %v\n", r)

	// Output:
	// Result: a
Beispiel #21
func ExampleCollect() {
	letter := kern.Regexp(`\pL`)
	digit := kern.Regexp(`\p{Nd}`)

	p := kern.Collect(letter, digit, letter)

	t := utf88.Text("a5bc")
	r, ok := kern.ParseText(p, t)
	if ok {
		fmt.Printf("Result: %c\n", r)
	} else {
		fmt.Printf("Error: %v\n", r)

	// Output:
	// Result: [[a] [5] [b]]
Beispiel #22
func ExampleSeqRight() {
	digit := kern.Regexp(`\p{Nd}`)
	letter := kern.Regexp(`\pL`)

	p := kern.SeqRight(digit, letter)

	t := utf88.Text("7efg")
	r, ok := kern.ParseText(p, t)
	if ok {
		fmt.Printf("Result: %s\n", utf88.Surr(r.(utf88.Text)))
	} else {
		fmt.Printf("Error: %v\n", r)

	// Output:
	// Result: e
Beispiel #23
// AlterTopStateStack assumes the user state in the parser state record
// is a slice, and alters the final value.
func AlterTopStateStack(k interface{}) Parser {
	return Bind(GetState, func(s interface{}) Parser {
		var vec []interface{}
		tx := u8.Text("AlterTopStateStack doesn't handle zero-sized stacks.")
		if s == nil {
			vec = []interface{}{}
			return Fail(tx)
		} else if len(s.([]interface{})) == 0 {
			return Fail(tx)
		} else {
			vec = make([]interface{}, 0)
			for _, n := range s.([]interface{})[:len(s.([]interface{}))-1] {
				vec = append(vec, n)
			vec = append(vec, k)
		return SeqRight(PutState(vec), Return(nil))
Beispiel #24
func ExampleApply() {
	letter := kern.Regexp(`\pL`)

	p := kern.Apply(func(c interface{}) interface{} {
		cs := utf88.Surr(c.(utf88.Text))
		return cs + cs + cs
	}, letter)

	t := utf88.Text("abc")
	r, ok := kern.ParseText(p, t)
	if ok {
		fmt.Printf("Result: %s\n", r)
	} else {
		fmt.Printf("Error: %v\n", r)

	// Output:
	// Result: aaa
Beispiel #25
func TestAsciiLexer(t *testing.T) {
	ts.LogAsserts("AsciiLexer", t, func(tt *ts.T) {
		a := NewAsciiLexer(false)
		at := NewAsciiLexer(true)

		tt.AssertEqual(parseStr(a.Letter(), "defg"),
			PState{input: "efg", pos: 1, value: u8.Text("d"), ok: true})
		tt.AssertEqual(parseStr(a.Letter(), ";efg"),
			PState{input: ";efg", empty: true, error: makeUnexpInp(";")})

		tt.AssertEqual(parseStr(a.Lower(), "defg"),
			PState{input: "efg", pos: 1, value: u8.Text("d"), ok: true})
		tt.AssertEqual(parseStr(a.Lower(), "Defg"),
			PState{input: "Defg", empty: true, error: makeUnexpInp("D")})
		tt.AssertEqual(parseStr(a.Lower(), ";efg"),
			PState{input: ";efg", empty: true, error: makeUnexpInp(";")})

		tt.AssertEqual(parseStr(a.Upper(), "Defg"),
			PState{input: "efg", pos: 1, value: u8.Text("D"), ok: true})
		tt.AssertEqual(parseStr(a.Upper(), "defg"),
			PState{input: "defg", empty: true, error: makeUnexpInp("d")})
		tt.AssertEqual(parseStr(a.Upper(), ";efg"),
			PState{input: ";efg", empty: true, error: makeUnexpInp(";")})

		tt.AssertEqual(parseStr(a.Digit(), "6efg"),
			PState{input: "efg", pos: 1, value: u8.Text("6"), ok: true})
		tt.AssertEqual(parseStr(a.Digit(), "defg"),
			PState{input: "defg", empty: true, error: makeUnexpInp("d")})

		tt.AssertEqual(parseStr(a.Space(), " efg"),
			PState{input: "efg", pos: 1, value: u8.Text(" "), ok: true})
		tt.AssertEqual(parseStr(a.Space(), "defg"),
			PState{input: "defg", empty: true, error: makeUnexpInp("d")})

		tt.AssertEqual(parseStr(a.Tab(), "\tefg"),
			PState{input: "efg", pos: 1, value: u8.Text("\t"), ok: true})
		tt.AssertEqual(parseStr(a.Tab(), "defg"),
			PState{input: "defg", empty: true, error: makeUnexpInp("d")})

			"\nefg"), PState{input: "efg", pos: 1, value: u8.Text("\n"), ok: true})
			"\r\nefg"), PState{input: "\r\nefg", empty: true, error: makeUnexpInp("\r")})

			"\nefg"), PState{input: "efg", pos: 1, value: u8.Text("\n"), ok: true})
			"\r\nefg"), PState{input: "efg", pos: 2, value: u8.Text("\r\n"), ok: true})

		tt.AssertEqual(parseStr(a.Whitespace(), " efg"),
			PState{input: "efg", pos: 1, value: u8.Text(" "), ok: true})
		tt.AssertEqual(parseStr(a.Whitespace(), "\tefg"),
			PState{input: "efg", pos: 1, value: u8.Text("\t"), ok: true})
		tt.AssertEqual(parseStr(a.Whitespace(), "\refg"),
			PState{input: "efg", pos: 1, value: u8.Text("\r"), ok: true})
		tt.AssertEqual(parseStr(a.Whitespace(), "\nefg"),
			PState{input: "efg", pos: 1, value: u8.Text("\n"), ok: true})
		tt.AssertEqual(parseStr(a.Whitespace(), "\fefg"),
			PState{input: "efg", pos: 1, value: u8.Text("\f"), ok: true})
		tt.AssertEqual(parseStr(a.Whitespace(), "\vefg"),
			PState{input: "efg", pos: 1, value: u8.Text("\v"), ok: true})
		tt.AssertEqual(parseStr(a.Whitespace(), "defg"),
			PState{input: "defg", empty: true, error: makeUnexpInp("d")})

		// Punct() Parser{  return Regexp(`[!"#%&'()*,\-./:;?@[\\\]_{}]`)
		// StartPunct() Parser{  return Regexp(`[([{]`)
		// EndPunct() Parser{  return Regexp(`[)\]}]`)
		// ConnectorPunct() Parser{  return Regexp(`_`)
		// DashPunct() Parser{  return Regexp(`-`)
		// OtherPunct() Parser{  return Regexp(`[!"#%&'*,./:;?@\\]`)
		// Symbol() Parser{  return Regexp(`[$+<=>^`+"`"+`|~]`)
		// CurrencySymbol() Parser{  return Regexp(`$`)
		// MathSymbol() Parser{  return Regexp(`[+<=>|~]`)
		// ModifierSymbol() Parser{  return Regexp(`[^`+"`"+`]`)
		// Control() Parser{  return Regexp(`[\x00-\x1F\x7F]`) //[:cntrl:]
		// Graphical() Parser{  return Regexp(`[\x21-\x7E]`) //[:graph:]
		// Printable() Parser{  return Regexp(`[\x20-\x7E]`) //[:print:]
Beispiel #26
func TestLexer(t *testing.T) {
	ts.LogAsserts("Lexer", t, func(tt *ts.T) {
		u := NewUnicodeLexer()

		tt.AssertEqual(parseStr(u.Letter(), "defg"),
			PState{input: "efg", pos: 1, value: u8.Text("d"), ok: true})
		tt.AssertEqual(parseStr(u.Letter(), ";efg"),
			PState{input: ";efg", empty: true, error: makeUnexpInp(";")})

		tt.AssertEqual(parseStr(u.Lower(), "defg"),
			PState{input: "efg", pos: 1, value: u8.Text("d"), ok: true})
		tt.AssertEqual(parseStr(u.Lower(), "Defg"),
			PState{input: "Defg", empty: true, error: makeUnexpInp("D")})
		tt.AssertEqual(parseStr(u.Lower(), ";efg"),
			PState{input: ";efg", empty: true, error: makeUnexpInp(";")})

		tt.AssertEqual(parseStr(u.Upper(), "Defg"),
			PState{input: "efg", pos: 1, value: u8.Text("D"), ok: true})
		tt.AssertEqual(parseStr(u.Upper(), "defg"),
			PState{input: "defg", empty: true, error: makeUnexpInp("d")})
		tt.AssertEqual(parseStr(u.Upper(), ";efg"),
			PState{input: ";efg", empty: true, error: makeUnexpInp(";")})

		tt.AssertEqual(parseStr(u.Digit(), "6efg"),
			PState{input: "efg", pos: 1, value: u8.Text("6"), ok: true})
		tt.AssertEqual(parseStr(u.Digit(), "defg"),
			PState{input: "defg", empty: true, error: makeUnexpInp("d")})

		tt.AssertEqual(parseStr(u.Whitespace(), " efg"),
			PState{input: "efg", pos: 1, value: u8.Codepoint(' '), ok: true})
		tt.AssertEqual(parseStr(u.Whitespace(), "\tefg"),
			PState{input: "efg", pos: 1, value: u8.Codepoint('\t'), ok: true})
		tt.AssertEqual(parseStr(u.Whitespace(), "\refg"),
			PState{input: "efg", pos: 1, value: u8.Codepoint('\r'), ok: true})
		tt.AssertEqual(parseStr(u.Whitespace(), "\nefg"),
			PState{input: "efg", pos: 1, value: u8.Codepoint('\n'), ok: true})
		tt.AssertEqual(parseStr(u.Whitespace(), "\fefg"),
			PState{input: "efg", pos: 1, value: u8.Codepoint('\f'), ok: true})
		tt.AssertEqual(parseStr(u.Whitespace(), "\vefg"),
			PState{input: "efg", pos: 1, value: u8.Codepoint('\v'), ok: true})
		tt.AssertEqual(parseStr(u.Whitespace(), "defg"),
			PState{input: "defg", empty: true, error: makeUnexpInp("d")})

		tt.AssertEqual(parseStr(u.Space(), " efg"),
			PState{input: "efg", pos: 1, value: u8.Text(" "), ok: true})
		tt.AssertEqual(parseStr(u.Space(), "defg"),
			PState{input: "defg", empty: true, error: makeUnexpInp("d")})

		// TitlecaseLetter() Parser{  return Regexp(`\p{Lt}`)
		// ModifyingLetter() Parser{  return Regexp(`\p{Lm}`)
		// OtherLetter() Parser{  return Regexp(`\p{Lo}`)
		// Number() Parser{  return Regexp(`\pN`)
		// LetterNumber() Parser{  return Regexp(`\p{Nl}`)
		// OtherNumber() Parser{  return Regexp(`\p{No}`)
		// Mark() Parser{  return Regexp(`\pM`)
		// SpacingMark() Parser{  return Regexp(`\p{Mc}`)
		// EnclosingMark() Parser{  return Regexp(`\p{Me}`)
		// NonspacingMark() Parser{  return Regexp(`\p{Mn}`)
		// Punct() Parser{  return Regexp(`\pP`)
		// StartPunct() Parser{  return Regexp(`\p{Ps}`)
		// EndPunct() Parser{  return Regexp(`\p{Pe}`)
		// InitialPunct() Parser{  return Regexp(`\p{Pi}`)
		// FinalPunct() Parser{  return Regexp(`\p{Pf}`)
		// ConnectorPunct() Parser{  return Regexp(`\p{Pc}`)
		// DashPunct() Parser{  return Regexp(`\p{Pd}`)
		// OtherPunct() Parser{  return Regexp(`\p{Po}`)
		// Symbol() Parser{  return Regexp(`\pS`)
		// CurrencySymbol() Parser{  return Regexp(`\p{Sc}`)
		// MathSymbol() Parser{  return Regexp(`\p{Sm}`)
		// ModifierSymbol() Parser{  return Regexp(`\p{Sk}`)
		// OtherSymbol() Parser{  return Regexp(`\p{So}`)
		// Spacing() Parser{  return Regexp(`\pZ`)
		// LineSeparator() Parser{  return Regexp(`\p{Zl}`)
		// ParagraphSeparator() Parser{  return Regexp(`\p{Zp}`)
		// OtherCategory() Parser{  return Regexp(`\pC`)
		// Control() Parser{  return Regexp(`\p{Cc}`)
		// Format() Parser{  return Regexp(`\p{Cf}`)
		// PrivateUse() Parser{  return Regexp(`\p{Co}`)
		// Nonchar() Parser{  return Regexp(`\p{Cn}`)
		// Surrogate() Parser{  return Regexp(`\p{Cs}`)
		// Graphical() Parser{    return len(cc) == 1 && unicode.IsGraphic(cc[0])
		// Printable() Parser{    return len(cc) == 1 && unicode.IsPrint(cc[0])
		// SpecialControl() Parser{    return len(cc) == 1 && unicode.IsControl(cc[0])
		// CommonScript() Parser{    return len(cc) == 1 && unicode.In(cc[0], unicode.Common)
		// InheritedScript() Parser{    return len(cc) == 1 && unicode.In(cc[0], unicode.Inherited)
		// UnicodeIn(ranges ...*unicode.RangeTable) Parser {    return len(cc) == 1 && unicode.In(cc[0], ranges...)