Beispiel #1
// timestamped adds a timestamp to the beginning of log lines
func timestamped(orig io.Writer) io.Writer {
	return wfilter.SimplePrepender(orig, func(w io.Writer) (int, error) {
		ts := time.Now()
		runningSecs := ts.Sub(processStart).Seconds()
		secs := int(math.Mod(runningSecs, 60))
		mins := int(runningSecs / 60)
		return fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s - %dm%ds ", ts.In(time.UTC).Format(logTimestampFormat), mins, secs)
Beispiel #2
func Init() error {
	logdir := appdir.Logs("Lantern")
	log.Debugf("Placing logs in %v", logdir)
	if _, err := os.Stat(logdir); err != nil {
		if os.IsNotExist(err) {
			// Create log dir
			if err := os.MkdirAll(logdir, 0755); err != nil {
				return fmt.Errorf("Unable to create logdir at %s: %s", logdir, err)
	logFile = rotator.NewSizeRotator(filepath.Join(logdir, "lantern.log"))
	// Set log files to 4 MB
	logFile.RotationSize = 4 * 1024 * 1024
	// Keep up to 5 log files
	logFile.MaxRotation = 5

	// Loggly has its own timestamp so don't bother adding it in message,
	// moreover, golog always write each line in whole, so we need not to care about line breaks.

	// timestamped adds a timestamp to the beginning of log lines
	timestamped := func(orig io.Writer) io.Writer {
		return wfilter.SimplePrepender(orig, func(w io.Writer) (int, error) {
			ts := time.Now()
			runningSecs := ts.Sub(processStart).Seconds()
			secs := int(math.Mod(runningSecs, 60))
			mins := int(runningSecs / 60)
			return fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s - %dm%ds ", ts.In(time.UTC).Format(logTimestampFormat), mins, secs)

	errorOut = timestamped(NonStopWriter(os.Stderr, logFile))
	debugOut = timestamped(NonStopWriter(os.Stdout, logFile))
	golog.SetOutputs(errorOut, debugOut)

	return nil