Beispiel #1
func newMetaParser(swspec *spec.Swagger) *sectionedParser {
	sp := new(sectionedParser)
	if swspec.Info == nil {
		swspec.Info = new(spec.Info)
	info := swspec.Info
	sp.setTitle = func(lines []string) {
		tosave := joinDropLast(lines)
		if len(tosave) > 0 {
			tosave = rxStripTitleComments.ReplaceAllString(tosave, "")
		info.Title = tosave
	sp.setDescription = func(lines []string) { info.Description = joinDropLast(lines) }
	sp.taggers = []tagParser{
		newMultiLineTagParser("TOS", newMultilineDropEmptyParser(rxTOS, metaTOSSetter(info))),
		newMultiLineTagParser("Consumes", newMultilineDropEmptyParser(rxConsumes, metaConsumesSetter(swspec))),
		newMultiLineTagParser("Produces", newMultilineDropEmptyParser(rxProduces, metaProducesSetter(swspec))),
		newSingleLineTagParser("Schemes", newSetSchemes(metaSchemeSetter(swspec))),
		newSingleLineTagParser("SecurityDefinitions", newSetSecurityDefinitions(rxSecurity, metaSecuritySetter(swspec))),
		newSingleLineTagParser("Version", &setMetaSingle{swspec, rxVersion, setInfoVersion}),
		newSingleLineTagParser("Host", &setMetaSingle{swspec, rxHost, setSwaggerHost}),
		newSingleLineTagParser("BasePath", &setMetaSingle{swspec, rxBasePath, setSwaggerBasePath}),
		newSingleLineTagParser("Contact", &setMetaSingle{swspec, rxContact, setInfoContact}),
		newSingleLineTagParser("License", &setMetaSingle{swspec, rxLicense, setInfoLicense}),
	return sp
Beispiel #2
func setSwaggerBasePath(swspec *spec.Swagger, lines []string) error {
	var ln string
	if len(lines) > 0 {
		ln = lines[0]
	swspec.BasePath = ln
	return nil
Beispiel #3
func setSwaggerHost(swspec *spec.Swagger, lines []string) error {
	lns := lines
	if len(lns) == 0 || (len(lines) == 1 && len(lines[0]) == 0) {
		lns = []string{"localhost"}
	swspec.Host = lns[0]
	return nil
Beispiel #4
func newSpec(endpoint string) *spec.Swagger {
	// TODO enable defaults
	// TODO complete swagger metadata and move to diff function
	api := new(spec.Swagger)
	api.Swagger = "2.0"
	api.BasePath = endpoint

	api.Info = new(spec.Info)
	api.Info.Version = "0.0.0"
	api.Info.Title = revel.AppName
	api.Info.Description = "Description"
	api.Info.TermsOfService = ""

	api.Info.Contact = new(spec.ContactInfo)
	api.Info.Contact.Name = ""
	api.Info.Contact.Email = ""
	api.Info.Contact.URL = ""

	api.Info.License = new(spec.License)
	api.Info.License.Name = "LICENSE"
	api.Info.License.URL = "URL"

	// Now is added on requests to Swaggify.Spec

	// TODO check if https is HSTS exclusively or no for revel
	// TODO ALSO this can be SSL terminated by proxy so this may need changing
	if revel.HttpSsl {
		api.Schemes = []string{"https"}
	} else {
		api.Schemes = []string{"http"}

	api.Consumes = ContentTypes
	api.Produces = ContentTypes

	// the Swagger type hoists unexported types for some annoying reason
	api.Paths = buildPaths(api.BasePath)
	api.Definitions = buildDefinitions(api.BasePath)

	return api
Beispiel #5
// newAppScanner creates a new api parser
func newAppScanner(bp string, input *spec.Swagger, includes, excludes packageFilters) (*appScanner, error) {
	var ldr loader.Config
	ldr.ParserMode = goparser.ParseComments
	prog, err := ldr.Load()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	if input == nil {
		input = new(spec.Swagger)
		input.Swagger = "2.0"

	if input.Paths == nil {
		input.Paths = new(spec.Paths)
	if input.Definitions == nil {
		input.Definitions = make(map[string]spec.Schema)
	if input.Responses == nil {
		input.Responses = make(map[string]spec.Response)

	return &appScanner{
		MainPackage: bp,
		prog:        prog,
		input:       input,
		loader:      &ldr,
		operations:  collectOperationsFromInput(input),
		definitions: input.Definitions,
		responses:   input.Responses,
		classifier: &programClassifier{
			Includes: includes,
			Excludes: excludes,
	}, nil
Beispiel #6
func metaSecuritySetter(meta *spec.Swagger) func([]map[string][]string) {
	return func(secDefs []map[string][]string) { meta.Security = secDefs }
Beispiel #7
func metaSchemeSetter(meta *spec.Swagger) func([]string) {
	return func(schemes []string) { meta.Schemes = schemes }
Beispiel #8
func metaProducesSetter(meta *spec.Swagger) func([]string) {
	return func(produces []string) { meta.Produces = produces }
Beispiel #9
func metaConsumesSetter(meta *spec.Swagger) func([]string) {
	return func(consumes []string) { meta.Consumes = consumes }
Beispiel #10
func safeInfo(swspec *spec.Swagger) *spec.Info {
	if swspec.Info == nil {
		swspec.Info = new(spec.Info)
	return swspec.Info
Beispiel #11
func (g *Generator) generateSwagger() (*spec.Swagger, error) {
	contact := &spec.ContactInfo{
		Name:  "API Support",
		URL:   "api-suport.url",
		Email: "*****@*****.**",
	license := &spec.License{
		Name: "APACHE-2.0",
		URL:  "url://to/license",

	info := new(spec.Info)
	info.Description = "API description"
	info.Title = "API title"
	info.TermsOfService = "url://to/tos"
	info.Contact = contact
	info.License = license
	info.Version = "v1"

	sw := new(spec.Swagger)
	sw.Swagger = "2.0"
	sw.Info = info
	// sw.Consumes = []string{"application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "application/json", "application/x-protobuf"}
	// sw.Produces = []string{"application/json", "application/x-protobuf"}
	// TODO(ceram1): Make this configurable.
	sw.BasePath = "/api/"
	sw.Host = ""
	sw.Paths = new(spec.Paths)
	sw.Paths.Paths = make(map[string]spec.PathItem)
	sw.Definitions = make(map[string]spec.Schema)

	sw.Schemes = []string{"https", "http"}

	for _, svc := range g.file.Services {
		info.Title = svc.GetName() + " API"
		if cmt := g.file.GetCommentText(svc.CommentPath); cmt != nil {
			info.Description = *cmt

		for _, mtd := range svc.Methods {
			for _, b := range mtd.Bindings {
				var p *spec.PathItem
				path := buildPath(b.PathTmpl)

				if pi, ok := sw.Paths.Paths[path]; !ok {
					p = new(spec.PathItem)
				} else {
					p = &pi

				op := g.generateOperation(b)

				if b.HTTPMethod == "GET" {
					p.Get = op
				} else if b.HTTPMethod == "POST" {
					p.Post = op
				} else if b.HTTPMethod == "PUT" {
					p.Put = op
				} else if b.HTTPMethod == "DELETE" {
					p.Delete = op
				} else {
					return nil, fmt.Errorf("Unknown http method `%v`", b.HTTPMethod)

				sw.Paths.Paths[path] = *p

	for _, msg := range g.file.Messages {
		def := g.generateDefinition(msg)
		sw.Definitions[def.Title] = *def
	sw.Info = info

	return sw, nil
Beispiel #12
// Execute this command
func (s *Spec) Execute(args []string) error {
	targetPath := "."
	if len(args) > 0 {
		targetPath = args[0]
	realPath, err := filepath.Abs(targetPath)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	var file *os.File
	switch s.Format {
	case "json":
		file, err = os.Create(filepath.Join(realPath, "swagger.json"))
		if err != nil {
			return err
	case "yaml", "yml":
		file, err = os.Create(filepath.Join(realPath, "swagger.yml"))
		if err != nil {
			return err
		return fmt.Errorf("invalid format: %s", s.Format)
	defer file.Close()
	log.Println("creating specification document in", filepath.Join(targetPath, file.Name()))

	var doc spec.Swagger
	info := new(spec.Info)
	doc.Info = info

	doc.Swagger = "2.0"
	doc.Paths = new(spec.Paths)
	doc.Definitions = make(spec.Definitions)

	info.Title = s.Title
	if info.Title == "" {
		info.Title = swag.ToHumanNameTitle(filepath.Base(realPath))
	info.Description = s.Description
	info.Version = s.Version
	info.TermsOfService = s.Terms
	if s.Contact.Name != "" || s.Contact.Email != "" || s.Contact.URL != "" {
		var contact spec.ContactInfo
		contact.Name = s.Contact.Name
		contact.Email = s.Contact.Email
		contact.URL = s.Contact.URL
		info.Contact = &contact
	if s.License.Name != "" || s.License.URL != "" {
		var license spec.License
		license.Name = s.License.Name
		license.URL = s.License.URL
		info.License = &license

	for _, cons := range s.Consumes {
		doc.Consumes = append(doc.Consumes, cons)
	for _, prods := range s.Produces {
		doc.Produces = append(doc.Produces, prods)
	for _, scheme := range s.Schemes {
		doc.Schemes = append(doc.Schemes, scheme)

	if s.Format == "json" {
		enc := json.NewEncoder(file)
		if err := enc.Encode(doc); err != nil {
			return err
		return nil

	b, err := yaml.Marshal(swag.ToDynamicJSON(doc))
	if err != nil {
		return err
	if _, err := file.Write(b); err != nil {
		return err
	return nil